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Re: Hillary Clinton, POTUS

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 12:13 pm
by Philip
Edwardo, do you think Obama has been a good president - one you'd vote for again?

Re: Hillary Clinton, POTUS

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 2:05 pm
by edwardmurphy
Philip wrote:Edwardo, do you think Obama has been a good president - one you'd vote for again?
Get out of town. You said that Barack Obama was the most disastrous president in history. Back it up.

Re: Hillary Clinton, POTUS

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 2:54 pm
by RickD
edwardmurphy wrote:
Philip wrote:Edwardo, do you think Obama has been a good president - one you'd vote for again?
Get out of town. You said that Barack Obama was the most disastrous president in history. Back it up.
The Donald says Hussein is the worst president ever. That's enough for me. :twodancing:

Re: Hillary Clinton, POTUS

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 3:25 pm
by RickD

Can you tell us why you chose to put Psalms 101:7 as your signature?

Is it a dig at someone here who is deceitful?

Re: Hillary Clinton, POTUS

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 4:04 pm
by edwardmurphy
The Donald is performance art.

And yes, you've surmised correctly.

Re: Hillary Clinton, POTUS

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 4:17 pm
by RickD
RickD wrote:

Can you tell us why you chose to put Psalms 101:7 as your signature?

Is it a dig at someone here who is deceitful?
edwardmurphy wrote:
And yes, you've surmised correctly.
Then would it be fair to point out your hypocrisy? Although you're not a bible believer, you use the bible to point out someone here being deceitful. Even though you were banned from this forum under the name SkepticalSkeeter, then rejoined the forum, under a different name, after you knew you were banned. Wouldn't that be deceitful, and hypocritical?

Is there anything you'd like to say?

Re: Hillary Clinton, POTUS

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 6:01 pm
by Philip

Re: Hillary Clinton, POTUS

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 9:29 pm
by edwardmurphy
RickD wrote:
RickD wrote:

Can you tell us why you chose to put Psalms 101:7 as your signature?

Is it a dig at someone here who is deceitful?
edwardmurphy wrote:
And yes, you've surmised correctly.
Then would it be fair to point out your hypocrisy? Although you're not a bible believer, you use the bible to point out someone here being deceitful.
In that instance, no. I'm not a Bible believer, but the person at whom I aimed that particular shot most definitely is, and his relationship with the truth can be... a bit fraught at times. Maybe. At this point I'm starting to think maybe he believes everything he says. That doesn't make any of it true, but the word "lie" doesn't seem to fit real well, either.
RickD wrote:Even though you were banned from this forum under the name SkepticalSkeeter, then rejoined the forum, under a different name, after you knew you were banned. Wouldn't that be deceitful, and hypocritical?

Is there anything you'd like to say?
D'oh!, indeed. You got me there, and well played, sir!

Yep, I got banned quite a while back, after a brief, tumultuous period as a member of your forum. Unreasonably so, in my opinion, but that's neither here nor there. Anyway, one day Stumble Upon brought me back. What the heck, I thought, I'll give it another shot, but keep a better handle on my temper this time around. So I did. And it would have worked if it weren't for you meddling kids. Oh well.

So yup, my return was clearly deceitful, which I suppose makes it hypocritical. I've been 100% honest about everything other than my name, though. Or my fake name, I guess, since it's neither Skeptical nor Ed. Oh well again.

In any case, the smart money says the only reason I still have posting privileges is so that you can call me out on my hypocritical deception before banning me again. I'll miss some of you, but not enough to go to the trouble of figuring out how you figured it out and then trying it again. Either IP address or obviously similar writing style, I assume. I can change the former pretty easily, but the latter is deeply ingrained. Anyway, I digress.

It's been an interesting experience arguing with most of you, and an even more interesting experience discovering unanticipated areas of common ground all over the place. I'll be sorry to see me go, but such is life.


Re: Hillary Clinton, POTUS

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 9:38 pm
by Mallz
And it would have worked if it weren't for you meddling kids. Oh well.
:pound: :pound: :pound:

Re: Hillary Clinton, POTUS

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2015 8:30 am
by Philip
Edward, you may not realize it, but the mods here do not consider you an enemy. A sometimes (often? :lol: ) aggravation, perhaps, but we realize your heart and mind, without faith in Christ, will only ever have certain viewpoints. But politics is one thing, your eternal destination, that's what we ultimately care about - and it's what YOU should care about. No God - the rest is mere opinion!

Re: Hillary Clinton, POTUS

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2015 10:20 am
by B. W.
edwardmurphy wrote:
Philip wrote:Edwardo, do you think Obama has been a good president - one you'd vote for again?
Get out of town. You said that Barack Obama was the most disastrous president in history. Back it up.
If you like your doctor you can keep him...

The rich are getting filthy rich while the poor getting poorer...

Economy is not what he says it is currently 2015 - In fact it remains very bad so the obama feds must be using common core moron math to stack the stats...

Most divisive Prez...

Went to a racist church for 20 years

Sides with liars and radicals, foments hate toward police...

