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Re: Can you describe the soul.

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 3:22 pm
by Byblos
TheQuestor wrote:
Byblos wrote:Evolutionary theory and aristotelian/tomistic metaphysics are not incompatible. Am I to assume then that what can hardly be true is the claim that you are catholic?
Are you saying, that one billion Catholics, all must believe exactly what you choose, and that those who do not exactly share your beliefs, are by your assumption, not Catholic?
I said no such thing. I am merely questioning what it is that you said could hardly be true.

Re: Can you describe the soul.

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 3:29 pm
by TheQuestor
Byblos wrote:
TheQuestor wrote:
Byblos wrote:Evolutionary theory and aristotelian/tomistic metaphysics are not incompatible. Am I to assume then that what can hardly be true is the claim that you are catholic?
Are you saying, that one billion Catholics, all must believe exactly what you choose, and that those who do not exactly share your beliefs, are by your assumption, not Catholic?
I said no such thing. I am merely questioning what it is that you said could hardly be true.
You said, "Am I to assume then that what can hardly be true is the claim that you are catholic?" and to that I say, you are free to assume, whatever you choose. I will say, that my religion, is not based on the teachings of Aristotle, but of Jesus Christ.

To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible. Thomas Aquinas.


Re: Can you describe the soul.

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 4:56 pm
by Kurieuo
As I see things, there are various ways to understand "soul".
To throw around some ideas:

Cartesian concept: soul = mind / body = physical
Early Hebraic concept: soul = life/breath (spiritual+physical body) (Genesis 2:7)
OR Later Hebraic concept: soul = immaterial substance / body = physical body (Ecclesiastes 12:7)
(found this a good read on Jewish thinking)
Aristotelian/Thomistic concept: soul = form / body = matter
Plato's concept: soul = rational, affective and experiential properties.

People use terms all too often without really even describing what they intend by them.
It doesn't matter to me much what one designate as a "soul", but more rather exploring the substance of what people often call "soul". That is, exploring questions around our nature and putting together a coherent picture that makes the best sense of our nature and who we are.

So I think it would be more fruitful discussing an ontology of our self, rather than trying to claim one's own definition of "soul" as correct and proper. Developing beliefs on reality around who we are and exploring the the mind-body discussion in philosophy.

E.g., we Christians believe that we will be raised from the dead. What is it about us that therefore remains uniquely us, particularly if we're burnt to ashes? As a hypothetical, how could we know that we were the same person and not a clone if after being raised from the dead, we stumbled across another person identical to us who possessed all the same memories.

Or, if we are entirely physically derived then what of immaterial qualities? For example, mental properties including our intentions to do this or that? Where are these located? Or our direct experiencing of phenomenal qualia such as colours, pain and the like. What are these? Where are they located? Who receives them/where are they received to? How does one explain the qualitative experiencing of the "ouch" when stuck with a pin?

So, coming back around to the question "can you describe the soul?", I'd respond back with a question of which conception of the soul you are intending?

Re: Can you describe the soul.

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 8:29 pm
by TheQuestor
Kurieuo wrote:As I see things, there are various ways to understand "soul".
To throw around some ideas:

Cartesian concept: soul = mind / body = physical
Early Hebraic concept: soul = life/breath (spiritual+physical body) (Genesis 2:7)
OR Later Hebraic concept: soul = immaterial substance / body = physical body (Ecclesiastes 12:7)
(found this a good read on Jewish thinking)
Aristotelian/Thomistic concept: soul = form / body = matter
Plato's concept: soul = rational, affective and experiential properties.

People use terms all too often without really even describing what they intend by them.
It doesn't matter to me much what one designate as a "soul", but more rather exploring the substance of what people often call "soul". That is, exploring questions around our nature and putting together a coherent picture that makes the best sense of our nature and who we are.

So I think it would be more fruitful discussing an ontology of our self, rather than trying to claim one's own definition of "soul" as correct and proper. Developing beliefs on reality around who we are and exploring the the mind-body discussion in philosophy.

