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Re: Is this where we have arrived?

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 4:10 pm
by Hortator
It's not really an "arrival", I might add. It can always get worse, and all evidence points to tomorrow being more and more Islamic until all of Europe is as green as a verdant field.

Re: Is this where we have arrived?

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 7:41 pm
by Kurieuo
RickD wrote:
melanie wrote:Would you believe me if I said its all bulls*it. Mostly anyway.
Your variety along with the rest.
But good luck.
You have a President, just about that refuses to acknowledge CNN, the flavour of the day. News flash, it's all shite!!!
Perhaps You'de prefer Twitter.
Your new President seems to think that's a relevent platform for news and discussion.
God help us all.
Spoken by a true leftist libtard! :lol:
Don't go expecting any sandwiches from Mel.

Re: Is this where we have arrived?

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 1:03 pm
by edwardmurphy
Stu wrote:Well leftist libtard wasn't aimed at you either but you seem determined to make the shoe fit....
It was aimed at anyone who thinks that Breitbart is garbage. That's me.
Stu wrote:As for Breitbart - point out one story that turned out false.... Unlike say CNN which just ran an obviously fake news story, and got hammered for it.
CNN reported something that was leaked and took pains to state that it was unverified. They should have been more cautious about it, but it's not the same thing as running an obviously fake news story. The media has actually been pretty cautious about the more extreme accusations against Trump.

Regarding Breitbart, I'm not going to take the time to research all the validity of all of their stories. That's beside the point - I didn't say that they're liars (although they certainly might be), I said they're partisan pundits whose story selection and writing style are are aimed at pushing their own agenda and inflaming the emotions of their readers. That's not journalism, it's punditry. I'll concede that all reporters have their own biases, but the good ones do their best to set them aside when they go to work. At Breitbart they display them front and center. Breitbart will never give you nuanced coverage, or fairly present multiple perspectives on an issue, or make any effort at all to be objective.
Stu wrote:By the way where do you get your news from?
All over the place. Google news gives me a pretty good overview, and then if I see something I want to know more about I look at what multiple sources are saying about it. If the issue is contentious I try to get multiple perspectives. If there are references to things that I don't know about or understand I try to look them up.

As far as specific sources, I listen to NPR in the car, I check the Google news feed a few times a day and use it as an overview and jumping-off point, and I watch Morning Joe if my kids aren't too nuts. I also have a Yahoo news feed that gives me updates on my phone, although it's mostly garbage and only there because I haven't taken the time to figure out how to turn it off. I also check RealClearPolitics pretty frequently. Apart from Morning Joe I mostly avoid the all of the TV news networks. And finally, I sometimes watch John Oliver, Trevor Noah, and Samantha Bee. None of them do news exactly, but they're entertaining and their stories sometimes inspire me to dig deeper into an issue.

Re: Is this where we have arrived?

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 3:43 pm
by Jac3510
I bet Rick has a file on all the members here and their trigger words. :twisted:


Re: Is this where we have arrived?

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 4:11 pm
by RickD
Jac3510 wrote:I bet Rick has a file on all the members here and their trigger words. :twisted:


Re: Is this where we have arrived?

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2017 9:31 am
by Stu
I'll just leave this here....


Re: Is this where we have arrived?

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2017 1:08 pm
by edwardmurphy
Yep, BuzzFeed screwed up, CNN got dragged into it, and now Donald Trump, the most consistent, most outrageous liar in modern American political history, is able to create a false equivalency between the Breitbart and the Enquirer on one hand and the New York Times and CNN on the other. That's a hell of a propaganda coup.

Re: Is this where we have arrived?

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2017 3:47 pm
by Hortator
edwardmurphy wrote:Yep, BuzzFeed screwed up, CNN got dragged into it, and now Donald Trump, the most consistent, most outrageous liar in modern American political history, is able to create a false equivalency between the Breitbart and the Enquirer on one hand and the New York Times and CNN on the other. That's a hell of a propaganda coup.
Can you softball this one for me? I can't tell if that was sarcasm or not.


Re: Is this where we have arrived?

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2017 7:41 pm
by DBowling
Hortator wrote:
edwardmurphy wrote:Yep, BuzzFeed screwed up, CNN got dragged into it, and now Donald Trump, the most consistent, most outrageous liar in modern American political history, is able to create a false equivalency between the Breitbart and the Enquirer on one hand and the New York Times and CNN on the other. That's a hell of a propaganda coup.
Can you softball this one for me? I can't tell if that was sarcasm or not.
"Trump" and "liar"... those are definitely trigger words for me :twisted:

Here's my .02 after hearing about the Trump/BuzzFeed/CNN tussle.

It is beyond ludicrous for a pathological liar like Trump who has lived and still lives off of propagating 'fake news' and deliberate misinformation to accuse anyone else of spreading 'fake news'... even if it is genuinely 'fake news' (as in the case with BuzzFeed).

When Trump stops spreading lies and misinformation, then and only then will he have the right to call out the lies of others.

My .02

Re: Is this where we have arrived?

