Trump Moving U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem!!!

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Re: Trump Moving U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem!!!

Post by edwardmurphy »

Abe, the Jews carried out terrorist attacks against the British occupation forces in Palestine. They stopped when the Brits pulled out. By the time their Muslim neighbors came after them they were armed well enough to stand and fight, so they had no further need of terrorism.
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Re: Trump Moving U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem!!!

Post by Philip »

Ed: The reason, young man, is that Jerusalem means as much to the Palestinians as it does to the Israelis, and if the world accepts Jerusalem as sovereign Israeli territory the possibility of any sort of peaceful resolution to the Arab-Israeli conflict drops to zero.
It's sad that a sovereign democracy cannot declare where it's capital is. Notice also that many who will be upset or in a rage over this would also like to see Israel destroyed. And Israel is not about to let that happen. Notice also that Israel respects the various faiths that have a presence in Jerusalem. And the Muslims who would like to take it over, see Israel destroyed - do you really think they would allow Christian and Jewish access if THEY controlled the city.

The ONLY way there could be a reasonable hope for peace in the Middle East, would be for the Muslims to accept Israel as a nation and to give up hope of re-taking Jerusalem, to quit launching rockets, unprovoked attacks, etc. And none of that is to assert Israel has a blameless record. Ah, but what drives much of this Muslim hatred of Jews? It is because, from a very young age, Muslims learn the Quran, which has many terrible, hateful things and dangerous exhortations against the Jews. Both Jews and Christians are depicted in the Quran as people to be despised and worse, it teaches both groups are enemies of Allah. So expecting Muslims to stop their Jewish hatred and desiring destruction be wrought against the nation - well, it would mean them rejecting what the Quran teaches about the Jews, and for many, it would put them in the crosshairs of Muslim extremists.
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Re: Trump Moving U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem!!!

Post by edwardmurphy »

Last I heard, Phil, Eastern Jerusalem is majority Muslim. And the historical fact is that the Muslims aren't looking to take it over, they're looking to get it back from the people that took it from their grandparents.

I'm hardly an expert on the peace process, but my understanding is that the only way to move forward is with a divided Jerusalem serving as the capital of both the Israeli and Palestinian states. Trump just torpedoed that possibility by siding with the Israeli hardliners.

As far as the Muslims allowing access to people of other religions, yes, I expect they would. They'd have to, since free access to the entire city for people of all Faith's would surely be included in any settlement and enforced by the UN. And the reality is that if the Palestinians broke the deal the Israelis would probably use it as a reason to roll their tanks right back in, so I expect the Palestinians would keep their word.

And finally, if you truly believe that the conflict between the Israelis and their Muslim neighbors is the result of the Koran, rather than the Israeli annexation of Palestine then I have no idea how to move forward. That's just crackers...
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Re: Trump Moving U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem!!!

Post by Philip »

Ed: Last I heard, Phil, Eastern Jerusalem is majority Muslim. And the historical fact is that the Muslims aren't looking to take it over, they're looking to get it back from the people that took it from their grandparents.
That's a delusional statement per countless documented statements by Muslim leaders about Jerusalem - not to mention the State of Israel. Do just a bit of reasearch, Ed!
Ed: I'm hardly an expert on the peace process, but my understanding is that the only way to move forward is with a divided Jerusalem serving as the capital of both the Israeli and Palestinian states.
Palestinian violence against the Jewish civilian population has been relentless. Why in the heck would Israel subject it's sovereignty and security by conceding ANY authority over Jerusalem?
Ed: ... so I expect the Palestinians would keep their word.
Fantasy stuff!
Ed: And finally, if you truly believe that the conflict between the Israelis and their Muslim neighbors is the result of the Koran, rather than the Israeli annexation of Palestine then I have no idea how to move forward. That's just crackers...
That's because you don't realize that at the heart of this conflict are the religiously driven political beliefs. And, for Muslims, the Quran is their Bible. And all you need to do to connect the dots is to read what it says about Christians and Jews - of which it vilifies as corrupters of Allah's ways. So their hatred is built into their faith - you can't change that.

