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Re: Is Belief in God Delusional or Non-Belief?

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 4:33 am
by RickD
edwardmurphy wrote:There's no need to capitalize "atheist." We don't worship Ath.
Only someone from the democrat party would say such things.

Re: Is Belief in God Delusional or Non-Belief?

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 4:52 am
by PaulSacramento
If atheist and theist are used as a proper name or title then yes, it is perfect fine to capitalize them.

King as in tile as opposed to king as in "job description" for example.

Re: Is Belief in God Delusional or Non-Belief?

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 7:11 am
by Kenny
Kurieuo wrote:
Kenny wrote:
Kenny wrote:
Kurieuo wrote:I mentioned several years ago, that science provides evidence for there being no real Atheists. In fact, my main line of response against Atheism being accepted as the default position one begins life with, and really by that Antony Flew only ever meant a weak form of Atheism more resembling Agnosticism, nonetheless I believe Theism is the default position because such is what we're naturally wired with and is exhibited as we develop from babes into children.

This isn't my opinion, but rather numerous scientific studies demonstrate such is the case.
If scientific studies demonstrate humans are hardwired to believe in God, why do you suppose science is the one field of study that has more Atheists in it than anything else?
Kurieuo wrote: There are no true Atheists, that's what scientific studies suggests, and you are free to look up the ones presented in the YouTube video if you find this challenging to your lack of belief.
Hey! If it’s on youtube, it must be true right? (LOL)
y:-/ The delivery method matters little to the content itself. You can freely ignore the scientific papers shown, names mentioned of those leading the studies and the like due to the "YouTube factor", but I sincerely doubt they are fabricated.
Okay; I finally looked at the entire video. The video is one that promotes theism. They show some studies that show religious belief is natural, but nowhere in the Video does it present scientific papers, or anything connected to science that says Atheism is delusional or does not exist. Only the Author of the video make this claim when voicing his opinion.


Re: Is Belief in God Delusional or Non-Belief?

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 7:15 am
by Kenny
crochet1949 wrote: A non-belief would suggest that there is nothing To believe in when God is being talked about. But He is alive and well.
Actually a non-belief would suggest he is not convinced when God is being talked about.


Re: Is Belief in God Delusional or Non-Belief?

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 10:45 am
by edwardmurphy
Kurieuo wrote:For you though, if I talk with you, I'll respectfully using lowercase 'atheist'. I don't want to antagonise or cause you unnecessary grief. :P
Either way is fine. I was just sayin'...
RickD wrote:
edwardmurphy wrote:There's no need to capitalize "atheist." We don't worship Ath.
Only someone from the democrat party would say such things.
Oh rick...

Re: Is Belief in God Delusional or Non-Belief?

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 1:05 pm
by RickD
edwardmurphy wrote:
Oh rick...
Caps please. Proper nouns begin with caps. :mrgreen:

Re: Is Belief in God Delusional or Non-Belief?

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 2:05 pm
by crochet1949
Ken -- maybe your definition would apply to an agnostic. Being undecided. ?!

Re: Is Belief in God Delusional or Non-Belief?

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 5:07 pm
by Kenny
crochet1949 wrote:Ken -- maybe your definition would apply to an agnostic. Being undecided. ?!
Agnostic is not "undecided", Agnostic is the claim that it is impossible to know if God exist or not.


Re: Is Belief in God Delusional or Non-Belief?

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 6:33 pm
by crochet1949
Okay -- it is the Claim that it isn't possible to know for sure that God exists. Well -- either He does or He doesn't. And since we have a book that says He Does exist -- then obviously He Does. And we Can see His 'handiwork' as we observe nature. And the positive effect that He has on the lives of those who Do believe.

Re: Is Belief in God Delusional or Non-Belief?

