Lonewolf wrote:OK, scratch baptism out of the whole equation, that is not what I meant to say. Excuse me for my lack of being able to articulate and convey the proper message in the question.
If we mainly and/or solely believe that God saves only those who in this day and age consider of the Christian faith, whether evangelical, catholic, orthodox, etc, etc. But those of other faiths and religions -although their faith may be in God- are in error and therefore not saved because they don't understand things as Chistians do, have we them become legalistic with our understanding of salvation, thus limiting God?
I understand that Jesus is the only redeemer, and wholeheartedly believe that, but yet I can't help but think like a universalist of sorts, that His sacrifice covered all, and that it is those workers of iniquity the ones that reject His redemption.
Christ's atoning sacrifice is for all, but not all will accept it. To imply
covers allis used in today's market in the same manner as '
leading the witness' to assume all are universally saved and have no need of even knowing Christ, who he is, and what he did. Recall, that Jesus did state in the gospels accounts a principle that he never knew some, which by the way destroy's the tenets of religious Universalism.
In today's language, it is better to state that Jesus' atoning sacrifice is for everybody, but not all will accept it, as that is more accurate way to say what you are saying so no one can twist words.
Lonewolf wrote:Is conscious knowledge of Christ's death and resurrection for sin and explicit faith in Christ necessary for anyone to become a recipient of the benefits of Christ's atoning work and so be saved?
Yes... (the gospel accounts, Acts and all the Apostle's letters demonstrate this clearly in the NT and the OT points to this as well too).
This presents a problem in that so few even know what sin is these days and the reason why - the cross...
I do not know many churches that teach on this these days, there are a few, but by and large, most choose a 'happy gospel of slap happy blessings using a non-threatening approach' to present the gospel method. Very rarely do you hear messages on sin, judgment, and righteousness/justification so much so that most believers do not grasp what these mean. Instead we hear, Christ died and rose again to make you happy, wealthy, wise, and problem free. So many drift away from faith and end up in apostasy as the Letters form Peter and Paul warn would happen near the end of days.