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Re: Where did our Big Bang come from?

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 5:46 pm
by dfnj
Starhunter wrote:The Big Bang came from between the left and right ears of an ignorant mortal.
Do you think man's greatest possible sin is pretending to speak for God? The size of one's ego to make such a presumption!

Re: Where did our Big Bang come from?

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 5:52 pm
by dfnj
Silvertusk wrote: That is quite an assertion - care to back that up with some evidence? Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

Besides do you realise what you saying? How can you have proof of non-existence in the first place - by definition there should be no proof which ironically lends itself to evidence of non-existence anyway.
Existence has always existed. What is your proof of non-existence ever occuring other than just the delusion of it inside your mind?

That's kind of the point. Time is human construct and is pure delusion. Time is arbitrary. Without humans existing to observe the Universe time does not exist. What I am really trying to say is human language is just not strong enough to express a true understanding of nature. When we think of non-existence we are just projecting our imagination to time before we were born. To believe something you are imagining as real is superstition.

Re: Where did our Big Bang come from?

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 6:05 pm
by dfnj
HappyFlappyDeist wrote:
Starhunter wrote:The Big Bang came from between the left and right ears of an ignorant mortal.
This is one of the most profoundly ignorant things I've ever read.
Georges Lemaitre is one of the most intelligent men in human history and it's an incredible insult to describe such a man as ignorant. His writings are beyond his time, his mathematics are nigh inhuman, his work gave meaning to Einstein's relativity in cosmology, and his work inspired many scientific laws in effect today. You know absolutely nothing of the brilliance of Lemaitre and you, I'm sure, are in no position to deem such a brilliant man "ignorant." It's disgusting, it's truly disgusting. Calling Lemaitre ignorant is about as sensical as calling Christ unwise.

Somebody asked me why I'm a deist, this is part why. Such blind, unfounded, ignorance present in theism.

Please explain using your superior understanding of mathematics and astrophysics how Lemaitre is "unknowledgeable or uneducated" (The definition of ignorant)
Yeah, the ignorant mortal comment was pretty non-Christian like. I totally agree with you about the wisdom of Christ. That's why I like reading the Jefferson Bible. It's very interesting to read accounts of Jesus without the supernatural.

I respect your deism. I think there is something of value, however, in the theist way of thinking. I think the problem with most theists is their literal interpretation of the Bible. I think it's just intellectual laziness. The Bible, in my opinion, needs to be read in the context of history in which it was written. The problem with taking a literal interpretation is the primary message is completely lost. And that message is morality is important.

I forgive starhunter for his ad hominem attack. I bet he will not be so forgiving of my points of view.

Re: Where did our Big Bang come from?

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 7:48 pm
by Starhunter
HappyFlappyDeist wrote:
Starhunter wrote:The Big Bang came from between the left and right ears of an ignorant mortal.
This is one of the most profoundly ignorant things I've ever read.

Georges Lemaitre is one of the most intelligent men in human history and it's an incredible insult to describe such a man as ignorant. His writings are beyond his time, his mathematics are nigh inhuman, his work gave meaning to Einstein's relativity in cosmology, and his work inspired many scientific laws in effect today. You know absolutely nothing of the brilliance of Lemaitre and you, I'm sure, are in no position to deem such a brilliant man "ignorant." It's disgusting, it's truly disgusting. Calling Lemaitre ignorant is about as sensical as calling Christ unwise.

Somebody asked me why I'm a deist, this is part why. Such blind, unfounded, ignorance present in theism.

Please explain using your superior understanding of mathematics and astrophysics how Lemaitre is "unknowledgeable or uneducated" (The definition of ignorant)
Intelligence does not guarantee immunity to ignorance does it? If you say yes, then you are not only ignorant, but...something completely else as well. Just don't say yes.

Re: Where did our Big Bang come from?

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 7:53 pm
by Starhunter
dfnj wrote:
Starhunter wrote:The Big Bang came from between the left and right ears of an ignorant mortal.
Do you think man's greatest possible sin is pretending to speak for God? The size of one's ego to make such a presumption!
I agree, what a presumptuous and egotistical job to make up the BB theory!

