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Re: Christian Palestinian uses non violence

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 5:36 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
Gman wrote:
Danieltwotwenty wrote: I don't think you can justify defending yourself against someone who is being peaceful.
I think that article is way over exaggerated. I'm sure the IDF has their reasons even though they are portrayed as being intolerant. Sometimes it's even for their own good.
Well they should be more transparent because I have search hard to find a counter story but I am yet to find one.

Re: Christian Palestinian uses non violence

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 6:07 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
Danieltwotwenty wrote:Well they should be more transparent because I have search hard to find a counter story but I am yet to find one.
You won't find a ''counter story'' if you keep listening to the BBC. Getting info from the BBC on Israel is like sourcing information on Africans and Muslims from the KKK. Are you really that stupid?! Heck, even al-Jazeera is more balanced than the BBC!

At least - at the very least - go to The Jerusalem Post website. For news from Israel from a Messianic Jewish perspective, read reports from a source called Israel Today. You can even subscribe for free to their newsletter.

FL y~o)

Re: Christian Palestinian uses non violence

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 6:18 pm
by Gman
Danieltwotwenty wrote:G I am not anti-Zion, I believe the Jews have a rightful claim to the land but they also have to respect other people who live there also. This man as far as I can gather just wants to live in peace and the Israeli government seems to be going to great lengths to make his life extremely difficult. I think it is wrong and I don't think this is how God would want his people to behave, especially since we are all God's people.
You can pick and choose articles that portray Israel as the aggressor, but there are many many more instances where Israel is more of a helper than a bulldozer. And speaking of bulldozing, I've seen the Israel government bulldoze many more Israeli settlements, including synagogues, in the West Bank, than the Palestinian ones. And in certain cases the Palestinians sell them that land as well.

In my opinion, when we are pro-Israel we are actually more pro Arab. Why? Because the blessings will come to the Arab people "through" Israel and the Jewish people, where they will get voting rights, jobs, hospital attention and the likes. And this is happening now.

Re: Christian Palestinian uses non violence

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 7:03 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
I have yet to see one shred of evidence that this man has done something wrong other than being caught between two warring parties. Until you can provide such proof and not just conjecture, innuendo and hear say, unfortunately I will have to reject what you say.

Re: Christian Palestinian uses non violence

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 8:14 pm
by Gman
Danieltwotwenty wrote:I have yet to see one shred of evidence that this man has done something wrong other than being caught between two warring parties. Until you can provide such proof and not just conjecture, innuendo and hear say, unfortunately I will have to reject what you say.
Ultimately you can blame this on the muslim extremists who wish to blow Israel off the map. They are the ones who put up these checkpoints and the security sections in and around the West Bank with their constant threats and kidnapping of Israeli people. You think Israel wants this?? As yes, maybe sometimes other people can get in the way of this. ... ped-359396

Re: Christian Palestinian uses non violence

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 8:19 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
Gman wrote:
Danieltwotwenty wrote:I have yet to see one shred of evidence that this man has done something wrong other than being caught between two warring parties. Until you can provide such proof and not just conjecture, innuendo and hear say, unfortunately I will have to reject what you say.
Ultimately you can blame this on the muslim extremists who wish to blow Israel off the map. They are the ones who put up these checkpoints and the security sections in and around the West Bank with their constant threats and kidnapping of Israeli people. You think Israel wants this?? As yes, maybe sometimes other people can get in the way of this. ... ped-359396
I agree G man that this is not ultimately being caused by the Israelies, but to become like you enemy is not the answer.

Re: Christian Palestinian uses non violence

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 8:30 pm
by Gman
Danieltwotwenty wrote:
I agree G man that this is not ultimately being caused by the Israelies, but to become like you enemy is not the answer.
Well you might as well go your local police department and tell them to stop using violence also... And take away their guns and find out how long the peace lasts. y[-(

Re: Christian Palestinian uses non violence

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 8:46 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
Gman wrote:
Danieltwotwenty wrote:
I agree G man that this is not ultimately being caused by the Israelies, but to become like you enemy is not the answer.
Well you might as well go your local police department and tell them to stop using violence also... And take away their guns and find out how long the peace lasts. y[-(
The police in England seem to do ok without firearms, but this is totally irrellivent to what I was saying. I am not saying don't protect yourself G, that is a personal choice we all have to make. What I am saying is that if your enemy targets innocent people that does not give you the right to also target innocent people, if you do then you are no better than your enemy. When the oppressed has become the oppressors, Satan has won.

Re: Christian Palestinian uses non violence

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 9:11 pm
by Gman
Danieltwotwenty wrote:
The police in England seem to do ok without firearms, but this is totally irrellivent to what I was saying. I am not saying don't protect yourself G, that is a personal choice we all have to make. What I am saying is that if your enemy targets innocent people that does not give you the right to also target innocent people, if you do then you are no better than your enemy. When the oppressed has become the oppressors, Satan has won.
There are always two sides to every coin..

"After a court decision that Mr. Nassar has not shown any ownership of the land, on land that the state says is state land, and after Mr. Nassar was given the opportunity to remove those trees himself, after all of that, we enforced the law and removed those trees,” Inbar said.

Reporters in the Middle East are accustomed to the extreme sport of trying to figure out whose version of the story is closer to the truth, and this one is no exception. While the Nassar family says they had 1,500 trees planted in the valley, Inbar says there were only 300 and that there are aerial photographs to prove it. The Nassars say the trees were there for 10 or more years; Inbar says there was nothing there until 2007.

