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Re: Immigration: Interesting Commentary

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 4:25 am
by RickD
BGoodForGoodSake wrote:People will look back one day at the acrimony between Muslims and Christians, like we do now at how it was between Catholics and Protestants. Something we had to learn in school to pass the test.

Re: Immigration: Interesting Commentary

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 6:05 am
by Storyteller
BGoodForGoodSake wrote:People will look back one day at the acrimony between Muslims and Christians, like we do now at how it was between Catholics and Protestants. Something we had to learn in school to pass the test.
I disagree.

There is a big difference between Catholics and Protestants and Christians and Muslims.

Catholics and Protestants both believe in Christ as God.

Muslims don`t.

Re: Immigration: Interesting Commentary

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 11:22 am
by B. W.
Here is a new article out: muslims fastest growing religious group in the world and in the USA 70 percent vote...

In the USA as eslewhere, the Leftist progressives use Narrative as a form of Strategy to get what the desire rammed thru come hell or high water. The Narrative is plight of Muslim refugees and the christian refugees be d-mned as hey deserve it. The narrative is to pull on peoples heart strings and pit Christian compassion as well as mercy ethic's against themselves. If you do not follow the Narrative, you will be considered a bigot, racist Islamic-phobic, a neanderthal heartless Conservative worse, christian bigot.

The Narrative hides the fact that the real reason the liberal progressive elites want predominantly Muslims into the USA is because they vote Democrat as the article points out. Also, the money trial to the big donors of progressives need cheap labor to work in their businesses because the illegal Hispanic population is traveling back across into Mexico for jobs there as work here in the USA is hard to find.

So the left uses narrative to hide the real reason they want predominantly only Muslims into the USA. They say, no to religious test, yet, they are performing a religions test as fact checks prove - only 4 percent of refugees entered in the USA are Christian while 96 percent are Muslim.

The progressive elites in the USA and elsewhere are and have been radicalized for some time to be a slave to a narrative of the ends justify the means to get what they want which is: Destruction of the American way of life, fundamental transformation of America into kinder gentler neo-marxist central planning state of pure crony capitalism enforced by Govt degree, submission of Christianity to its ideas or better its total destruction as the left views Christianity as a great evil because in their world view it fostered all the ill of the world to happen.

That is why one of their own reporters blamed he San Bernardino on a Messianic Jewish Believer who was seen arguing with an poor Islamist terrorist. As well as blame the Christian in Dearborn MI for having stones tossed at themselves by the poor religion of peace-nicks.

Now no-one deserves stones tossed at them. Such acts are not and never justified. Even when the cultic non-Christian Westborro group protest its weirdness. Throwing stones at them is not allowed. You do not need too, because you cannot answer foolish acts with more foolishness. People can see for themselves the acts of foolishness and shun Westborro Group. I do not know the real story behind the Christians in Dearborn but they do not deserve to be stoned by the religion of peace either, even if they were challenging, such acts do not deserve stones tossed at one.

My point is that the Leftist Narrative will do whatever to follow a narrative that Christians and Christianity is bad, narrow minded, bigoted, racist, mean spirited, etc...

The radicalization of the Left's agenda and mentality is just as odd as radicalization of terrorist agenda ad mentality. They both follow their own so blindly that you could say they are drunk. Note that Obama blames Christianity for the rise Islamic terrorism... amazing!
