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Re: Calling All Geeks: "How do I ... ?" Etc.

Posted: Fri May 05, 2017 6:50 am
by Byblos
JButler wrote:Glad you found the solution because I still don't know where in Win 10 that little menu was stuffed. I feel your pain having been in a bind so many times and the instructions on where/how to fix DO NOT match up with what I'm seeing on my PC.

I try not to let my kid find out because I'll get cute remark about "should buy an Apple pc".
It should be in the same place I described or thereabout. If you would like me to take a look at it, download Teamviewer and PM me so we can set up a time to connect. I will need the partner Id and temporary password. Don't worry, I can only connect when you allow it (but hide those private screen savor photos will ya :esurprised: ).

Re: Calling All Geeks: "How do I ... ?" Etc.

Posted: Fri May 05, 2017 7:29 am
by Philip
The older one gets, the less prone to wanting to read through ridiculously and poorly written (and translated) manuals to just learn how to do simple functions. Basic everyday functions should be written in simple bulletpoint steps - I don't need to rezd through the techie version of "War and Peace."

I confess I'm becoming a dinosaur with some things. I despise most social media and how it is used. Facebooking Twittermen - I don't need to know you popped a pimple today!

OK, I'm on a tear here, but you get it.

Re: Calling All Geeks: "How do I ... ?" Etc.

Posted: Fri May 05, 2017 10:38 am
by JButler
Philip wrote:The older one gets, the less prone to wanting to read through ridiculously and poorly written (and translated) manuals to just learn how to do simple functions. Basic everyday functions should be written in simple bulletpoint steps - I don't need to rezd through the techie version of "War and Peace."

I confess I'm becoming a dinosaur with some things. I despise most social media and how it is used. Facebooking Twittermen - I don't need to know you popped a pimple today!

OK, I'm on a tear here, but you get it.
Its challenging enough just to deal with my personal "smart" machines. But at work the sheer number of software programs were always changing, "updating" they called it. "Updating" was code for fixing something broken but causing new broken stuff. I spent half my time just dealing with PC issues and we had a good IT dept but they were always swamped too.

Yeh, I don't miss the chaos and stress at all. :ebiggrin: