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Re: Young Earth Creationism believer is my teacher in Church

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 11:12 pm
by melanie
And you think we are foolish for believing in the bible, yet you take what this bloke says as gospel??? You do realise don't you that the bible does not say that men have one less rib, it says God used one of Adams ribs to create Eve. Nowhere does it say that therefore men for centuries to come would also have one less you rib. You do realise also don't you that the 11th and 12th rib are not attached to the sternum or to cartridge and are floating. You are aware I hope that the ribs have amazing regenerating ability. But you have it all figured out I see cos you have watched some videos on YouTube. ... f-damaged/

Re: Young Earth Creationism believer is my teacher in Church

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 2:48 am
by outlaw
melanie wrote:And you think we are foolish for believing in the bible, yet you take what this bloke says as gospel??? You do realise don't you that the bible does not say that men have one less rib, it says God used one of Adams ribs to create Eve. Nowhere does it say that therefore men for centuries to come would also have one less you rib. You do realise also don't you that the 11th and 12th rib are not attached to the sternum or to cartridge and are floating. You are aware I hope that the ribs have amazing regenerating ability. But you have it all figured out I see cos you have watched some videos on YouTube. ... f-damaged/
if you would of bothered to read my next post you would of realised I was joking about the rib. And yes im aware of floating ribs ive injured my cartilage too many times.
Did you even watch the video? Do you believe we evolved or poofed into existence fully formed?

Re: Young Earth Creationism believer is my teacher in Church

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 3:02 am
by outlaw
melanie wrote:And you think we are foolish for believing in the bible, yet you take what this bloke says as gospel??? You do realise don't you that the bible does not say that men have one less rib, it says God used one of Adams ribs to create Eve. Nowhere does it say that therefore men for centuries to come would also have one less you rib. You do realise also don't you that the 11th and 12th rib are not attached to the sternum or to cartridge and are floating. You are aware I hope that the ribs have amazing regenerating ability. But you have it all figured out I see cos you have watched some videos on YouTube. ... f-damaged/
By the way I never said your foolish believing the bible, I said it's probably not the best place to look. Why this attitude towards me Melanie it would be nice if you demonstrated some of those Christian values instead of turning on people with a different view, Wanna talk about slavery again that was fun wasn't it.

