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Re: Federalized Police Force

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 10:39 am
by RickD
Don't worry. When Trump becomes president, he'll make America great again!
:ssorry: :fainting:

Re: Federalized Police Force

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 10:40 am
by Jac3510
Actually, posting here isn't a right. But if you can post crackpot conspiracy theories and don't have to move on, then I'll post my diatribes and call out foolishness where I see it. ;)

As to your question. why the attack on police? I suspect it's a complicated matter. The most obvious and direct cause, though, is that the current administration sees that it is politically profitable to highlight problems between white officers and minority communities. It's politically profitable because minority communities and police have long had an uneasy relationship, and that for a lot of reasons, some legitimate, some not. On the other hand, those who serve and work in the opposition party and their ideologically related groups find it politically profitable to come to the defense of police. It's politiclaly profitable because it encourages their own voters to come out and keep them in power as they back a "law and order" message, as well as the fact that it speaks to the frustrations a large percentage of the white community has with having been both implicitly and explicitly called racists for several decades now--in defending the cops, they are in large part defending themselves against attacks (real or perceived) on their character.

That's WHY there have been these "attacks on the police." And none of that has anything to do with federalizing the police force or Obama's planning a secret takeover. That's just stupid talk, there.

Re: Federalized Police Force

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 11:02 am
by RickD
Jac3510 wrote:Actually, posting here isn't a right. But if you can post crackpot conspiracy theories and don't have to move on, then I'll post my diatribes and call out foolishness where I see it. ;)

As to your question. why the attack on police? I suspect it's a complicated matter. The most obvious and direct cause, though, is that the current administration sees that it is politically profitable to highlight problems between white officers and minority communities. It's politically profitable because minority communities and police have long had an uneasy relationship, and that for a lot of reasons, some legitimate, some not. On the other hand, those who serve and work in the opposition party and their ideologically related groups find it politically profitable to come to the defense of police. It's politiclaly profitable because it encourages their own voters to come out and keep them in power as they back a "law and order" message, as well as the fact that it speaks to the frustrations a large percentage of the white community has with having been both implicitly and explicitly called racists for several decades now--in defending the cops, they are in large part defending themselves against attacks (real or perceived) on their character.

That's WHY there have been these "attacks on the police." And none of that has anything to do with federalizing the police force or Obama's planning a secret takeover. That's just stupid talk, there.
But Jac,

What about the black helicopters, and govt takeover of Walmarts? :coolcall: :spoop:

Re: Federalized Police Force

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 12:23 pm
by Jac3510
Meh. Just false flag conspiracy garbage, Rick. You should know better. The Lizard People are really good at getting us to look one way while the real stuff happens elsewhere. In this case, the "elsewhere" is KIC 8462852. The apocalypse is upon us, man. But y'all keep worrying about federal police and black helicopters. As a wise man once said, "Devils don't come from hell beneath us. They come from the sky."

Re: Federalized Police Force

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 11:25 am
by B. W.
Another interesting article...


Re: Federalized Police Force

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 11:38 am
by B. W.

Below is the last four paragraphs from Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch concerning her comments on the Strong Cities program. The idea behind this program can be read from her own statement... Basically Strong Cities program is a test case to further develop and deploy federal guidance for local police, social work, etc and etc to help fashion a global response to a global issue to make law enforcement, social service, etc to create better procedures etc by using crisis to manufacture soft selling justifications to implement fully.
Read the whole article here:

Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch Announces the Launch of the Strong Cities Network at the United Nations General Assembly
New York, NYUnited States ~ Tuesday, September 29, 2015

This is a truly groundbreaking endeavor. By connecting municipal leaders, facilitating information-sharing and providing training and other assistance where appropriate, the Strong Cities Network will help to fashion a global response to a global issue, without losing sight of its inherently local roots. It will offer city leaders a way to learn from one another about successful initiatives and productive programs. It will provide a platform for discussing community policing and prevention strategies that safeguard the individual rights of citizens. And it will support the practical delivery of community resilience programs in cities that are taking a new look at this evolving issue.

I want you to know that the Obama Administration is deeply committed to ensuring that the Strong Cities Network is as strong, vibrant and resilient as the cities it unites – because we know this model works. Here in the United States, we have joined with local partners to bring down far-flung human trafficking rings, to strengthen trust in law enforcement, to thwart cybersecurity threats and to combat official and international corruption. Our experience tells us that partnering with city-level officials and the communities they represent extends the reach and deepens the perspective of national governments and international alliances. And connecting those localities to one another – as the Strong Cities Network is doing – is not only a powerful way to lift up our communities worldwide. It also sends a message about who we are and what we aspire to be – as an alliance of nations and as a global community. When the representatives of the Strong Cities Network join together for their first Annual Summit in Paris in Spring 2016, they will be making a strong and clear statement to their citizens and to the world: we stand united against violence, united against fear and united in the pursuit of a better and brighter future.