E.g., we Christians believe that we will be raised from the dead. What is it about us that therefore remains uniquely us, particularly if we're burnt to ashes? As a hypothetical, how could we know that we were the same person and not a clone if after being raised from the dead, we stumbled across another person identical to us who possessed all the same memories.

Or, if we are entirely physically derived then what of immaterial qualities? For example, mental properties including our intentions to do this or that? Where are these located? Or our direct experiencing of phenomenal qualia such as colours, pain and the like. What are these? Where are they located? Who receives them/where are they received to? How does one explain the qualitative experiencing of the "ouch" when stuck with a pin?

So, coming back around to the question "can you describe the soul?", I'd respond back with a question of which conception of the soul you are intending?
And you have determined the problem, which is too many meanings......

Re: Can you describe the soul.

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 9:06 pm
by Kurieuo
TheQuestor wrote:
Kurieuo wrote:As I see things, there are various ways to understand "soul".
To throw around some ideas:

Cartesian concept: soul = mind / body = physical
Early Hebraic concept: soul = life/breath (spiritual+physical body) (Genesis 2:7)
OR Later Hebraic concept: soul = immaterial substance / body = physical body (Ecclesiastes 12:7)
(found this a good read on Jewish thinking)
Aristotelian/Thomistic concept: soul = form / body = matter
Plato's concept: soul = rational, affective and experiential properties.

People use terms all too often without really even describing what they intend by them.
It doesn't matter to me much what one designate as a "soul", but more rather exploring the substance of what people often call "soul". That is, exploring questions around our nature and putting together a coherent picture that makes the best sense of our nature and who we are.

So I think it would be more fruitful discussing an ontology of our self, rather than trying to claim one's own definition of "soul" as correct and proper. Developing beliefs on reality around who we are and exploring the the mind-body discussion in philosophy.

E.g., we Christians believe that we will be raised from the dead. What is it about us that therefore remains uniquely us, particularly if we're burnt to ashes? As a hypothetical, how could we know that we were the same person and not a clone if after being raised from the dead, we stumbled across another person identical to us who possessed all the same memories.

Or, if we are entirely physically derived then what of immaterial qualities? For example, mental properties including our intentions to do this or that? Where are these located? Or our direct experiencing of phenomenal qualia such as colours, pain and the like. What are these? Where are they located? Who receives them/where are they received to? How does one explain the qualitative experiencing of the "ouch" when stuck with a pin?

So, coming back around to the question "can you describe the soul?", I'd respond back with a question of which conception of the soul you are intending?
And you have determined the problem, which is too many meanings......
Whatever the case, it seems "soul" has become to be-all word for for those many "immaterial" qualities about us. Some just focus on this rather than that quality.
Clearly, we are more than just the physical and even modern Atheistic/Agnostic philosophers have been heading down that path for a while now.
Such that, some honestly saying that Physicalism, even existing Materialistic conceptions of evolutionary origins, are inadequate or have major problems explaining various qualities (e.g., Thomas Nagel, Keith Maslin, Paul Davies).

Re: Can you describe the soul.

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 11:38 pm
by B. W.
TheQuestor wrote:You said, "Am I to assume then that what can hardly be true is the claim that you are catholic?" and to that I say, you are free to assume, whatever you choose. I will say, that my religion, is not based on the teachings of Aristotle, but of Jesus Christ.

To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible. Thomas Aquinas.

TheQuestor wrote:...I am a Christian, and was married by my fathers brother, who was a priest. I thus am from a very religious family. Are you aware that the Catholic Pope, would baptize an alien, and that he said so? And that the Catholic Pope, believes in evolution, he said that too? Just because you might disagree with something, does not make it less real.