By passes US Constitution separation of powers

Decreased respect for America throughout the world

Sides with Islamist and extols Islam and lambaste Christianity in speeches

Evil is on the march and Imperialist powers are on the move again

Hates conservatives and Christians with the same vitriol shared by Ed

Very diabolical dude...

Like I said, once America is fundamentally transformed, America ceases to exist and so do American liberals like Ed. National suicide is not good... You are an American ED and will die along with america - all American liberal progressives will die with it and as Stalin said - Useful idiots...

I hate to see our country destroyed and evil win out. Next time, evil marches, there will be no one to help stop it. Europe and Canada Central and South America, Australia and New Zealand all lacks the ability to stop for reasons already known. This is simply more proof bible prophecy is true and playing out. Just did not think I would be living in such history.

The reality of history is that it is true... there is evil in the world and open boarders will collapse the systems so one world government rules as a diabolical tyranny that will continues to fight against itself.

Have a nice day ED you and the left have won - won what? I don't you or any liberal Marxist knows what they really won.. death - certain... national suicide is so justified... Congrats you won...

Re: Hillary Clinton, POTUS

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2015 11:57 am
by edwardmurphy
B. W. wrote:If you like your doctor you can keep him...
Yeah, he played that one poorly. He should have been upfront about it from the start. Not that it would have mattered in the least, since his opposition was more than willing to make stuff up to discredit the ACA. Where's your outrage over the lies the Republicans told about the supposed "death panels" and so forth? Consistency, dude...
B. W. wrote:The rich are getting filthy rich while the poor getting poorer...
That trend predates Obama by about 30 years. Sure, he didn't fix the problem, but neither did anybody else, so laying it all at his feet is a crock. Consistency, dude...
B. W. wrote:Economy is not what he says it is currently 2015 - In fact it remains very bad so the obama feds must be using common core moron math to stack the stats...
The numbers that I've seen show a gradually improving economy. If you're going to cast stones you should probably chuck some at GWB. When he took over our economy was doing great. When he left it was in shambles. Seems to me that the guy who broke it is more to blame than the guy who hasn't fixed it fast enough for your tastes...

As far as Common Core math, I agree that it's kind of tough to wrap your head around it, especially if your primary goal is to get confused so you can get outraged, but I assure you that there's a point.
B. W. wrote:Most divisive Prez...
-Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, quoted in National Journal, November 4, 2010 wrote:The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.
[quote="-McConnell, appearing on CNN's "State of the Union," October 23, 2011"]Their story line is that there must be some villain out there who’s keeping this administration from succeeding.[/quote]

B. W. wrote:Went to a racist church for 20 years
If you say so. I never paid any attention to that stuff, since it looked like a smear campaign. Seems like you should be happy that he went to church, but apparently he was doing it wrong. Oh well.
B. W. wrote:Sides with liars and radicals, foments hate toward police...
Citation, please.
B. W. wrote:By passes US Constitution separation of powers
Citation, please.
B. W. wrote:Decreased respect for America throughout the world
GWB invaded and conquered the wrong country, which led to a civil war, the overall destabilization of the region, a massive increase in our debt and deficit, and the overall weakening of our military. How did Obama top that?
B. W. wrote:Sides with Islamist and extols Islam and lambaste Christianity in speeches
Citation, please.
B. W. wrote:Evil is on the march and Imperialist powers are on the move again
B. W. wrote:Hates conservatives and Christians with the same vitriol shared by Ed
I imagine that he dislikes some folks in Washington pretty strongly, but claiming that he hates Christians is ridiculous.

In other news, I still don't hate conservatives, although I hate some conservative ideas, and I still don't hate Christians, although I hate some of the things being done in the name of Christianity. I don't expect you to grasp the distinction, but thankfully most people do.
B. W. wrote:Have a nice day ED you and the left have won - won what? I don't you or any liberal Marxist knows what they really won.. death - certain... national suicide is so justified... Congrats you won...
It seems like someone with faith as strong as yours would be happy and relaxed - Jesus has it all under control, right? Yet here you are so full of paranoid rage that you turn everything I say, no matter how innocuous, into part of a grand scheme to destroy America...

What give? Where's your inner peace?

Re: Hillary Clinton, POTUS

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2015 3:45 pm
by Kurieuo
I've been following Carson, and think he'd do the best job in many, many years of running America. But, I could be wrong. And in recent polls, he does better than Clinton. Why would you think Clinton would win it? I think Carson will probably win. But in a years time we'll all know.

Re: Hillary Clinton, POTUS

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2015 3:53 pm
by Kurieuo
Also, the Democrats had a go with their black president who almost everyone pretty much concedes failed. So it's only fair the the Republicans have a go with their black president, right?

Re: Hillary Clinton, POTUS

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2015 5:27 pm
by RickD
Kurieuo wrote:Also, the Democrats had a go with their black president who almost everyone pretty much concedes failed. So it's only fair the the Republicans have a go with their black president, right?
Pretty much everyone concedes he (Obama) failed?

I guess you haven't been talking to Democrats.

I think the only fair thing, would be for a woman to be president. And that's Hillary. It's irrelevant that she can't be trusted. She's a woman. We need to show the world that America has come far enough to elect a woman.


Abby Normal
