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Re: Why do 'Christians' find it hard to believe that God made earth and all that is in it in 6 days

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 9:24 am
by RickD
jpbg wrote:Just to make sure it is clear I would like to say that I Know God created earth in 6 six days and on the 7th day He rested and that earth is only somewhere around 7,000 to 12,000 years old.
You know that, do you?
jpbg wrote:
I know that rock look to be really old but really what is the difference in a rock made in an instance and one made in a 1,000,000,000 years.
The difference is that if God created a rock 7,000 years ago, but it looks billions of years old, and every test that's used to find its age, shows it to be billions of years old, then God is tricking us, if it's only 7,000 years old. Why would God deceive us?
jpbg wrote:
God made grown people so why not a grown rock so to speak.
If God made Adam as a fully grown man, that doesn't mean Adam looked old. There are other things that make people look old besides being fully grown.

Re: Why do 'Christians' find it hard to believe that God made earth and all that is in it in 6 days

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 9:27 am
by JLAfan2001
Actually both YEC and OEC are wrong. YEC are wrong in their science and OEC are wrong in their theology. Science clearly shows that earth is old and the bible clearly reads that the earth is young. This debate only arose when science refuted the creation account. Prior to that, most christians and early church fathers thought the earth was young because the bible says so. Faith and science can't be reconciled with out distorting one or the other. Atheists see that but christians seem to miss it.

Re: Why do 'Christians' find it hard to believe that God made earth and all that is in it in 6 days

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 9:34 am
by EssentialSacrifice
Faith and science can't can be reconciled with out distorting one or the other.

JLAfan, perhaps you will like this from a Christian POV to help iron out your Atheists see that but Christians seem to miss it ... =slideshow y*-:)

Re: Why do 'Christians' find it hard to believe that God made earth and all that is in it in 6 days

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 9:46 am
by JLAfan2001
I read that power point presentation and did not find it convincing.

Re: Why do 'Christians' find it hard to believe that God made earth and all that is in it in 6 days

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 10:00 am
by EssentialSacrifice
I read that power point presentation and did not find it convincing.
which part was unconvincing ?

Re: Why do 'Christians' find it hard to believe that God made earth and all that is in it in 6 days

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 10:17 am
by RickD
JLAfan2001 wrote:Actually both YEC and OEC are wrong. YEC are wrong in their science and OEC are wrong in their theology. Science clearly shows that earth is old and the bible clearly reads that the earth is young. This debate only arose when science refuted the creation account. Prior to that, most christians and early church fathers thought the earth was young because the bible says so. Faith and science can't be reconciled with out distorting one or the other. Atheists see that but christians seem to miss it.
Since I seem to miss it, please show me where the bible says the earth is young. Book, chapter, and verse please.

Re: Why do 'Christians' find it hard to believe that God made earth and all that is in it in 6 days

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 10:43 am
by JLAfan2001
Since I seem to miss it, please show me where the bible says the earth is young. Book, chapter, and verse please.
It doesn't specifically, of course, but just like many christians do with science, certain passages clearly imply that especially the one in Exodus concerning the god making creation in six days.

Re: Why do 'Christians' find it hard to believe that God made earth and all that is in it in 6 days

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 10:46 am
by JLAfan2001
which part was unconvincing ?
Pretty much all of it. Just seems like another feeble attempt to try to hold on to one's beliefs by coming up with strange ways to reconcile the two of them. AIG, ICR, Discovery Institute, Reasons To Believe, Biologos have all attempted and have all failed, imo.

Re: Why do 'Christians' find it hard to believe that God made earth and all that is in it in 6 days

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 10:46 am
by Disciplical
Which passages? It seems here you are grasping at straws and - dare I say it - not entirely sure what you are talking about.

Re: Why do 'Christians' find it hard to believe that God made earth and all that is in it in 6 days

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 10:54 am
by RickD
JLAfan2001 wrote:
Since I seem to miss it, please show me where the bible says the earth is young. Book, chapter, and verse please.
It doesn't specifically, of course, but just like many christians do with science, certain passages clearly imply that especially the one in Exodus concerning the god making creation in six days.
Whoa, wait a minute! You said:
the bible clearly reads that the earth is young.
Now you're saying the bible doesn't specifically tell us the age of the earth, but clearly implies?