Moreover, Inbar says that the trees seem to be an attempt to blur the issues. The Tent of Nations, which is located up the hill about a kilometer away, is also a subject of ongoing dispute with the state. Inbar said it is considered an “illegal post,” with some of it on private Palestinian land and some of it on state land. The dispute is awaiting a decision by the High Court of Justice, he said.

“Until we will have a court decision, we won’t take steps to demolish this illegal post,” Inbar said. Even if you’re living on private land, you have to get permits in order to start building.”


Re: Christian Palestinian uses non violence

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 9:16 pm
by 1over137
Furstentum Liechtenstein wrote:
Danieltwotwenty wrote:Well they should be more transparent because I have search hard to find a counter story but I am yet to find one.
You won't find a ''counter story'' if you keep listening to the BBC. Getting info from the BBC on Israel is like sourcing information on Africans and Muslims from the KKK. Are you really that stupid?! Heck, even al-Jazeera is more balanced than the BBC!

At least - at the very least - go to The Jerusalem Post website. For news from Israel from a Messianic Jewish perspective, read reports from a source called Israel Today. You can even subscribe for free to their newsletter.

FL y~o)
FL, please omit such sentences from your posts

Re: Christian Palestinian uses non violence

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 9:57 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
Gman wrote:
Danieltwotwenty wrote:
The police in England seem to do ok without firearms, but this is totally irrellivent to what I was saying. I am not saying don't protect yourself G, that is a personal choice we all have to make. What I am saying is that if your enemy targets innocent people that does not give you the right to also target innocent people, if you do then you are no better than your enemy. When the oppressed has become the oppressors, Satan has won.
There are always two sides to every coin..

"After a court decision that Mr. Nassar has not shown any ownership of the land, on land that the state says is state land, and after Mr. Nassar was given the opportunity to remove those trees himself, after all of that, we enforced the law and removed those trees,” Inbar said.

Reporters in the Middle East are accustomed to the extreme sport of trying to figure out whose version of the story is closer to the truth, and this one is no exception. While the Nassar family says they had 1,500 trees planted in the valley, Inbar says there were only 300 and that there are aerial photographs to prove it. The Nassars say the trees were there for 10 or more years; Inbar says there was nothing there until 2007.

Moreover, Inbar says that the trees seem to be an attempt to blur the issues. The Tent of Nations, which is located up the hill about a kilometer away, is also a subject of ongoing dispute with the state. Inbar said it is considered an “illegal post,” with some of it on private Palestinian land and some of it on state land. The dispute is awaiting a decision by the High Court of Justice, he said.

“Until we will have a court decision, we won’t take steps to demolish this illegal post,” Inbar said. Even if you’re living on private land, you have to get permits in order to start building.”

Yep there are two sides, so the questions is now, what is a peacefull solution to this problem. This man wants to live in peace, let him live in peace.

All you have is a he said she said case, on one hand you have a peaceful Christian man and on the other you have a powerful government with the resources to fabricate any sort of evidence it wants to.

I know who's side I would be on, the man who just wants to live in peace.

Re: Christian Palestinian uses non violence

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 11:06 pm
by Gman
Danieltwotwenty wrote:
Yep there are two sides, so the questions is now, what is a peacefull solution to this problem. This man wants to live in peace, let him live in peace.
If I were that guy I would gladly give it over to Israel, our Jewish brothers. That is true peace..
Danieltwotwenty wrote:All you have is a he said she said case, on one hand you have a peaceful Christian man and on the other you have a powerful government with the resources to fabricate any sort of evidence it wants to.

I know who's side I would be on, the man who just wants to live in peace.
For me the word "Christian" now mean numerous things. I still think one can call themselves Christan but can still be opposed to the works of G-d. Therefore the term is questionable.. But true peace will come through Christ when secular Zionism will transform into Biblical Zionism. But until that time comes we don't throw the baby out with the bath water either.

Re: Christian Palestinian uses non violence

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 11:08 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
Gman wrote:
Danieltwotwenty wrote:
Yep there are two sides, so the questions is now, what is a peacefull solution to this problem. This man wants to live in peace, let him live in peace.
If I were that guy I would gladly give it over to Israel, our Jewish brothers. That is true peace..
Danieltwotwenty wrote:All you have is a he said she said case, on one hand you have a peaceful Christian man and on the other you have a powerful government with the resources to fabricate any sort of evidence it wants to.

I know who's side I would be on, the man who just wants to live in peace.
For me the word "Christian" now mean numerous things. I still think one can call themselves Christan but can still be opposed to the works of G-d. Therefore the term is questionable.. But true peace will come through Christ when secular Zionism will transform into Biblical Zionism. But until that time comes we don't throw the baby out with the bath water either.
So your saying this man is not a follower of Christ?

Re: Christian Palestinian uses non violence

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 11:13 pm
by Gman
Danieltwotwenty wrote:
So your saying this man is not a follower of Christ?
Did I say that? But saying that you are Christian can be questionable also. Ultimately Christ will judge who is and who isn't.. Notice that he is the one that does G-d's will on this earth.

Matthew 7:21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.

Re: Christian Palestinian uses non violence

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 11:40 pm
by neo-x
There is no need for Christ to judge that, he told us to discern with the fruits of the spirit. That being said, I think that man should give his rights up, as a christian, and you should give up everything you own and give it to that man. That would be a true christian act. After all we are told to love others the same way Christ loved us and to treat others as we would treat ourselves. No matter what definition of a christian you have, this one remains true on all accounts.

I have a question, if you had been in that man's position would you give it up?