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Re: Mocking the Poor

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2018 1:50 pm
by RickD
DBowling wrote:
RickD wrote:
Anyone have a video or an article with what Trump supposedly said? I still can't find what this is about.
From Fox News ... ation-deal
“Why are we having all these people from s***hole countries come here?” Trump said in a bipartisan meeting, according to multiple people in the room. The statement was confirmed by Fox News.

The Washington Post reported that he singled out Haitians, asking: “Why do we need more Haitians? Take them out."
More detail from CNN ... index.html
Once the meeting got underway, it was clear Trump wasn't in the mood to entertain the plan being offered by Durbin and Graham, which would have increased border security funding, allowed for a 10- to 12-year path to citizenship for some young undocumented immigrants and provided protections for individuals with Temporary Protected Status from countries such as El Salvador and Haiti.
It was that final provision that prompted Trump's vulgarity. Asking why the US needs more Haitians, he pushed to "take them out" of the deal. And in a separate part of the conversation about the diversity visa lottery, Trump referred to people coming from Africa as coming from "s***hole countries."
In the moments after he made the insulting remarks, Trump's advisers and allies looked at one another with concern, according to a White House official. There was little chance the sentiments he expressed, or the foul language he used to express them, would remain private for long.
So again, Assuming he actually said what they claim, really what's the big deal? Am I the only one who expects Trump to put his foot in his mouth?

Seriously, political correctness isn't this President's strong suit.

Re: Mocking the Poor

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2018 1:52 pm
by thatkidakayoungguy
RickD wrote:
Ok. Where's the proof he actually said that? Let's assume he actually did call certain countries, "S______e" countries.

Other than being blunt, and rude, what's the big deal? Aren't we used to Trump saying things like this?

Where's the part that was racist? People are calling him racist(again) for this.

Do we have a quote from someone who was there, and heard him say this?
It is so stupid when people say soemthing like that is "racist" when it is ethnicist or country-ist.
Racism is a loaded word these days, partly thanks to too much political correctness.

Re: Mocking the Poor

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2018 2:04 pm
by DBowling
RickD wrote: So again, Assuming he actually said what they claim, really what's the big deal? Am I the only one who expects Trump to put his foot in his mouth?
I expect Trump to lie and engage in corrupt behavior, and he does so on a regular basis.
But that does not mean that I should accept or be an apologist for Trump's lies and corrupt behavior.

One does not have to connect very many dots when Trump disparages immigrants from Haiti, Africa, and El Salvador while publicly wishing for more immigrants from countries like Norway.

As a Christian, I believe I should support and give credit to Trump for the good things that he does.
And I should oppose and speak out against the immoral and corrupt things that Trump does.

Re: Mocking the Poor

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2018 2:12 pm
by RickD
DBowling wrote:
RickD wrote: So again, Assuming he actually said what they claim, really what's the big deal? Am I the only one who expects Trump to put his foot in his mouth?
I expect Trump to lie and engage in corrupt behavior, and he does so on a regular basis.
But that does not mean that I should accept or be an apologist for Trump's lies and corrupt behavior.

One does not have to connect very many dots when Trump disparages immigrants from Haiti, Africa, and El Salvador while publicly wishing for more immigrants from countries like Norway.

As a Christian, I believe I should support and give credit to Trump for the good things that he does.
And I should oppose and speak out against the immoral and corrupt things that Trump does.
I must be missing something with regards to the topic at hand. What exactly is a "lie", "corrupt", and "immoral" about what Trump has done here?

I think you're really picking nits, trying to find something that really isn't there. DBowling, Jesus Christ is not going to be POTUS, so seriously, what's your issue?

Trump is actually trying to do what he campained on. He actually, genuinely seems to want to put US interests FIRST! And you nit pick this stuff.

He's actually running a conservative presidency. Which you wanted. Seriously, what's up your Shi_hole? :lol:

Re: Mocking the Poor

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2018 2:38 pm
by DBowling
RickD wrote: I must be missing something with regards to the topic at hand. What exactly is a "lie", "corrupt", and "immoral" about what Trump has done here?

Trump is actually trying to do what he campained on. He actually, genuinely seems to want to put US interests FIRST! And you nit pick this stuff.
First let me state that I support the principle of merit based immigration.
And I am frustrated that a good immigration principle is becoming conflated with Trump's defamatory statements.

