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Re: Thou Shalt Not Use the Name of God in Vain

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 12:08 pm
by jpbg33
I am not asking you to argue with my logic. I am asking you if the logic posted above by Kurieuo was good logic. you still haven't answered.

I wasn't saying anything bad about Kurieuo. I was just showing him that he really doesn't mean what he said.

Words of a post are not logic the meaning of the post is. So even if someone uses the wrong works or miss spell's word if you can see the meaning of the post the logic is still there.

Re: Thou Shalt Not Use the Name of God in Vain

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 1:10 pm
by RickD
jpgb39 wrote:

Words of a post are not logic the meaning of the post is. So even if someone uses the wrong works or miss spell's word if you can see the meaning of the post the logic is still there.
Definitely won't try to argue with that logic. Especially this part:
Words of a post are not logic the meaning of the post is.
Isn't the meaning of the post, found in the words of the post?

Re: Thou Shalt Not Use the Name of God in Vain

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 3:22 am
by Kurieuo
jpbg33 wrote:So you are saying that you like to do something that someone you love asked you not to do because it reminds you that you love them.

Maybe that is how you are but am I the only one that sees that as strange logic.
If one pays close attention when interpreting, when they do so, I believe they'll end up with a conclusion much similar to Jac's interpretation and the person in the video I posted, rather than what I feel to be the shallow one which is about not just using God's name in passing.

Keep in mind God's name in Israel in unutterable, we kind of improvise with Yahweh or Jehovah based upon the yod, hey, vav and hey letters). So then, is the text saying not to use an English derivative of God's name in vain, that which we call "God". Jesus, Yeshua, on the other hand...

Nonetheless, invoking God's name, even when done like "G-d damn it" (hyphened out, in respect to you), or even saying "Jesus". You know, when I say such, I feel a warmth. I see meaning to these names, labels... far from meaningless to me. It reminds me in times I'm probably most frustrated of the one I depend upon and I feel a security in such. Now, you know, we see in movies where Christ's name is used as a swear word every second work or so, and evidently, insult and disrespect is intended; such I'd loathe like you.

Otherwise, as for something more superficial such as stubbing one's toe... to each their own conscience much like Paul's advice regarding what we eat. If in your conscience you feel such is wrong, then I'm not going to tell you otherwise. I don't see anything wrong with such and am good in my conscience. Let me quote Paul on other matters I feel is much the same case here:
  • Colossians 2:16-17 Therefore no one is to act as your judge in regard to food or drink or in respect to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath day— 17things which are a mere shadow of what is to come; but the substance belongs to Christ.
  • Romans 14:3-6 The one who eats is not to regard with contempt the one who does not eat, and the one who does not eat is not to judge the one who eats, for God has accepted him. 4Who are you to judge the servant of another? To his own master he stands or falls; and he will stand, for the Lord is able to make him stand.
    5One person regards one day above another, another regards every day alike. Each person must be fully convinced in his own mind. 6He who observes the day, observes it for the Lord, and he who eats, does so for the Lord, for he gives thanks to God; and he who eats not, for the Lord he does not eat, and gives thanks to God.

Re: Thou Shalt Not Use the Name of God in Vain

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 7:11 am
by jpbg33
First I didn't say that you were going to hell because of it. I said I do not like it when people that call them selves Christians do use Gods name in vain, because I my self do not fill that a real Christian would do that sense God him self asked us not to.

Do we love our selves more or do we love God more?

If we love God more then we love our selves then we will do what he wonts us to do instead of what we wont to do.

by all of this my meaning is I can not use God's name in vain because I love him and he asked me not to.

one other thing the more I think about the video the more I think I do not agree with the way it is posted.

Is this post saying that the girl was using God name in vain by staying on the mat. If so then the post is wrong.

The girl was right to stay on the mat. She was not wrong for doing that.

Paul had his head cut off for Christ.

Re: Thou Shalt Not Use the Name of God in Vain

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2016 6:40 pm
by crochet1949
God's name should only be used in the most positive worshipful way. Not to be used in a careless, disrespectful way that some people use it in.

Re: Thou Shalt Not Use the Name of God in Vain

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 8:56 am
by Christian2
Kurieuo wrote:We often miss the point of this, thinking "God dammit" is what it means.
Listen, however, to this heart-string pulling story of Susan for better insight.
This is what Rabbi Joseph Telushkin says about this subject in his book: “Jewish Literacy.”

“The Third Commandment also has not fared well in English. Lo tissa et shem Ha-Shem Eloheikha la-shaw is usually translated as “You shall not take the Lord Your God’s name in vain.” Many people think that this means that you have to write God as G-D, or that it is blasphemous to say words such as “goddam.” Even if these assumptions are correct, it’s still hard to figure out what makes this offsense so heinous that it’s included in the document that forbids murdering, stealing, idolatry, and adultery. However, the Hebrew Lo tissa, literally means “You shall not carry [God’s name in vain]”; in other words, don’t use God as your justification in selfish causes. The Third Commandment is the only one concerning which God says, “for the Lord God will not forgive him who carries His name in vain” (Exodus 20:6-7).

The reason now seems to be clear. When a person commits an evil act, he discredits himself. But when a religious person commits an evil act in the name of God, he or she discredits God as well. And since God relies on religious people to bring knowledge of Him into the world, He pronounces this sin unpardonable.

Re: Thou Shalt Not Use the Name of God in Vain

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 8:54 am
by jpbg33
What y'all are doing is trying to condone something that the bible says not to do, by saying it means something else other then what it really says.

