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Re: Homosexual Marriage (aka digging up a hot-button topic)

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 7:13 am
by RickD
FL wrote:
Ahem...strictly speaking, pedophelia is - in most cases - a form of homosexuality. You - in your judgemental Western thinking - condemn the Bacha Bazi but who are you to judge another's culture?
Judging culture my foot! We're not talking about judging a culture where they eat bugs. We're talking about sexual slavery of children. :shakehead:
FL, as disgusted as I am by the practice of Bacha Bazi, I'm kinda shocked that the Afghan culture has let this go on for thousands of years. As an American, I think it's absolutely horrible that Americans condoned and justified slavery for hundreds of years before our nation took steps to rid ourselves of this evil. But thousands of years of sexual slavery of children? I really cannot wrap my mind around this.

Re: Homosexual Marriage (aka digging up a hot-button topic)

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 12:52 pm
by Ivellious
No. The Muslim country that tolerates a form of homosexuality (actually, pedophilia) between boys and men is Afghanistan. Effeminate boys are usually taken by powerful men and taught to dress & sing like women; and they are used sexually. The boys are discarded as they enter puberty.
While I'm not saying it is a direct comparison, medieval Christian societies did essentially the exact same thing with young boys, mainly through boy's choirs. This was tolerated (and rather publicly known) for centuries. In retrospect, this was a backward and evil practice that the Catholics practiced, and luckily they don't anymore, at least not outwardly.

Much of the Muslim-dominated Middle East is the same way that a Christian-dominated Europe was during the Middle Ages, especially in the treatment of children and women categories. Does that mean we should condone it? No, but at the same time it's hard for me to judge that region for not moving forward as a society when there has never been a chance for peace there in thousands of years.
Love between men & boys was accepted in ancient Greece.
Not a fair comparison to the present day in the least. What we consider to be high school age or younger was considered marrying age back then, because people didn't have the luxury of expecting to live past their 30th birthday. A child by law today may not have been so back then.

Also, I'm unable to find information regarding man-boy sex, besides slavery situations. I've found articles referencing having sex with a young child (male or female) was a capital crime in ancient Greece and Rome, but nothing about mainstream pedophilia. Any reference material you can provide?
NAMBLA is an organization that promotes this today; they are the forerunners of the liberation of pedophelia, just like the homosexual rights movements before them.
Simply having an organization means very little. There's a European animal rights group that advocates murdering politicians who refuse to become vegetarians. Does that make their cause "the next big thing?" Hardly. Heck, I've never heard of that organization until I started posting on this site.
If a society starts to justify sin, where does it end? There was a time when society KNEW homosexual sex was wrong, as well as pedophilia. Now, society is justifying homosexual sin. We as a society KNOW pedophilia is wrong. Just like we knew homosexual sex was wrong.
With all due respect, Rick, I have to disagree with the same reasoning as before. Homosexual sex, sinful as it may be to you and as disgusting as it might seem to most straight people, does not inflict harm on society. Homosexuals raising kids does not damage the youth of our country, nor will it cause the destruction of religion as a whole. Simply put, there is nothing that anyone has ever brought forth to show that homosexual sex, marriage, or parenthood hurts anyone involved any more than straight sex, marriage, and parenthood (or not involved, for that matter).

Pedophilia, on the other hand, is clearly an ultra-destructive act that undoubtedly would harm the youth in this country in innumerable ways. That's the difference.

