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Re: Capitalism That Serves.....Not Deserves

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 11:48 pm
by jcgood
B.W. writes: Mr Goodman,I have one question after reading this - with all due respect are you sane?
The "this" brother is referring to is my response to a post so packed with false assertions, false accusations, hypocrisy....that is here for God and all to see;
I had to write a small book to lovingly deal with someone who might as well live in a parallel universe...

It's as if we do not know the same the same Bible....and live in the same country.....

Read our posts in tandem....and you decide...
It's not my's your's....He's a moderator....I cant "foe" him.....
Bless you have worn me out....

As for the answer to your one question...the Lord knows....ask Him....or look in the mirror for that answer.

Have you considered...{ poster's name}?...and their pure-hearted quotes in light of 1 Cor. 13... that you could be distorting and skewing through your own issues... legalism? self-condemnation..? low-self-esteem? guilt?..and projecting these aspersions to them...hypocritically?
In your replies anyone can find a disconnection to the understanding of reality from which I have written. Especially; from a sane person that has read just a few things for only nine days.
...and until you are will continue reacting to these distorted perceptions about others and falsely accuse innocent people about what they have written and their motives......and only be able to honor and be respectful to others that think like you....

Seriously..have you considered God's servant Job?....and his righteousness ...and how he was misunderstood by his "friends"?

...You have made progress grasshopper...You admit that you cannot understand me...finally....the next step is trusting others enough to help you take that beam
out of your eyes so that you can be... free and healed....

I know..I have been where you are not can get better...Jesus is the Way...remember to Trust and Obey....Peace be unto you...

P.S. You still have not explained why the very progressive tax rates (up to 92%) worked so well during the era that gave birth to a huge middle class and America's most successsful rise in home ownership with a mostly one income household?...How did the *21st century radical right's definition of "socialism" work so well.....1950 - 1980?

"The World Needs To Know"......pun intended! *... appropriately regulated and very, progressively taxed capitalism

Re: Capitalism That Serves.....Not Deserves

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 1:41 am
by jcgood
B.W. wrote:
Over the years, the progressive left has attacked the church in this country, thru tax codes, theological infiltration, threats, ridicule, etc and began stripping the American Church of its responsibility to the poor and needy. They switched the onus from the church to the state. The state is now the church and folks are to worship it or they'll be punished by the state. The poor and needy are mere pawns in this political game and many people with well meaning intentions are swept up in the Marxist thought didactic and even inject this into the teachings of Jesus.
What are you saying here is not possible....Nothing can stop the Lord's Church...from prevailing....
The "American Church" is doing all kinds of amazing Charities... all over the world. ... financial donations are online....Samaritan's Purse...and many others.
There are tax deductions for Charities...

The real sobering fact is that surveys conducted reveal that few people are as generous with their money as is needed...
Why does the right complain so much...about so little....

Actually...the fake, and forced, gotta-have- this- materialism- big house- two car- "American Dream Delusion" pushed by corporate America and subsidized by
the government via TV the REAL new, fake Anti-Church...where there's not much money left for God and Charity....with the 30 year inflated house mortgage scam going on,
the giant flat screen with loaded cable...and substitute communion with a game, an Iphone, and a beer...24/7 abuse hymnal...

...not some imaginary bloc of "leftist power"...."making us worship"...."the state"...

I think I am the only person I know under 80...that doesn't have and doesn't need a cell phone...and I am un-cell phoned and texting free!!!

B.W....Who in America is really stealing from their entitlement- to- wealth-mindset? The flaky, fragmented left?....where is this powerful bloc that you claim has decimated the Church? You cannot be serious?
......Parallel universe?....Please re-think these statements, brother.....they concern me.

Re: Capitalism That Serves.....Not Deserves

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 9:44 am
by B. W.
jcgood wrote:
B.W. wrote:
Over the years, the progressive left has attacked the church in this country, thru tax codes, theological infiltration, threats, ridicule, etc and began stripping the American Church of its responsibility to the poor and needy. They switched the onus from the church to the state. The state is now the church and folks are to worship it or they'll be punished by the state. The poor and needy are mere pawns in this political game and many people with well meaning intentions are swept up in the Marxist thought didactic and even inject this into the teachings of Jesus.
What are you saying here is not possible....Nothing can stop the Lord's Church...from prevailing....
The "American Church" is doing all kinds of amazing Charities... all over the world. ... financial donations are online....Samaritan's Purse...and many others.
There are tax deductions for Charities...

The real sobering fact is that surveys conducted reveal that few people are as generous with their money as is needed...
Why does the right complain so much...about so little....

Actually...the fake, and forced, gotta-have- this- materialism- big house- two car- "American Dream Delusion" pushed by corporate America and subsidized by
the government via TV the REAL new, fake Anti-Church...where there's not much money left for God and Charity....with the 30 year inflated house mortgage scam going on,
the giant flat screen with loaded cable...and substitute communion with a game, an Iphone, and a beer...24/7 abuse hymnal...

...not some imaginary bloc of "leftist power"...."making us worship"...."the state"...

I think I am the only person I know under 80...that doesn't have and doesn't need a cell phone...and I am un-cell phoned and texting free!!!

B.W....Who in America is really stealing from their entitlement- to- wealth-mindset? The flaky, fragmented left?....where is this powerful bloc that you claim has decimated the Church? You cannot be serious?
......Parallel universe?....Please re-think these statements, brother.....they concern me.
Again, your posts are rants and do not contain any substance and any one reading these can see that. Again, not sure what you are talking about as it is simply not coherently articulated as you bounce from one subject to another in a salad fashion.

As far as I can decipher is that you are a Christian Socialist. From what I understand about Christian Socialism is that the main goal is to enforce the power of government to do what the church cannot do - redistribute wealth and create a platonic marxist based utopia without borders... for all. Sounds so wonderful, but the sin nature of humanity remains intact and thus this socialist mindset is a pipe dream.

I have no idea what you are trying to really say as you are simply not coherent in your presentation.

Here is link on Christian-Socialism

Re: Capitalism That Serves...Not Deserves

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 10:13 am
by B. W.
SkepticalSkeeter wrote:
B. W. wrote:Wow, skeptic true to your avatar name are ya?

Two questions:

One: Has not Obama increased the national debt to 17 trillion dollars - he added more to the debt than the bushes ever did - did he not?
It depends who you ask. They play games with the numbers on both sides of the aisle. Either way, who cares? I didn't say that Obama didn't increase the debt, I pointed out that Bush and Reagan did as well. Your narrative is wrong because you're trying to take a complex issue and turn it into a biased talking-point. I'm sorry, but that just doesn't work.

Skeptic, I know the liberal talking point and read the skewed graph they use to show how wicked Reagan and evil Bush's are responsible for the ill of the national debt, then the graph conveniently adds a green line t show how, if only Democrats ruled, the debt would have decreased. Well. this is a bold face lie and not based on proper statistical math either due to conjecture concerning the glories of Keynesian economics (which do not work long term as the only means). You assertion is totally disingenuous too.

You hold to the talking points pretty well, however, truth claims concerning how Clinton erased the debt and balanced the budget would take Reagan out of the accusation mold you are using. Have a cigar...
SkepticalSkeeter wrote:
B. W. wrote:Next, why did Obama follow the same failed economic policies of Bush with bailouts etc and etc?
The idea in both instances was to kick start the economy by shoring up the banks and big employers and getting people some money to spend. I think that the jury is still out on whether either of them was right. Personally it all makes me angry. They should have been regulating banks and avoiding a global financial collapse in the first place. That would have made a lot more sense, but the banking industry didn't want that so it didn't happen.
Best course would have been, allow failure and rebuild. The recovery would have been fast but with the energy policies of the Dem's Obamaites -they shut down a fast recovery, resort to the failed polices of Keynesian and Marxist economics.

In fact, it was the likes of Dem's like Barney Frank who spearheaded the charge into the home loan fiasco that lead to the collapse and the reason for it was to destroy all opposition to the progressive dem's. It was democrats and the new get-along-tone-at-all-cost-tone-from-Bush with the progressive Democrats that created the mess. The progressive propaganda arm of the Democrat Part, the main stream news, crucified Bush as did the dem's themselves and Bush played soft ball with those that sought his demise at all cost. That is a greater evil and disservice to to this country - to use the compromising Bush style of governing against itself all done in order to bring economic woe all in order just to blame Bush, conservatives, and all who oppose the real Party responsible for hoodwinking so many into the home loan fiasco. They either knew it would lead to world economic recessions or did not consider it - remains to be seen.

You have the progressive savior of the world speaking hope and change and how he would never follow the same failed polices as Bush - yet another lie.

Bush has been out of power, therefore, stop making your savior, progressivsm's Obama out as an innocent Victim - it will not work with me, or many reading this.

Re: Capitalism That Serves...Not Deserves

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 11:03 am
by SkepticalSkeeter
B. W. wrote:
SkepticalSkeeter wrote:
B. W. wrote:Wow, skeptic true to your avatar name are ya?

Two questions:

One: Has not Obama increased the national debt to 17 trillion dollars - he added more to the debt than the bushes ever did - did he not?
It depends who you ask. They play games with the numbers on both sides of the aisle. Either way, who cares? I didn't say that Obama didn't increase the debt, I pointed out that Bush and Reagan did as well. Your narrative is wrong because you're trying to take a complex issue and turn it into a biased talking-point. I'm sorry, but that just doesn't work.

Skeptic, I know the liberal talking point and read the skewed graph they use to show how wicked Reagan and evil Bush's are responsible for the ill of the national debt, then the graph conveniently adds a green line t show how, if only Democrats ruled, the debt would have decreased. Well. this is a bold face lie and not based on proper statistical math either due to conjecture concerning the glories of Keynesian economics (which do not work long term as the only means). You assertion is totally disingenuous too.
You are just the poster boy for cognitive dissonance...

If you look just above what you wrote you'll find what I wrote. If you read it you'll find that I did not, in fact, say that Bush and Reagan were wicked, evil, and entirely responsible for the debt. What I actually said, which I remind you is written just above your response, was that BOTH parties contributed to the debt. BOTH, B.W., by which I mean the Republican AND the Democrats. Together. That, you see, is what's known as a "fact."

It appears that no matter what I write you're going to read it as "I LOVE OBAMA AND REPUBLICANS ARE EEEEVIL!"

