Will heaven be boring?

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Re: Will heaven be boring?

Post by Philip »

If heaven is not spiritual, than its material and if its material like today we have then its probably not heaven.

We will have new/physical resurrection bodies in Heaven. Jesus rose bodily, remains in His physical body, will physically return in that body. But our resurrection bodies will be spiritually uncorrupted. The idea that EVERYTHING physical is corrupt and sinful and that only the non-physical is and will be spiritual is due to the wrongful influence of ChristoPlatonism within the church. Scripture offers many PHYSICAL descriptions of the heaven to come. The present heaven holds the New Jerusalem (the New Heaven's capital city) which will come down and merge with the NEW/gloriously restored/purged of corruption earth (just as our present, corrupt bodies will be changed to new Resurrection ones), to become our and Jesus' eternal home (Hebrews 12:22). Nations are described in heaven. Specific physical measurements (congruent with measurement of man), architectural features, feasting, wine, work, ruling with Christ. And let's not forget that (in Revelation) John wasn't just TOLD about the Heaven to come, but he actually SAW it and gave some incredible details about it.

- We are not, as Plato asserted, merely spiritual beings temporarily encased I bodies. Adam did not become a “living being” – the Hebrew word nephesh – until he was both body and spirit (Genesis 2:7) We are physical beings as much as we are spiritual ones – which is why our bodily resurrection is essential to endow us with the eternal righteous humanity, setting us free from sin, the Curse, and death.

“In my Father’s house there are many rooms (not “mansions” – a bad translation) … I am going there to prepare a place for you."

Some of the devil’s favorite lies are about Heaven. Revelation 31:6 tells us that the satanic beast “opened his mouth to blaspheme God, and to slander His name and dwelling place and those who live in heaven."

One must remember that Jesus reveled in His magnificent PHYSICAL creation. However long one thinks He took to create it, God created the heavens, universe and earth and countless species of animals, microscopic life, insects, birds, plants - so extraordinary that believers and unbelievers alike are still awed by the incredible remnant of it that remains. And when God finished creating, He found it ALL "VERY good." And He built a beautiful garden to put His most amazing creation (man) in it. Strange, if He did not mean to restore the Creation that became corrupted by sin, would He have so spectacularly created on such an extraordinary scale, only to let the devil tempt Adam and Eve, destroying it within a few moments of chowing down on forbidden fruit, wrecking and destroying His wondrous creation by their sin? If so, then Satan won - at least in that he would have destroyed all God had found joy in creating, and helping bring death to the couple made in His image. Which is why the new Heaven will include the redeemed, restored, purged earth - merging it with the New Heaven and restoring His physically resurrected believing men to live in His new and incredible, physical Heaven.

Scriptures on Heaven

• Isaiah 25:8-12

• Matthew 5:17-20

• Matthew 7:13-15

• Matthew 19:17-19

• Luke 13:29-33

• John 14:2-4

• Colossians 3:1-7

• Revelation 7:13-17

• Revelation 21:4-8

• Revelation 22:3-7

• Revelation 22:5-9

• Ezekiel 28:24-26

• Matthew 22:29-33
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