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Re: From You to George Washington

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2017 7:33 am
by edwardmurphy
My point was that I'm done with that discussion. Its at a dead end. You guys are welcome to do whatever you want.

Re: From You to George Washington

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2017 10:41 am
by B. W.
edwardmurphy wrote:My point was that I'm done with that discussion. Its at a dead end. You guys are welcome to do whatever you want.
So Ed,

I believe that a woman has a right not to choose an abortion as well as her right to choose to not to have her taxes pay for abortions....

So are you really pro-choice?

Re: From You to George Washington

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2017 12:47 pm
by edwardmurphy
That's not how insurance works. It's also not how government spending works.

Re: From You to George Washington

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2017 12:59 pm
by B. W.
edwardmurphy wrote:That's not how insurance works. It's also not how government spending works.
NARAL Pro-Choice America

We are made up of pro-choice women and men across the United States. Together, we protect a woman's right to choose...

At NARAL Pro-Choice America, we fight to protect and expand these rights at every level of government...
Fact-Check: Planned Parenthood Can and Does Use Federal Tax Dollars for Abortions

Question on interpretation depends on what the definition of "Is" is... y:-?

Any cost to cover computers or heating bills is a laundry system to have money cover abortions - you do not know how businesses work to use the law to get around the law do you?

What about the women who choose not to abort, isn't that pro-choice or is pro-choice really pro abortion without any choice?

Re: From You to George Washington

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2017 3:26 pm
by edwardmurphy
Most of that was incomprehensible, but yes, choosing not to abort is obviously in line with the pro-choice position because it's a choice.

For example, my wife was pregnant twice, and each time we had to make a choice about how to proceed. Both choices were easy - the pregnancies were intentional, my wife was in no danger, and the fetuses were developing normally - but had the situation been different we might have had to make a different choice. Either way, it would have been our choice. Not yours, not the government's, ours and ours alone. It's a difficult, extremely personal decision, and it's nobody else's [love] business.

Re: From You to George Washington

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2017 3:53 pm
by RickD
edwardmurphy wrote:Most of that was incomprehensible, but yes, choosing not to abort is obviously in line with the pro-choice position because it's a choice.

For example, my wife was pregnant twice, and each time we had to make a choice about how to proceed. Both choices were easy - the pregnancies were intentional, my wife was in no danger, and the fetuses were developing normally - but had the situation been different we might have had to make a different choice. Either way, it would have been our choice. Not yours, not the government's, ours and ours alone. It's a difficult, extremely personal decision, and it's nobody else's [love] business.

Your examples aren't the majority of abortions. Your examples were if your wife's life was in danger, or there was something seriously wrong with the baby.

You do realize that the great majority of abortions are performed because of inconvenience, not the two examples you gave.

But the "it's my body, my decision and nobody else's business" line, is eerily similar to the "it's my property, and the government should stay out of it" line, that was used to defend chattel slavery.

It's really quite pathetic, that a person's right to do what they want to their body, trumps the right of another human being, to live.

Re: From You to George Washington

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2017 3:56 pm
by edwardmurphy
The reasons that people make their decisions are their own business.

And no, there is no reasonable comparison between abortion and slavery. There's nothing there, and if you ever want to do anything other than preach to the choir you'll bury that one deep.

Re: From You to George Washington

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2017 4:28 pm
by RickD
edwardmurphy wrote:The reasons that people make their decisions are their own business.

And no, there is no reasonable comparison between abortion and slavery. There's nothing there, and if you ever want to do anything other than preach to the choir you'll bury that one deep.
Of course there's more than a reasonable comparison. Ed, get your head out of the sand and wake up! ... equivalent
Slavery rejects the humanity of slaves, while abortion rejections the humanity of children in the womb.

Slavery denies the personhood of slaves; abortion denies the personhood of children in utero.

Slavery was based upon the lie that slavery was best for the slaves; likewise, abortion is based upon the lie that abortion is best for unwanted children.

Defenders of slavery argued that the government had no right to tell slave-owners what to do with their bodies (the bodies of slaves they owned), and defenders of elective abortion argue that government has no right to tell women carrying unborn children what to do with their bodies (and the bodies of those children).

Southerners argued that they had the right to choose whether or not to own slaves; pro-choice abortionists argue that women have the right to choose whether or not to have abortions.

The South argued that slavery was protected by the Constitution; pro-abortionists likewise argue that elective abortion is protected by the Constitution.

Defenders of slavery argued that abolition would lead to chaos in the country, and opponents of abortion restrictions argue that abortion restrictions will lead to chaos.

Opponents of slavery argued that it was unfair to impose the burden of abolition upon one class (white slave-owners), while opponents of abortion restrictions argue that it is unfair to impose the burden of abortion restriction upon one class (women who want abortions).

