Holy Spirit experiences

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Re: Holy Spirit experiences

Post by PeteSinCA »

So, Silver,if you seek to launch out into Holy Spirit experience, I suggest reading all of 1 Cor 12 and 1 Cor 14:1-30 and answer the question as why Paul inserted the LOVE chapter, 1 Cor 13, between the operational gifts/admonishment chapters? Answer is simple: 1 Cor 13:1-3 tells what people do with the endowment of Power and then goes on to describe how God’s Love is to govern the gifts and callings that will stop such abuses, neglect, and exploitation of the out workings of the endowment of HS power (baptism of Holy Spirit - those Holy Spirit experiences). The reason is that chapter 13 is between the two gift chapters is that God’s love must govern the HS gifts of wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing prophecy, tongues of men /angelic, miracle working, discerning of spirits, etc and etc as 1 Cor 12:7-12 mentions.
Adding a bit to B.W.'s comment, one of the over-arching themes in 1 Corinthians - aspects of which Paul brought up at multiple points - was the lack of unity in the Corinthian church. Their lack of unity infected their congregational gatherings, violated one of the purposes of Communion, made their love feasts meaningless and fed spiritual pride. Oh, yes, it also afflicted their usage of spiritual gifts. Set in the midst of discussing that particular manifestation of how disunity made their church a mess, Paul gave the corrective antidote for their mess and all its manifestations: doing everything with the motivation of Divine love.

My take on 1 Cor. 13:8-12 and cessationism is, perhaps, a bit different. That passage does state that the miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit will cease; it also states when. The miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit will cease when the second coming of Jesus render such gifts no longer necessary. Until then: such gifts (and those listed in Romans 12) are practical emblems of our dependence on God; the greatest gift is that which meets the need at hand; the motivation for and in using the gifts must, must, must be Divine love.
Soapy Pete's Box

So I'll stand // With arms high and heart abandoned
In awe of the One Who gave it all - The Stand, Hillsong United

"To a world that was lost, He gave all He could give.
To show us the reason to live."
"We Are the Reason" by David Meece

"So why should I worry?
Why should I fret?
'Cause I've got a Mansion Builder
Who ain't through with me yet" - 2nd Chapter of Acts
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