So when you die and stand before God and He asks you did you use My name in vain. What are you going to answer?

Do you really thing saying " God I did use your name in vain but I didn't do what you really meant".

people always try and justify there actions.

The bible says not to use Gods name in vain so you shouldn't do that, and if you wont to add more to your own personal convictions and read deeper meaning into it then go ahead, but you must not over look the direct meaning just because you think it could mean more.

Here is what y'all are saying. Y'all are saying that the bible says not to use Gods name in vain, but since y'all think it is ok to use Gods name in vain then it must be ok and there must be a deeper meaning.

The bible says that what we think is right and wrong is not right but we should do what the bibles says and that is how we know how to live right.

Our deeper meanings are not always from God but the direct context of the bible is.

You can set there and say all day long that it is ok to use God's name in vain and you will still be wrong Because God said not to do it. We are to be following God not you.

Re: Thou Shalt Not Use the Name of God in Vain

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 9:00 am
by Jac3510
jpbg33 wrote:What y'all are doing is trying to condone something that the bible says not to do, by saying it means something else other then what it really says.

So when you die and stand before God and He asks you did you use My name in vain. What are you going to answer?

Do you really thing saying " God I did use your name in vain but I didn't do what you really meant".

people always try and justify there actions.

The bible says not to use Gods name in vain so you shouldn't do that, and if you wont to add more to your own personal convictions and read deeper meaning into it then go ahead, but you must not over look the direct meaning just because you think it could mean more.

Here is what y'all are saying. Y'all are saying that the bible says not to use Gods name in vain, but since y'all think it is ok to use Gods name in vain then it must be ok and there must be a deeper meaning.

The bible says that what we think is right and wrong is not right but we should do what the bibles says and that is how we know how to live right.

Our deeper meanings are not always from God but the direct context of the bible is.

You can set there and say all day long that it is ok to use God's name in vain and you will still be wrong Because God said not to do it. We are to be following God not you.
And this is what happens when tradition, and not the Word of God, becomes your authority and god. :shakehead:

Re: Thou Shalt Not Use the Name of God in Vain

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 9:58 am
by jpbg33
So Jac3510 I don't get it are you agreeing with me or not. y:O2

Re: Thou Shalt Not Use the Name of God in Vain

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 9:59 am
by RickD
jpbg33 wrote:So Jac3510 I don't get it are you agreeing with me or not. y:O2
I agree with you. I agree with you that you don't get it.

Re: Thou Shalt Not Use the Name of God in Vain

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 10:40 am
by jpbg33
The reason I was asking if he agreed with me was because he said the same thing as I said but with fewer words

the short version of what I said was

by tradition people say it is ok to use Gods name in vain because everyone dose it (tradition)

Then I said we are to be living according to the bible not "tradition", because the bible is God's word


Re: Thou Shalt Not Use the Name of God in Vain

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 3:18 pm
by Kurieuo
jpbg33 wrote:What y'all are doing is trying to condone something that the bible says not to do, by saying it means something else other then what it really says.

So when you die and stand before God and He asks you did you use My name in vain. What are you going to answer?

Do you really thing saying " God I did use your name in vain but I didn't do what you really meant".

people always try and justify there actions.

The bible says not to use Gods name in vain so you shouldn't do that, and if you wont to add more to your own personal convictions and read deeper meaning into it then go ahead, but you must not over look the direct meaning just because you think it could mean more.

Here is what y'all are saying. Y'all are saying that the bible says not to use Gods name in vain, but since y'all think it is ok to use Gods name in vain then it must be ok and there must be a deeper meaning.

The bible says that what we think is right and wrong is not right but we should do what the bibles says and that is how we know how to live right.

Our deeper meanings are not always from God but the direct context of the bible is.

You can set there and say all day long that it is ok to use God's name in vain and you will still be wrong Because God said not to do it. We are to be following God not you.
Please use "G-d" as even the Jews are aware of the seriousness with which their own Scripture says not to use G-d's name in vain. What will you answer when before G-d, and He asks you why did you use my name in vain?

Because you know, there is no reason to really use G-d's name. There is a reason why G-d's name is unpronounceable in Hebrew as YHWH, right?

Re: Thou Shalt Not Use the Name of God in Vain

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 9:11 am
by jpbg33
I do not consider the Jews Christians I'm not following them I'm following God.

So you are saying that the Jews who God was talking directly to wont even say his name and that means that it is ok to use his name any way you wont. That doesn't make a lick of since.

The bible says not to use God's name in vain so we shouldn't be doing it. It doesn't mater what anyone else thinks. The bible is truth and truth is absolute.

one other thing the bible says to let God be true and every man a lier. The bible is God's word, so where do you think that leaves you.

Re: Thou Shalt Not Use the Name of God in Vain

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 12:41 pm
by RickD
For the love of G-d, please don't feed the trolls! If you don't feed them, they'll eventually go away.

Re: Thou Shalt Not Use the Name of God in Vain

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 8:52 pm
by Kurieuo
jpbg33 wrote:I do not consider the Jews Christians I'm not following them I'm following God.

So you are saying that the Jews who God was talking directly to wont even say his name and that means that it is ok to use his name any way you wont. That doesn't make a lick of since.

The bible says not to use God's name in vain so we shouldn't be doing it. It doesn't mater what anyone else thinks. The bible is truth and truth is absolute.

one other thing the bible says to let God be true and every man a lier. The bible is God's word, so where do you think that leaves you.
I follow the most Jewish of all Jews, Rabbi Jesus.