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Re: Are Christians in America being persecuted?

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 9:39 pm
by SkepticalSkeeter
Furstentum Liechtenstein wrote:Persecution of Christians is on its way to the USA; all the incipient markers are there.
What incipient markers are those?
B. W. wrote:Yep that is true FL, try helping the poor and needy as a Christian and see what comes your way in the States.

Hmmm, persecution is real... in the the USA.
As I mentioned earlier, I volunteer at a Christian charity. They help the needy as Christians all the time, and they do it with zero backlash. Bear in mind, though, that their mission is to help without judgement. They don't preach or try to convert anyone. Perhaps that makes a difference?

Also, B.W., I notice that you never answered my question. Why were you in the presence of medicine men, why did they throw a dead puppy at you, and where has your ministry been taking you that these things are happening? Which areas of the country are you seeing all this hate? And what's the deal with Duck Dynasty?

Re: Are Christians in America being persecuted?

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 10:33 pm
by Kurieuo
SkepticalSkeeter wrote:
Furstentum Liechtenstein wrote:Persecution of Christians is on its way to the USA; all the incipient markers are there.
What incipient markers are those?
B. W. wrote:Yep that is true FL, try helping the poor and needy as a Christian and see what comes your way in the States.

Hmmm, persecution is real... in the the USA.
As I mentioned earlier, I volunteer at a Christian charity. They help the needy as Christians all the time, and they do it with zero backlash. Bear in mind, though, that their mission is to help without judgement. They don't preach or try to convert anyone. Perhaps that makes a difference?
SS, what is the charity that you help with? Do you talk to the other Christians there?

Why don't you ask whoever said it how they feel persecuted? Challenge them.

Re: Are Christians in America being persecuted?

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 10:52 pm
by B. W.

Sorry sport, as I mentioned...

No will do...
Reason stated on the other discussion thread located, oh about thirteen post from the top

Re: Are Christians in America being persecuted?

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 2:01 am
by B. W.
Kurieuo wrote:
SkepticalSkeeter wrote:
Furstentum Liechtenstein wrote:Persecution of Christians is on its way to the USA; all the incipient markers are there.
What incipient markers are those?
B. W. wrote:Yep that is true FL, try helping the poor and needy as a Christian and see what comes your way in the States.

Hmmm, persecution is real... in the the USA.
As I mentioned earlier, I volunteer at a Christian charity. They help the needy as Christians all the time, and they do it with zero backlash. Bear in mind, though, that their mission is to help without judgement. They don't preach or try to convert anyone. Perhaps that makes a difference?
SS, what is the charity that you help with? Do you talk to the other Christians there?

Why don't you ask whoever said it how they feel persecuted? Challenge them.
K - in some parts, persons involved in the occult use dead animals in an attempt to cast spells or curse someone with death...

See the link and scroll down a bit to animal sacrifices...

That is about all I will go into on the dead puppy issue as further links will take folks to occultist web sites

From there, let you mind wonder at have'n such person, for no reason, come to where you are wave a dead puppy, neck snapped, and toss it plus do some other peculiar stuff. Just being a Christian will pi"ss off the oddest of folks... in the oddest and remotest areas... Some odd occultist folks just hear there is a Christian nearby and bam - like flies, they appear...

Still alive after all these years...

Encounter some of the same folk still... no more said...

Re: Are Christians in America being persecuted?

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 3:38 pm
by SkepticalSkeeter
Kurieuo wrote:SS, what is the charity that you help with? Do you talk to the other Christians there?

Why don't you ask whoever said it how they feel persecuted? Challenge them.
The organization is Operation Blessing. Yes, I do talk to the staff and other volunteers, but there doesn't tend to be time to have in-depth discussions about politics while volunteering, and frankly that's not the time and place to get into it. We're all there for other reasons. I brought it up here because the politics subforum of a Christian discussion board seemed like a more appropriate spot for a discussion. And as I mentioned, the persecution of Christians in America is a fairly regular topic on Fox News, and probably on conservative talk radio as well. It stands to reason that many people here would be aware that it's being discussed.
B. W. wrote:K - in some parts, persons involved in the occult use dead animals in an attempt to cast spells or curse someone with death...

See the link and scroll down a bit to animal sacrifices...

From there, let you mind wonder at have'n such person, for no reason, come to where you are wave a dead puppy, neck snapped, and toss it plus do some other peculiar stuff.
Ok, that's bizarre. I'm sorry that you went through that - it must have been disgusting and alarming.
B. W. wrote:Just being a Christian will pi"ss off the oddest of folks... in the oddest and remotest areas... Some odd occultist folks just hear there is a Christian nearby and bam - like flies, they appear...
Ok, this is hard for me to accept. I've been out in the sticks in just about every state east of the Mississippi, and all I came across were small town people, most of whom were fairly conservative (that includes both Democrats and Republicans) and Christian. I've never come across an occultist. There couldn't be more than a few thousand of them in the entire nation, which isn't many compared to the 235,000,000 or so Americans who identify themselves as Christians. You mentioned medicine men. Were you proselytizing on an Indian reservation or something?

Re: Are Christians in America being persecuted?

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 2:35 pm
by Proinsias
The issue isn't one sided. I know a LaVey satanist in Mississippi who has had animals nailed to her door and been treated rather poorly by the local Christian community.

Re: Are Christians in America being persecuted?

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 2:41 pm
by RickD
Proinsias wrote:The issue isn't one sided. I know a LaVey satanist in Mississippi who has had animals nailed to her door and been treated rather poorly by the local Christian community.
You live in Scottyland, and you know a LaVey satanist in Mississippi? You don't hear that everyday. How well do you know him/her?

Re: Are Christians in America being persecuted?

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 2:44 pm
by Proinsias
Not that well. She was on a forum I frequented some years ago, I had many lengthy discussions with her over many years, then kept in touch via facebook for a few years, not been in contact for a while.

Re: Are Christians in America being persecuted?

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 2:50 pm
by RickD
Proinsias wrote:Not that well. She was on a forum I frequented some years ago, I had many lengthy discussions with her over many years, then kept in touch via facebook for a few years, not been in contact for a while.
Just keep in mind that the "local Christian community" in Mississippi, do I put this nicely...quite different than you may think is a "normal" Christian community.

"Good Christians" in Mississippi are (in)famous for their racism. And they're rather proud of it too.

Re: Are Christians in America being persecuted?

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 3:01 pm
by Proinsias
Yeah, she was rather, erm, different to most athiests I've encountered too. Smalltown Mississippi Christian community never struck me as her natural habitat.

Re: Are Christians in America being persecuted?

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 3:44 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
Proinsias wrote:Yeah, she was rather, erm, different to most athiests I've encountered too. Smalltown Mississippi Christian community never struck me as her natural habitat.
I saw an episode of Top Gear where the three men drove through Alabama or Mississippi in ''decorated'' cars. They were threatened by the locals and were genuinely afraid of being assaulted or killed...

FL :guns:

Re: Are Christians in America being persecuted?

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 3:46 pm
by RickD
Furstentum Liechtenstein wrote:
Proinsias wrote:Yeah, she was rather, erm, different to most athiests I've encountered too. Smalltown Mississippi Christian community never struck me as her natural habitat.
I saw an episode of Top Gear where the three men drove through Alabama or Mississippi in ''decorated'' cars. They were threatened by the locals and were genuinely afraid of being assaulted or killed...

FL :guns:
That was a funny episode. I thought the three British chaps were going to get shot.

Re: Are Christians in America being persecuted?

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 4:11 pm
by Proinsias
This the one?

I'm not a big fan of violence or guns, but when it's directed at Jeremy Clarkson it makes so much more sense :mrgreen:

Re: Are Christians in America being persecuted?

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 4:31 pm
by RickD
Proinsias wrote:This the one?

I'm not a big fan of violence or guns, but when it's directed at Jeremy Clarkson it makes so much more sense :mrgreen:
That's the one! Funny stuff!