To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible. Thomas Aquinas.
Interesting you stated that you are a Christian and then say below that you are stuck in the book of Genesis and thus admit that you know nothing of the gospel.
TheQuestor wrote:
B. W. wrote:
TheQuestor wrote:Interesting, I actually read that several times, looking to create an argument, however your wording is excellent, and does tend to give reason to why the gospel is, not so much what it says.

If everyone had such reason, creation would be taught, alongside of evolution, and education would be far more efficient.

Thank You...!
So Questor - how has the gospel affected you?
Right now, I am actually stuck in the old testament and the book of Genesis, and the line "and God created man in his image" as if this is true, then we could all be God, or we could become God at some point in our evolution, which seems to be random, and geared to survival in various environments, but might well all be part of a complicated type of advanced plan included in the code, that we call DNA. Jesus, may have been nothing more than a guide, pointing us in the right directions, which clearly included, the very creation of life, from death, and to cure the sick, and give sight to the blind. You can find people from all over the world doing this today, including atheist, who do the work of God. If God's DNA guides us, then we will surely be taking to the heavens at some point, to look for our Father.
You answered in a format that shows that you simply do not know the gospel message at all. Being married by your fathers brother, who was a priest and being from a very religious family doesn't make one a Christian. That is like reasoning that if you live in a garage, then you are a car.

Only thru Jesus Christ can one be His own. You have not done that and show no evidence of illumination of the Holy Spirit at all to indicated you were ever saved by the Lord as evidenced by all your write everywhere you wrote on this discussion forum. So to make it easy for you, here are the ingredients of the gospel message all summed up as the death, burial, resurrection, and appearances of the resurrected Christ all summarized in 1 Corinthians 15:1-8 NET Bible

15:1 Now I want to make clear for you, brothers and sisters, the gospel that I preached to you, that you received and on which you stand, 2 and by which you are being saved, if you hold firmly to the message I preached to you—unless you believed in vain. 3 For I passed on to you as of first importance what I also received—that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures, 15:4 and that he was buried, and that he was raised on the third day according to the scriptures, 5 and that he appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve… 1 Corinthians 15:1-8 NET Bible

These verses give us the heart of the gospel. Since you are stuck in Genesis and on having an appearance of religion... tell us what these central gospel truths mean or if you cannot, then please ask and we will help explain these truths to you in greater details.

You demonstrate very clearly that you have no basic knowledge of the gospel or Christ at all. You cannot hide it. You have none. You cannot fake it... YOur own words testify against you in abundance.

It is your eternal destiny that is at stake, not those responding to you. You will be held to account for all you say and do and all your motives and for all the people you sought to put of trial, those who you betrayed, those you lied against, those you stole from, all harsh words ever spoken and all grandiose schemes used seek to destroy/entrap others, all your taking from others, and how often you temp and try to put God to the test. You will be held to account and found unfit for heaven as you would corrupt it. Only Jesus Christ can wipe your slate clean thru what he accomplished upon the cross and He seeks to resurrect you into new life. The cost is absolutely free, no gimmicks, just come as you are without one plea, ask for forgiveness to be born again by his Holy Spirit. He will do the rest in you. Recall that only God can forgive sins and Jesus is God manifest in human flesh came to set humanity free from darkness. So the question comes to you - do you desire to be free from your darkness? If not, its own you. God's wrath remains unaverted, plain and simple.

Do you really have any idea what it meant for Jesus to go to that cross and what he accomplished by it? Do you really want to know are just play silly games?

Questor, you are no expert on any subject which you posted on and none need to even take to the time to answer your chiding remarks that seek to make you out as the only arbiter of truth. In that, it shows, you have not the Holy Spirit within at all.


Now to others reading Quester's post...

WE discussed often that if evidence is necessary to at least demonstrate that one is a Christian so here you have your answer objectively answered. If one is truly a Christian, there will be at least enough evidence to convict a person that one is and if not... you decide.

Re: Can you describe the soul.