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2017 9:07 pm
by abelcainsbrother
It is a good thing that the majority of people know who the real fake news media are. It is the liberal MSM. How any of you can still trust anything they report now is beyond me. I mean they were totally wrong althroughout this election. I mean they had experts and everything and yet were totally wrong. Even before this election the MSM had a 6% approval rating and now it is in the negatives. Even if there is a real Trump scandal nobody will believe them. Nobody believes this Russia hacked into our election and helped Trump win liberal and RINO conspiracy theory either. It is fake news. People get their news now from much more credible places like Infowars,Breitbart,Tucker Carlson,Hannity,talk radio,etc and they ignore the MSM.

It is good to see Trump take on the media and put them in their place and it should have happened long ago. But many Republicans were taken out and destroyed by their fake news but it does not work with Trump. He is always a step ahead of them and hits back and embarrasses them at the right time.Liberals can no longer lie and slander their way in elections,and until they learn to put America and the American people first? They will continue to lose elections and political power as they have. They have lost so much power and not just in this election and its going to continue.

For you Republican NeverTrumpers your candidate no matter who you chose would have been destroyed by the MSM along time ago and so you should thank Trump for taking out this hornet nest.

Re: Is this where we have arrived?

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 9:44 pm
by edwardmurphy
Hortator wrote:Can you softball this one for me? I can't tell if that was sarcasm or not.
That wasn't sarcasm. Trump lies like most of us breathe. It's blatant, obvious, and constant, and he's completely shameless and unapologetic about it.

Regarding "fake news," that's another area where Trump's people have used some terrific propaganda.

Originally "fake news" referred to stories that were literally completely false. Stories like the one that sparked the Pizzagate incident, or reports that Ted Cruz's father was involved in the Kennedy assassination were literally fake news. They were completely made up. If you look back at the discussions here during the election you'll see a lot more. The supposed NYPD raid on Clinton HQ looking for child pornography, for example, was completely false.

More recently conservative pundits have taken to claiming that the mainstream media has branded them "fake news" as well. That's not accurate. FOX News and Breitbart aren't fake news, they're dishing out conservative punditry. The stories that they report are grounded in fact, but are hyperbolic and biased. There's a big difference between outright lies and spinning the facts.

And now we have Trump using the term "fake news" to describe CNN because they got caught up in that Buzzfeed mess. That's another Trump lie. CNN isn't great, but they at least try to report the facts. They made a mistake with the Buzzfeed story, but putting them in the same category as the National Enquirer is dishonest.

Re: Is this where we have arrived?

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 10:45 pm
by abelcainsbrother
edwardmurphy wrote:
Hortator wrote:Can you softball this one for me? I can't tell if that was sarcasm or not.
That wasn't sarcasm. Trump lies like most of us breathe. It's blatant, obvious, and constant, and he's completely shameless and unapologetic about it.

Regarding "fake news," that's another area where Trump's people have used some terrific propaganda.

Originally "fake news" referred to stories that were literally completely false. Stories like the one that sparked the Pizzagate incident, or reports that Ted Cruz's father was involved in the Kennedy assassination were literally fake news. They were completely made up. If you look back at the discussions here during the election you'll see a lot more. The supposed NYPD raid on Clinton HQ looking for child pornography, for example, was completely false.

More recently conservative pundits have taken to claiming that the mainstream media has branded them "fake news" as well. That's not accurate. FOX News and Breitbart aren't fake news, they're dishing out conservative punditry. The stories that they report are grounded in fact, but are hyperbolic and biased. There's a big difference between outright lies and spinning the facts.

And now we have Trump using the term "fake news" to describe CNN because they got caught up in that Buzzfeed mess. That's another Trump lie. CNN isn't great, but they at least try to report the facts. They made a mistake with the Buzzfeed story, but putting them in the same category as the National Enquirer is dishonest.
Pizzagate needs to be investigated and it came from Wikileaks and Wikileaks has never been wrong,even when they exposed the Bush administration. Liberals like you loved Wikileaks then.
You may not believe the Ted Cruz father theory but that photo with his father in it wih Lee Harvey Oswald is not a fake photo.Ted Cruz dropped out quick too after it was put out there. His father was a CIA agent too. With all of the corruption that has been exposed by Wikileaks it is hard for me to defend our corrupt government like you do. I hope the swamp can be drained.

Re: Is this where we have arrived?

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 7:16 am
by edwardmurphy
And there's the problem with fake news getting all mixed up with real news...

Re: Is this where we have arrived?

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 8:54 am
by PaulSacramento
In case you guys haven't noticed yet, ALL media is bias.
That is why if you truly want to know the truth you MUST reads BOTH sides.
AND, FYI, ALL politicians lie. ALL of them.

Re: Is this where we have arrived?

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 1:58 pm
by edwardmurphy
PaulSacramento wrote:In case you guys haven't noticed yet, ALL media is bias.
That is why if you truly want to know the truth you MUST reads BOTH sides.
AND, FYI, ALL politicians lie. ALL of them.
True, but news, punditry, and fake news are three distinct categories and shouldn't be lumped together. There's a difference between unconscious bias, deliberate bias, and outright lies. Any news consumer should be thinking about who a provider represents and what biases they might have as a result, but they should also be aware of what they're consuming. News tells you some of the facts, punditry tells you how the presenter wants the facts to be interpreted, and fake news tells you nothing of value.