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Re: Question

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 8:03 am
by Silvertusk
RickD wrote:You are all a bunch of pansies!!!!! :dancing:

Your just an emotionless vacuum :ewink:

Re: Question

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 8:39 am
by RickD
Silvertusk wrote:
RickD wrote:You are all a bunch of pansies!!!!! :dancing:

Your just an emotionless vacuum :ewink:
You hit the nail on the head Silvertusk!
My wife tells me pretty much the same thing. "YOU SHOW NO EMOTIONS...YOU DON'T CARE...YOU NEVER LISTEN TO ME!!!"

She said a few more things, but I can't remember...I wasn't paying attention.

Re: Question

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 11:41 am
by Philip
My wife tells me pretty much the same thing. "YOU SHOW NO EMOTIONS...YOU DON'T CARE...YOU NEVER LISTEN TO ME!!!"
But at Philip's house: I respond by saying, "If I'm hearing you correctly, you think blah, blah, blah about blah, blah."

Immediately followed by: "Philip, don't try to tell me what I'm thinking!" :shock:

And: "Philip, SOMETIMES I don't want you to try to solve everything; I just want you to listen!" :?

And so Philip thinks to himself, "just keep your mouth shut, make eye contact and just occasionally smile and nod your head."

And then, after listening to her verbalizing the long-playing version of "FFFFFFFFFeeelings" - played, at least, twice - I begin to lose focus.

And thus (per Rick): "She said a few more things, but I can't remember...I wasn't paying attention."

Eventually: Suddenly, she asks me a question about something she said (in her monologue): "Ruh-Roh" :shock:

Philip: Tries to bluff an answer - which isn't even close to being about the subject. :roll:

Quickly followed by: "You never listen to anything I have to say!"

Philip is thinking (but not stupid enough to verbalize): "Yes, honey, it's because your words are the length of "War and Peace," when a mere sentence or two would GET TO THE POINT" ("Edith!").

Almost 25 years on, I can quote chapter and verse! :lol:

Re: Question

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 1:05 pm
by B. W.
Philip wrote:
My wife tells me pretty much the same thing. "YOU SHOW NO EMOTIONS...YOU DON'T CARE...YOU NEVER LISTEN TO ME!!!"
But at Philip's house: I respond by saying, "If I'm hearing you correctly, you think blah, blah, blah about blah, blah."

Immediately followed by: "Philip, don't try to tell me what I'm thinking!" :shock:

And: "Philip, SOMETIMES I don't want you to try to solve everything; I just want you to listen!" :?

And so Philip thinks to himself, "just keep your mouth shut, make eye contact and just occasionally smile and nod your head."

And then, after listening to her verbalizing the long-playing version of "FFFFFFFFFeeelings" - played, at least, twice - I begin to lose focus.

And thus (per Rick): "She said a few more things, but I can't remember...I wasn't paying attention."

Eventually: Suddenly, she asks me a question about something she said (in her monologue): "Ruh-Roh" :shock:

Philip: Tries to bluff an answer - which isn't even close to being about the subject. :roll:

Quickly followed by: "You never listen to anything I have to say!"

Philip is thinking (but not stupid enough to verbalize): "Yes, honey, it's because your words are the length of "War and Peace," when a mere sentence or two would GET TO THE POINT" ("Edith!").

Almost 25 years on, I can quote chapter and verse! :lol:

How true - after 25 - years of my own marriage I find how somethings are so universally true!


Re: Question

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 1:20 pm
by Byblos
B. W. wrote:
Philip wrote:
My wife tells me pretty much the same thing. "YOU SHOW NO EMOTIONS...YOU DON'T CARE...YOU NEVER LISTEN TO ME!!!"
But at Philip's house: I respond by saying, "If I'm hearing you correctly, you think blah, blah, blah about blah, blah."