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 5:52 am
by TheQuestor
B. W. wrote:
TheQuestor wrote:You said, "Am I to assume then that what can hardly be true is the claim that you are catholic?" and to that I say, you are free to assume, whatever you choose. I will say, that my religion, is not based on the teachings of Aristotle, but of Jesus Christ.

To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible. Thomas Aquinas.

TheQuestor wrote:...I am a Christian, and was married by my fathers brother, who was a priest. I thus am from a very religious family. Are you aware that the Catholic Pope, would baptize an alien, and that he said so? And that the Catholic Pope, believes in evolution, he said that too? Just because you might disagree with something, does not make it less real.

To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible. Thomas Aquinas.
Interesting you stated that you are a Christian and then say below that you are stuck in the book of Genesis and thus admit that you know nothing of the gospel.
TheQuestor wrote:
B. W. wrote:
TheQuestor wrote:Interesting, I actually read that several times, looking to create an argument, however your wording is excellent, and does tend to give reason to why the gospel is, not so much what it says.

If everyone had such reason, creation would be taught, alongside of evolution, and education would be far more efficient.

Thank You...!
So Questor - how has the gospel affected you?
Right now, I am actually stuck in the old testament and the book of Genesis, and the line "and God created man in his image" as if this is true, then we could all be God, or we could become God at some point in our evolution, which seems to be random, and geared to survival in various environments, but might well all be part of a complicated type of advanced plan included in the code, that we call DNA. Jesus, may have been nothing more than a guide, pointing us in the right directions, which clearly included, the very creation of life, from death, and to cure the sick, and give sight to the blind. You can find people from all over the world doing this today, including atheist, who do the work of God. If God's DNA guides us, then we will surely be taking to the heavens at some point, to look for our Father.
You answered in a format that shows that you simply do not know the gospel message at all. Being married by your fathers brother, who was a priest and being from a very religious family doesn't make one a Christian. That is like reasoning that if you live in a garage, then you are a car.

Only thru Jesus Christ can one be His own. You have not done that and show no evidence of illumination of the Holy Spirit at all to indicated you were ever saved by the Lord as evidenced by all your write everywhere you wrote on this discussion forum. So to make it easy for you, here are the ingredients of the gospel message all summed up as the death, burial, resurrection, and appearances of the resurrected Christ all summarized in 1 Corinthians 15:1-8 NET Bible

15:1 Now I want to make clear for you, brothers and sisters, the gospel that I preached to you, that you received and on which you stand, 2 and by which you are being saved, if you hold firmly to the message I preached to you—unless you believed in vain. 3 For I passed on to you as of first importance what I also received—that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures, 15:4 and that he was buried, and that he was raised on the third day according to the scriptures, 5 and that he appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve… 1 Corinthians 15:1-8 NET Bible

These verses give us the heart of the gospel. Since you are stuck in Genesis and on having an appearance of religion... tell us what these central gospel truths mean or if you cannot, then please ask and we will help explain these truths to you in greater details.

You demonstrate very clearly that you have no basic knowledge of the gospel or Christ at all. You cannot hide it. You have none. You cannot fake it... YOur own words testify against you in abundance.

It is your eternal destiny that is at stake, not those responding to you. You will be held to account for all you say and do and all your motives and for all the people you sought to put of trial, those who you betrayed, those you lied against, those you stole from, all harsh words ever spoken and all grandiose schemes used seek to destroy/entrap others, all your taking from others, and how often you temp and try to put God to the test. You will be held to account and found unfit for heaven as you would corrupt it. Only Jesus Christ can wipe your slate clean thru what he accomplished upon the cross and He seeks to resurrect you into new life. The cost is absolutely free, no gimmicks, just come as you are without one plea, ask for forgiveness to be born again by his Holy Spirit. He will do the rest in you. Recall that only God can forgive sins and Jesus is God manifest in human flesh came to set humanity free from darkness. So the question comes to you - do you desire to be free from your darkness? If not, its own you. God's wrath remains unaverted, plain and simple.