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 8:49 pm
by Kenny
crochet1949 wrote:Okay -- it is the Claim that it isn't possible to know for sure that God exists. Well -- either He does or He doesn't.
Excellent point! Logic 101
crochet1949 wrote:And since we have a book that says He Does exist -- then obviously He Does.
Of course! It’s that easy. Oh wait; there’s another book out there that says he doesn’t….. Darn back to square one.
crochet1949 wrote:And we Can see His 'handiwork' as we observe nature.
Thats probably just a matter of perspective.
crochet1949 wrote:And the positive effect that He has on the lives of those who Do believe.
I wonder if it is just the belief that causes people to change. I know people who worship something that you and I both would agree doesn’t exist, and their life changed as well. Perhaps believing in something bigger than yourself can cause a change in behavior. What do you think?


Re: Is Belief in God Delusional or Non-Belief?

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2016 3:22 am
by Mazzy
Kenny wrote:
crochet1949 wrote:Okay -- it is the Claim that it isn't possible to know for sure that God exists. Well -- either He does or He doesn't.
Excellent point! Logic 101
crochet1949 wrote:And since we have a book that says He Does exist -- then obviously He Does.
Of course! It’s that easy. Oh wait; there’s another book out there that says he doesn’t….. Darn back to square one.
crochet1949 wrote:And we Can see His 'handiwork' as we observe nature.
Thats probably just a matter of perspective.
crochet1949 wrote:And the positive effect that He has on the lives of those who Do believe.
I wonder if it is just the belief that causes people to change. I know people who worship something that you and I both would agree doesn’t exist, and their life changed as well. Perhaps believing in something bigger than yourself can cause a change in behavior. What do you think?

Sorry to jump in. I just want to say, I think you have a point. Faith in something greater has produced changes in people's lives. It's like mankind may have some hardware that is programmed to respond to a belief in a higher power or purpose. Even Maslow's hierarchy of needs puts spirituality as a need for self actualization. For me, there being some correlation between 'belief in something bigger' and 'change for the better' is a point to acknowledge in its' own right. The "Why" or "Who" behind it is another discussion.

What I find curious is hearing out spoken atheists and well credentialed researchers like, like Richard Dawkins having so much to say about God. :clap:

Richard Dawkins said "I am a secular Christian” at the launch of the first volume of his memoirs, An Appetite For Wonder....." Wonderment around the truth of God and 'hope' in God are not notions that are far apart. After all Dawkins was raised a Christian. ... istianity/

Having atheists like Dawkins writing books such as "The God Delusion" is kinda like having modern scientists wasting their time robustly refuting flat earth, or Thor's hammer being responsible for earthquakes and writing books about it. Why bother, if the notion of God is so ridiculous to them? Perhaps this behavior is reflective of an inner struggle they themselves prefer not to deal with. y:-?

Re: Is Belief in God Delusional or Non-Belief?

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2016 5:26 am
by crochet1949
Kenny wrote:
crochet1949 wrote:Okay -- it is the Claim that it isn't possible to know for sure that God exists. Well -- either He does or He doesn't.
Excellent point! Logic 101
crochet1949 wrote:And since we have a book that says He Does exist -- then obviously He Does.
Of course! It’s that easy. Oh wait; there’s another book out there that says he doesn’t….. Darn back to square one.
crochet1949 wrote:And we Can see His 'handiwork' as we observe nature.
Thats probably just a matter of perspective.
crochet1949 wrote:And the positive effect that He has on the lives of those who Do believe.
I wonder if it is just the belief that causes people to change. I know people who worship something that you and I both would agree doesn’t exist, and their life changed as well. Perhaps believing in something bigger than yourself can cause a change in behavior. What do you think?


What book out there says He doesn't? 'back to square one?" not really. Cause He really Does exist.

The comments that Massy made next -- there is a struggle going on inwardly in people -- to fill an 'inner' something that everyone Is born with. And some people Are discovering God and simply don't realize it and That Is changing their inner person.

Re: Is Belief in God Delusional or Non-Belief?

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2016 6:26 am
by crochet1949
Mazzy -- I agree with you -- your last comment -- an inner struggle they don't like to deal with.

And that's what keeps some people out of the Bible -- not liking it's convicting power / influence on their inner self.

Re: Is Belief in God Delusional or Non-Belief?

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2016 9:43 am
by Kenny

Re: Is Belief in God Delusional or Non-Belief?

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2016 9:44 am
by Kenny