Re: Where did our Big Bang come from?

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 9:14 pm
by HappyFlappyTheist
Starhunter wrote:
HappyFlappyDeist wrote:
Starhunter wrote:The Big Bang came from between the left and right ears of an ignorant mortal.
This is one of the most profoundly ignorant things I've ever read.

Georges Lemaitre is one of the most intelligent men in human history and it's an incredible insult to describe such a man as ignorant. His writings are beyond his time, his mathematics are nigh inhuman, his work gave meaning to Einstein's relativity in cosmology, and his work inspired many scientific laws in effect today. You know absolutely nothing of the brilliance of Lemaitre and you, I'm sure, are in no position to deem such a brilliant man "ignorant." It's disgusting, it's truly disgusting. Calling Lemaitre ignorant is about as sensical as calling Christ unwise.

Somebody asked me why I'm a deist, this is part why. Such blind, unfounded, ignorance present in theism.

Please explain using your superior understanding of mathematics and astrophysics how Lemaitre is "unknowledgeable or uneducated" (The definition of ignorant)
Intelligence does not guarantee immunity to ignorance does it? If you say yes, then you are not only ignorant, but...something completely else as well. Just don't say yes.
The question is a loaded one, I suspect when I wrote yes I'd get something similar to- "exactly, he's just an ignorant human."

"The word ignorant is an adjective describing a person in the state of being unaware and is often used as an insult to describe individuals who deliberately ignore or disregard important information or facts"

When did Lemaitre do this? Which parts of his model directly contradicts important information or facts available at his time?

Using an authoritative argument to get a point across is normally very silly, but I think this quote will provide some context for his use of information during his time period.
In January 1933, Lemaître and Einstein, who had met on several occasions—in 1927 in Brussels, at the time of a Solvay Conference, in 1932 in Belgium, at the time of a cycle of conferences in Brussels and lastly in 1935 at Princeton—traveled together to the U.S. state of California for a series of seminars. After the Belgian detailed his theory, Einstein stood up, applauded, and is supposed to have said, "This is the most beautiful and satisfactory explanation of creation to which I have ever listened."
- ... .html?_r=0

There is, quite literally, no reason for this conversation to continue; you made an untrue statement about Lemaitre, there's not a debate here.

Re: Where did our Big Bang come from?

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2015 6:00 am
by 1over137
HFD, when you qoute some source, please provide a reference/link as well.


Re: Where did our Big Bang come from?

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2015 9:01 am
by Audie
Storyteller wrote:God said let there be light, and there was light.

Now where have I heard that?

Wait! This huge explosion of light and energy. A big bang.
Wait a bit longer.
Its too easy to read in what one wants.

("Light", you know, is only that minute fraction of the electromagnetic spectrum that
our sense can indirectly perceive)

Regardless, its too easy to interpret into a text what is not there.
See the predictions of Nostradamus.. I bet he has been found to
have predicted every notable event, just read it into his text.

Re: Where did our Big Bang come from?

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2015 9:07 am
by Audie
dfnj wrote:
HappyFlappyDeist wrote:
Starhunter wrote:The Big Bang came from between the left and right ears of an ignorant mortal.
This is one of the most profoundly ignorant things I've ever read.
Georges Lemaitre is one of the most intelligent men in human history and it's an incredible insult to describe such a man as ignorant. His writings are beyond his time, his mathematics are nigh inhuman, his work gave meaning to Einstein's relativity in cosmology, and his work inspired many scientific laws in effect today. You know absolutely nothing of the brilliance of Lemaitre and you, I'm sure, are in no position to deem such a brilliant man "ignorant." It's disgusting, it's truly disgusting. Calling Lemaitre ignorant is about as sensical as calling Christ unwise.

Somebody asked me why I'm a deist, this is part why. Such blind, unfounded, ignorance present in theism.

Please explain using your superior understanding of mathematics and astrophysics how Lemaitre is "unknowledgeable or uneducated" (The definition of ignorant)
Yeah, the ignorant mortal comment was pretty non-Christian like. I totally agree with you about the wisdom of Christ. That's why I like reading the Jefferson Bible. It's very interesting to read accounts of Jesus without the supernatural.