Not to mention, we have a state TODAY - a democracy with secure borders and peaceful intentions - one that is surrounded by nations that hate them and have attacked them repeatedly. The UN sold the whole "land for peace" fiction, and we can see what that produced for Israel - just more violence. Look at the statement by Hamas and the PA, the PLO. So, do you think violence is warranted because of actions of my great grandfather or yours against someone else's? By that belief, we should just disrupt most of North America and turn sovereignty over to Spain, France and England - or more recently, Mexico. So the people who weren't alive when modern Israel was created, whose grandfathers, great grandfathers were impacted by whatever others ALSO no longer alive - that justifies raging violence and killings today? That's a legitimate response? And this is the mentality of the Arab and Muslim world around Israel - which is precisely why it will not concede ANY of it's sovereignty. Just look at the map, and see what Israel is up against.

But none of that is to say that Israel hasn't made mistakes. Like every nation, it has historical baggage. And the move by Trump is politically driven - and likely not a helpful one. But these same maniacs would also attack the U.S. over our recognition of a sovereign state to declare its own capital. The Turkish ambassador speaking as if that is a reasonable response. I'm sure someone or some group caused great harm to by GG grandfather - so I'm gonna burn down the houses of those peoples' relatives living today in response? I'm gonna go march to grab their lands? THAT is the problem - people who think generationally and are willing to commit violence or warfare to achieve their views of justice.
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Re: Trump Moving U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem!!!

Post by PaulSacramento »

Jerusalem originally was Canaanite so if anyone has a right to it it would be them.
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Re: Trump Moving U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem!!!

Post by B. W. »

There is one thing that this proves...

Allah is certainly not merciful or kind nor is Islam a religion of tranquil peace...

Quran %;32, "...if anyone killed a person, it would be as if he killed the whole of mankind; and if anyone saved a life, it would be as if he saved the whole of mankind..."

Islam preaches world domination, period. Peace in Islam means submission not peace as majority of folks mean.

It does not matter at all if Jerusalem is recognized as Israel's capital by the US or not. Islam wants Jews and Christian wiped out as in killed if they don't submit to Islam or convert. Moderate Muslims will also be wiped out as well. ISIS murdered Sufi Muslims as well as Shiite and on it goes. There are many moderate Muslims believe ISIS is Jewish oriented and controlled.

Their hate for Jews is more intense the irrational deranged hate of Donald Trump.

The push to Islamize the world will create a war no matter if Jerusalem is recognized or or not...

Allah is certainly not merciful or kind nor is Islam a religion of tranquil peace...
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Re: Trump Moving U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem!!!

Post by B. W. »

PaulSacramento wrote:Jerusalem originally was Canaanite so if anyone has a right to it it would be them.
No you are wrong, the dinosaurs and the animals that roamed the land after them - they were the first inhabitants...

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Re: Trump Moving U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem!!!

Post by PaulSacramento »

Everyone always forgets the Amoeba....
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Re: Trump Moving U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem!!!

Post by abelcainsbrother »

edwardmurphy wrote:Abe, the Jews carried out terrorist attacks against the British occupation forces in Palestine. They stopped when the Brits pulled out. By the time their Muslim neighbors came after them they were armed well enough to stand and fight, so they had no further need of terrorism.

How come Bill Clinton treated Israel as good as George W Bush then? Bill Clinton knew he could not trust Arrafat at the time and took Israel's side.Jimmy Carter also supported Israel.Now I know that you liberals thought America moved more liberal because of Obama but it did'nt.

This was one of Obama's biggest mistakes.He took America to a very liberal place that America did not like.I knew Obama would too and I knew it would backfire on liberals and the Democratic Party,which is why I did not vote for RINO John McCain or RINO Mitt Romney I knew once America gets a good enough taste of liberalism they will reject it and that is exactly what happened,years later.

I did not vote for RINO'S and told conservatives at the time that were trying to get me to hold my nose and vote for them that I would rather the Democrats destroy America with liberalism,not Republicans.So I only voted for local Republicans and state issues but did not vote for John McCain,Mitt Romney or Obama.This is another big reason why I suppprt President Trump too,because is he is not a Democrat and he is not the typical Republican either.He is just somebody who loves America too much to see it keep going the wrong way no matter which party is in power and wants to try new things instead of the same failed policies of the past that did not work.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

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Re: Trump Moving U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem!!!

