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Re: Theistic Evolution vs. Progressive creationism

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 1:51 pm
by RickD
PaulS wrote:
The issue of Adam and Eve is a complex one because the story in of itself is full of symbolisim and it is hard to see IF Adam and Eve MUST be real people.
IF they were, it doesn't really effect the theory of TE because it can be handled in a few ways such as Adam and Eve being the first evolved humans or Adam and Eve being the "progenitors" of homo sapiens as we know them, etc.
The problem I see with that, is scripture uses the word "bara" when it says God created man. Bara means created anew, out of non existing materials. While scripture also uses "asah" when talking about what I believe is God forming man from the dust of the earth, I just can't ignore man being created(bara) in God's image. God using an existing "evolved" hominid, and giving that man a spirit, making that existing man in God's image by creating(bara) a spirit in him, may be a possibility, but it just isn't as simple and makes less sense than God just creating(bara), and making(asah) man in a special creation.

Re: Theistic Evolution vs. Progressive creationism

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 7:43 am
by PaulSacramento
RickD wrote:
PaulS wrote:
The issue of Adam and Eve is a complex one because the story in of itself is full of symbolisim and it is hard to see IF Adam and Eve MUST be real people.
IF they were, it doesn't really effect the theory of TE because it can be handled in a few ways such as Adam and Eve being the first evolved humans or Adam and Eve being the "progenitors" of homo sapiens as we know them, etc.
The problem I see with that, is scripture uses the word "bara" when it says God created man. Bara means created anew, out of non existing materials. While scripture also uses "asah" when talking about what I believe is God forming man from the dust of the earth, I just can't ignore man being created(bara) in God's image. God using an existing "evolved" hominid, and giving that man a spirit, making that existing man in God's image by creating(bara) a spirit in him, may be a possibility, but it just isn't as simple and makes less sense than God just creating(bara), and making(asah) man in a special creation.
Fair enough and it may be that Man, as in Adam, was indeed created and not evolved and,perhaps, as his kin "covered" the earth, they simply "interbreed" with the "humans" of the time and gave rise to modern homo sapiens.
Or perhaps it may simply be a case of creative writing as is most of Gensis 1 and 2.

Re: Theistic Evolution vs. Progressive creationism

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 9:20 pm
by KBCid
Genesis 1 verse 1 - Part 2 - Bara