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Re: Guns in Church

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 7:49 am
by Stu
Danieltwotwenty wrote:
Stu wrote:
ultimate777 wrote:Care to guess what inspires my question?

Should the law allow churches to allow almost anybody to bring guns into church?

If the law does not permit it a church can "blame" the law if it wants to forbid it
and avoid resposibility for its action. Should that right be denied churches of
thusly avoiding that responsibility?
I seem to remember a case where people were murdered in church by a gunman. Perhaps ask the families of those people the question.
So your answer to violence is more violence?

I would rather die for Christ than perpetuate hate and violence, even if it meant my whole family. This life is nothing compared with eternity.

You can keep your weapons, I want nothing to do with that.
So you're saying God doesn't call on us to protect our family?
You would seriously sit back and let someone rape and kill your family?

Even Jesus called upon us to have a sword (the equivalent of a firearm today). I forget the exact passage now, maybe someone can help me with that.

Does the Bible not say there is a time for war and to kill.
2 A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;
3 A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;
4 A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
5 A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
6 A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;
7 A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
8 A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.
You would have us believe that there is no time to kill, or no time for war. No, the Bible tells us otherwise.

And as RickD said, there are, and have been, many occasions where more guns would have, and have, meant less bloodshed and death.

Re: Guns in Church

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 3:14 pm
by Jac3510
The law should have nothing to say on this matter. Church grounds are owned by the church, and they should set their own rules. If a church doesn't want guns on their property, they should be able to say so. If they don't care if people bring guns on their property, then the law shouldn't be able to tell them that they have to have a policy saying otherwise.

Re: Guns in Church

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 5:18 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
Yea I'm not getting into an argument about guns with a bunch of Americans, I can think of better ways to waste time. Violence only begets violence and the cycle continues, that is all I have to say on the subject.

Re: Guns in Church

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 5:44 pm
by RickD
Danieltwotwenty wrote:Yea I'm not getting into an argument about guns with a bunch of Americans, I can think of better ways to waste time. Violence only begets violence and the cycle continues, that is all I have to say on the subject.
That's right Daniel. Don't bring a boomerang to a gun fight. :mrgreen:

Re: Guns in Church

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 6:33 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
RickD wrote:
Danieltwotwenty wrote:Yea I'm not getting into an argument about guns with a bunch of Americans, I can think of better ways to waste time. Violence only begets violence and the cycle continues, that is all I have to say on the subject.
That's right Daniel. Don't bring a boomerang to a gun fight. :mrgreen:
Don't make take a spear to your knee IT.

Re: Guns in Church

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 3:05 am
by Stu
Danieltwotwenty wrote:Yea I'm not getting into an argument about guns with a bunch of Americans, I can think of better ways to waste time. Violence only begets violence and the cycle continues, that is all I have to say on the subject.
Hey, don't call me an American, I'm not... ;)

Re: Guns in Church

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 5:08 am
by RickD
Danieltwotwenty wrote:
RickD wrote:
Danieltwotwenty wrote:Yea I'm not getting into an argument about guns with a bunch of Americans, I can think of better ways to waste time. Violence only begets violence and the cycle continues, that is all I have to say on the subject.
That's right Daniel. Don't bring a boomerang to a gun fight. :mrgreen:
Don't make take a spear to your knee IT.
Have you been drinking Foster's Lager again? You seem to be slurring your words. :pound:

Re: Guns in Church

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 5:12 am
by Danieltwotwenty
RickD wrote:
Danieltwotwenty wrote:
RickD wrote:
Danieltwotwenty wrote:Yea I'm not getting into an argument about guns with a bunch of Americans, I can think of better ways to waste time. Violence only begets violence and the cycle continues, that is all I have to say on the subject.
That's right Daniel. Don't bring a boomerang to a gun fight. :mrgreen:
Don't make take a spear to your knee IT.
Have you been drinking Foster's Lager again? You seem to be slurring your words. :pound:
You wouldn't ever catch me drinking that swill.

Re: Guns in Church

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 5:17 am
by RickD
Danieltwotwenty wrote:
RickD wrote:
Danieltwotwenty wrote:
RickD wrote:
Danieltwotwenty wrote:Yea I'm not getting into an argument about guns with a bunch of Americans, I can think of better ways to waste time. Violence only begets violence and the cycle continues, that is all I have to say on the subject.
That's right Daniel. Don't bring a boomerang to a gun fight. :mrgreen:
Don't make take a spear to your knee IT.
Have you been drinking Foster's Lager again? You seem to be slurring your words. :pound:
You wouldn't ever catch me drinking that swill.
Isn't Foster's Australian for beer? I thought all Aussies ate shrimp, drink Foster's, and chuck boomerangs at kangaroos? I guess I have to reassess my stereotypes. y:-?