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Re: Aware 2 1% done as of October 15th 2015

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 8:06 am
by bippy123
The problem with spiritual atheists is that they also have to deal with doctor longs 9 lines and 2 of those lines deal with a life review and the being of light/creator seen by nders all over the globe regardless of their beliefs ;)

I don't know how they can ignore this part of the Nde evidence ;)

Re: Aware 2 1% done as of October 15th 2015

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 8:41 am
by PaulSacramento
It's silly for atheists to be against some sort of existence after death.
That there is a survival of consciousness after death does NOT mean there is a god of any sort.
It simply means that there is an immaterial existence beyond this one.
The only people that should have issues with this are materialists.

Re: Aware 2 1% done as of October 15th 2015

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 8:51 am
by bippy123
PaulSacramento wrote:It's silly for atheists to be against some sort of existence after death.
That there is a survival of consciousness after death does NOT mean there is a god of any sort.
It simply means that there is an immaterial existence beyond this one.
The only people that should have issues with this are materialists.
I agree Paul , for the most part and the more open atheists like beloff, penrose and hameroff already accept the soul and afterlife, but most atheists like professor Krauss simply refuse to.

I remember Krauss being on the bill maher show with bill maher and Dawkins and maher brings up
Ndes and they all start laughing and prof Krauss says something along the lines of these experiences are simply hallucinations caused by a lack of oxygen and they've been proven .

An Nde scientist like long or parnia would clean his clock on this point .
This is why virtually no neuroscientist will debate ndes with them .

The last was professor churchland and she was humiliated on skeptiko by Alex tsakiris who a layman on ndes but to his credit he has a lot of knowledge from the experts he interviews on his show .

I could do without his anti religion and anti religion banter but Gary habermas more then held his own when he was interviews and Alex wouldn't go near a debate with habermas on the resurrection ;)

Re: Aware 2 1% done as of October 15th 2015

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 9:01 am
by PaulSacramento
What are these 9 lines by the way?

Re: Aware 2 1% done as of October 15th 2015

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 11:58 am
by bippy123
Here are 2 links that talk about this Paul.
The first link talks about them in a limited general sense and is a short video . The section no video goes into more detail at his presentation at the New York Academy of Sciences .

Re: Aware 2 1% done as of October 15th 2015

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 12:03 pm
by bippy123

Re: Aware 2 1% done as of October 15th 2015

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 12:32 pm
by PaulSacramento
I know that some skeptics fall back on the whole "oxygen deprivation leads to hallucinations" thing in regards to the visions of NDE BUt what about those that are brain dead?
That means NO oxygen in the brain/lungs and NO brain activity?

I mean, if there is no brain activity there can be NO hallucination.

I read the finding about brain activity still being present for at least 30 seconds on those that are clinically dead, though there is no evidence that this brain activity are hallucinations. ... ciousness/

But every literature on those that are brain dead, which means NO recordable activity in the brain at all, clearly states that brain dead people are dead and with no brain activity there is no hallucinations.

Re: Aware 2 1% done as of October 15th 2015

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 1:07 pm
by bippy123
Paul not only do we have ndes with no brain activity but if you look through parnias and longs research the anoxia or lack of oxygen theory to the brain theory just doesn't hold up because as parnia and long note they are having patients having ndes with both a lack of oxygen supply and a good supply of oxygen . The anoxia has nothing to do with it.

Paul about the 30 second surge that's been shot down fir many reasons .
1 is the patient who had a medically times veridical Nde at the aware study had it for at least a full 3 minutes , and as far as the surge when one of the researchers came in the skeptiko show she back peddled so far back that what she gave to the popular media didn't resemble her conclusions on that interview .

Correct about brain dead and hallucinations so if conscious awareness is still happening then the mind doesn't equal the brain and we have initial evidence for both the soul and afterlife .

Re: Aware 2 1% done as of October 15th 2015

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 1:08 pm
by bippy123

Re: Aware 2 1% done as of October 15th 2015

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 1:11 pm
by bippy123
Plus Paul we know from what parnia said that within 30 seconds of a cardiac arrest the brain is non functional and if the brain equals the mind there isn't supposed to be conscious awareness yet in aware the patient had it for at least 3 minutes

This fits perfectly well with the brain being a receiver for conscious much like a TV is a receiver for the broadcasted stations that play on it

Idealistic dualism seems to fit well here

Re: Aware 2 1% done as of October 15th 2015

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 1:14 pm
by bippy123 ... ished.html

this case, consciousness and awareness appeared to occur during a three-minute period when there was no heartbeat. This is paradoxical, since the brain typically ceases functioning within 20-30 seconds of the heart stopping and doesn’t resume again until the heart has been restarted. Furthermore, the detailed recollections of visual awareness in this case were consistent with verified events.

Re: Aware 2 1% done as of October 15th 2015

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 1:36 pm
by Philip
Paul: It's silly for atheists to be against some sort of existence after death.
That there is a survival of consciousness after death does NOT mean there is a god of any sort.

It simply means that there is an immaterial existence beyond this one.
The only people that should have issues with this are materialists.
I totally disagree - ANYTHING that exists HAD to have a beginning. This consciousness you speak of has intelligence, understanding and memory. These, as well, could not be self-existing or self-caused, and neither could ANYTHING they would theoretically spring from. Conscienceless, it's functionality, it's ability - certainly its RECEPTICAL, HAD to have a cause and a beginning. Just because consciousness transcends the merely physical, it still couldn't have simply existed without a cause - an INTELLIGENT and PURPOSEFUL Cause!

Re: Aware 2 1% done as of October 15th 2015

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 5:34 pm
by bippy123
Not only that Philip but like I said in doctor longs research the majority of Nde experiencers had a life review and saw either a being of light or orb of light and they described an unparalleled love coming From this light and they recognizEd the light as the creator of all reality .

Now I don't know about you guys but this site sounds a lot like God to me lol

The rest of longs research doent bother atheists as much as this part of it .

Re: Aware 2 1% done as of October 15th 2015

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 8:19 pm
by bippy123
The aware study has been extended to 2020 which is what I was hoping for as recruitment has been slower due to more stringent on qualifications .

Re: Aware 2 1% done as of October 15th 2015

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 8:33 pm
by abelcainsbrother
bippy123 wrote:The aware study has been extended to 2020 which is what I was hoping for as recruitment has been slower due to more stringent on qualifications .

Thanks for keeping us updated. Man,there is so much more to learn.