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Re: Is America So Terrible?

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2017 4:27 am
by Blessed
Philip wrote:
Blessed: Regarding your message of unity sometimes I feel the sooner we can break up the better. For instance the leftist California-Exit proposal. Let them have it. I just want to live how things used to be. If not I would like to get out of America soon.
You are extremely foolish if you think there exists some "La La land" country where the grass is so much greener than here. That's just delusional thinking. As for simply writing people off with hard hearts and defective thinking - that's not what Christ taught, now, IS it??? Of course, people will reject positive overtures and common sense, follow their own wrong desires, etc. But that does not mean we don't reach out or try to encourage reasonable, civil behavior and common sense. Seems easier to just demonize people and lump them into some group we are to despise, than to look at people as individuals we are COMMANDED to care about. Jesus didn't just say to only love those who agree with you or that seem likeable to us! So, I have MY responsibility to try to live as I'm called to, and others can either join us in that, or not. But if you only go around with a hard heart and cynical attitude towards people, then YOU will become part of the problem. As Christians, we are to be wise amongst the wolves of the world, but are called not to despise people who are blind and need Christ. A whole lot of Christians conveniently ignore that. Of COURSE people have all kinds of screwed up views - because their hearts and minds are messed up!

What do you see in the video you posted...

Re: Is America So Terrible?

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2017 1:49 pm
by Nessa
I see foreigners coming here because its such a great place.... good to raise a family.....but even NZ is going to the dogs. Same sex marriage... legal prostitution... Its changed radically...

I remember divorce and being a single mum was so rare when I was at school. Everyone seem to have two parents. Family values seem to have changed a lot.

Re: Is America So Terrible?

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2017 2:03 pm
by Hortator
Nessa wrote:I see foreigners coming here because its such a great place.... good to raise a family.....but even NZ is going to the dogs. Same sex marriage... legal prostitution... Its changed radically...

I remember divorce and being a single mum was so rare when I was at school. Everyone seem to have two parents. Family values seem to have changed a lot.
Family values was a term that was twisted to mean women getting cooped up in the house with the kids.

Now women are cooped up in studio apartments alone. So progressive!

Re: Is America So Terrible?

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2017 7:32 am
by edwardmurphy
Hortator wrote:Now women are cooped up in studio apartments alone. So progressive!
Why so bitter, Hortense?

Re: Is America So Terrible?

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2017 3:03 pm
by Kurieuo
Nessa wrote:I see foreigners coming here because its such a great place.... good to raise a family.....but even NZ is going to the dogs. Same sex marriage... legal prostitution... Its changed radically...

I remember divorce and being a single mum was so rare when I was at school. Everyone seem to have two parents. Family values seem to have changed a lot.
You mean family values being broken down more and more? It is sad, the impact such instability will have on children when at the larger levels of society there is no supporting structures, the instability in families merely brushed aside. There is nowhere for children to really turn to, even parents perhaps, it'll cause a lot of pychological issues. They're just going to have to deal with so many more issues mentally once adults than we do today.

Re: Is America So Terrible?

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2017 4:40 pm
by B. W.
RickD wrote:
edwardmurphy wrote:Phil, FOX News is softcore rage porn (as compared to Breitbart and Limbaugh, which is the hardcore variety).

No, you didn't rage, but the story clearly got under your skin, which is what it was meant to do. In fact, that's all it was meant to do. It's not an important event. It has no news value. It was only reported because it can be seen as one more data point supporting the FOX News version of reality.

Like I said, that crap will rot your brain.
I think you're right Ed. Thankfully, I supplement my daily foxnews with a healthy dose of Alex Jones' news.

Alex Jones keeps my schizophrenia in check.
I thought we heard you talking to Elanor Roosevelt the other day...

Re: Is America So Terrible?

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2017 7:14 pm
by Blessed
Nessa wrote:I see foreigners coming here because its such a great place.... good to raise a family.....but even NZ is going to the dogs. Same sex marriage... legal prostitution... Its changed radically...

I remember divorce and being a single mum was so rare when I was at school. Everyone seem to have two parents. Family values seem to have changed a lot.
Understatement of the year award. And yes. His happened in the USA too. And nobody seems to remember. People don't seem to know or care that divorce used to be a dirty word and the single motherhood rate was 10% or less. I was not sure about New Zealand though.

People tell me I'm mistaken or overly romanticizing the past. But I remember for a fact things were like this ..

I don't understand why this is happening or what people did to deserve this ...

Re: Is America So Terrible?

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2017 7:42 pm
by RickD
B. W. wrote:
RickD wrote:
edwardmurphy wrote:Phil, FOX News is softcore rage porn (as compared to Breitbart and Limbaugh, which is the hardcore variety).

No, you didn't rage, but the story clearly got under your skin, which is what it was meant to do. In fact, that's all it was meant to do. It's not an important event. It has no news value. It was only reported because it can be seen as one more data point supporting the FOX News version of reality.

Like I said, that crap will rot your brain.
I think you're right Ed. Thankfully, I supplement my daily foxnews with a healthy dose of Alex Jones' news.

Alex Jones keeps my schizophrenia in check.
I thought we heard you talking to Elanor Roosevelt the other day...
You must have me confused with Hillary Clinton. ... roosevelt/

Re: Is America So Terrible?

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2017 1:20 pm
by B. W.
RickD wrote:
B. W. wrote:
RickD wrote:
edwardmurphy wrote:Phil, FOX News is softcore rage porn (as compared to Breitbart and Limbaugh, which is the hardcore variety).

No, you didn't rage, but the story clearly got under your skin, which is what it was meant to do. In fact, that's all it was meant to do. It's not an important event. It has no news value. It was only reported because it can be seen as one more data point supporting the FOX News version of reality.

Like I said, that crap will rot your brain.
I think you're right Ed. Thankfully, I supplement my daily foxnews with a healthy dose of Alex Jones' news.

Alex Jones keeps my schizophrenia in check.
I thought we heard you talking to Elanor Roosevelt the other day...
You must have me confused with Hillary Clinton. ... roosevelt/
No, did you say you were Lenore Eleanor Roosevelt? or was that your other self you were talking too? :lol:

Re: Is America So Terrible?

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2017 1:35 pm
by PaulSacramento
RickD wrote:If Trump gets reelected, I'm moving to Canada to live in PaulSacramento's garage.
Come on over, I have a sniper tower, snickers bars and REAL BEER !

Re: Is America So Terrible?

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2017 1:45 pm
by RickD
PaulSacramento wrote:
RickD wrote:If Trump gets reelected, I'm moving to Canada to live in PaulSacramento's garage.
Come on over, I have a sniper tower, snickers bars and REAL BEER !

And yes, Mel Blanc is the voice of the father.