Re: Young Earth Creationism believer is my teacher in Church

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 7:18 am
by melanie
outlaw wrote:
melanie wrote:And you think we are foolish for believing in the bible, yet you take what this bloke says as gospel??? You do realise don't you that the bible does not say that men have one less rib, it says God used one of Adams ribs to create Eve. Nowhere does it say that therefore men for centuries to come would also have one less you rib. You do realise also don't you that the 11th and 12th rib are not attached to the sternum or to cartridge and are floating. You are aware I hope that the ribs have amazing regenerating ability. But you have it all figured out I see cos you have watched some videos on YouTube. ... f-damaged/
By the way I never said your foolish believing the bible, I said it's probably not the best place to look. Why this attitude towards me Melanie it would be nice if you demonstrated some of those Christian values instead of turning on people with a different view, Wanna talk about slavery again that was fun wasn't it.
Do not think for one second Outlaw that I will play your game or allow you to manipulate me. I may be a Christian but I am not a pushover or an idiot. Stop with this notion that Christians are supposed to be all rainbows and sunshine, who are nice all the time without a backbone, without the inclination or the right to be blunt and honest. I do not mince my words, I value honesty and integrity which is why I do not value your input. I will say it openly and without regret.
As for the slave issue there is a lot of things I could say of value that I could bring to light, but it wouldn't matter if we were talking about AFL vs NRL, I have no desire to discuss anything with a person who can not conduct themselves appropriately. I know you think that you have outwitted me with your awesome argument and continue thinking that because you will as your character dictates it.
Let me make something very clear to you, you are dishonest in your intentions and misrepresent yourself continuously, by manipulating people's responses to your questions. You act so hard done by, ' why are these Christians who are supposed to have such high values being so intolerant? I'm just asking simple questions, I just want to know Gods plan for salvation.'
"I'm an earnest seeker"
"I never said Jesus was BS"
"So I ask you to set me straight so I can understand"
You bait the line, throw it in, reel it in then back off the rod claiming, 'what, I'm just a confused boy asking questions' 'I just want to understand' what a load of rubbish. You know exactly what your doing, it is highly manipulative but transparent.
Let's have a look at what you have actually said;
"That's a God I choose to not want a bar of, it's a God not worthy of my praise, it's an evil God"
"Jealous, petty, unjust, egotistical, manic" obviously referring to God.
"Bloodthirsty maniac"
In relation to Jesus' sacrifice "illogical, irrational and sick"
Just remember where you are Outlaw. A Christian forum. You can pretend all you like that you are here to merely seek some answers but your words betray your intent. You wanna know where my Christian virtues lie, first and foremost, without compromise in my loyalty to my God, to defend His name and honour His purpose. If in doing so it offends you then so be it.
I will say again, I have many atheist friends and we speak about our beliefs from time to time, but they have never been so disrespectful and slanderous and thrown insults around like you have because my friends are of much higher character. My issue is not your beliefs. My issue is you.
What do you think would happen if I went to an atheist forum and started calling their beliefs crazy, a word you have used several times, totally absurd (again your quote), told them to "pull your head out of a fantasy world" (another outlaw quote)' how do you think I would be received? Pretty obvious huh. Now if I went there as an earnest truth seeker, who just wanted some answers, the language I used when engaging with them would take on an entirely different tone and guess what, It would be received very differently. This isn't rocket science, it's cause and effect. So stop pretending like your only here to seek some answers, it's BS.
But you have a wife who's Christian Right, and a father-in-law? So what you must be genuine? That's like saying I'm not a racist because I have a black friend, all the while spilling out racist sentiment. So do you tell your wife that her God is a bloodthirsty maniac, jealous, unjust and egotistical or better yet do you share this over the dinner table with your pastor father-in-law? Or do you just let out your pent up aggression, hate and anger for God on a Christian forum with people over the internet that you don't know from a bar of soap. Just because you are surrounded by christians in your daily life and you are unable to understand their beliefs and it obviously frustrates you, do not think your easy vent is to be this forum for you to spill out your frustration and anger. This is not a punching bag for fed up atheist. This is an online Christianity community. Questions about God are welcomed, concerns, issues with faith, trying to make sense of Gods purpose and anyone with questions, as long as it is done with some respect. Come to a Christian forum and call God evil and a bloodthirsty maniac then expect exactly what you have experienced. It has not gone unnoticed by me either that with so many active threads the only other two you have responded on apart from your original thread is this one and another by military, a great guy, but by his own admission, a person who has struggled with his faith, this thread and the other is testament to that, and they are the 2 you choose to bring your unrest and slanderous words against God. You are here to cause trouble. If I was a board moderator your ban would be permanent.

Re: Young Earth Creationism believer is my teacher in Church

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 9:13 am
by Philip
Do not think for one second Outlaw that I will play your game or allow you to manipulate me. I may be a Christian but I am not a pushover or an idiot. Stop with this notion that Christians are supposed to be all rainbows and sunshine, who are nice all the time without a backbone, without the inclination or the right to be blunt and honest. I do not mince my words, I value honesty and integrity which is why I do not value your input.
And so this is what REAL Christians are like - not the caricatures floated by various media, TV shows, movies and people attacking the credibility of the power and reality of Christ! In media and those with an agenda, one would believe that Christians are either all racists, narrow-minded and judgmental fundamentalists, and ignorant of scientific evidence and analysis, and haters of homosexuals, agnostics and atheists - or anyone who has a non-Christian world view. And every time I come around those in my church, I think to myself that IF ONLY people with such narrow-minded and stereotype-driven thinking and anti-christian rhetoric would just spend a little bit of time around true Christians, they would see how the lies they spread and the caricatures they assert are, BY FAR, simply lies and false perceptions. And yet we are also incredibly failable and sinful - and, well, simply, human. But if one would take the time to look close, they would also see that there is something very different about the heart, mind and actions of the vast majority of true Christians - remarkable things, attributes and actions that mere belief in some thing or false deity cannot come close to explaining.

Re: Young Earth Creationism believer is my teacher in Church

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 5:07 pm
by B. W.
Below is a quote from Saul Alinsky in his book - Rules for Radicals and the 12 rules designed to bring down a decent society...

Take the time to read these 12 rules and you will notice how folks like Outlaw operate. They use the same rules for everything. Look at Rule 4, 5, 8, 10, 11, and 12. These have been applied by folks like outlaw often on this forum. As you can see, truth, context, logic does not matter to these people as they are on a holy crusade to bring down the greatest evil they see - goodness for the mere sport of welding power.

The kingdom Lucifer won is found in Matthew 25:41 - Hell - which is also reserved for his radicals.

As you read the bible, you will discover that the Adversary uses these same tactical rules against God, and folks in the church and outside. Media stereotypes engage in Rule 5 and 12 against Christians as well as rule 1. I doubt that Alsinsky ever imagined who was influencing him to write this and expose the devils play book.

