John 4:23,24. KJV.WannaLearn wrote:Ok lets say im not a christian how do I even know where to start with what religions I might even consider to be the correct one?
Whoever asks the Q about which religion, usually has a particular need to be met, they want to have some assurance that they are able to connect to God - if they choose, - and then have confirmation of that fact.
Since established religions claim to be the 'advertising agents for God,' the enquirer gets confused.
Jesus effectively said that an establishment will not do it for you, because God is right with you, and can be worshiped in your own heart - the only church God has ordained.
For the Jew this takes them away from the wailing wall, the Islamist from reading out prayers, the Catholic from the confession box, the ecumenical from seeking spiritual highs, the legalist from the lack of victory, the Buddhist from humanism, the JW from being controlled by the elders, the Mormon from exclusivity, the Satanist from lies about power, the atheist from feeling excluded, and the hedonist from disappointment.
What if they don't know Christ or worship Him?
This immediate connection of worship to the God of heaven or creation, which anybody can understand, will drive them to Christ, they will have gratitude and want a closer walk with God. As Jesus said - anyone that comes to me has been drawn by my Father. The work of the Holy Spirit now can afford to be much stronger, because the person has an available refuge from the storms of conviction, that create a need for Christ as a sacrifice in their behalf.