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Re: I can't sleep thread

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2016 1:03 pm
by IceMobster
Nessa wrote:
IceMobster wrote:
Philip wrote:Unless something is bothering me (which is rare), I'm totally zonked in about two minutes. But I'm a night owl and almost never go to be before midnight - or until getting sleepy.

But if you do have trouble sleeping, I would HIGHLY recommend taking 25 mg. of Benadryl (an anti-histamine) - capsules work faster. It is benign, non-addictive, works fantastic! One 25 mg. will always work. Two, and I sleep better than some in cemetaries. :lol:
Yeah, because pills are the best solution. Something is wrong? Np, fill yourself with pills!
What would you recommend? y:-B
Don't sleep that day at all or sleep for less than 4 hours. The next night, you'll see, you'll sleep like a baby. At least that is how I do it. Can't sleep? No problem. Don't sleep at all. The next day you'll sleep like a baby.

All I'm saying is that, from personal experience, people these days take pills for anything and everything. Got a fever? Pill! Can't sleep? Pill! Your head hurts a bit? Pill!
How would you fix the problem if there were no pills? How was it done before?
Of course, for some things pills are necessary, but for a headache? Really? Maybe stop looking at the damn monitor or phone 10 hours a day. Take a walk. Run through the forest. Cycle a bike...
Pills are the easy way out, imo (concerning the non-necessary ones). Compare it with hard work or life in general (no pain no gain). You experience that certain kind of pain for a reason -- most probably because you screwed up either with some (or none) physical activity, psychological problem, food you eat...

Try to fix the problem without resorting to pills as your primary problem solver. Of course, that is how I do it. I'm not trying to "indoctrinate" you to my opinion, but I would like that you think about it because my head starts to hurt when someone says my head hurts and then the first thing they do is take an aspirin or something... Eh...

Re: I can't sleep thread

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 7:38 am
by Byblos
Nessa wrote:What would you recommend? y:-B
I've always had sleep issues. I spent countless nights just staring into the quiet darkness. And I'd purposely make it as dark and as quiet as possible in an effort to fall asleep, to no avail. My mind is so overactive that' I'd try to force myself to literally think of nothing and in doing so it would have the opposite effect. I'd fall asleep a day or two later from sheer exhaustion to repeat the vicious cycle over and over. Until I met my wife. She suggested, jokingly at first, that I may be allergic to darkness and quiet. So I started leaving the light and TV on. It was nothing short of a miracle that changed my life, to be able to finally sleep. As it turned out I had a deep-rooted subconscious phobia of darkness and the TV sound served as a distraction my mind can concentrate on and no longer wander aimlessly. That's what worked for me.

Re: I can't sleep thread

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 7:44 am
by melanie
Byblos wrote:
Nessa wrote:What would you recommend? y:-B
I've always had sleep issues. I spent countless nights just staring into the quiet darkness. And I'd purposely make it as dark and as quiet as possible in an effort to fall asleep, to no avail. My mind is so overactive that' I'd try to force myself to literally think of nothing and in doing so it would have the opposite effect. I'd fall asleep a day or two later from sheer exhaustion to repeat the vicious cycle over and over. Until I met my wife. She suggested, jokingly at first, that I may be allergic to darkness and quiet. So I started leaving the light and TV on. It was nothing short of a miracle that changed my life, to be able to finally sleep. As it turned out I had a deep-rooted subconscious phobia of darkness and the TV sound served as a distraction my mind can concentrate on and no longer wander aimlessly. That's what worked for me.
Different strokes for different folks.
I find distractions counter productive to sleep.
I like silence and darkness.
A peaceful nothingness.
Otherwise I'm restless

Re: I can't sleep thread

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 12:31 pm
by IceMobster
Byblos wrote:
Nessa wrote:What would you recommend? y:-B
I'd try to force myself to literally think of nothing and in doing so it would have the opposite effect.
Hahahaha, I know this.