Immediately followed by: "Philip, don't try to tell me what I'm thinking!" :shock:

And: "Philip, SOMETIMES I don't want you to try to solve everything; I just want you to listen!" :?

And so Philip thinks to himself, "just keep your mouth shut, make eye contact and just occasionally smile and nod your head."

And then, after listening to her verbalizing the long-playing version of "FFFFFFFFFeeelings" - played, at least, twice - I begin to lose focus.

And thus (per Rick): "She said a few more things, but I can't remember...I wasn't paying attention."

Eventually: Suddenly, she asks me a question about something she said (in her monologue): "Ruh-Roh" :shock:

Philip: Tries to bluff an answer - which isn't even close to being about the subject. :roll:

Quickly followed by: "You never listen to anything I have to say!"

Philip is thinking (but not stupid enough to verbalize): "Yes, honey, it's because your words are the length of "War and Peace," when a mere sentence or two would GET TO THE POINT" ("Edith!").

Almost 25 years on, I can quote chapter and verse! :lol:

How true - after 25 - years of my own marriage I find how somethings are so universally true!

We really need to have some kind of G&S convention (only the guys that is, sorry Hana). A get-together of sorts with lots of cigars, cheap whiskey, and tales about our wives. It'd be a hoot (and very therapeutic). We can call it a spiritual retreat. :mrgreen:

Re: Question

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 2:15 pm
by RickD
Byblos wrote:
We really need to have some kind of G&S convention (only the guys that is, sorry Hana). A get-together of sorts with lots of cigars, cheap whiskey, and tales about our wives. It'd be a hoot (and very therapeutic). We can call it a spiritual retreat.
I'll mark my calendar...Byblos' house, this summer, I'm there. :driving:

Re: Question

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 3:37 pm
by Philip
I'll mark my calendar...Byblos' house, this summer, I'm there. :driving:
My wife thinks that would be a great idea :D - and says that we could all invite our wives as well :esad: .

But we need a testosterone retreat - a MANfest :cheers: where we talk about and do manly stuff.

So I respond by playing my favorite theological card - you know, the one right after how I explain it is the MAN who is to be in charge :mrgreen: : "Honey, there's a reason why God didn't choose to have any "chick" apostles!" :esurprised: :esurprised: :esurprised: :stars: :dig: Why she never sees the humor in that, I do not know. :roll:

Re: Question

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 3:55 pm
by RickD
Philip wrote:
My wife thinks that would be a great idea - and says that we could all invite our wives as well .
If that's the case, we'd better icksnay the ippersstray. ;)

Re: Question

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 4:20 pm
by Philip
Remember, marriage came BEFORE the results of the curse! :pound: - NOT as some my have us believe, the inverse. :shock:

Re: Question

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 4:26 pm
by Kurieuo
RickD wrote:
Byblos wrote:
We really need to have some kind of G&S convention (only the guys that is, sorry Hana). A get-together of sorts with lots of cigars, cheap whiskey, and tales about our wives. It'd be a hoot (and very therapeutic). We can call it a spiritual retreat.
I'll mark my calendar...Byblos' house, this summer, I'm there. :driving:
We're already in middle of Summer in Aussieland, why not come here?

But, no alcohol allowed. Wife's rule. Because if you like a nice glass of wine or beer then you're an alcoholic.

Not to belittle true alcoholism which is a big problem... but why else would someone like to sit down on the sofa after working all day, getting the kids fed, showered and bed to have a nice wine or beer on the sofa? :econfused:

Re: Question

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 4:47 pm
by RickD
Kureiuo wrote:
But, no alcohol allowed. Wife's rule.
Wife's rule? What kinda house are you running anyways? In my house, I'm the boss! Whatever I say, is the law! That will be the day that I let my wif...OH CRAP, SHE'S HOME AND I DIDN'T FINISH THE LAUNDRY! SHE'S GONNA KILL ME NOW!