So when anyone of you are dealing with anyone like outlaw - take note on tactics such folks use that mirror the Rules for Radicals posted below.
Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins—or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom—Lucifer.


•RULE 1: “Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have.” Power is derived from 2 main sources – money and people. “Have-Nots” must build power from flesh and blood.

•RULE 2: “Never go outside the expertise of your people.” It results in confusion, fear and retreat. Feeling secure adds to the backbone of anyone.

•RULE 3: “Whenever possible, go outside the expertise of the enemy.” Look for ways to increase insecurity, anxiety and uncertainty.

•RULE 4: “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.” If the rule is that every letter gets a reply, send 30,000 letters. You can kill them with this because no one can possibly obey all of their own rules.

•RULE 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.

•RULE 6: “A good tactic is one your people enjoy.” They’ll keep doing it without urging and come back to do more. They’re doing their thing, and will even suggest better ones.

•RULE 7: “A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.” Don’t become old news.

•RULE 8: “Keep the pressure on. Never let up.” Keep trying new things to keep the opposition off balance. As the opposition masters one approach, hit them from the flank with something new.

•RULE 9: “The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.” Imagination and ego can dream up many more consequences than any activist.

•RULE 10: “If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive.” Violence from the other side can win the public to your side because the public sympathizes with the underdog.

•RULE 11: “The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.” Never let the enemy score points because you’re caught without a solution to the problem.

•RULE 12: “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions

A Practical Primer for Realistic Radicals
RANDOM HOUSE, New York, 1983

Re: Young Earth Creationism believer is my teacher in Church

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 5:38 pm
by Lonewolf
ooey, dang., Melanie can sock and punch heavy., LOL

ey, when someone is banned, can they still read the forum?

Re: Young Earth Creationism believer is my teacher in Church

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 5:41 pm
by B. W.
Lonewolf wrote:ooey, dang., Melanie can sock and punch heavy., LOL

ey, when someone is banned, can they still read the forum?
Yes and he was only banned for a day...

..but again how long is a day y:-? :mrgreen: :lol:

Re: Young Earth Creationism believer is my teacher in Church

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 6:17 pm
by Philip
Yes and he was only banned for a day...

..but again how long is a day y:-? :mrgreen: :lol:
Sometimes, not nearly long enough! :lol:

Re: Young Earth Creationism believer is my teacher in Church

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 6:35 pm
by RickD
B. W. wrote:
Lonewolf wrote:ooey, dang., Melanie can sock and punch heavy., LOL

ey, when someone is banned, can they still read the forum?
Yes and he was only banned for a day...

..but again how long is a day y:-? :mrgreen: :lol:
Oh I'm sorry. I should've been more clear. As this is an old earth forum, outlaw has been banned for 1 day(yom). It could be 24 hours, but it could also mean he's banned for billions of years. "Day" has more than one literal meaning. :pound:

I love to laugh at my own jokes! :pound:

Re: Young Earth Creationism believer is my teacher in Church

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 5:36 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
RickD wrote:Oh I'm sorry. I should've been more clear. As this is an old earth forum, outlaw has been banned for 1 day(yom).
I doubt that outlaw will be back. Banning is one thing but outlaw was ''outed'' in the sense that his true nature was displayed against his will. It's one thing to out yourself, it is quite another to be outed by others. It's humiliating...but he had it coming.

Don't worry, there will be other outlaws.

FL :sleep:

Re: Young Earth Creationism believer is my teacher in Church

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 8:07 pm
by Philip
I doubt Outlaw will be back.
Well, he's baaaaaaaacccckkkk! ... 68#p161268

Re: Young Earth Creationism believer is my teacher in Church

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 2:35 am
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
Philip wrote:Well, he's baaaaaaaacccckkkk! ... 68#p161268
...well, maybe he wants a second chance to make a good impression.