Homosexual marriage and child-raising are far more comparable to interracial marriage. At one time (not so very long ago), the very concept of interracial marriage was disgusting, vile, even sinful in the conservative religious crowd. The exact same arguments against interracial marriage were used against homosexual marriage. And guess what? Those reasons were BS then, and they are just as BS now.
Ahem...strictly speaking, pedophelia is - in most cases - a form of homosexuality.
Again, care to cite anything for this? You might be right (I wouldn't be shocked). Though I think that you might be taking it a step too far by likening pedophilia towards boys as being homosexual in nature.
Yep! And have you noticed how a liberal/tolerant and open-minded person like Ivellious balked at the idea of legalized polygamy? There will come a day - and it is already here - where polygamy is accepted in our societies. Social and demographic pressures will make it legal in Europe in the not-too-distant future. You Americans are still a backward nation in this respect, but don't worry! you'll evolve!
Perhaps you are right. I'm not up to date on the political climate of Europe as it pertains to polygamy, honestly. And, with Mormons finally getting a sliver of respect from many conservative Americans thanks to Mitt Romney, who knows, I might be underestimating how far that sect can get with legalizing polygamy. We'll just have to see. I still stand by the statement I made about polygamist societies having a long history of child sexual abuse in the US (mainly toward girls, for the record). That will be a tough obstacle to overcome, in my opinion. But we'll see.
Judging culture my foot! We're not talking about judging a culture where they eat bugs. We're talking about sexual slavery of children.
Very true.
As an American, I think it's absolutely horrible that Americans condoned and justified slavery for hundreds of years before our nation took steps to rid ourselves of this evil.
To be fair, slavery was not a purely American thing. It had gone on in human societies and cultures for thousands of years before a few hundred years ago when the western world started to come to its senses and drop it. But regardless, your point is valid. Judging is a little more acceptable in this case, considering what's at stake.

Re: Homosexual Marriage (aka digging up a hot-button topic)

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 10:30 am
by RickD
FL wrote:
No. The Muslim country that tolerates a form of homosexuality (actually, pedophilia) between boys and men is Afghanistan. Effeminate boys are usually taken by powerful men and taught to dress & sing like women; and they are used sexually. The boys are discarded as they enter puberty.

Ivellious wrote:
While I'm not saying it is a direct comparison, medieval Christian societies did essentially the exact same thing with young boys, mainly through boy's choirs. This was tolerated (and rather publicly known) for centuries. In retrospect, this was a backward and evil practice that the Catholics practiced, and luckily they don't anymore, at least not outwardly.
From the limited research I've done on the Bacca Bazi, it seems it existed in Afghanistan before Islam. So, while my disgust is for the act itself, I'm not arguing that Islam itself condones the practice.

I'm not sure what criteria you use to define "Christian society". I don't believe such a thing has ever existed. Ruling society by a kind of Christian "sharia" law, IMO, is not a Christian society. In fact, I would argue that any society that is labeled as "Christian", is actually not Christian. True Christianity has never been about reforming society.
Homosexual sex, sinful as it may be to you and as disgusting as it might seem to most straight people, does not
inflict harm on society.
I, if homosexual sex is a sin, it does inflict harm on society. All sinful acts harm individuals and society.
Homosexuals raising kids does not damage the youth of our country, nor will it cause the destruction of religion as a whole. Simply put, there is nothing that anyone has ever brought forth to show that homosexual sex, marriage, or parenthood hurts anyone involved any more than straight sex, marriage, and parenthood (or not involved, for that matter).
Not sure I'd agree with this. Studies have shown that children in general grow up to be the healthiest when both a Father and Mother are present. You can certainly disagree with this if you wish.
Homosexual marriage and child-raising are far more comparable to interracial marriage. At one time (not so very long ago), the very concept of interracial marriage was disgusting, vile, even sinful in the conservative religious crowd. The exact same arguments against interracial marriage were used against homosexual marriage. And guess what? Those reasons were BS then, and they are just as BS now.
Couldn't disagree more. Whether or not the "conservative religious" crowd thought or still thinks "interracial" marriage is wrong, is not the same as my argument against homosexual "marriage". Marriage as defined, is between one man and one woman. The bible doesn't make an argument against people with different skin colors marrying.
Now of course marriage under God is not the same as civil unions under secular society.

Re: Homosexual Marriage (aka digging up a hot-button topic)

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 12:32 pm
by B. W.
Ivellious wrote:In November of last year, my home state held arguably one of the most contentious and hard-fought public votes in the history of our statehood. A narrow margin defeated a proposed amendment to our state's constitution that would have officially defined legal marriage as between one man and one woman in the state. Homosexual marriage was and still is illegal/not allowed, but the amendment did not take effect.

Now, after settling in a bit, our state's congress is apparently preparing for another battle over the definition of marriage. At a rally at the capitol building, it was announced that a group of legislators were in the process of writing a bill that would legalize gay marriage in the state. According to the author, it will contain language that would allow any church or other official place of worship to solemnize a homosexual marriage, but no place of worship would be required to do so under any circumstances. Since this is just a bill and not an amendment proposal, the vote will occur only within the legislature, and not be taken to the public vote.