Re: Question

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 5:02 pm
by Philip
no alcohol allowed. Wife's rule. Because if you like a nice glass of wine or beer then you're an alcoholic.
Well, hope she won't offended when "the Lord of hosts will make for all peoples a feast of rich food, a feast of well-aged wine, of rich food full of marrow, of aged wine well refined." Maybe she'll not be too rigid about her beverage choices then? :ebiggrin: Or maybe she'll ask if they have a nice bottle of Welch's Grape Juice?

Re: Question

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 5:24 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
Philip wrote:
no alcohol allowed. Wife's rule. Because if you like a nice glass of wine or beer then you're an alcoholic.

Well, hope she won't offended when "the Lord of hosts will make for all peoples a feast of rich food, a feast of well-aged wine, of rich food full of marrow, of aged wine well refined." Maybe she'll not be too rigid about her beverage choices then? :ebiggrin: Or maybe she'll ask if they have a nice bottle of Welch's Grape Juice?
Don't laugh. I heard a pastor make the claim that ''wine'' in the Bible meant either grape juice, grape must (whole crushed grapes) or a grape paste (skins & seeds separated from the juice). I'm sure the wedding at Cana wasn't quite the party the Bible makes it out to be...

FL :fruitcake:

PS: I posted on a forum where the members got together in Brisbane, Land of Oz, for a weekend. I don't think a meeting in Australia would work for this forum, though, because most of the members are American. Americans don't own passports - by and large - and they don't travel beyond their borders much. I propose Des Moines, Iowa, USA, as a rendez-vous point. It is sort-of in the middle of the World.

Re: Question

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 10:46 am
by Byblos
RickD wrote:
Byblos wrote:
We really need to have some kind of G&S convention (only the guys that is, sorry Hana). A get-together of sorts with lots of cigars, cheap whiskey, and tales about our wives. It'd be a hoot (and very therapeutic). We can call it a spiritual retreat.
I'll mark my calendar...Byblos' house, this summer, I'm there. :driving:
I'm all for it, really, you are more than welcome anytime Rick (same for everyone else). It's a small house but where there's a will (and a bunch of sleeping bags) there's a way. And what is this business about bringing the wives? The whole idea was to rant about them, in a spiritual way, of course :roll: . I will be sending mine to her mother's in VA if you guys come over so in addition to cheap cigars and wine (grape juice, whatever ...) there's also New York Pizza. Do I really need to say any more? Come on guys, let's make it happen, I'm very serious about this.

Re: Question

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 10:50 am
by 1over137
B. W. wrote:
Philip wrote:
My wife tells me pretty much the same thing. "YOU SHOW NO EMOTIONS...YOU DON'T CARE...YOU NEVER LISTEN TO ME!!!"
But at Philip's house: I respond by saying, "If I'm hearing you correctly, you think blah, blah, blah about blah, blah."

Immediately followed by: "Philip, don't try to tell me what I'm thinking!" :shock:

And: "Philip, SOMETIMES I don't want you to try to solve everything; I just want you to listen!" :?

And so Philip thinks to himself, "just keep your mouth shut, make eye contact and just occasionally smile and nod your head."

And then, after listening to her verbalizing the long-playing version of "FFFFFFFFFeeelings" - played, at least, twice - I begin to lose focus.

And thus (per Rick): "She said a few more things, but I can't remember...I wasn't paying attention."

Eventually: Suddenly, she asks me a question about something she said (in her monologue): "Ruh-Roh" :shock:

Philip: Tries to bluff an answer - which isn't even close to being about the subject. :roll:

Quickly followed by: "You never listen to anything I have to say!"

Philip is thinking (but not stupid enough to verbalize): "Yes, honey, it's because your words are the length of "War and Peace," when a mere sentence or two would GET TO THE POINT" ("Edith!").

Almost 25 years on, I can quote chapter and verse! :lol:

How true - after 25 - years of my own marriage I find how somethings are so universally true!

So, what is so universally true?