And btw, even if the creation was created in 6 days, how does that show clearly that the earth is young?

Re: Why do 'Christians' find it hard to believe that God made earth and all that is in it in 6 days

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 10:58 am
by RickD
Disciplical wrote:Which passages? It seems here you are grasping at straws and - dare I say it - not entirely sure what you are talking about.
Of course he's grasping at straws. If he had any idea what he was talking about, he'd back up his assertions.

We'll see...

Re: Why do 'Christians' find it hard to believe that God made earth and all that is in it in 6 days

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 11:08 am
by jpbg33
God would be tricking us with the rock just as He is tricking us with the geneses 6 day creation story if y'all were right.

how I know that it was 6 days is when I read the bible with uot putting in my on thought on the subject it reads as 6 days, and as you have cleared it up for us God will not try and trick us.

O! and Adam and Eve did not look like babes. Just like the rocks don't look like babe rocks.

Re: Why do 'Christians' find it hard to believe that God made earth and all that is in it in 6 days

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 11:23 am
by RickD
jpbg33 wrote:God would be tricking us with the rock just as He is tricking us with the geneses 6 day creation story if y'all were right.

how I know that it was 6 days is when I read the bible with uot putting in my on thought on the subject it reads as 6 days, and as you have cleared it up for us God will not try and trick us.

O! and Adam and Eve did not look like babes. Just like the rocks don't look like babe rocks.

You said:
jpbg wrote:Just to make sure it is clear I would like to say that I Know God created earth in 6 six days and on the 7th day He rested and that earth is only somewhere around 7,000 to 12,000 years old.
Tell me how you KNOW that the earth is somewhere around 7-12 thousand years old. Where does the bible say that when we read it WITHOUT putting our own thoughts on it? Book, chapter, and verses please.
O! and Adam and Eve did not look like babes. Just like the rocks don't look like babe rocks.
Aha! You do have a sense of humor. That's actually quite funny. At first, I just stared at what you wrote. Then I realized you must be joking, because nobody would say something that ridiculous if he was serious. You got me. :clap:

Re: Why do 'Christians' find it hard to believe that God made earth and all that is in it in 6 days

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 11:39 am
by abelcainsbrother
JLAfan2001 wrote:Actually both YEC and OEC are wrong. YEC are wrong in their science and OEC are wrong in their theology. Science clearly shows that earth is old and the bible clearly reads that the earth is young. This debate only arose when science refuted the creation account. Prior to that, most christians and early church fathers thought the earth was young because the bible says so. Faith and science can't be reconciled with out distorting one or the other. Atheists see that but christians seem to miss it.
The problem with this idea is that the earth was discovered to be atleast millions of years old by Christians who started modern science,the earth was not discovered to be older than 6-10,000 years old by atheists or because of evolution.Charles Darwin came later after it was known the earth is old and made the evolution theory fit into the known science at that time and it was already known the earth is atleast millions of years old,it was later extended to be billions of years old in order to accomodate and allow enough time for life evolve and Christians like William Buckland had no problem accepting the earth is very old and not 6-10,000 years old before CharlesDarwin and would argue because he believed the right interpretation then and it was not YEC,YEC did not become so popular as it is today until the 1970's.

Re: Why do 'Christians' find it hard to believe that God made earth and all that is in it in 6 days

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 11:45 am
by jpbg33
Ok I am assuming that Adam and Eve were like us and it didn't take Satan 1,000's of years to get them to eat the fruit. So you are right I am putting some of my thoughts in there, but I am not reading in more time for the creation. So I do not know exactly how old earth is because I do not know how long Adam and Eve were in the garden before they ate of the fruit.

But I know they didn't come from monkeys because God said He made them from dirt.

where is your prof that Christians believed earth was millions of years old
before Charles Darwin and isn't this the same person that said that natural selection could not be true?