Opponents of abolition argued that slaves were not real “persons,” and advocates of elective abortion (like Justice Blackmun in his 1973 opinion for the Court in Roe v. Wade) argue that unborn children are not “persons” in the whole sense, either.

Opponents of abolition argued that if lawmakers would leave slavery alone, it would gradually disappear; and opponents of abortion restrictions argue now that if lawmakers will leave abortion alone, it will recede and fade away.

Slavery was based upon a hierarchical view of race; abortion is based upon a hierarchical view of human life.

Defenders of slavery engaged in the vigorous suppression of abolitionist speech. Likewise, defenders of elective abortion impose draconian limits upon pro-life free speech.

Southerners considered abolitionists to be religious fanatics. Today, supporters of elective abortion consider advocates of reasonable abortions restrictions to be religious fanatics.

Re: From You to George Washington

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2017 5:06 pm
by Hortator
I thought this discussion was about time travel. y>-)

Re: From You to George Washington

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2017 6:40 pm
by Kurieuo
edwardmurphy wrote:Most of that was incomprehensible, but yes, choosing not to abort is obviously in line with the pro-choice position because it's a choice.
That's one empty slogan pro-baby killers hide behind. And I say that, not to be insulting, but because I'm NOT pro-life, but rather see myself as anti-baby killing. Convince me there's no baby, and there isn't a reason why abortion shouldn't be allowed under any and all circumstances.

In reality, such limits many more choices that women have. And, if they carry the baby to term (a good thing), they're seen as irresponsible because even if they "fell" pregnant. They're just after a paycheck from the father, or how are they going to look after their child and work at the same time, or how are they going to study and look after their child? Society is quite unloving and unforgiving in such respects. Whereas, well, why don't we as humans provide such women with the help she needs so that she has some REAL choices. I'd much rather tax dollars go to fund such women's help organisations, rather than those who profit by killing her baby and/or selling its body parts.

Example, if a woman was raped and fell pregnant. What if she was your daughter? And, what if, unlike you, she wanted to keep her baby. Besides your own influence, there is the social baggage of society that she has to put up with. Such is just unacceptable socially today, many wouldn't think twice and assume abortion. They are even punished in law, which often legislates the biological father has full rights to their child as well. Yet, there are many women who do not, even in cases of rape, because they don't believe the child should be punished for the sins of its father. And, ironically, much healing and joy is had by such women.

However, you, being soo much more progressive in your view than me, will no doubt find much of what I say abhorrent. If I'm red, you're blue, if you're chalk I'm cheese. Perhaps one day you'll see the truth of the matter, rather than clinging onto empty rhetoric.

Re: From You to George Washington

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2017 11:21 pm
by ultimate777
Hortator wrote:I thought this discussion was about time travel. y>-)
As the OP, I can tell you that right here below is where my thread was vampired, and its no suprise who did it.
And lets pray that God's will be done on the question. Not necessarily what we think it should be.

rom You to George Washington
Unread postby RickD » Tue Mar 21, 2017 11:31 am

Philip wrote about slavery:
It's evils should have been extremely troubling to all who truly cared about their fellow human beings.

African Slaves weren't considered human beings, in the same sense that whites were human beings. They were less than human, therefore property to do with what their owners wished.

Not unlike the unborn are less than human to some who feel like they have the right to do whatever they want with what's theirs.

Let's pray that as Americans realized the atrocity of chattel slavery, that we realize the atrocity of murdering the unborn.
1 Corinthians 1:9
9 God is faithful, through whom you were called into fellowship with His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

Audie wrote:
"Christianity is not a joke, but it has some very poor representatives."

St. Richard the Sarcastic--The Patron Saint of Irony

Re: From You to George Washington

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 2:31 am
by RickD
Looks like someone's quote was "vampired".


You've been here long enough to be able to use a proper quote in your posts.

Re: From You to George Washington

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 6:44 pm
by ultimate777
RickD wrote:Looks like someone's quote was "vampired".


You've been here long enough to be able to use a proper quote in your posts.
You've been on Earth too long. We will all be happier if come sun up you are in heaven. Even you.

Re: From You to George Washington

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 6:20 am
by Philip
Ultimate777: You've been on Earth too long. We will all be happier if come sun up you are in heaven. Even you.
Ultimate, please watch the deliberately insulting comments - the one above is uncalled for!

Re: From You to George Washington

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 6:42 pm
by ultimate777
Philip wrote:
Ultimate777: You've been on Earth too long. We will all be happier if come sun up you are in heaven. Even you.
Ultimate, please watch the deliberately insulting comments - the one above is uncalled for!
Rick said something which I don't understand, maybe to confuse me. I meant by vampired he hijacked my thread and used it for his own purposes. He has done stuff like that on almost everything I have posted. I consider that either insulting or worse than insulting. I've never started it up with him and I doubt I ever will. Lets all check if we can to see how many threads he has started.