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Re: Hallucinogenic drugs advice

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 5:13 pm
by IceMobster
RickD wrote:I heard hallucinogenic drugs make for really lucid dreams.
Hahahaha, you bastard. Anyway, this topic is not why I opened that one. :mrgreen:
Philip wrote:Are you both a chemist and a pharmacist, able to certify the precise ingredients, what something was cut with, etc? If not, you would have absolutely NO idea of what you are ingesting or its results.
Lol. You could say the same with food you buy from the shop.
Either way, these psychadelics are not the same drug as the sh!t you see in the media (i.e. the guy who killed his friend because he thought it is the only escape from the hallucinations he was having). It's like marihuana, chill and enjoy the view. Except, in this case, the view is a bit more vivid, lol.
Are you now going to tell me marihuana is also bad for someone's health?...

Re: Hallucinogenic drugs advice

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 7:29 am
by Philip
Ice, just because you are pro-drug does not mean you know what you are talking about. Acid is in NO way a "chill" drug. And pot is mostly a time waster that dulls the senses, and many studies reveal the negative consequences of long-term use. As for the media, as long as they are REPORTING studies from qualified sources, it matters not one bit that the info from them can be found in the media.

Ice, how old are you?

Re: Hallucinogenic drugs advice

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 8:54 am
by melanie
Take it from a person who has experience.
And I don't mean I once smoked a joint in my younger years but from someone who lived this lifestyle for many years.
I grew pot.
That's how I supplemented my dependency. For many years.
I wasn't a big time dealer but a small time enabler for my own habit and a few close friends.
I have swapped my previous expertise for growing pot to now growing tomatoes and strawberries. Well a bit more so.... I grow capsicums and cucumbers, shallots and corn, lettuce and potatoes.

But my point being I know this world.
And it's crappy.
Anything that messes with the mind messes with our soul.
Escapism, has its benefits but is wrought with dangers.
A true spiritual connection can only be obtained in a sober mind and spirit.
Drugs hamper, damper and obscure our path to God.

Re: Hallucinogenic drugs advice

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 1:17 pm
by IceMobster
Philip wrote:Ice, just because you are pro-drug does not mean you know what you are talking about. Acid is in NO way a "chill" drug. And pot is mostly a time waster that dulls the senses, and many studies reveal the negative consequences of long-term use. As for the media, as long as they are REPORTING studies from qualified sources, it matters not one bit that the info from them can be found in the media.

Ice, how old are you?
Yeah, I am definitely pro-drug. :comeon:
IceMobster wrote:Now, I am not stating that no Christian can give objective opinion or that I claim it has absolutely no side effects but I am damn annoyed by bias. Provide reasons for both sides even if you do not agree with that other side.

Re: Hallucinogenic drugs advice

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 3:36 pm
by Philip
Ice, you ignored my question: How old are you?

Re: Hallucinogenic drugs advice

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2016 10:58 am
by IceMobster
Philip wrote:Ice, you ignored my question: How old are you?
I did and I will since I'm obviously not telling.
Btw, LSD = Acid, not the other two. Which is why I said: "(now I'm unsure and skeptical towards LSD of the ones you mentioned)"

Re: Hallucinogenic drugs advice

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2016 12:15 pm
by Philip
Most pro-drug, "it's all mostly media propoganda" people are very young and naive. But not all.

If you've spent any lengthy time around those doing common drugs (pot, cocaine, pills, acid), you know the dangers, the immense wasting of time and money, of the relentless narcistic pursuing of an evermore great high and party. And so, personal experience destroys the notion that it's all only a media hoax. But people so inclined will believe only what they want to - they'll not let messy or inconvenient facts dissuade them!

Re: Hallucinogenic drugs advice

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 10:24 am
by B. W.
Interesting how drugs in the ancient world were used to open the mind to the influences of spirits for advice, control, a superior intellectual illumination, vigor in battle, with the overwhelming result of birth defects, low IQ, retardation, cancers, genetic diseases passed onto future generations to manifest later.

Drinking of blood, using hallucinogenic drugs, various mind altering drugs cause damage to the gene pool. This is passed on to futrue progeny who haven't a clues as to why the cancer, the disease, why the birth defects, why all this craziness in the family line, etc and etc. Then these future generations often blame blame God for all these diseases and maladies when ancestors actions caused them.

So Ice, if you really love you fellow human beings as you think you do - why would you want to poison future generations?

I am as guilty as Mel is during my past. Drugs are a bad trip that infects future progeny. So, Ice, If you love people then stop with the drugs. The Human gene pool is all messed up why add to it anymore?

Off to another different topic and onto a soap box:


In Colorado they legalized pot and hit and run driving accident and deaths have increased. In the urban areas it seems like about 2 out of 5 people take two stupid pills a day and some maybe 10. The increase in stupidity in Colorado Cities is amazing but again there are a lot of transplants from the West Coast y:-"

Re: Hallucinogenic drugs advice

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 5:10 pm
by IceMobster
Concerning the 2 posts above me, I can't remember the last time I've read something so dumb.

Re: Hallucinogenic drugs advice

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 7:31 pm
by RickD
IceMobster wrote:Concerning the 2 posts above me, I can't remember the last time I've read something so dumb.
Read a few of your own posts to refresh your memory. :mrgreen:

Re: Hallucinogenic drugs advice

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 7:32 pm
by Philip
What, that you must be very young? Or that you have some knowledge that supposedly invalidates our experiences? Please do enlighten, on both questions. y:-?

Re: Hallucinogenic drugs advice

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 9:19 pm
by IceMobster
RickD wrote:
IceMobster wrote:Concerning the 2 posts above me, I can't remember the last time I've read something so dumb.
Read a few of your own posts to refresh your memory. :mrgreen:
Rick, why must you hurt me this way? Your good pal, RedLobster? :(

Philip wrote:What, that you must be very young? Or that you have some knowledge that supposedly invalidates our experiences? Please do enlighten, on both questions. y:-?
Mind telling me the dangers of doing pot? What you say crosses with my experience of it, so, I'd like to know where you got that. I find it illogical to put it in the same basket as cocaine or pills.

Afterwards, I get a comment which says our gene pool is messed up because our ancestors used drugs. The more you know, I guess. y:O2 :doh:

Also, since you specifically asked for it. Enlightment: I am not pro-drug. I always take the red pill. :swoot:

Re: Hallucinogenic drugs advice

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2016 7:23 am
by PaulSacramento
Pot is pretty much like alcohol.
No real issues unless you have an addictive personality or abuse it.

One of the most thorough reports on the aftermath of legalized marijuana: ... IMPACT.pdf

Re: Hallucinogenic drugs advice

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 10:26 am
by B. W.
IceMobster wrote:Concerning the 2 posts above me, I can't remember the last time I've read something so dumb.

Marijuana Smoking Genetic Damage article: ... he-future/ ... ic-damage/

Your own children may be fine but a few generations go by and wham... the result of one's act is made manifest...

Re: Hallucinogenic drugs advice

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2016 1:21 pm
by crochet1949
WHY would a person Want to put substances in their body that have the potential of harming them. Some of the so-called 'harmless' drugs simply dull our senses so we don't Care what is happening. And That is dangerous. We end up not really caring if someone is being hurt by us or someone else. Do you Really want it on your conscience that you're responsible for injuring or killing someone. Each person is responsible for their actions -- so Don't take something into your body that renders you irresponsible.