This work will not be easy. There will be difficult days for us all. But the spirit of collaboration I see before me today – the devotion to partnership and mutual support – gives me confidence in our effort and hope for the journey ahead. Thank you, once again, for your outstanding service. Thank you for your visionary leadership on a project without precedent. And thank you for your commitment to the mission of our time.

At this time, I would like to turn things over to Sasha Havlicek, the Chief Executive Officer of the Institute for Strategic Dialogue.

Re: Federalized Police Force

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 10:32 pm
by JButler
The citation is me and my life experience. Starting by grade school I had a deep interest in history & govt since grade school. Then continuing into public service in govt meeting Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, HW Bush, Bill Clinton, VP Dan Quayle, VP Al Snore, Marilyn Quayle, Hillary Clinton (what a wench and I'm being nice), plus a whole platter of the wannabes.

The positions I was in had me working with State and Federal agencies of all stripes too many to list and seeing how they operate. Plus indirect observations via City, County and State employees who's job was to work directly with Wash DC.

More?? Okay, my kid has worked in DC for the Fed govt since college, including a US Senator and US Rep.

My favorite Feds are the Secret Service, they are a gold mine of insight. Usually they only talk amongst trusted LE but the current situation is so bad I see a couple going public to warn the USA. Yes, its that serious a position this country is poised upon the precipice.

Re: Federalized Police Force

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2016 9:12 am
by JButler
For the record I don't buy into conspiracy theories as most are products of imagination. Prime example is the JFK assassination. The "theories" surrounding it just flat irritate me because the "theorists" ignore evidence and fabricate webs of lies (i.e. Oliver Stone's movie is textbook example).

Our system of checks and balances has really been deteriorating as the bloated bureaucracies run the country via dictates, "regulation" and decree, all with very little interference from Congress who's supposed to be watching them. I blame a spineless Republican "leadership" for failing to rein agencies that are getting more and more rogue, like DEA, FDA, EPA and the worst....Homeland Security which has become a law unto itself.

There is an overload of real concerns about the US and Fed govt without conspiracy theories. I never thought I would see such a widespread attack on the 1st Amend and de facto censorship in the form of Political Correctness. I could go on for pages about the stuff I've seen the media do first hand to pervert/distort the truth, but my hands won't let me go that long.

Suffice to say we are in dangerous times in many ways including the foundation of our very govt. Its unprecedented in history that a presidential candidate has told the Fraternal Order of Police that she will not be seeking their endorsement....and made that public to top it off. Shows the utter disdain for the enforcement of law and the enforcers, well except for the laws they like and want to enforce on others.

Hitler's propaganda man Goebbels said people will believe a Big Lie over a small one. He knew what he was talking about.

One Big Lie is it doesn't matter which party you vote for as they as the same. No! It makes a huge difference because Admins like Clinton and "O" pack the bureaucracies as much as they can with like minded people. These bureaucrats stay in power and run the govt the way they see fit unless micro-managed by Congress.

Each successive leftist president packs the Fed Govt with people and additional power via "rules". These people don't leave after 8 years, they stay for 30+ years hiring minions and molding agency polices to ensure their ideology carries on.

Re: Federalized Police Force

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2016 11:06 am
by edwardmurphy
JButler wrote:There is an overload of real concerns about the US and Fed govt without conspiracy theories. I never thought I would see such a widespread attack on the 1st Amend and de facto censorship in the form of Political Correctness. I could go on for pages about the stuff I've seen the media do first hand to pervert/distort the truth, but my hands won't let me go that long.
I don't understand the obsession with political correctness. What exactly are the PC Police preventing you from saying?

And for what it's worth, although I probably disagree with you on almost everything, I see the news distorting things all the time as well. FOX is almost entirely counterfactual, and the so-called "liberal" media, which is actually tightly controlled corporate media, wastes most of its time on trivial distractions. Thankfully there's NPR, at least until the Republicans manage to kill it.
JButler wrote:Suffice to say we are in dangerous times in many ways including the foundation of our very govt. Its unprecedented in history that a presidential candidate has told the Fraternal Order of Police that she will not be seeking their endorsement....and made that public to top it off. Shows the utter disdain for the enforcement of law and the enforcers, well except for the laws they like and want to enforce on others.
I can't find any evidence that that actually happened. The conservative media is freaking out about it, of course, but all they're saying is that the Clinton campaign didn't fill out a questionnaire. How that constitutes a public snub is beyond me.
JButler wrote:One Big Lie is it doesn't matter which party you vote for as they as the same. No! It makes a huge difference because Admins like Clinton and "O" pack the bureaucracies as much as they can with like minded people. These bureaucrats stay in power and run the govt the way they see fit unless micro-managed by Congress.

Each successive leftist president packs the Fed Govt with people and additional power via "rules". These people don't leave after 8 years, they stay for 30+ years hiring minions and molding agency polices to ensure their ideology carries on.
Are you seriously claiming that only "leftist" presidents hire like-minded people? Or is it that the Republicans have a "leave nothing but footprints" policy when it comes to bureaucrats and they take them all when they go? Or is this just another example of a conservative turning a blind eye when the people whose views he agrees with do precisely the same thing that the hated "lefties" do?

