Next Sermon on Prayer.

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Re: Next Sermon on Prayer.

Post by Nessa »

Storyteller wrote:
Nessa wrote:
Silvertusk wrote:Hello everyone.

My next sermon I have been asked to do is on Prayer (I always get the easy ones......;-))

Basically it is because to be honest I am not very good at it. I am doing my research and am reading some books - but I was wondering about what your thoughts are on it? Basically I will be approaching it from mainly an apologetic angle and will considering questions like:

1) If God knows what you want, why pray about it.
2) If God only works according to his will, why pray to change his mind? Does he change his mind? (case of Abraham and Sodom for instance, Moses and the Israelites)
3) The Bible says ask and you will receive - yet why is this often not the case?
4) How do you reconcile unanswered prayer? How do you comfort someone who has had tragic lost because of unanswered prayer?
5) Have people had any answer to prayer? How do you know it was from God?
6) How do you best approach prayer?
7) Why does prayer often seem a one sided conversation?
8) Why does the answering of prayers seem at times random, which kind of makes these circumstances either seem like coincidences or the whole prayer thing arbitrary?

There are probably more questions in there somewhere but that will do for now. Any thoughts and comments would be greatly appreciated.

God Bless

Hey there,

Well, prayer is one of my biggest struggles.

And it is purely emotional.

My question is this: Does it matter to God if I pray?
Im not asking if it will make a difference in the outcome of the circumstance but whether it makes a personal difference to God himself. How does he feel about the fact I dont pray?

I need to know it matters to him. Not just because I am an instrument in accomplishing his will but just simply because he wants to hear me. And Im not entirely sure I believe he does.

Why do you yourself find prayer hard, Silvertusk?
Of course He wants to hear you nessa, He loves you. Of course it matters. Maybe He needs to hear how you love Him.

Personally, I rarely pray out loud, I don't think God has a problem deciphering thoughts from prayer.
I think each of us has a personal relationship with God and our own way of praying, of communicating with God. I pray when I write, kinda like my writings are a prayer sometimes.
See, I would love to think God needs or wants me to tell him I love him. But day after day, I dont pray and he doesnt seem to mind. And if he doesnt mind then why bother? I want God to intervene with my prayerlessness. Get upset, angry, sad. I want to hear him say that he wants to hear me. I need to know on a personal level that God misses my prayers. I mean if God loves me so much more and longs for me so much more, then why does it feel that Im the only one in this relationship that even cares about this.

I totally agree that writing is a great way to get thoughts/feelings across.
One you are very good at ST :esmile:
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Re: Next Sermon on Prayer.

Post by Storyteller »


Maybe God is telling you, through me, that He wants to hear you.

Early on, someone told me "forget praying, forget words, just ache in the presence of God"

I have stood there nessa, just hurting, tears dripping down, just broken. He heard me. He will hear you, how can He not?

How do you know He doesnt mind?

I dont think He would intervene, it has to be your choice.

Dont get hung up on prayer ness, find a way, write, sing, dance, shout at Him. Anything, just dont not do anything.

And nessa, trust me, He wants to hear you, in whichever way you choose.
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Re: Next Sermon on Prayer.

Post by Nessa »

Storyteller wrote:y>:D<

Maybe God is telling you, through me, that He wants to hear you.

Early on, someone told me "forget praying, forget words, just ache in the presence of God"

I have stood there nessa, just hurting, tears dripping down, just broken. He heard me. He will hear you, how can He not?

How do you know He doesnt mind?
I believe he might very well be talking through you to me but it doesnt feel enough.

I said in another prayer thread that I wanted a hug from God and someone said well they get hugs from their kids and its like a hug from God. But its not the same. Again, I want God. I need to hear it for myself. Though maybe this is as good as it gets. I really do appreciate the help you guys give tho, hope you know that y>:D<

As for longing, thats there for sure.
Last edited by Nessa on Tue Dec 15, 2015 10:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Next Sermon on Prayer.