While I can't post a full bill here since it isn't written, it appears as though this bill will be rather short and sweet; allow non-heterosexual couples to marry legally and gain the rights and privileges that come with it, and allow (but not force) places of worship to solemnize the marriage themselves, as they can already do with straight couples.

Now that two states have legalized gay marriage this last fall, it appears as though more and more states are opening up that question themselves and even bringing the issue to a vote. Thoughts or concerns on this trend, or the specific situation I outlined above? On gay marriage in general?
Here is something to ponder - God as revealed in the bible defines Marriage- since this is so, therefore the separation of Church and State comes into play - A State cannot sanction any marriage due to its Judaic/Christian tradition. So Gay marriages would be illegal as all marriages would be. as classed. under the new progressive mantra of separation of Church and State.

The issue is simply this - giving militant homosexual movement the right to destroy any Church who prevents and thus violates, their marriage rites by means of suing the bejeebees out of such organizations. It is not about love at all or even about discrimination but insteed about greed and destruction. The State better not endorse any marriage as marriage is founded upon religious conditions and supports religion and according to the new progressive ideas violates the make believe separation clause... Think about it... Let's be consistent about this...

Next, Why would homosexuals want to marry in a Judaic/Christian religious ceremony other than to stick their finger in God's eye and destroy them that oppose them, so that all submit to their will? Is that right?

Who cares if they have civil unions sanction by the state but to mock a Judaic/Christian religious ceremony is another thing entirely when their true motives are uncovered. All the Fed Govt and States need to do is to pass laws that forbid suing a religious organization or person(s) for refusing to marry Homosexuals and this movement would fade into oblivion.

Re: Homosexual Marriage (aka digging up a hot-button topic)

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 2:50 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
Ivellious wrote: Also, I'm unable to find information regarding man-boy sex, besides slavery situations. I've found articles referencing having sex with a young child (male or female) was a capital crime in ancient Greece and Rome, but nothing about mainstream pedophilia. Any reference material you can provide?
If you are looking on the web, try Sparta/ancient Greece, or try Spartan code. If you know about books, or have access to them, find The Life of Greece by Will Durant. And go from there.
Ivellious wrote:Simply having an organization means very little. There's a European animal rights group that advocates murdering politicians who refuse to become vegetarians. Does that make their cause "the next big thing?" Hardly. Heck, I've never heard of that organization until I started posting on this site.
When did I say that pedophelia would be the next big thing? Scroll up and read what I wrote about polygamy being the next ''big thing,'' as you put it. Pedophelia is way, way down the road, at least in Western societies. It already exists in parts of Asia & the Muslim world but they don't call it pedophelia. (To wit, the Prophet - peace be upon him - consummated his marriage to Aisha when she was 9. Now...don't tell me that during the Prophet's - peace be upon him - time, women were women at 9 years old or I'll reach through the computer and slap some sense into you.)

Gay marriage is here and legal. Polygamy is next. Deal with it. Do I care? No, I don't care. We are living in an increasingly perverted world and such things as abortion, pre-marital sex, shack-up living, divorce, wife-swapping, pornography, gay rights, gay marriage, LGBT rights, transgender/transexual rights and so on...and polygamy, are on a continuum of moral perversions which will end up being the death of our civilization.

While were on the subject of death, why not read Gibbon's The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. There are remarkable parallels there between that society and ours.


Re: Homosexual Marriage (aka digging up a hot-button topic)

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 6:09 pm
by B. W.
Furstentum Liechtenstein wrote:
Ivellious wrote: Also, I'm unable to find information regarding man-boy sex, besides slavery situations. I've found articles referencing having sex with a young child (male or female) was a capital crime in ancient Greece and Rome, but nothing about mainstream pedophilia. Any reference material you can provide?
If you are looking on the web, try Sparta/ancient Greece, or try Spartan code. If you know about books, or have access to them, find The Life of Greece by Will Durant. And go from there.
Ivellious wrote:Simply having an organization means very little. There's a European animal rights group that advocates murdering politicians who refuse to become vegetarians. Does that make their cause "the next big thing?" Hardly. Heck, I've never heard of that organization until I started posting on this site.
When did I say that pedophelia would be the next big thing? Scroll up and read what I wrote about polygamy being the next ''big thing,'' as you put it. Pedophelia is way, way down the road, at least in Western societies. It already exists in parts of Asia & the Muslim world but they don't call it pedophelia. (To wit, the Prophet - peace be upon him - consummated his marriage to Aisha when she was 9. Now...don't tell me that during the Prophet's - peace be upon him - time, women were women at 9 years old or I'll reach through the computer and slap some sense into you.)