B. W. wrote:You hold to the talking points pretty well, however, truth claims concerning how Clinton erased the debt and balanced the budget would take Reagan out of the accusation mold you are using. Have a cigar...
Can I get that again, but this time in English?
SkepticalSkeeter wrote:
B. W. wrote:
SkepticalSkeeter wrote:Next, why did Obama follow the same failed economic policies of Bush with bailouts etc and etc?
The idea in both instances was to kick start the economy by shoring up the banks and big employers and getting people some money to spend. I think that the jury is still out on whether either of them was right. Personally it all makes me angry. They should have been regulating banks and avoiding a global financial collapse in the first place. That would have made a lot more sense, but the banking industry didn't want that so it didn't happen.
Best course would have been, allow failure and rebuild. The recovery would have been fast but with the energy policies of the Dem's Obamaites -they shut down a fast recovery, resort to the failed polices of Keynesian and Marxist economics.
You seem awfully certain. I assume that you hold a doctorate in economics or have access to an alternate universe where they did what you suggest and it worked? Or did you just read that on Glen Beck's chalkboard or some conservative blog?
B. W. wrote:In fact, it was the likes of Dem's like Barney Frank who spearheaded the charge into the home loan fiasco that lead to the collapse and the reason for it was to destroy all opposition to the progressive dem's. It was democrats and the new get-along-tone-at-all-cost-tone-from-Bush with the progressive Democrats that created the mess. The progressive propaganda arm of the Democrat Part, the main stream news, crucified Bush as did the dem's themselves and Bush played soft ball with those that sought his demise at all cost. That is a greater evil and disservice to to this country - to use the compromising Bush style of governing against itself all done in order to bring economic woe all in order just to blame Bush, conservatives, and all who oppose the real Party responsible for hoodwinking so many into the home loan fiasco. They either knew it would lead to world economic recessions or did not consider it - remains to be seen.
Are you seriously suggesting that "progressives" secretly tanked the world economy in order to make conservatives look bad? Have you been driving nails with your forehead?
B. W. wrote:You have the progressive savior of the world speaking hope and change and how he would never follow the same failed polices as Bush - yet another lie.

Bush has been out of power, therefore, stop making your savior, progressivsm's Obama out as an innocent Victim - it will not work with me, or many reading this.
The possibility that there might be a position other than Christian conservative or progressive strawman just doesn't fit into your worldview, does it? It's like arguing with a sheep. No matter what I say you'll respond the same way because "Baaa!" is the only word you know...

Re: Capitalism That Serves.....Not Deserves

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 6:25 pm
by jcgood
B.W. wrote;=:Again, your posts are rants and do not contain any substance and any one reading these can see that. Again, not sure what you are talking about as it is simply not coherently articulated as you bounce from one subject to another in a salad fashion.

As far as I can decipher is that you are a Christian Socialist. From what I understand about Christian Socialism is that the main goal is to enforce the power of government to do what the church cannot do - redistribute wealth and create a platonic marxist based utopia without borders... for all. Sounds so wonderful, but the sin nature of humanity remains intact and thus this socialist mindset is a pipe dream.

I have no idea what you are trying to really say as you are simply not coherent in your presentation.
I am sorry that I am unable to reach you....

When I assess a post as a rant...I just ignore it...
I don't criticize them.

My posts are only meant for those who are qualified to understand them.
They are readable...and so is The Revelation of Jesus Christ...which many cannot understand.
That's why Jesus says...only those given the ears will hear.

Is it therefore logical to criticize the author?
I have already shared my posts with others who understand it.
Your lack of understanding in no way nullifies its content.

I am A Christian period....I don't adhere to the label you offer.

The pipe dream is.... believing that people believe what you assert that they believe
by reading their "incoherent posts" written by someone like me you don't even know.

Define redistribution of wealth. What does that mean? Shopping? Getting paid?
Everytime you purchase something, give something away, or receive something.... it's a redistribution of wealth.

Re: Capitalism That Serves.....Not Deserves

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 11:10 pm
by B. W.
jcgood wrote:
B.W. wrote;=:Again, your posts are rants and do not contain any substance and any one reading these can see that. Again, not sure what you are talking about as it is simply not coherently articulated as you bounce from one subject to another in a salad fashion.

As far as I can decipher is that you are a Christian Socialist. From what I understand about Christian Socialism is that the main goal is to enforce the power of government to do what the church cannot do - redistribute wealth and create a platonic marxist based utopia without borders... for all. Sounds so wonderful, but the sin nature of humanity remains intact and thus this socialist mindset is a pipe dream.

I have no idea what you are trying to really say as you are simply not coherent in your presentation.
I am sorry that I am unable to reach you....someone else may be able to break through the critical nature
and the careless judgementalism and hypocrisy that bleeds through your posts...That everyone can see.
Your posts are not only incoherent...they all have your mark of twisted personal assessments...
...That me, my God, and other readers know are not even close to reality.

Your posts throw out labels and spin yarns that are full of fanciful untruths that everyone with a fact checking computer can unravel.
I am sorry that you aren't able to follow the unpacked mess of trying to answer your follies that you packed into your incoherent posts.
Your judgemental attitude is very loud..and can turn people away from wanting to know you. Just because YOUR narrow world has to have a certain
order to it...why not just say that you don't understand me...and ask question..

Ironically, your posts have no coherent statements of disagreement in them...just personal spin; and false labels, accusations, etc.
If I take out all that junk from your posts....there is no substantial disagreement that lines up with my statements.
You have already proved to the world here..that you don't care to hear or understand....because you don't ask serious questions...
which you think you know it all?

I perceive that you and others are unable to grasp basic political you just make up incoherent things and mix them together with
bits and pieces of mish-mash to fit your own tunnel vision "of the way thing ought to be"...
what about the way God wants things to be?......that is the question.

To assess that I am a Christian Socialist for thinking that the U.S. had it's best political and economic era from just as
logical as to assess I am a blind Niagara falls tight rope walker because I used to live in New York.

You can reply to me if you will...but I perceive that I am unable to understand you at all....and Wisdom tells me that it is unfruitful to
cast my pearls in the mud.
I never thought that it would be difficult for anyone on this forum to coherently answer this ONE question...without ranting.

....What are the coherent, scripitural references .....that are indisputable reasons to decide to
be a staunch, unwavering right wing ideologist and a Christian who loves God? (which is the majority of Christendom)

...what am I as a non-partisan centerist missing......? Seriously, I have never heard an answer to this question ...ever

Pretend that I know nothing...and lead me there by writing to a child...

Would someone here love me enough to do this?

I also suggest that everyone that opines here needs to at least agree on basic political theory and definitions....pass a basic test?
..misunderstanding is causing some here to come to bizarre conclusions, labels, and assessments....adding unnecessary stress to simple things
that I learned in the sophomore year in high school.....agreed?
Mr Goodman, again, you are not making sense, please note the Forum Purpose and Guidelines quoted for you below:
Board Purpose wrote:Board Purpose (Last updated on 5 September 2010)
This board is a part of Evidence for God from Science (G&S), a Christian website, which serves to provide a defence and persuasive case for Christianity as well as encouragement and instruction for Christian people and seekers.

Who is the message board intended for?
This message board is publicly open to anyone who wishes to register and participate in discussions, however it is ultimately intended for a specific audience. It is intended to serve as a place for:
  1. Sincere seekers to inquire and ask questions;
  2. Christians to give and receive encouragement and instruction; and
  3. Non-Christians who are willing to "walk a thin line" and reason sensitively and respectfully.
This board is not for those who have strongly made up their mind that Christ is "not" for them; who merely wish to put down, debate, and argue against essential Christian beliefs. As such, those who are Christian, have not made up their minds, or desire civilised discussions on Christianity are encouraged to join, while others who merely wish to attack and try to discredit Christianity are discouraged and will be heavily moderated.

Guidelines for debating against Christian beliefs
The following are some guidelines for members to follow who choose to debate against Christian beliefs:
  1. Dialogue and debate with sensitivity, understanding you are participating within a Christian community.
  2. Do not set out to try change the opinion of Christians as this immediately creates barriers and hostility.
  3. If you receive hostility, or a caution from a moderator, be gracious enough to leave the associated discussion/s politely.
  4. Do not criticize the way this board is moderated for Christians either through direct or indirect public comments.
  5. If you vehemently disagree with Christian beliefs and constantly attack then know that you will be banned very quickly.
  6. If these rules of engagement seem obnoxious to you, then this board probably is not for you. It is just best you leave now.
Any non-Christians who participate in discussions do so with an understanding moderators will be the judge of whether the line is crossed.

Be respectful and use good etiquette, and moderators will treat you the same without being quick to ban. That is, you can expect cautions will be issued if it is felt you are approaching the line; a warning to be issued when you have crossed the line (which may/may not involve a temporary ban); and a permanent ban if you persist.

Are we being unfair?
Many have objected to our board purpose being "unfair" or "intolerant". Yet, such a person really shows their own unfairness or "intolerance" by not wanting to allow one Christian board out of the many on the Internet to function in accordance with its beliefs as a Christian board.
Discussion Guidelines wrote:These discussion guidelines .

Within discussions, please be civil and courteous and do not resort to personal attacks. If you feel inappropriately attacked, please bring such cases privately to a moderator who can then intervene as necessary. While these instructions are likely unnecessary for the vast majority of participants, here is some biblical advice to help serve as a guide for conversations
As with liberal progressive, if they can't hold a coherent discussion, they name call and ridicule, all in line with the classic Rules for Radicals.

I would not mind trying to discuss issues with you but you go off topic and from your words are too volatile. Please be advised that this discussion Forum may not be for you.

Anymore statements made in your current tone will warrant a ban. You have been hereby warned.

Re: Capitalism That Serves...Not Deserves

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 11:58 pm
by B. W.
SkepticalSkeeter wrote:
B. W. wrote:
SkepticalSkeeter wrote:
B. W. wrote:Wow, skeptic true to your avatar name are ya?

Two questions:

One: Has not Obama increased the national debt to 17 trillion dollars - he added more to the debt than the bushes ever did - did he not?
It depends who you ask. They play games with the numbers on both sides of the aisle. Either way, who cares? I didn't say that Obama didn't increase the debt, I pointed out that Bush and Reagan did as well. Your narrative is wrong because you're trying to take a complex issue and turn it into a biased talking-point. I'm sorry, but that just doesn't work.

Skeptic, I know the liberal talking point and read the skewed graph they use to show how wicked Reagan and evil Bush's are responsible for the ill of the national debt, then the graph conveniently adds a green line t show how, if only Democrats ruled, the debt would have decreased. Well. this is a bold face lie and not based on proper statistical math either due to conjecture concerning the glories of Keynesian economics (which do not work long term as the only means). You assertion is totally disingenuous too.
You are just the poster boy for cognitive dissonance...

If you look just above what you wrote you'll find what I wrote. If you read it you'll find that I did not, in fact, say that Bush and Reagan were wicked, evil, and entirely responsible for the debt. What I actually said, which I remind you is written just above your response, was that BOTH parties contributed to the debt. BOTH, B.W., by which I mean the Republican AND the Democrats. Together. That, you see, is what's known as a "fact."
Thank you for clarifying what you are saying. Let me recap: You blame the current economic woes on Reagan and Bush. Now if I am hearing you correctly, you cited that Reagan did build the US Military and that helped bring down the Iron Curtain and set free multiplied millions of people. So, Reagan, along with Margret Thatcher, and Pope John Paul II, did without a costly bloody hot war, brought down the USSR's empire. Millions of people were set free.

One one hand you sound like this was okay and then on the other hand your premise is that this was wrong due to the increase in the national debt. That presents a logical contradiction in this manner, why was it morally wrong for Reagan to help bring down the USSR's Iron Curtain,setting million upon million people enslaved to central planners? Was it because the monies could have been used for socialized health care system in the USA, not giving to poor in the USA to secure a perpetual voting block for the Dem Party all enslaved to entitlements? Why was it wrong to set multiplied millions free?

Well, on behalf of the millions of folks freed from Communism's central planning methods, you owe them all a heartfelt apology for being so insensitive. I guess, what I am hearing you actually say is that it would have been better to leave the Iron Current up and the USSR in power, than to wage a non-bloody war, that set millions free.

How insulting is that to our friends from the Czech Republic, where 1over, Hana, is from! How bloody insulting is your progressive logic to them and all who longed one day to be free from central planners. To accuse Reagan of a great wrong is insulting. But it does not surprise me that progressive world would rather have the Iron Curtain still up and have millions enslaved to central Planners - surprises me not.

Are you man enough to see how insulting the progressive insinuation is and how much truth is left out just to bash Reagan and Bush. Add to this the GW Bush had 911 to contend with and we still have to, to this day.

Recall during the glory days of Clinton, that it was he who gave the green light for North Korea to build a Nuclear is that working out?

Recall also, how shortly after Clinton won, before any budget was written or passed, how the economy took off and boomed. Nothing to do with Clinton because he hadn't submitted a budget at all but the recovery was all due to Reagan and Bush senior.

You know, I prefer the self correcting nature of Capitalism's free market place because the abuses are corrected and changed. However, for the central planners, all abuses cannot be changed due to what is actually unfettered monopolized enforced by Government crony capitalism - they very kind the left accuses and touts creates all the woe and misery and exploitation. You have the Company store model for goods, services, and health care - very dangerous as it cannot self correct.
SkepticalSkeeter wrote:
B. W. wrote:In fact, it was the likes of Dem's like Barney Frank who spearheaded the charge into the home loan fiasco that lead to the collapse and the reason for it was to destroy all opposition to the progressive dem's. It was democrats and the new get-along-tone-at-all-cost-tone-from-Bush with the progressive Democrats that created the mess. The progressive propaganda arm of the Democrat Part, the main stream news, crucified Bush as did the dem's themselves and Bush played soft ball with those that sought his demise at all cost. That is a greater evil and disservice to to this country - to use the compromising Bush style of governing against itself all done in order to bring economic woe all in order just to blame Bush, conservatives, and all who oppose the real Party responsible for hoodwinking so many into the home loan fiasco. They either knew it would lead to world economic recessions or did not consider it - remains to be seen.
Are you seriously suggesting that "progressives" secretly tanked the world economy in order to make conservatives look bad? Have you been driving nails with your forehead?
I really do not know if they did but knowing their ideological hatred, it would not surprised their hate blinded them to the actual results.

Now, for an good example of what I am talking about, just look at the Obamacare website, the Healthcare massive paged bill, and the future damage it will inflict upon us all, in the USA. They knew they should delay but NO - full steam ahead, anyways. Well that is what you get for shutting out the other half of our representatives from even participating in the creation of this monster. Only one Party voted for it... in the dead of night before the holidays... Merry Christmas - oh I forgot, we can't say Christmas any more - the thought police are out...

Isn't Central Planning grand - trash the opposition, shut them out of the political process by calling them names, bigots, tea baggers, terrorist, stupid, homophobes, racist, uncaring, wants the disabled to die, take away SSI and SSDI, etc and etc... this name calling demonetization is maddening. Yes, the progressives would do anything to collapse the system at any cost to further their central planning goals - even cut their own throats in doing so.
SkepticalSkeeter wrote:
B. W. wrote:You have the progressive savior of the world speaking hope and change and how he would never follow the same failed polices as Bush - yet another lie.

Bush has been out of power, therefore, stop making your savior, progressivsm's Obama out as an innocent Victim - it will not work with me, or many reading this.
The possibility that there might be a position other than Christian conservative or progressive strawman just doesn't fit into your worldview, does it? It's like arguing with a sheep. No matter what I say you'll respond the same way because "Baaa!" is the only word you know...
Yes, it is called the truth... the truth you fail to note and the truth how the progressive mantra about Reagan and Bush creating the massive debt poor Dem's have to to cure by adding more to the debt than all presidents combine, is highly insulting to those freed form the Iron Curtain's communistic domination, those killed on 911, as it makes a mockery out of truth for pure partisan politics win at all cost model the Dem's now use.

You can say you hate both sides, but you really do not. How can I tell? Simple, by your remarks - you have vitriol hate against all things conservative or Christian or Tea Party and anyone who disagrees with the glories of Central planing.

PS - I do not watch or listen to Beck - I am a Social Worker well trained in the art of Community Organizing and understand the motives and desires of the left full well.

Have a good day!

Re: Capitalism That Serves.....Not Deserves

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 12:14 am
by 1over137
Am from Slovakia, former Czechoslovakia.

Yes, people were not free. Who opposed the unfree system was being got rid of.

Still older people's memories are that there was social security, young couples got flat to establish family, everybody got work and had to work. But, everything was controlled, by corrupted people. Having central power in hands of few people, and people are just sinful.

Re: Capitalism That Serves.....Not Deserves

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 12:30 am
by B. W.
1over137 wrote:Am from Slovakia, former Czechoslovakia.

Yes, people were not free. Who opposed the unfree system was being got rid of.

Still older people's memories are that there was social security, young couples got flat to establish family, everybody got work and had to work. But, everything was controlled, by corrupted people. Having central power in hands of few people, and people are just sinful.
Yes, some friends of mine escaped Poland in the early 1980's, fled for their lives, They mentioned how people survived on the Black Market because you couldn't get food. They also mentioned how the some of older folks didn't mind this, due to what went on in WW II in Poland - to them crumbs were good and a cold apartment - nesh...(nothing). They hated communism and still do. What they see in the USA is making them uneasy. They understand the need for an improved health care system that is not ruled by third party insurance agencies and so do I. But Obama care if not the cure, it is the epitome of third Party Insurance viva the Central Planners... more to secure and control a voting block than for health care.

Central Planning fosters corruptions and it cannot self correct. A Free Market Based system will self correct all abuses...history has proven this correct...

Re: Capitalism That Serves.....Not Deserves

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 3:17 am
by jcgood
You can see how successful regulated and progressively taxed capitalism worked from 1950 - 1980... This was Capitalism that Served.

It's as if the memory chip of the U.S history of these "socialistic" tax rates has been removed. I have yet to hear an explanation of how the U.S. thrived
and grew a huge middle class on "progressive left" policies.

I specifically use the "1980" year as a political paradigm shift... These Post Reagan years; have caused a slow and steady dismantling of what was built during those thirty prosperous years. Which has; in my opinion...totally evaporated...what was once known as "The U.S Middle Class American Dream". I have read several other political writers' works that have also pointed to this "meltdown timeline" as well.

Since 1980; you really do not have to look to hard to see...if you have "eyes to see".....the far right, libertarian economic market policies ....wreak havoc on the economy by skyrocketing the cost of housing....and undervaluing labor thus creating poverty and hardship....and the resulting crime and violence that is linked therein.

Reagan...and the neo-conservatives; decided to "unfetter capitalism" and slashed the top tax rate to only 1981. The Bush tax cuts went
to a "low of 35%! The minimum wage had historically increased ........until 1981; since then, and up until the present day it has stagnated and declined to a 50 year low....while the 1% has had tremendous gain. Truly, our Post-Reagan America loves profit much more than people...

News Flash....The Libertarian Plan To Destroy The Middle Class In Thirty Years...has worked

The suppression of labor has been successful. Currently 40% of U.S. jobs pay less than 1964's minimum wage did.(in buying power)
Being the expense of the underpaid and job exportation.....has corrupted and wreaked havoc on the very core of the stability
of the whole nation.
How many CEOs...legally commit grand theft of U.S. worker's wages on a daily basis? How does a society delude itself into thinking that it can oppress these people with grossly inadequate labor compensation....without any negative societal results? How can our elected members of congress be so blind to the lowest minimum wage in terms of buying power in over 50 years? How many people do we need to have on food stamps in the U.S., before we wake up and change those greedy ways?

Is it a shocking fact that The U.S. incarcerates more people than any nation on Earth?

For a contrast, see how the flip-side of the coin is in a country like Switzerland....where working people enjoy the top-tier higher than average wage compensation and the quality of life in urban Switzerland is astoundingly high. ... -The-49575

The unskilled workers in Switzerland earn an average of $3500 a month...or $42,000 a year.

I am glad that there are successful models of countries that compensate their labor enough to keep them off of food stamps.

Henry Ford was astute enough to understand....he needed to pay his workers enough so that they could buy his cars.

It's amazing that the the few policies that are to the political left; which are keeping this country from being a third world nation
are the very things that the regressive reactionary right cannot wait to dismantle and destroy.

It appears to me that the intended goal of the neo-anarchist platform is to maintain a 40% poverty rate of every nation in the world..kind of a New World India
with 21 levels of economic "castes"; where only wealthy CEOS can run for political office....

This can easily happen under "freemarket capitalism" embedded in a corrupt plutocracy
with an inapt/inept government, like the proves.

It's no secret that many radicals; if they had the power would slash taxes even further and abolish many progressive left labor policies..
unions would be gone, the already 50 year low minimum wage would be abolished.

I personally know people that advocate these very ideas.

They have disdain for the "burdens of society"....that need to "get a job" ....that their very policies have set up.
The few libertarian/militia run countries in the third world have about 10% of affluent people in gated communites and the rest are virtual slums...

As Christians let's not be a party to a platform of money loving, power worship, and the new brand of virtual slavery and labor oppression...that has already destroyed the entire stratum of society that took thirty years of FDR's progressive policies to build. Do we want to see the U.S to regress back to the dark U.S. past
that took wars to alter it's oppressive course?

Re: Capitalism That Serves.....Not Deserves

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 6:15 pm
by B. W.
jcgood, does Jimmy Carter and LBJ mean anything to you?

No, there was no steady prosperity from 1950 to 1980... it waxed and waned and then tanked under Carter...