Do you really have any idea what it meant for Jesus to go to that cross and what he accomplished by it? Do you really want to know are just play silly games?

Questor, you are no expert on any subject which you posted on and none need to even take to the time to answer your chiding remarks that seek to make you out as the only arbiter of truth. In that, it shows, you have not the Holy Spirit within at all.


Now to others reading Quester's post...

WE discussed often that if evidence is necessary to at least demonstrate that one is a Christian so here you have your answer objectively answered. If one is truly a Christian, there will be at least enough evidence to convict a person that one is and if not... you decide.
All I ask for, was a description of the soul, and or what does this mean to you.

Would you crucify a man just for asking a question, in the name of Christianity?

Matthew 27:27-31New International Version (NIV)

The Soldiers Mock Jesus

27 Then the governor’s soldiers took Jesus into the Praetorium and gathered the whole company of soldiers around him. 28 They stripped him and put a scarlet robe on him, 29 and then twisted together a crown of thorns and set it on his head. They put a staff in his right hand. Then they knelt in front of him and mocked him. “Hail, king of the Jews!” they said. 30 They spit on him, and took the staff and struck him on the head again and again. 31 After they had mocked him, they took off the robe and put his own clothes on him. Then they led him away to crucify him.

33When they came to the place called The Skull, there they crucified Him and the criminals, one on the right and the other on the left. 34But Jesus was saying, "Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing."

Re: Can you describe the soul.

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 12:25 pm
by Starhunter
The soul is the essence of who we are as intended by God.

We die in a sense every time we sleep. Yet when we awake, everything that makes us who we are is still there.
There is an integrity in the way that God maintains His creation. This reliability is what constitutes who we are, and maintains who we are, so that should we die and be resurrected, the identical person is raised from dust or wherever, knowing who they are, just as we do every time we awake.

What about Alzheimer patients and such? The natural order of things God had in place since the creation have been breaking down. Now what is paramount is not the immediate restoration of nature, but the regeneration of the heart of man, which happens to be at the pinnacle of natural order in our world. In other words humans were designed to have an influence over all of the natural world, just like God has an influence over all the universe. If the leading support fails then the rest fails under it, as it has in our world.
But if the heart is right, then all else will fall into restoration - at the given time.

Now if God is the one who preserves the personality of a person - their very essence - even beyond what they know about themselves - for we are told that we do not know what shall be revealed IN us - then it follows that individuality is a gift of God, given and preserved by God, and should the person die, then that individuality has to be preserved somewhere - as the Bible says the essence of a man returns to the Maker.

So the soul is not a thing that can be bottled, it is only a Divine thought of who we are, it is His honor, pleasure and integrity to preserve our identity every day and for eternity. God's honor and respect for us as individuals will last forever and ever, it can never be destroyed. Remember also that Divine thought is not a paragraph on a page or computer, God is eternal Life and Love, and so His thoughts are the power of Life as well, they are never just a record.

So when Adam was made and God breathed into him the breath of Life, Adam became a vessel of His own eternal Living thought and Life. Hence the NT talks about our bodies being a temple for the Holy Spirit. The Bible does not suggest we are temples of our own ghosts. There is no such thing as life without the Spirit. What about Satan? Yes he too exists by borrowed Life - fancy that?

It is important to God that we come to Him as we are, even in our sins, because that is who we are. Authenticity is important to love, we cannot be loved if we want God to love another (religious) image of us, we need to be loved for who we are now, with our blunders, addictions and bad jokes. And God does accept us, fig leaves and all, but He also knows that we are not to be identified with sin or ruined by sin. So the scriptures say "consider yourselves to be dead unto sin" and alive unto Christ.

Re: Can you describe the soul.

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 12:36 pm
by TheQuestor
Starhunter wrote:The soul is the essence of who we are as intended by God.

