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Re: Kiwi Cult or Christian Community?

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 2:57 am
by crochet1949
Misapplying Scripture to the Extreme. People hear about those kind of communities / groups and decide they don't want anything to do with Christianity and ya can't really blame them.

There was another guy , Jeffries? or something -- he's in prison.

People are looking for the 'voice of authority' and someone who takes a Lot of Scripture but mixes it with garbage and ya end up with........a cult.

Re: Kiwi Cult or Christian Community?

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2016 10:47 am
by B. W.
Sounds like a cult with all the halmarks

Stay away!

Warn others...

Jesus Christ did not seek to control his disciples - they followed him instead and made plenty of mistakes, learned, then went out into all the world and not into a closed community, Neither did they seek to control people when they went out into the world but rather taught others to follow Jesus - think about this a bit...

Re: Kiwi Cult or Christian Community?

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2016 4:20 pm
by JButler
The interview with the emerging cult leader could be used as learning material for police investigators. The behaviors he exhibited would make great examples of deception to learn from. All con artists have common traits and this guy is no different except for his compound.

Its interesting how so many cults revolve around sex and lot of it......for the leader! :twisted: Of course all of them utilize separation and control with emotional manipulation. Having plenty of ignorant people to prey upon really makes it easy for the predator.

One thing I learned on my own in police work (just by dealing with people) is that emotions cloud rational thinking.

Re: Kiwi Cult or Christian Community?

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 8:37 am
by B. W.
JButler wrote:The interview with the emerging cult leader could be used as learning material for police investigators. The behaviors he exhibited would make great examples of deception to learn from. All con artists have common traits and this guy is no different except for his compound.

Its interesting how so many cults revolve around sex and lot of it......for the leader! :twisted: Of course all of them utilize separation and control with emotional manipulation. Having plenty of ignorant people to prey upon really makes it easy for the predator.

One thing I learned on my own in police work (just by dealing with people) is that emotions cloud rational thinking.

Emotions cloud rational thinking...

That is so true! Also the need to be somebody is exploited by the basic human needs of acceptance, attention, validation, importance, and significance. Cult leaders and predators use these to build their kingdom .

Re: Kiwi Cult or Christian Community?

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 10:40 am
by RickD

Kiwis are a bunch of fruitcakes. What kind of country has winter, when the rest of the civilized world is having summer?