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y>:D< y>:D<

One from me and one from God :mrgreen:

Seriously though, I do know what you mean. Its like this yearning to actually feel Him. To really communicate.
Just think though, how cool it will be when we do all meet Him.

I will pray for you honey, pray that He touches you somehow. y>:D<

And I hope you know how much we appreciate you too xx
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Re: Next Sermon on Prayer.

Post by Nessa »

Thanks xo
y>:D< y@};-
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Re: Next Sermon on Prayer.

Post by Nessa »

So I had a chat with Micah, our six year old, on are his insights.

God will give you what you want if you are nice. He wont give you what you want if you are mean.

I asked him how mama can get what she wants and he said....

'Its too late! You have been naughty and only if you have never been bad will you get something'

So I guess he has a santa clause mentality when it comes to prayer..will have to work on that..

Thinking about it, isnt that the mentality of some of jobs friends? That job was sinning somehow? That good things happen to good people?
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Re: Next Sermon on Prayer.

Post by Nessa »

You know phil joel sings the most profound song on prayer that I have ever heard. Its lyrics motivate me to keep hoping for this kind of 'face to face' communion with God where He opens his heart to me. It strips away all the religiousity and gets to the very heart of prayer.

Time alone with you - Phil Joel

It's all coming back to this
Where have I been
I've been sorely missing
Out on my own
See the enemy fire
Fall around my head

It's all coming back to this
And I know Your plan
Face to face communion
The promise still stands
My heart is in Your hands

There You go
Like the call of home
That voice I know
Leading on

Time alone with You
After everything we've been through
After everything we've seen
Time alone with you
It's where you open Your heart to me

Its all coming back to this
The place I've found
I've been looking forward
To being around You and Your words spoken
How beautiful they are

There You go
Like the call of home
That voice I know
Leading on

Time alone with You
After everything we've been through
After everything we've seen
Time alone with you
It's where You unfold your mystery

I'll keep getting to know You
The vow will not be broken
There's always so much more
And I still need

Time alone with You
After everything we've been through
After everything we've seen
Time alone with you
It's where You unfold your mystery
I still need
Time alone with You
After everything we've been through
After everything we've seen
Time alone with you
It's where you open Your heart to me

It's all coming back to this
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Re: Next Sermon on Prayer.

Post by Silvertusk »

For whats it worth - here was the sermon i did on Prayer last Sunday.

Special credit goes to Mr Phillip Yancey, who I got a lot of material from (His book on Prayer is definitely worth a read) and to Nessa for some of her valuable insight and wisdom.
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Re: Next Sermon on Prayer.

Post by B. W. »

Silvertusk wrote:For whats it worth - here was the sermon i did on Prayer last Sunday.

Special credit goes to Mr Phillip Yancey, who I got a lot of material from (His book on Prayer is definitely worth a read) and to Nessa for some of her valuable insight and wisdom.
Very good remark at the end of message...
In the end I think it comes down to authenticity - God has created a longing and desire within us to experience a real and authentic relationship with himself. And while Adam and Eve walked freely 'naked' in the garden talking with God, we have lost that. Nowadays, we may no longer be hiding ourselves behind bushes, but we are hiding ourselves behind these masks. And God wants us to walk again with him 'exposed and vulnerable" so he can give us life in all its fullness. We just need to talk.
I'll be sending an outline to the on line group on prayer as well too... so you can review that one and compare...

Keep up the good work!
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Re: Next Sermon on Prayer.

Post by Silvertusk »

That last remark was from Nessa so she gets all the credit for that. Hope you're feeling better Bryan.
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Re: Next Sermon on Prayer.

Post by Nessa »

Silvertusk wrote:That last remark was from Nessa so she gets all the credit for that. Hope you're feeling better Bryan.
She sounds like a wise girl, I will have to meet her oneday ;)
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