We die in a sense every time we sleep. Yet when we awake, everything that makes us who we are is still there.
There is an integrity in the way that God maintains His creation. This reliability is what constitutes who we are, and maintains who we are, so that should we die and be resurrected, the identical person is raised from dust or wherever, knowing who they are, just as we do every time we awake.

What about Alzheimer patients and such? The natural order of things God had in place since the creation have been breaking down. Now what is paramount is not the immediate restoration of nature, but the regeneration of the heart of man, which happens to be at the pinnacle of natural order in our world. In other words humans were designed to have an influence over all of the natural world, just like God has an influence over all the universe. If the leading support fails then the rest fails under it, as it has in our world.
But if the heart is right, then all else will fall into restoration - at the given time.

Now if God is the one who preserves the personality of a person - their very essence - even beyond what they know about themselves - for we are told that we do not know what shall be revealed IN us - then it follows that individuality is a gift of God, given and preserved by God, and should the person die, then that individuality has to be preserved somewhere - as the Bible says the essence of a man returns to the Maker.

So the soul is not a thing that can be bottled, it is only a Divine thought of who we are, it is His honor, pleasure and integrity to preserve our identity every day and for eternity. God's honor and respect for us as individuals will last forever and ever, it can never be destroyed. Remember also that Divine thought is not a paragraph on a page or computer, God is eternal Life and Love, and so His thoughts are the power of Life as well, they are never just a record.

So when Adam was made and God breathed into him the breath of Life, Adam became a vessel of His own eternal Living thought and Life. Hence the NT talks about our bodies being a temple for the Holy Spirit. The Bible does not suggest we are temples of our own ghosts. There is no such thing as life without the Spirit. What about Satan? Yes he too exists by borrowed Life - fancy that?

It is important to God that we come to Him as we are, even in our sins, because that is who we are. Authenticity is important to love, we cannot be loved if we want God to love another (religious) image of us, we need to be loved for who we are now, with our blunders, addictions and bad jokes. And God does accept us, fig leaves and all, but He also knows that we are not to be identified with sin or ruined by sin. So the scriptures say "consider yourselves to be dead unto sin" and alive unto Christ.
That is your opinion, and thanks for sharing. What I have noticed though, is anyone is free to say the soul is anything, as long as they throw in the required religious words and phrases. How can the soul be the breath of life, and also a material thing, both these ideas and more are presented. It is illogical for all of them to be correct.

Re: Can you describe the soul.

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 1:29 pm
by Starhunter
The devil invented the idea that the soul is a thing which is part of us somehow, whereas the scriptures indicate that we are dependent on God for life, by His Spirit and not by a spirit that inherently belongs to us, which lives forever, as said in Timothy, only God has immortality.

The premise for such a theory of the devil, is that we are somehow independent from the life of God. This has spiritual repercussions based on self merit and independence in salvation or existence. Having established that doctrine through paganism, it would only be a matter of time before the so called Christian church adopted that teaching. Now it is nigh impossible to call them out of that blinding error.

Not to recognize our dependence on God for life and spirituality is detrimental, because this dependence is actually a connection with God as Love and Life. The devil has disconnected himself from God, and yet he lives by the borrowed life from God.

You mentioned DNA before, it is just part of the vessel for life, but not life itself.
Many are hoping to find or invent the idea of life as a consequence of nature without God. The aim is always to banish God from their thoughts. Well false religion and paganism has already prepared the path for the delusion of science, to 'prove' as the devil would like, to the world, that we have the inherent everlasting soul within us, and that it is our true identity.

But the Christian knows that he has no life within him apart from God, either spiritual or physical, and that it is God who will preserve him and not a natural imaginary component of himself.

Some then argue that God gave and made the soul for us. But then it would say in Genesis that man got a living soul and not BECAME a living soul. Also God says that the soul that sins shall surely die. It does not say "shall surely live forever in hell."
The devil's lie from the beginning is "Ye shall surely not die" (if you sin). But they died.
And now we have the great Mother church and her daughters saying they are alive.

