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Re: Questions to Bernie Sanders

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 4:15 pm
by abelcainsbrother
edwardmurphy wrote:I read what he said, but I don't see Bernie Sanders 1) winning or 2) creating a totalitarian socialist regime if he does. The United States isn't the Weimar Republic or bombed-out, broken 1945 Poland. We're not ripe for a totalitarian take-over.

If Sanders won, and somehow managed to get his agenda past Republican opposition, the result would be the United States being a bit more like Canada. Last I looked they didn't have reeducation camps up there.
The people of Russia thought probably the same thing and yet it turned out far worse than they thought and many people suffered because they believed it would'nt be that bad.And Canada is able to be like it is from the protection of the US military but without it? The west is vulnerable and the west is vulnerable right now,with the east gaining strength.If America continues to lose its strength the west will be vulnerable to attack.Study true history so you won't repeat it.You are falling for the same lies the people of Russia believed and Lenin removed Christianity from Russia which is the same thing you are doing and are for now based on your posts in other threads. You a communist bud you just don't quite have enough power yet.

Re: Questions to Bernie Sanders

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 6:47 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
The USA is a far different place than Russia before the bolshevik revolution. Also, the USA is unique in its mentality among Western nations. Given these, both Dr Kowalski's and ABC's doom & gloom scenarios seem unlikely.

If Bernie Sanders does make it to the White House, I doubt he'll be able to make America «a bit more like Canada» because the USA's social, political and economic culture is just different.

Re: Questions to Bernie Sanders

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 7:33 pm
by abelcainsbrother
Furstentum Liechtenstein wrote:The USA is a far different place than Russia before the bolshevik revolution. Also, the USA is unique in its mentality among Western nations. Given these, both Dr Kowalski's and ABC's doom & gloom scenarios seem unlikely.

If Bernie Sanders does make it to the White House, I doubt he'll be able to make America «a bit more like Canada» because the USA's social, political and economic culture is just different.
I think that many in the west take for granted America's super power status that can project its power anywhere on earth. I think that many in the west take for granted the power the US military has helped to keep the west safe. I think that other western countries feel slighted when its pointed out but it is'nt a slight the power of the USmilitary is very important for the stability in the west even if we differ politically. If America continues to lose its super power status that stability the west has enjoyed will be in jeapardy. History shows time and time again that if you are weak you can be attacked and even conquered when you least expect it too. Don't fool yourself if America loses its super power status? who can feel the void in the west to keep us safe?Canada?Europe?Australia? All countries have been blessed by America and I hope its not taken for granted and no America could have never done it all by itself,it takes all of us to keep us safe.

Re: Questions to Bernie Sanders

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 8:16 pm
by edwardmurphy
I guess I have a few thoughts on that.

1) The United States isn't in a great position to leap into another land war because we haven't recovered from the two that the Bush administration put us in. I only mention that because I get tired of hearing about how electing a Republican is critical if we're going to have an effective foreign policy. Last time a Republican was at the helm his foreign policy decisions were a string of complete catastrophes. Bernie could hardly do worse. Just sayin'...

2) Bernie Sanders hasn't said he'd dismantle the military, and Hillary Clinton certainly won't. Even if he wanted to, he'd need to get Congress to agree with him. That's impossible, since just about every Congressional District in the country has a military base or an arms manufacturer located there.

3) If we keep borrowing money and dumping it into the military and we keep skimping on R&D, education, and infrastructure our economy will eventually collapse on its own.

4) It's bizarre to me that the citizens of the greatest military power in the history of the world spend so much time quaking in their boots, worrying that if we lower military spending by a dime or field fewer than 10 carrier battle groups we'll immediately be conquered. We're terrified that the far-away brown people that we've been bombing the crap out of for years are going to come and get us, but we don't worry a bit about the things that actually kill us.

5) As FL mentioned, the US is nothing like Russia before the Revolution. If you're worried about losing your freedom you might want to look at all the things we've given up in order to keep us safe from terrorists. The more the government "protects" us the less free we become.

Re: Questions to Bernie Sanders

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 4:59 am
by abelcainsbrother
edwardmurphy wrote:I guess I have a few thoughts on that.

1) The United States isn't in a great position to leap into another land war because we haven't recovered from the two that the Bush administration put us in. I only mention that because I get tired of hearing about how electing a Republican is critical if we're going to have an effective foreign policy. Last time a Republican was at the helm his foreign policy decisions were a string of complete catastrophes. Bernie could hardly do worse. Just sayin'...

2) Bernie Sanders hasn't said he'd dismantle the military, and Hillary Clinton certainly won't. Even if he wanted to, he'd need to get Congress to agree with him. That's impossible, since just about every Congressional District in the country has a military base or an arms manufacturer located there.

3) If we keep borrowing money and dumping it into the military and we keep skimping on R&D, education, and infrastructure our economy will eventually collapse on its own.

4) It's bizarre to me that the citizens of the greatest military power in the history of the world spend so much time quaking in their boots, worrying that if we lower military spending by a dime or field fewer than 10 carrier battle groups we'll immediately be conquered. We're terrified that the far-away brown people that we've been bombing the crap out of for years are going to come and get us, but we don't worry a bit about the things that actually kill us.

5) As FL mentioned, the US is nothing like Russia before the Revolution. If you're worried about losing your freedom you might want to look at all the things we've given up in order to keep us safe from terrorists. The more the government "protects" us the less free we become.
Want to hear the truth about Bernie Sanders? He was set up by the Clintons to help make Hillary seem more moderate and he will be taken out by them at the right time.

Re: Questions to Bernie Sanders

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 5:15 am
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
edwardmurphy wrote: ... If you're worried about losing your freedom you might want to look at all the things we've given up in order to keep us safe from terrorists. The more the government "protects" us the less free we become.
Indeed! As a foreigner who travels in your country now and then, I often wonder what your «freedom» consists of! America doesn't seem free to an outsider like me. You've been losing freedoms for a long time now, way before any terrorist attacks.

As for abelcainsbrother, the USA isn't important prophetically. Whatever you do, whoever is in the White House won't change the course of events prophecied long ago. So, just sit back and watch things unfold.

Sit back & relax. Enjoy the show.

Re: Questions to Bernie Sanders

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 1:49 pm
by edwardmurphy
abelcainsbrother wrote:Want to hear the truth about Bernie Sanders? He was set up by the Clintons to help make Hillary seem more moderate and he will be taken out by them at the right time.
Hillary doesn't need help seeming more moderate. She's about as centrist a politician as you'll find. She's a long, long way to the left of people like you, but that's because you're a long, long way right of center.