Post by abelcainsbrother »

edwardmurphy wrote:We share intelligence and do joint training operations with the Israeli military. And Last year - under Obama - we agreed to give them 3.8 billion dollars a year in direct military aid for the next 10 years. That's the biggest aid package in US history. Is that not enough to show we care?

Moving the embassy is pointless, reckless, and needless. So typical Trump.
Trump releases video of Bill Clinton,George W Bush and Obama agreeing with him that the US embassy should be moved to Jerusalem. It shows the hypocrisy of the left but also how people promise to do things when elected but never actually do it.Trump actually did what he said he would fulfilling one of his campaign promises,only to be ridiculed by people who talk out of both sides of their mouths and are not informed.This also proves my point that both Republican and Democrat President's have always supported Israel and treated Israel well,but this changed under Obama.Obama lied to get elected.This is also another reason for Trump's twitter feed.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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Re: Trump Moving U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem!!!

Post by Blessed »

I lived with some Muslims in college. They were moderates. I got to see their point of view and they got to see mine.

The Quran states Jesus Christ was a prophet. Second to Mohammed in importance if I remember correctly. Quran states Jesus Christ was killed by Jews.

It did not make any sense to them why any Christians would support Jews - because the Jews killed Jesus Christ. And the way American morality is today is at total odds with Christianity. Additionally - America has murdered millions of innocent Muslims in unconstitutional wars for Israel. Murder is also unchristian. So much of Everything America does today is unchristian.

If you try and think about it from their point of view maybe you can see what they see. A "Christian Nation" with no honor - controlled by Zionists.

America-Israel was behind the Bombing of Serbia in 1999. A nation which helped Jews in WWII. This resulted in the artificial creation of Kosovo - a Muslim nation which ..has not worked out as they planned. America-Israel destroyed Syria with a proxy war - directly resulting in the migrant invasion of Western Europe. Who benefits from this? Israel.

Most Christians take a pro-Israel position without even thinking twice. The original Jews are Gods people + Jesus was Jewish = support Israel at all costs.

Donald Trump is placating to the financial masters of this world. The Jews. Poverty is their weapon. They control interest rates, exchange rates and can debase a nations currency and economy. No President wants his economy tanked. None. So they all play ball.
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Re: Trump Moving U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem!!!

Post by Blessed »

Philip wrote: It's sad that a sovereign democracy cannot declare where it's capital is.
Sad ... Uh huh ... because they are victims ...

Right. We set up that Democracy after WWII with allied war propaganda.

Didn't God disperse the Jews ... If I seem to remember correctly ?
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Re: Trump Moving U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem!!!

Post by Philip »

Blessed: Didn't God disperse the Jews ... If I seem to remember correctly ?
Uh, aren't you forgetting the other prophecies and subsequent chapter, as prophesied, God has restored and regathered them to the land that He first gave them - "FOREVER!"

"... for all the land that you see I will give to you and to your offspring forever." (Genesis 13:15)

I don't think the UN is sovereign over God, Blessed!
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Re: Trump Moving U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem!!!

Post by Blessed »

Philip wrote:
Blessed: Didn't God disperse the Jews ... If I seem to remember correctly ?
Uh, aren't you forgetting the other prophecies and subsequent chapter, as prophesied, God has restored and regathered them to the land that He first gave them - "FOREVER!"

"... for all the land that you see I will give to you and to your offspring forever." (Genesis 13:15)

I don't think the UN is sovereign over God, Blessed!
Maybe God meant forever in the new heaven , new earth , life thereafter .. ..
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Re: Trump Moving U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem!!!

Post by Hortator »

Blessed wrote: Donald Trump is placating to the financial masters of this world. The Jews. Poverty is their weapon. They control interest rates, exchange rates and can debase a nations currency and economy. No President wants his economy tanked. None. So they all play ball.
Tell us more about these Jews in control

Go on, don’t be shy ;)
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