FL :pound:

Re: Young Earth Creationism believer is my teacher in Church

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 9:26 am
by Audie
melanie wrote:
outlaw wrote:
melanie wrote:And you think we are foolish for believing in the bible, yet you take what this bloke says as gospel??? You do realise don't you that the bible does not say that men have one less rib, it says God used one of Adams ribs to create Eve. Nowhere does it say that therefore men for centuries to come would also have one less you rib. You do realise also don't you that the 11th and 12th rib are not attached to the sternum or to cartridge and are floating. You are aware I hope that the ribs have amazing regenerating ability. But you have it all figured out I see cos you have watched some videos on YouTube. ... f-damaged/
By the way I never said your foolish believing the bible, I said it's probably not the best place to look. Why this attitude towards me Melanie it would be nice if you demonstrated some of those Christian values instead of turning on people with a different view, Wanna talk about slavery again that was fun wasn't it.
Do not think for one second Outlaw that I will play your game or allow you to manipulate me. I may be a Christian but I am not a pushover or an idiot. Stop with this notion that Christians are supposed to be all rainbows and sunshine, who are nice all the time without a backbone, without the inclination or the right to be blunt and honest. I do not mince my words, I value honesty and integrity which is why I do not value your input. I will say it openly and without regret.
As for the slave issue there is a lot of things I could say of value that I could bring to light, but it wouldn't matter if we were talking about AFL vs NRL, I have no desire to discuss anything with a person who can not conduct themselves appropriately. I know you think that you have outwitted me with your awesome argument and continue thinking that because you will as your character dictates it.
Let me make something very clear to you, you are dishonest in your intentions and misrepresent yourself continuously, by manipulating people's responses to your questions. You act so hard done by, ' why are these Christians who are supposed to have such high values being so intolerant? I'm just asking simple questions, I just want to know Gods plan for salvation.'
"I'm an earnest seeker"
"I never said Jesus was BS"
"So I ask you to set me straight so I can understand"
You bait the line, throw it in, reel it in then back off the rod claiming, 'what, I'm just a confused boy asking questions' 'I just want to understand' what a load of rubbish. You know exactly what your doing, it is highly manipulative but transparent.
Let's have a look at what you have actually said;
"That's a God I choose to not want a bar of, it's a God not worthy of my praise, it's an evil God"
"Jealous, petty, unjust, egotistical, manic" obviously referring to God.
"Bloodthirsty maniac"
In relation to Jesus' sacrifice "illogical, irrational and sick"
Just remember where you are Outlaw. A Christian forum. You can pretend all you like that you are here to merely seek some answers but your words betray your intent. You wanna know where my Christian virtues lie, first and foremost, without compromise in my loyalty to my God, to defend His name and honour His purpose. If in doing so it offends you then so be it.
I will say again, I have many atheist friends and we speak about our beliefs from time to time, but they have never been so disrespectful and slanderous and thrown insults around like you have because my friends are of much higher character. My issue is not your beliefs. My issue is you.
What do you think would happen if I went to an atheist forum and started calling their beliefs crazy, a word you have used several times, totally absurd (again your quote), told them to "pull your head out of a fantasy world" (another outlaw quote)' how do you think I would be received? Pretty obvious huh. Now if I went there as an earnest truth seeker, who just wanted some answers, the language I used when engaging with them would take on an entirely different tone and guess what, It would be received very differently. This isn't rocket science, it's cause and effect. So stop pretending like your only here to seek some answers, it's BS.
But you have a wife who's Christian Right, and a father-in-law? So what you must be genuine? That's like saying I'm not a racist because I have a black friend, all the while spilling out racist sentiment. So do you tell your wife that her God is a bloodthirsty maniac, jealous, unjust and egotistical or better yet do you share this over the dinner table with your pastor father-in-law? Or do you just let out your pent up aggression, hate and anger for God on a Christian forum with people over the internet that you don't know from a bar of soap. Just because you are surrounded by christians in your daily life and you are unable to understand their beliefs and it obviously frustrates you, do not think your easy vent is to be this forum for you to spill out your frustration and anger. This is not a punching bag for fed up atheist. This is an online Christianity community. Questions about God are welcomed, concerns, issues with faith, trying to make sense of Gods purpose and anyone with questions, as long as it is done with some respect. Come to a Christian forum and call God evil and a bloodthirsty maniac then expect exactly what you have experienced. It has not gone unnoticed by me either that with so many active threads the only other two you have responded on apart from your original thread is this one and another by military, a great guy, but by his own admission, a person who has struggled with his faith, this thread and the other is testament to that, and they are the 2 you choose to bring your unrest and slanderous words against God. You are here to cause trouble. If I was a board moderator your ban would be permanent.

Hi Melanie

Tough and honest I can respect! I'm not a Christian I respect the values
and the people who live by them.

Re: Young Earth Creationism believer is my teacher in Church

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2014 11:13 pm
by abelcainsbrother
I would tell you to learn all you can and pick out the good stuff to agree with and shun the bad stuff as most protestants are young earth creationists so you are probably out numbered but I wouldn't let it become a dividing issue find areas where you agree and if you get the chance respectfully challenge him but not in front of the class.