Gay marriage is here and legal. Polygamy is next. Deal with it. Do I care? No, I don't care. We are living in an increasingly perverted world and such things as abortion, pre-marital sex, shack-up living, divorce, wife-swapping, pornography, gay rights, gay marriage, LGBT rights, transgender/transexual rights and so on...and polygamy, are on a continuum of moral perversions which will end up being the death of our civilization.

While were on the subject of death, why not read Gibbon's The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. There are remarkable parallels there between that society and ours.

FL, all this is in preparation for this chap to appear:

Dan 11:36, 37, "Then the king will do as he pleases, and he will exalt and magnify himself above every god and will speak monstrous things against the God of gods; and he will prosper until the indignation is finished, for that which is decreed will be done. 37 He will show no regard for the gods of his fathers or for the desire of women, nor will he show regard for any other god; for he will magnify himself above them all." NASB

For this one to appear, certain social norms must change for his acceptance into the main stream of societal mores' world wide... No regard for the desire of women speaks volumes and is a fitting indicator on what time it is on God's prophetic clock.

Re: Homosexual Marriage (aka digging up a hot-button topic)

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 7:38 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
RickD wrote:From the limited research I've done on the Bacca Bazi, it seems it existed in Afghanistan before Islam. So, while my disgust is for the act itself, I'm not arguing that Islam itself condones the practice.
Bacha Bazi isn't seen as homosexuality or pedophelia. I guess the closest we can come to understanding it would be to consider it like the swimsuit edition of Sports Illustrated, or a Victoria's Secret catalogue. The difference being that in Bacha Bazi you can boink the models.

Islam authorizes marriage between men and little girls but the marriage can only be consummated after the girl's first menses. From a Muslim point-of-view, this is not pedophelia.

Don't worry about Bacha won't show up in Florida anytime soon!


Re: Homosexual Marriage (aka digging up a hot-button topic)

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 7:48 pm
by RickD
Bacha Bazi isn't seen as homosexuality or pedophelia. I guess the closest we can come to understanding it would be to consider it like the swimsuit edition of Sports Illustrated, or a Victoria's Secret catalogue.
FL, Bacha Bazi doesn't end with young boys dressing up as women, and dancing. You do realize that many times it culminates in forced sodomy, don't you?

Since it is a man raping a boy or young man, they can say it's not homosexuality or pedophilia. But if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...

Re: Homosexual Marriage (aka digging up a hot-button topic)

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 8:21 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
RickD wrote:FL, Bacha Bazi doesn't end with young boys dressing up as women, and dancing. You do realize that many times it culminates in forced sodomy, don't you?
Yes, I know. All I'm saying is that it is considered OK within its own spiritually-blind culture. So, within Afghan culture, Bacha Bazi is not considered sodomy/pedophelia or even wrong.

The spiritually-blind will say and do the craziest things and insist that they are OK. Listen to this from someone smart from our own culture:
Ivellious wrote:With all due respect, Rick, I have to disagree with the same reasoning as before. Homosexual sex, sinful as it may be to you and as disgusting as it might seem to most straight people, does not inflict harm on society. Homosexuals raising kids does not damage the youth of our country, nor will it cause the destruction of religion as a whole. Simply put, there is nothing that anyone has ever brought forth to show that homosexual sex, marriage, or parenthood hurts anyone involved any more than straight sex, marriage, and parenthood (or not involved, for that matter).

Homosexual marriage and child-raising are far more comparable to interracial marriage. At one time (not so very long ago), the very concept of interracial marriage was disgusting, vile, even sinful in the conservative religious crowd. The exact same arguments against interracial marriage were used against homosexual marriage. And guess what? Those reasons were BS then, and they are just as BS now.
These foolish ideas are held by our youth and future leaders, so things don't bode well.