If death could be by passed by some sort of vehicle like a Disney ghost, then why would you need a resurrection?, To enter again into a constraining body?
Not a wonder there are about twenty life after death theories in religions, anything from reincarnation to re inhabiting the body.

The true teaching of Life from God, connects every human being to God, it does not suggest an independent spirit which can wander into heaven or hell by its own will. It also teaches that because we have life, we are already connected to God by the mediating life of Christ the Son of God.

In the day of judgement it will not be asked, where did your soul wander, but what have you done with the life that God bought for you by the cost of the suffering of His own Son?

Re: Can you describe the soul.

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 3:34 pm
by TheQuestor
Starhunter wrote:The devil invented the idea that the soul is a thing which is part of us somehow, whereas the scriptures indicate that we are dependent on God for life, by His Spirit and not by a spirit that inherently belongs to us, which lives forever, as said in Timothy, only God has immortality.

The premise for such a theory of the devil, is that we are somehow independent from the life of God. This has spiritual repercussions based on self merit and independence in salvation or existence. Having established that doctrine through paganism, it would only be a matter of time before the so called Christian church adopted that teaching. Now it is nigh impossible to call them out of that blinding error.

Not to recognize our dependence on God for life and spirituality is detrimental, because this dependence is actually a connection with God as Love and Life. The devil has disconnected himself from God, and yet he lives by the borrowed life from God.

You mentioned DNA before, it is just part of the vessel for life, but not life itself.
Many are hoping to find or invent the idea of life as a consequence of nature without God. The aim is always to banish God from their thoughts. Well false religion and paganism has already prepared the path for the delusion of science, to 'prove' as the devil would like, to the world, that we have the inherent everlasting soul within us, and that it is our true identity.

But the Christian knows that he has no life within him apart from God, either spiritual or physical, and that it is God who will preserve him and not a natural imaginary component of himself.

Some then argue that God gave and made the soul for us. But then it would say in Genesis that man got a living soul and not BECAME a living soul. Also God says that the soul that sins shall surely die. It does not say "shall surely live forever in hell."
The devil's lie from the beginning is "Ye shall surely not die" (if you sin). But they died.
And now we have the great Mother church and her daughters saying they are alive.

If death could be by passed by some sort of vehicle like a Disney ghost, then why would you need a resurrection?, To enter again into a constraining body?
Not a wonder there are about twenty life after death theories in religions, anything from reincarnation to re inhabiting the body.

The true teaching of Life from God, connects every human being to God, it does not suggest an independent spirit which can wander into heaven or hell by its own will. It also teaches that because we have life, we are already connected to God by the mediating life of Christ the Son of God.

In the day of judgement it will not be asked, where did your soul wander, but what have you done with the life that God bought for you by the cost of the suffering of His own Son?
Actually, if DNA is the soul, it is 100 percent dependent on a code creator, because billions of lines of chemical code, do not from in nature, any speculation of such, can easily be disproved by mathematical science. This is common knowledge, and is routinely ignored by silly atheist.

Re: Can you describe the soul.

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 11:58 pm
by Starhunter
We would assume though that the lifeless body of Adam had DNA all in place before he became a living soul, don't you think?

Re: Can you describe the soul.

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 11:42 am
by TheQuestor
Starhunter wrote:We would assume though that the lifeless body of Adam had DNA all in place before he became a living soul, don't you think?
Nope, but then I have never seen a demon either. I did see a few Seals today off the New Jersey coast, heck I even saw a 40 foot humpback whale in September.

Re: Can you describe the soul.

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 5:38 pm
by Storyteller
Can I describe the soul?



How do you describe a feeling, a knowledge?
A Spirit, a spark?

We have one without a doubt but describe it? Not a chance.

But I know I have one, and that's why I believe.

Re: Can you describe the soul.

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 1:38 pm
by 1over137
One description would be that it is indescribable. ;)