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Re: Why did God create Man?

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 10:02 am
by Mallz
After much thought... And internal debate... I'm pretty sure God created mankind because He was bored.

Re: Why did God create Man?

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 10:07 am
by jlay
Mallz wrote:After much thought... And internal debate... I'm pretty sure God created mankind because he was bored.
God bored? That is hillarious.

Re: Why did God create Man?

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 10:08 pm
by neo-x
Mallz » Mon Apr 08, 2013 11:02 pm

After much thought... And internal debate... I'm pretty sure God created mankind because He was bored.
You're right, its absurd, J.

Mallz, boredom is a human activity or lack of it. I would have taken it as a joke but seeing you posted this in the philosophy section. You might want to explain a bit.

Re: Why did God create Man?

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 10:17 pm
by B. W.
Philosophic thought:

Man creates boredom

Women create chores

God created the universe and runs it - so how can he possibly have the timeless commodity of boredom?


Re: Why did God create Man?

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 1:20 am
by Mallz
Its partly a joke ;)

As for the other part...

What would motivate God to do anything? Now I'm not trying to claim understanding of God, for that's impossible. But as creations made in likeness to God, I'd say we have some ideas. And being a very limited being in a further limiting biological shell, I find it a very humorous idea, that God decided to entertain Himself. Sure there are more reasons to than 'just bored'. But I impose that's one of them :ebiggrin:

When God was alone, was he lonely?

Why did he create beings if not to interact with them?

Why are the Angels in existence?

We are here to choose and love God, bring Him glory. (His plan, anyways). He is a jealous God among others and describes His church as a bride. He created us because he wants us, loves us, and gives us free will to also do what we want. Sounds like an elaborate ant farm to some extent


Re: Why did God create Man?

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 1:49 am
by Silvertusk
Mallz wrote:Its partly a joke ;)

As for the other part...

What would motivate God to do anything? Now I'm not trying to claim understanding of God, for that's impossible. But as creations made in likeness to God, I'd say we have some ideas. And being a very limited being in a further limiting biological shell, I find it a very humorous idea, that God decided to entertain Himself. Sure there are more reasons to than 'just bored'. But I impose that's one of them :ebiggrin:

When God was alone, was he lonely?

Why did he create beings if not to interact with them?

Why are the Angels in existence?

We are here to choose and love God, bring Him glory. (His plan, anyways). He is a jealous God among others and describes His church as a bride. He created us because he wants us, loves us, and gives us free will to also do what we want. Sounds like an elaborate ant farm to some extent


God was never lonely because he had the trinity.

Re: Why did God create Man?

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 2:20 am
by neo-x
Loneliness is a human emotion...for this to hold water you will first have to actually show that emotions, as we understand them (chemical responses???), exist in God. You can say it in an abstract sense, sure. But you can not say God is happy or sad or laughing or crying. Or loving or hating literally.

A nice question here is, where does love exist? what is it made up of? or is this just an abstract thought, and if can we trace its origins, even in the mind?

This leads into mystery and from there onward mere speculation. So why God created in the first place is a question which is unanswerable.

Re: Why did God create Man?

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 3:02 am
by Mallz
Silvertusk: God is the Trinity. When I say God, I say Trinity :) The Trinity was lonely? :p

Neo-X: I sometimes suspect that emotions (like morality?) is derived from spirit. Its action can be seen through chemical process in our bodies, but where does it come from?

^recap: emotions are inherently abstract, whereas the actions in expression are the literal. (This is not a claim, but a strong thought)

Oh, sure! God is a living God full of emotion! Of love, happiness, anger, etc.
One example I picked: Exodus: 9 “I have seen these people,” the Lord said to Moses, “and they are a stiff-necked people. 10 Now leave me alone so that my anger may burn against them and that I may destroy them. Then I will make you into a great nation.”
Please refer to this link for examples (its too much to want to post) ... %20emotion

Further hypothesizing:
God does not have emotion, humans do..
Is not everything created by God and for God? Through him all things were made. How would something not from Himself exist without him?

John 1:3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.

Lets say emotions were made for humans, but do not exist in God.
If we have something that God does not, he cannot fully understand us, for he cannot experience emotion (thereby discrediting God is omniscient), and cannot fully relate to us, even if he 'sees' our suffering.

The bible, OT and NT are full of a wide variety of emotions from humans and God (and human God, Jesus). God relates to humans, mainly shown in text through their suffering. We see Jesus relating on many emotions to us (ask if you want references, I take that claim as common knowledge).

Just by the life of Jesus, we have to know he experiences emotions. Unless you don't believe in the divinity of Christ, then we can leave that aspect out of our discussion and continue from there :)

For a straight answer, we'll have to wait for our mortal deaths and pray we make it that we may ask. But, just how evidence points towards an intelligent designer, and more specifically Christianity, i dare say there is enough evidence to show us the grace and will of God, along with his likes and dislikes.

Re: Why did God create Man?

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 4:09 am
by neo-x
I hope I am not reading you wrong.
Is not everything created by God and for God? Through him all things were made. How would something not from Himself exist without him?
I'll show apologies but:

does God require food to live? if not then why did he make all life depending on food, literally?
does God die? if not then how does a thing like death even exists?
Does God sin, as in go against his own will? if not then how come sin, or the need to go against God's will, come to exist if it isn't in God first?
Lets say emotions were made for humans, but do not exist in God.
If we have something that God does not, he cannot fully understand us, for he cannot experience emotion (thereby discrediting God is omniscient), and cannot fully relate to us, even if he 'sees' our suffering.
This is not if I asked you, what would you say to...does God ever experience pain on his heavenly throne? if not, then how can he relate to us or understand us in our pain? By your logic he can't since God does not have a human body therefore he can't feel pain.
You can say Jesus can, but then I will ask you that before Christ's sacrifice, did God not knew pain at all? did he know it only as a word?

In other words the existence of something in our mortal world does not have to be equally parallel in the body of the trinity, just for the sake of existence itself.

Emotions in God as described in the Bible are human descriptions, a way to let us know his will. Now God could may very well laugh, I don't claim he can't. But then he would have to have teeth and some 200 muscles in his face, acting below the skin, which would need some sort blood agent as well to perform or function too.

Can God be happy?
How do we know we are happy? There is a special chemical Serotonin which helps maintain a "happy feeling," in us. If God becomes happy, then he must have serotonin working in his brain, that is if he has a brain at all? You can say he has a mind, and that's fine. You can employ that kind of abstract metaphor sense.
But serotonin is not an abstract thought. It is a chemical which has mass and volume therefore it exists in what we define as the real world. But now you are saying that an abstract mind, which does not fit with our rules of space, volume and mass, has a chemical running through it that has mass and volume. And if we go with "well God can do anything" logic, then you can satisfy yourself with that. But it doesn't make any sense.

It goes into mystery as you said, you would have to wait to die and even then we may never know God completely. But that is my point. This goes into mystery and therefore it can't be answered with any certainty. Its wild speculation. We simply do not know what kind of a physical composition, if there is one indeed, exists in God.

Re: Why did God create Man?

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 5:00 am
by PaulSacramento
God created ( not just man but all of creation) in a supreme act of love.
God being a fully satisfied and self-sustained BUT "other-centered" being ( The Trinity) created the universe to "share" His love, as an expression of that "other-centered" love.

Re: Why did God create Man?

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 8:59 am
by Mallz
No need to apologize, but thank you for your politeness :)
does God require food to live? if not then why did he make all life depending on food, literally?
does God die? if not then how does a thing like death even exists?
Does God sin, as in go against his own will? if not then how come sin, or the need to go against God's will, come to exist if it isn't in God first?
Your logic is sound, where my analogy not very well thought out.

You're crediting emotions to a biological process, correct? Which neurotransmitter is responsible for pity, love, intuition, etc.? We can see the neurotransmitters and pathways they take. But what causes the initiation of this process? Responses to our environment governed by our feelings. Why do I think something is beautiful? Where does appreciation come from?

I believe that emotion, as well as personality, comes from the spirit. It is intertwined with the body; as it is born in the womb, God plants the soul. And yes, its environment can affect and mold the spirit and body. But emotion is more than the components and functioning of a doomed biological machine. Why are there negative emotions that cause us harm? If we are just evolved animals, why are we jealous? Monkeys will not respond to other monkeys stealing their food, even when prodded and bribed to. Where is the neurotransmitter for jealousy? Maliciousness?

The body responds to the spirit. We are both, not solely one, in communion with 'each other'. When the body dies, the spirit lives on. Since we already exist as spiritual beings, it seems logical to me that our spirits are in play (our personalities, emotions, all those abstract things..) through our bodies. Our bodies respond and give off certain feelings based on which emotion is occurring, further engrossing us in this physical reality. will first have to actually show that emotions, as we understand them (chemical responses???), exist in God. You can say it in an abstract sense, sure. But you can not say God is happy or sad or laughing or crying. Or loving or hating literally.
Emotions in God as described in the Bible are human descriptions, a way to let us know his will...
Literally as we express it. Literally, God is love. 1 John 4:8 Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.

Love is an emotion. By loving, we know God. God is love, but God is not loving? Because he does not have emotion? At least through the Holy Spirit he does, John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son.." to be tortured, betrayed and killed by us. If God does not feel love for us, why are we his children? why does he care about us, or us choosing to love him?

God expresses love: Romans 5:8 but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

1 Peter 5:6-7 "Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you." God emotions you. As we understand it. For our understanding. He cares about you. I'm glad God cares :)

Re: Why did God create Man?

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 9:21 am
by Mallz
God created ( not just man but all of creation) in a supreme act of love.
God being a fully satisfied and self-sustained BUT "other-centered" being ( The Trinity) created the universe to "share" His love, as an expression of that "other-centered" love.
Because he was bored :pound:

In seriousness: You think God is/was fully satisfied? Then why do anything? Is Love the point of all existence (and everything), with the 'more the merrier' reasoning for creating? Actually... I quite like that :D
Elaborate your reasoning for me?

Re: Why did God create Man?

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 9:31 am
by PaulSacramento
Mallz wrote:
God created ( not just man but all of creation) in a supreme act of love.
God being a fully satisfied and self-sustained BUT "other-centered" being ( The Trinity) created the universe to "share" His love, as an expression of that "other-centered" love.
Because he was bored :pound:

In seriousness: You think God is/was fully satisfied? Then why do anything? Is Love the point of all existence (and everything), with the 'more the merrier' reasoning for creating? Actually... I quite like that :D
Elaborate your reasoning for me?
When you have "other-centered" love, you are "compelled" to create and to "expand" that love.
It is why two loving adults that do NOT need to have kids and are satisfied in their lives, have kids.
God created not because he had to, but because he "wanted" too.
If God was "lacking" in anything, then He would not be God, if God "needed" anything, He would not be God.
If God was "self-centered" love then it would be a love that is egocentric and compassion would not be something possible for God and as such, He would not be God.

Re: Why did God create Man?

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 9:37 am
by Mallz
PaulSacramento, I get it now. Thank you ^_^