I respect your deism. I think there is something of value, however, in the theist way of thinking. I think the problem with most theists is their literal interpretation of the Bible. I think it's just intellectual laziness. The Bible, in my opinion, needs to be read in the context of history in which it was written. The problem with taking a literal interpretation is the primary message is completely lost. And that message is morality is important.

I forgive starhunter for his ad hominem attack. I bet he will not be so forgiving of my points of view.
Do you think its laziness, or incapacity? Maybe those are the same thing in this case..
along with a weird combo of arrogance, egoism, presumptuousness, and negligence.

Re: Where did our Big Bang come from?

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2015 2:26 pm
by Starhunter
HappyFlappyDeist wrote:
Starhunter wrote:The Big Bang came from between the left and right ears of an ignorant mortal.
Calling Lemaitre ignorant is about as sensical as calling Christ unwise.
So Lemming is on a par with Christ. It's getting more interesting with each sentence of yours...

Re: Where did our Big Bang come from?

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2015 2:35 pm
by Starhunter
Audie wrote: Do you think its laziness, or incapacity? Maybe those are the same thing in this case..
along with a weird combo of arrogance, egoism, presumptuousness, and negligence.
I would not talk about Lemming like that, he is revered by some as infallible, because Einstein shook his hand, and being a Catholic priest - well that just speaks volumes - under the gown so to speak.

In my case, it's simply incapacity, I have no mechanism by which to swallow copious amounts of manure.
But I could be wrong of course, Genesis mentions the big bang, I just can't find it - that would be laziness for sure, or is that a lack of imagination?

Re: Where did our Big Bang come from?

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2015 2:36 pm
by Kenny
Storyteller wrote:God said let there be light, and there was light.

Now where have I heard that?

Wait! This huge explosion of light and energy. A big bang.
The Big Bang (despite it's name) was more of an expansion, not an explosion.


Re: Where did our Big Bang come from?

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2015 3:09 pm
by Audie
Starhunter wrote:
Audie wrote: Do you think its laziness, or incapacity? Maybe those are the same thing in this case..
along with a weird combo of arrogance, egoism, presumptuousness, and negligence.
I would not talk about Lemming like that, he is revered by some as infallible, because Einstein shook his hand, and being a Catholic priest - well that just speaks volumes - under the gown so to speak.

In my case, it's simply incapacity, I have no mechanism by which to swallow copious amounts of manure.
But I could be wrong of course, Genesis mentions the big bang, I just can't find it - that would be laziness for sure, or is that a lack of imagination?
Dont sell yourself short, you have a mechanism (?) to believe genesis, do you not?

You believe there are people who revere Lemaite as infallible.

You can believe there really was Noahs ark and a big ol' flood, in unicorns,
magic-strength-in-hair hero, that all humans descend from one pair!

That you understand cosmology better than any physicist!
More than likely, you humbly think you know more of earth and life
history than the biologists and geologists!
With no study time!

What's not to believe!

Re: Where did our Big Bang come from?

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2015 3:15 pm
by Audie
Kenny wrote:
Storyteller wrote:God said let there be light, and there was light.

Now where have I heard that?

Wait! This huge explosion of light and energy. A big bang.
The Big Bang (despite it's name) was more of an expansion, not an explosion.

Expansion, tho, has another meaning is cosmology, does is not? The BB is said
to be a result of expansion ending in one tiny place.

Re: Where did our Big Bang come from?

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2015 3:20 pm
by Storyteller
Kenny wrote:
Storyteller wrote:God said let there be light, and there was light.

Now where have I heard that?

Wait! This huge explosion of light and energy. A big bang.
The Big Bang (despite it's name) was more of an expansion, not an explosion.

I know.

Anyway, thanks for the article, did you read the 'Does God exist?'

The universe was created, who created it? The stuff about dna was interesting too. Such specific information always has a designer, a programmer.

There was some really good stuff in those articles. God can't be proved by natural laws as He is supernatural. Where do our emotions come from?

(Sorry, tired, rambling)