Re: Homosexual Marriage (aka digging up a hot-button topic)

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 8:24 pm
by RickD
And if Bacha Bazi disgusts you, try to wrap your minds around this: this custom is prevalent among the more affluent Afghans. In third world countries like Afghanistan, the funding that is supposed to go to help the less fortunate there, because of corruption, actually gets funneled to the affluent Afghans that rape these children. So in all practicality, the taxes you and I pay, are going to fund this.

You gotta love it, huh?!?!?

Re: Homosexual Marriage (aka digging up a hot-button topic)

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 8:38 pm
by RickD
FL wrote:
Yes, I know. All I'm saying is that it is considered OK within its own spiritually-blind culture. So, within Afghan culture, Bacha Bazi is not considered sodomy/pedophelia or even wrong.
Oh I agree. And just to put this in proper perspective regarding homosexuality, hear me out. The argument for homosexual marriage being morally ok, is because of "love". How can anyone say homosexual sex is wrong if the parties involved are consenting, and love each other?
Well you know what? From what I've read about the whole Bacha Bazi thing, some of these rapists really say they love these boys. And you know what else,(are you sitting down?) some of these young boys and teenagers as old as 19, actually say they love the men who rape them. And some if these children come from such broken, dysfunctional families, that they actually feel loved as well.

How can we make a judgement against this part of their culture, when there is love? Sound familiar?

Re: Homosexual Marriage (aka digging up a hot-button topic)

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 10:46 pm
by neo-x
When did I say that pedophelia would be the next big thing? Scroll up and read what I wrote about polygamy being the next ''big thing,'' as you put it. Pedophelia is way, way down the road, at least in Western societies. It already exists in parts of Asia & the Muslim world but they don't call it pedophelia. (To wit, the Prophet - peace be upon him - consummated his marriage to Aisha when she was 9. Now...don't tell me that during the Prophet's - peace be upon him - time, women were women at 9 years old or I'll reach through the computer and slap some sense into you.)
Actually, FL, during my talk with Muslims in general, they appeal to the exact same excuse, that girls back then reached puberty very early, so there was nothing wrong with having sex with a 9 year old as long as she was considered viable sexually. This is ridiculous but they believe it nonetheless.
Not a fair comparison to the present day in the least. What we consider to be high school age or younger was considered marrying age back then, because people didn't have the luxury of expecting to live past their 30th birthday. A child by law today may not have been so back then.
Hmm, just a point Ivel, while it is true that in many parts of Asia child marriage was and still is a favored ongoing practice, this does not necessarily mean that they should too. And I don't think the point about the living expectancy is a very good one, they didn't marry early because they thought they might die soon. The factors for marrying early are drastically different. The most important was wealth and money, by marrying their children as infants the families merged their wealth, so that it stays within their tribe and within their family, so no one outside of the immediate family would partake in their money.
Then there was wars and peace things, family grudges and that sort of stuff, by marrying their kids early the families gave money as form of dowry, and so a peace was made.

then there is the dowry system which says that girls household should give a lot of money. Girls in ancient India and in parts still, are considered a BURDEN on their parents because they have to give money when she is married. Therefore to lessen their problems, families resorted to marry them early. This way they would need to give less money, since the more the girl aged the more the chances that she will not find a suitor and that to attract mroe suitors the parents would have to give a large sum of money.

Then there is also the ancient middle eastern folk culture which also says that a male child is a blessing, the female child is a curse, the same belief was in India too. Because girls, if raped, or kidnapped or if they marry with their own consent, would bring shame to the family. Also, A woman was thought of as inferior and this lower to men. Because of all these factors combined, the parents sought every way to get rid of their daughters without second thoughts.

And finally, because the powerful men in the east were tribal lords and that a male dominant society makes it easy for them to establish what they fancied. They were the law of the land. So if they fancied a girl, which happens to be a child, they would still get her. I mean how else can you see this. the prophet married ayesha when she was SIX. What does that tell you? He fancied her, he got her, she just happened to be a child.