Re: Federalized Police Force

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 7:15 am
by B. W.
For thoseof us old enough to recall the 1960 1970 era, we remember well the 1960 Anti-Establishment rhetoric.

Most of those folks grew up and got into position of power and influence holding the same radicals ideas of that bygone era. We also recall that the old establishment was done away with and no longer exist by the time of the late 1970's - early 1980's. However these folks from the radical 1960's still think that old system still exist and so seek to destroy and reshape the world. Reshape it into what has been never fully explained.

They have a world of imaginary boogeymen to base their activism on to this day. Now, they have become the establishment. So I find it tragically but sadly amusing to see them seeking to pull all the world down around them for what? Build a better world?

Better in what way because after all whatever way it becomes - it turns into the establishment and thus needs change.

I will be glad when the 1960 anti establishment power brokers and in position of authority soon retire and pass away. They have messed up the world and made it far unsafer than it has been in a long-long-time.

They have placed minorities in project, ghettos, slums, inner cities and taught them to hate, become good justified racist, and seek revenge in exchange for the handouts and the purchase of votes all because, according o their ideology: the ends justify the means - of being anti-establishment.

They have and still hurt untold millions with bad economic policies and always flame racism, fear, with character assassination and bigotry under the disguise of tolerance. They live in the 1960's never realizing that era changed and is no longer but sadly for them, they cannot see the change at all.

This maybe due to the drugs and infiltration of Marxist didactical thought brought forth by the liberal progressives of the 1870's and later by Stalin which all led to the failure of a benevolent ruling oligarchy of elites so that a strong dictator takes charge. Progressive leftist ideas have lead to the killing of more people than any other movement in human history, way surpassing Islam.

Yep, can't wait for the anti-establishment types to retire and fade away...

May the Lord wake people up to see their hypocrisy and vacuous ideas for what they really are and produce - ruin, death, theft...
Screen legend John Wayne equated aspects of 1960s social programs with the rise of the welfare state,

"…I know all about that. In the late Twenties, when I was a sophomore at USC, I was a socialist myself—but not when I left. The average college kid idealistically wishes everybody could have ice cream and cake for every meal. But as he gets older and gives more thought to his and his fellow man's responsibilities, he finds that it can't work out that way—that some people just won't carry their load ... I believe in welfare—a welfare work program. I don't think a fella should be able to sit on his backside and receive welfare. I'd like to know why well-educated idiots keep apologizing for lazy and complaining people who think the world owes them a living. I'd like to know why they make excuses for cowards who spit in the faces of the police and then run behind the judicial sob sisters. I can't understand these people who carry placards to save the life of some criminal, yet have no thought for the innocent victim."

Quoted from This ariticle.

Re: Federalized Police Force

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 12:35 pm
by PaulSacramento
Very Well said by John Wayne.

Re: Federalized Police Force

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 1:56 pm
by RickD
PaulSacramento wrote:Very Well said by John Wayne.
John Wayne's real name is Marion. I have a hard time taking anything seriously, said by a man named Marion.

Re: Federalized Police Force

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2016 7:59 am
by PaulSacramento
RickD wrote:
PaulSacramento wrote:Very Well said by John Wayne.
John Wayne's real name is Marion. I have a hard time taking anything seriously, said by a man named Marion.
You prefer a more masculine name? like Alice?

Re: Federalized Police Force

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2016 12:02 pm
by JButler
Back in the mid or maybe late 70's I read an article "Where did all the hippies go?" The author was musing about the apparent disappearance the long haired, bead wearing, free love, non-working, free loading, infrequent bathing, anti-establishment crowd. He pointed out the "hippies" were still among us.

Some got a dose of the real world once they left college and had a change of heart.

Others only had a change of hair style, a change of clothes and adopted regular bathing but their heart was still entrenched in the desire to overthrow or destroy the traditional and moral foundations of the USA. The best way to do this was in embed themselves into the education and government arena. That was the only way they could bring the change they wanted since rioting and violence wasn't working very well.

We are really seeing the effects of this infiltration today. Academia and the government (especially Federal) is stuffed to the gills with the Free Love Generation who still hold dearly their desires of the Counter Culture. Presidents come and go but the judges and bureaucrats stay to do what they think is best.

Its the same at the local level just smaller, mayors come and yap about "change" but really don't make change because they are clueless what's really going on. But the employees ignore them or pay only lip service knowing they will be around a lot longer than the mayor.

I don't think the author of that piece 40 years ago actually knew how accurate he was.

Re: Federalized Police Force

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2016 12:18 pm
by RickD
PaulSacramento wrote:
RickD wrote:
PaulSacramento wrote:Very Well said by John Wayne.
John Wayne's real name is Marion. I have a hard time taking anything seriously, said by a man named Marion.
You prefer a more masculine name? like Alice?
I think a name like Richard is the epitome of masculinity. :mrgreen: