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Re: What is the aim of the mankind ?

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2015 8:11 am
by Storyteller
manden wrote:Storyteller ,

I know that he exists , you NOT !
I know He exists.

Re: What is the aim of the mankind ?

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2015 8:30 am
by manden
Storyteller , where from ?

(I am not your enemy , of course , but the mankind needs the truth)

Re: What is the aim of the mankind ?

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2015 8:51 am
by RickD
Proverbs 26:4

Re: What is the aim of the mankind ?

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2015 8:59 am
by manden
Reason , logic and moral are the best what we have from the real Creator of the universe ( no religion ) .

And we should use it in the right way !

Re: What is the aim of the mankind ?

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2015 9:01 am
by B. W.
manden wrote:Storyteller , where from ?

(I am not your enemy , of course , but the mankind needs the truth)
It is illogical for you to be able to substantiate the truth you claim to hold from a god who is not all powerful enough to record his own words to humanity so folks that reveal who he is, his ways, character, and plans so that humanity will not be mislead or deceived. Your god is incapable of providing directions or hope or grace to fallen humanity.

So since you are the only one who knows truth, what truth do you know?

So far it concerns a god weak and distant who demands people to earn favor. The only truth you pose is that your god is certainly not all powerful at all as he is unable to to communicate to humanity at all.

Re: What is the aim of the mankind ?

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2015 9:08 am
by B. W.
manden wrote:Nessa ,

I know from the real Creator (no religion) , what with reason and logic is possible to know .
That he exists and has created the universe ( with all what belongs to it ) . The men have from him reason , logic and
moral and others .
Your god is incapable of providing any form or shape of morality as he is not all powerful enough to leave a road map or written record guiding folks what is right or what is wrong.

Your answer poses a logical contradiction: A creator too weak to leave a written record to help fallen humanity find him as well as know right from wrong yet tells people what is morally right. One one hand mankind is sinful, megalomanic, and on the other knows by reason, logic, what is moral is a contradiction of your gospel

Re: What is the aim of the mankind ?

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2015 9:09 am
by DBowling
manden wrote:D. Bowling ,

very simple , almost all what you say about the Creator you cannot know !
That is not true...
Evidently what I said about the Creator are things that YOU cannot know. My reason and logic has no problem at all deducing and knowing those things.
Which demonstrates again the flaws in your reason and logic and by extension your flawed understanding of the Creator.

So let's take another look at what reason and logic can tell us about the Creator.
Looking at the attributes of any creation can give us insight into the the nature and character of the creator of that creation. So let's see what some of the attributes of mankind can tell us about the Creator of mankind.

1. As a creation of the Creator, I have the attribute of personality... where did I get that attribute from?
Using reason and logic...
In order for me, the creation, to have personality then my Creator would also have personality. This tells us that the Creator is a 'personal' Creator.

2. As a creation of the Creator, I have the ability to love... where did I get the ability to love from?
Using reason and logic...
In order for me, the creation, to have the ability to love then my Creator would also have the ability to love.

By examining the Creator's creation using reason and logic we can deduce at least two attributes of the Creator, Personality and Love. (Actually we can deduce many more attributes of the true Creator using reason and logic, but let's start with personality and love.)

Since reason and logic demonstrate that the Creator has personality and the ability to love, we proceed to the next logical conclusion.

Since reason and logic demonstrate that the Creator is capable of love.
And since reason, logic, and experience demonstrate that mankind is capable of love.

Then reason and logic tell us that the greatest and most meaningful love relationship for a person is a love relationship with his Creator.

There we go...
Using reason and logic I have supported my conclusion that
The ultimate 'aim of mankind' would be harmony and a love relationship with his Creator first and foremost.
If you disagree with my conclusion, please use reason and logic to show where you disagree.
Simple assertions without reason and logic are meaningless.

Re: What is the aim of the mankind ?

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2015 9:36 am
by manden
B. W. wrote:
manden wrote:Nessa ,

I know from the real Creator (no religion) , what with reason and logic is possible to know .
That he exists and has created the universe ( with all what belongs to it ) . The men have from him reason , logic and
moral and others .
Your god is incapable of providing any form or shape of morality as he is not all powerful enough to leave a road map or written record guiding folks what is right or what is wrong.

Your answer poses a logical contradiction: A creator too weak to leave a written record to help fallen humanity find him as well as know right from wrong yet tells people what is morally right. One one hand mankind is sinful, megalomanic, and on the other knows by reason, logic, what is moral is a contradiction of your gospel
B.W. , what you say , is it incredible ,you think you can prescribe what you think what the Creator has to do .
That comes out of the bible , of course . Because you read many times how and what "God" did .
You can forget this primitive and relative powerless "God" , because he does not exist .
The TRUE GOD is the real creator of the universe and his power is unimaginable , of course .

Re: What is the aim of the mankind ?

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2015 9:40 am
by Storyteller
So unimaginable that he does nothing with it.

Re: What is the aim of the mankind ?

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2015 9:45 am
by B. W.
manden wrote:Storyteller ,

I know that he exists , you NOT !
That is your self assertion. She does know the Lord God as do many on this forum.

Manden, even the devils believe there is a God. At least we understand what is influencing you: pride. The same that all fallen humanity shares.

A pride that cannot accept the fact that God is certainly all wise, all powerful enough to be able to send forth writings that reveal who he is, his character, nature, ways, throughout all history in a logical era by era manner as well as indwell his people in positive ways as well as have fellowship with his own people is something you cannot fathom.

God is certainly to be all powerful can write a book thru the hand of his own people by men that reveal who he is as well as provide a written record to successive generation displays great, intelligence, wisdom, logic, omnipotence, omniscience, omnipresence, and love. To say other wise reduces His deity to an image of four footed beast, birds, animals, insects, trees, bushes, that is worshiped/honored instead of him.

Your deity lacks logic, intelligence,lacks all reasonableness, and all love. Your deity is so distant that by your own words, admit, - you - yourself can never really know...

Think really hard on this y:-?

You do not know the real Creator...

Re: What is the aim of the mankind ?

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2015 9:52 am
by manden
B.W. , with the pride you are right , but you are pride .

And the rest what you wrote , is only to forget .

Re: What is the aim of the mankind ?

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2015 9:55 am
by RickD
The clock is ticking....

Re: What is the aim of the mankind ?

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2015 9:56 am
by Storyteller
Can I get the egg timer out? :mrgreen:

Re: What is the aim of the mankind ?

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2015 9:58 am
by manden
d. Bowling , what you wrote is all influenced by the bible - a book which is in the main human invention and Imagination .

In the main means all what concerns "God" .

You think you are right , but you are not .

Re: What is the aim of the mankind ?

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2015 9:59 am
by RickD
Storyteller wrote:Can I get the egg timer out? :mrgreen:
I think we need :fryingpan: for anyone actually arguing with him.