Re: Homosexual Marriage (aka digging up a hot-button topic)

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 1:45 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
neo-x wrote:Actually, FL, during my talk with Muslims in general, they appeal to the exact same excuse, that girls back then reached puberty very early, so there was nothing wrong with having sex with a 9 year old as long as she was considered viable sexually. This is ridiculous but they believe it nonetheless.
Bizarre! I thought girls were reaching puberty earlier now. Anyway, since the Prophet - peace be uopn him - is seen as the ideal Muslim, whatever he did is seen as an example to follow.

Still, acceptance of pedophelia by society is a long way off. We've gotten sidetracked by such stories as Bacha Bazi boys and the Prophet's - peace be upon him - child bride because they are...uh...memorable. The next evolution in human rights & freedoms should be the legalization of polygamy.

I worked with a man who was the product of a polygamous houshold. His father had two wives, and had children from both women. Everybody got along and they were just one big happy family!
Ivellious wrote: Homosexual marriage and child-raising are far more comparable to interracial marriage. At one time (not so very long ago), the very concept of interracial marriage was disgusting, vile, even sinful in the conservative religious crowd. The exact same arguments against interracial marriage were used against homosexual marriage. And guess what? Those reasons were BS then, and they are just as BS now.
Polygamous marriage and child-raising are far more comparable to homosexual marriage. At one time (not so very long ago), the very concept of homosexual marriage was disgusting, vile, even sinful, in the liberal, tolerant & open-minded crowd. The exact same arguments against homosexual arguments will be used against polygamous marriage. And guess what? Those reasons were BS then, and they will be just as BS in the future.

Polygamy is already here and its legalization is just a matter of time.


Re: Homosexual Marriage (aka digging up a hot-button topic)

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 3:56 am
by rodyshusband
If it were 1956, and I told you within 10-15 years it will be socially acceptable to have sex outside of marriage, you would have thought I was crazy.
If it were 1967, and I told you within 10 years a woman can have a legal abortion simply on a whim, you would have said "no, that would never happen".
If it were 1988, and I told you within 10-15 years homosexuality would be considered an "alternative lifestyle", you wouldn't believe it.
If it were 1999, and I told you within 15 years homosexuals could be legally married you would laugh.
I can say now that within the next 10 years pedophilia will be considered an alternative lifestyle.
It's the logical outworking of a secular culture.

I think Zacharias captured this well:

β€œIn the 1950s kids lost their innocence.
They were liberated from their parents by well-paying jobs, cars, and lyrics in music that gave rise to a new term ---the generation gap.

In the 1960s, kids lost their authority.
It was a decade of protest---church, state, and parents were all called into question and found wanting. Their authority was rejected, yet nothing ever replaced it.

In the 1970s, kids lost their love. It was the decade of me-ism dominated by hyphenated words beginning with self.
Self-image, Self-esteem, Self-assertion....It made for a lonely world. Kids learned everything there was to know about sex and forgot everything there was to know about love, and no one had the nerve to tell them there was a difference.

In the 1980s, kids lost their hope.
Stripped of innocence, authority and love and plagued by the horror of a nuclear nightmare, large and growing numbers of this generation stopped believing in the future.

In the 1990s kids lost their power to reason. Less and less were they taught the very basics of language, truth, and logic and they grew up with the irrationality of a postmodern world.

In the new millennium, kids woke up and found out that somewhere in the midst of all this change, they had lost their imagination. Violence and perversion entertained them till none could talk of killing innocents since none was innocent anymore.”

― Ravi Zacharias, Recapture the Wonder


Re: Homosexual Marriage (aka digging up a hot-button topic)

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 11:01 am
by Jac3510

The difference in pedophilia and all the other things you talked about is the matter of consent. Modern secular ethics are based on that notion. A woman should be able to have abortion because she can give consent to it. Sex outside of marriage is okay if both give consent. Homosexual acts, including marriage, is okay so long as there is consent. Secularists would argue, however, that children are not capable of giving consent, and therefore, sexual relationships with them are by nature inappropriate.

A far more likely scenario would be to say that polygamy will be broadly recognized, since that IS based on consent.

Of course, we would, or at least should, just respond that consent isn't the basis of morality, but I'm afraid a lot of conservative Christians have bought into that lie themselves.