Oh well... :violin:

Re: Capitalism That Serves.....Not Deserves

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 7:15 pm
by jcgood
B.W. writes:
jcgood, does Jimmy Carter and LBJ mean anything to you?

No, there was no steady prosperity from 1950 to 1980... it waxed and waned and then tanked under Carter...
Could you please back up your statements with at least two sentences!

Do you think that this denial of yours can nullify U.S history? Can you show evidence of your claim?

I can...with the homeownership rate graph below....check out the graph

prosperity = steady rise in home ownership rates...MOSTLY WITH A ONE FAMILY INCOME......The most properous years 1950-1980 ... arriga.pdf

"tanked"....means U.S History 2004 - 2010....The Bush Regime Debacle... MOSTLY WITH A TWO FAMILY INCOME.....Oh Well
"tanked" = drop in home ownership

If you can't make a call....please hang up and dial again...this is a recording.....
Houston...We have a problem...

Re: Capitalism That Serves.....Not Deserves

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 9:01 pm
by B. W.
Jimmy Carter on Budget & Economy

Quoted from this Link [url- ... conomy.htm] Jimmy Carter Budget[/url]

Failed to control inflation and unemployment

On assuming office in 1977, President Carter inherited an economy that was slowly emerging from a recession. He had severely criticized former President Ford for his failures to control inflation and relieve unemployment, but after four years of the Carter presidency, both inflation and unemployment were considerably worse than at the time of his inauguration. The annual inflation rate rose from 4.8% in 1976 to 6.8% in 1977, 9% in 1978, 11% in 1979, and hovered around 12% at the time of the 1980 election campaign. Although Carter had pledged to eliminate federal deficits, the deficit for the fiscal year 1979 totaled $27.7 billion, and that for 1980 was nearly $59 billion. With approximately 8 million people out of work, the unemployment rate had leveled off to a nationwide average of about 7.7% by the time of the election campaign, but it was considerably higher in some industrial states.
Source: Grolier’s Encyclopedia, “The Presidency” Dec 25, 2000

Pushed alternative energy program to fight oil shortage

Carter faced a drastic erosion of the value of the US dollar and a persistent trade deficit, much of it a result of US dependence on foreign oil. The president warned that Americans were wasting too much energy, that domestic supplies of oil and natural gas were running out, and that foreign supplies of petroleum were subject to embargoes by the producing nations, principally by members of OPEC. In mid-1979, in the wake of widespread shortages of gasoline, Carter advanced a long-term program designed to solve the energy problem. He proposed a limit on imported oil, gradual price decontrol on domestically produced oil, a stringent program of conservation, and development of alternative sources of energy such as solar, nuclear, and geothermal power, oil and gas from shale and coal, and synthetic fuels. In what was probably his most significant domestic legislative accomplishment, he was able to get a significant portion of his energy program through Congress.
Source: Grolier’s Encyclopedia, “The Presidency” Dec 25, 2000
Let's go to the 1950's - Wartime economy of the Korean War, Cold War, plus innovation boomed the economy - massive interstate highway program, etc and etc...

1960's Innovation and the can do American spirit, plus a war time economy of Vietnam and the Cold War helped the economy...

!970's no more hot War Economy - Vietnam ended and recession began and then Jimmy Carter made it far worse...

1980's Reagan inherited the bad economic policies of Carter's administration. The Democrats went to war against him - do you remember? Reagan saved the US economy and his polices led to the boom in the 1990's. Peolple like to point at stats and say he just enriched the rich, yet, fail to see how currently Obama is enriching the rich far more that Reagan, and has sucessfuly made this a true divided nation - the gap between rich and has widen more than ever. You claim it wa sreagen but fail to note Obama has done far worse than Reagan and the Bushes...

LA Times 9/2013 ... y-20130910

Income gap between rich and poor is biggest in a century
September 11, 2013
By Connie Stewart

If you feel you're falling behind in the income race, it's not just your imagination. The wealth gap between the top 1% and the bottom 99% in the U.S. is as wide as it's been in nearly 100 years, a new study finds.

For starters, between 1993 and 2012, the real incomes of the 1% grew 86.1%, while those of the 99% grew 6.6%, according to the study, based on Internal Revenue Service statistics examined by economists at UC Berkeley, the Paris School of Economics and Oxford University.
Therefore, you need to actually look at the hard cold truth and not your own talking points based upon progressive revisionism...

Smell the coffee y~o)

Re: Capitalism That Serves...Not Deserves

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 9:20 pm
by SkepticalSkeeter
B. W. wrote:
SkepticalSkeeter wrote:
B. W. wrote:
SkepticalSkeeter wrote:
B. W. wrote:Wow, skeptic true to your avatar name are ya?

Two questions:

One: Has not Obama increased the national debt to 17 trillion dollars - he added more to the debt than the bushes ever did - did he not?
It depends who you ask. They play games with the numbers on both sides of the aisle. Either way, who cares? I didn't say that Obama didn't increase the debt, I pointed out that Bush and Reagan did as well. Your narrative is wrong because you're trying to take a complex issue and turn it into a biased talking-point. I'm sorry, but that just doesn't work.

Skeptic, I know the liberal talking point and read the skewed graph they use to show how wicked Reagan and evil Bush's are responsible for the ill of the national debt, then the graph conveniently adds a green line t show how, if only Democrats ruled, the debt would have decreased. Well. this is a bold face lie and not based on proper statistical math either due to conjecture concerning the glories of Keynesian economics (which do not work long term as the only means). You assertion is totally disingenuous too.
You are just the poster boy for cognitive dissonance...

