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Re: Did God literally and visibly walk in the garden?

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 10:05 am
by PaulSacramento
crochet1949 wrote:Would the relationship that Adam and Eve experienced with God while in the Garden be Different than what He allows Now -- After the fall? In other wards God would have Allowed them to actually See Him and fellowship with Him visually while they were still in their innocence -- but once they were no longer in that original state -- and thrown out of the Garden -- He didn't allow Himself To be seen? Just thinking out loud. Never really thought about it until I saw this thread.
I don't think that God did come to Adam and Ever again in THAT way.
That was not only reserved for that special relationship they had BUT also WHERE they were.

As a Christian I believe that The WORD of God ( Jesus Christ) is who we hear and see ( if we are blessed to hear and see) when God speaks to Us or shows Himself to Us.