Audie wrote:Capitalism and science, btw, has done far more for humanity than any /all religions.
How Christianity created capitalism article
The left in this country hates capitalism due to the Christian work ethic and seeks to destroy capitalism due to its historical roots.
Like anything, unscrupulous folks can turn good into something evil. Unbridled capitalism leads to crony capitalism (megalithic monopolies enforced by a Governmental body). Socialism in all forms is simply crony capitalism in various experiments that all fail.
Free Market idea is based on work ethic and the ability of grace to have freedom to make your own wealth or not. With it, comes the exploitation to greed or the use of wealth as God intended, which is not socialism. Should I educate you on the principle of the Storehouse tithe?
Problem is that all people miss the mark of the high calling of God and screw things up. Have not you messed things up?
People warp the gifts and callings of God to exploit and game them for self benefit. This is called a sin nature. Are you perfect, pure as the drive snow or not answers the question if such a thing as a sin nature exist.
God gave us a cure for the human sin nature called the atoning work of Jesus on the cross and His resurrection. This is not a myth, nor was it designed by human agency.
When Jesus was betrayed, sold for silver, put on trial, mocked, bore false witness, spat upon, beaten, hated, had his possessions stolen from his body and gambled away, denied, friends abandon him, and crucified made a public spectacle of what sin really is by what it does to goodness. So, Audie, how was your goodness robbed from you and by who and why do you keep spreading the same robbing around?
By making exposing the sin nature, God deals it a death blow by the cross of Christ, erasing the debt we owe others and God for all our betrayals, selling for silver, putting on trial, mocking, bearing false witness, spitting upon others, beating down others, hatred, bitterness, stealing away possessions form others and gambling these away, denying, our abandoning people close to us, crucify others, our selfish pride. Everything that makes life ugly around us. All our seeking a scapegoat to blame so we do not have to take responsibility for our actions whether it be God, or another human being
Read Isaiah 61:1-4 soon Audie. Jesus will prove how real he is by working those things mentioned in that text in your life. That is your proof. Intellectual arguments are mere scapegoat reason to remain as one is. Why do you keep resisting Him putting him on trial demanding he must dance to your tunes or else you will not believe (trust) in Him to save you from yourself? How selfish is that?
With true biblical Christianity - one finds freedom and the power to endure what life tosses at you where science, philosophy alone cannot. This is foreign to you but it does not have to be.
Luke 18:9,10,11,12,13,14 explains how this is done - coming to Christ Jesus just as you are...
This was God coming in human flesh to reveal these things to us before that cross, during that cross, and after that cross- what manner of love would reduce himself to be mocked beaten, denied, abandoned, lied about, put on trial, etc and etc in order to wake people up that they can have a Savior to redeem them from their own shame they keep creating.