If you look just above what you wrote you'll find what I wrote. If you read it you'll find that I did not, in fact, say that Bush and Reagan were wicked, evil, and entirely responsible for the debt. What I actually said, which I remind you is written just above your response, was that BOTH parties contributed to the debt. BOTH, B.W., by which I mean the Republican AND the Democrats. Together. That, you see, is what's known as a "fact."
Thank you for clarifying what you are saying. Let me recap: You blame the current economic woes on Reagan and Bush.

Not only are you STILL not responding to what I actually wrote, you have now added a massive strawman. Suddenly I'm the guy defending the Soviet economic model? I actually find you pretty entertaining, but seriously, what on earth are you babbling about?
B. W. wrote:You know, I prefer the self correcting nature of Capitalism's free market place because the abuses are corrected and changed.
Except that it doesn't stay self-correcting unless it's well regulated. Capitalism is all about growth - if you're not growing and the competition is then you're sliding toward extinction. Without regulation the inevitable result is that a few mega-corporations will control most of the economy. Once that happens the playing field is no longer level and the free market is no longer free. Those mega-corporations buy competitors, build monopolies, then diversify into other industries and do the same thing all over again. They have the wealth to steal ideas from individuals or small businesses and then sue them out of existence if they complain, or to buy and bury competing technology. They have the political influence to get the tax, labor, zoning, and environmental laws rewritten to benefit themselves. It's stifling to innovation, bad for workers, and detrimental to democracy.

Well regulated capitalism leads to fair competition, innovation, and stability, which create prosperity for all of us. Unregulated capitalism leads to corruption, instability, and endless boom-and-bust cycles, which create social turmoil and economic inequality.
B. W. wrote:However, for the central planners, all abuses cannot be changed due to what is actually unfettered monopolized enforced by Government crony capitalism - they very kind the left accuses and touts creates all the woe and misery and exploitation. You have the Company store model for goods, services, and health care - very dangerous as it cannot self correct.
The United States economy is not centrally planned, even under Obama, and I have never advocated that we change the economy to a Soviet model. You're saying stupid things, attributing them to me, and then attacking them for being stupid, using stupid arguments of your own to do so. When it comes to stupid a little goes a long way, and you're really overdoing it. Personally, I think it makes more sense to take a shot at responding to what I actually said...
SkepticalSkeeter wrote:Are you seriously suggesting that "progressives" secretly tanked the world economy in order to make conservatives look bad? Have you been driving nails with your forehead?
B. W. wrote:I really do not know if they did but knowing their ideological hatred, it would not surprised their hate blinded them to the actual results.

Now, for an good example of what I am talking about, just look at the Obamacare website, the Healthcare massive paged bill, and the future damage it will inflict upon us all, in the USA. They knew they should delay but NO - full steam ahead, anyways. Well that is what you get for shutting out the other half of our representatives from even participating in the creation of this monster. Only one Party voted for it... in the dead of night before the holidays... Merry Christmas - oh I forgot, we can't say Christmas any more - the thought police are out...

Isn't Central Planning grand - trash the opposition, shut them out of the political process by calling them names, bigots, tea baggers, terrorist, stupid, homophobes, racist, uncaring, wants the disabled to die, take away SSI and SSDI, etc and etc... this name calling demonetization is maddening. Yes, the progressives would do anything to collapse the system at any cost to further their central planning goals - even cut their own throats in doing so.
Again with the cognitive dissonance. You're doing precisely what you claim "the left" does, but you don't see it.
B. W. wrote:
SkepticalSkeeter wrote:
B. W. wrote:You have the progressive savior of the world speaking hope and change and how he would never follow the same failed polices as Bush - yet another lie.

Bush has been out of power, therefore, stop making your savior, progressivsm's Obama out as an innocent Victim - it will not work with me, or many reading this.
The possibility that there might be a position other than Christian conservative or progressive strawman just doesn't fit into your worldview, does it? It's like arguing with a sheep. No matter what I say you'll respond the same way because "Baaa!" is the only word you know...
Yes, it is called the truth... the truth you fail to note and the truth how the progressive mantra about Reagan and Bush creating the massive debt poor Dem's have to to cure by adding more to the debt than all presidents combine, is highly insulting to those freed form the Iron Curtain's communistic domination, those killed on 911, as it makes a mockery out of truth for pure partisan politics win at all cost model the Dem's now use.

You can say you hate both sides, but you really do not. How can I tell? Simple, by your remarks - you have vitriol hate against all things conservative or Christian or Tea Party and anyone who disagrees with the glories of Central planing.
I never said I hated anything or anybody - that was another one of your strawmen. I actually said that things aren't nearly as simple as you're making them out to be and there are two sides to every story, but apparently you came away with "I hate against all things conservative or Christian or Tea Party and anyone who disagrees with the glories of Central planing." There's something seriously wrong with either your brain or your computer, and I strongly recommend that you get them both looked at.
B. W. wrote:PS - I do not watch or listen to Beck - I am a Social Worker well trained in the art of Community Organizing and understand the motives and desires of the left full well.
That actually doesn't surprise me. I work with underprivileged people and there are definitely times when life in the trenches makes it hard to see the big picture. Thankfully I haven't become as jaded, cynical, angry, and paranoid as you plainly are. If I ever start to feel that way I think I'll look for a different job.

So have you considered seeking other employment, or are you just a masochist?