As a Christian I oppose to the core of my being the statements that Trump made about people from Haiti, Africa, and El Salvador. Whether his comments were meant to defame ethnic groups or defame people of a particular economic status, his comments were repulsive to me and contrary to the Scriptures that I posted earlier in this thread.

As for lying... this is just another example of Trump's propensity for deception. 15 hours after he made the statements he finally decides to deny them, even though his comments have been confirmed by multiple sources who were present in the meeting. It also demonstrates that he was lying in statements he made to the Haitian community in Florida during the election.

So I think I've covered 'lie' and 'immoral' here... nothing particularly 'corrupt' in this particular meeting that I can think of.
For 'corrupt' we probably need to go back a couple days to when Trump suggested that the return of 'earmarks' might help out the immigration negotiations.

Scripture doesn't mince words when it talks about how we should treat the poor, the hungry, the foreigner, widows, and orphans. And in Mat 25 Jesus makes it clear that how we treat these people is not picking nits to God.

Re: Mocking the Poor

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2018 3:02 pm
by abelcainsbrother
You just have to ask yourself,is it really something Trump would say? Do you trust the media that has been so wrong about things they have said about him?And you'll know that Trump would not say something like that.
Here listen to the discussion Donald Trump had on immigration and DACA with Democrats and you ask yourself if it sounds like something Trump would say.I think you'll choose to not believe the media and you'll believe Trump who has denied he used that kind of language.

Re: Mocking the Poor

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2018 3:05 pm
by RickD
DBowling wrote:

First let me state that I support the principle of merit based immigration.
And I am frustrated that a good immigration principle is becoming conflated with Trump's defamatory statements.
See, you can admit something good in this administration.
As a Christian I oppose to the core of my being the statements that Trump made about people from Haiti, Africa, and El Salvador. Whether his comments were meant to defame ethnic groups or defame people of a particular economic status, his comments were repulsive to me and contrary to the Scriptures that I posted earlier in this thread.
Now I really missed it. What statements exactly did Trump supposedly say about the PEOPLE of those countries?
As for lying... this is just another example of Trump's propensity for deception. 15 hours after he made the statements he finally decides to deny them, even though his comments have been confirmed by multiple sources who were present in the meeting. It also demonstrates that he was lying in statements he made to the Haitian community in Florida during the election.
That's quite a leap. But hey, it fits your narrative.
Scripture doesn't mince words when it talks about how we should treat the poor, the hungry, the foreigner, widows, and orphans. And in Mat 25 Jesus makes it clear that how we treat these people is not picking nits to God.
What specifically does scripture say about the United States in regards to this? You're not equating the US with the theocracy of Israel, are you?

Re: Mocking the Poor

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2018 3:26 pm
by DBowling
RickD wrote:
Scripture doesn't mince words when it talks about how we should treat the poor, the hungry, the foreigner, widows, and orphans. And in Mat 25 Jesus makes it clear that how we treat these people is not picking nits to God.
What specifically does scripture say about the United States in regards to this? You're not equating the US with the theocracy of Israel, are you?
Scripture doesn't speak specifically to the United States.
This goes beyond any particular country or person.
Scripture speaks to God's attitudes towards the poor, the hungry, the foreigner, widows, and orphans.

And as a Christian who supports God's values, then how the poor, the hungry, the foreigner, widows, and orphans are treated matters (or should matter) to me. And I should not become an apologist for those who demean the poor, the hungry, the foreigner, widows, and orphans.

Re: Mocking the Poor

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2018 3:55 pm
by abelcainsbrother
DBowling wrote:
RickD wrote:
Scripture doesn't mince words when it talks about how we should treat the poor, the hungry, the foreigner, widows, and orphans. And in Mat 25 Jesus makes it clear that how we treat these people is not picking nits to God.
What specifically does scripture say about the United States in regards to this? You're not equating the US with the theocracy of Israel, are you?
Scripture doesn't speak specifically to the United States.
This goes beyond any particular country or person.
Scripture speaks to God's attitudes towards the poor, the hungry, the foreigner, widows, and orphans.

And as a Christian who supports God's values, then how the poor, the hungry, the foreigner, widows, and orphans are treated matters (or should matter) to me. And I should not become an apologist for those who demean the poor, the hungry, the foreigner, widows, and orphans.
Even God himself puts his children/people first over other people who are not his people and God is not required to bless people who are not his people.God wants his people to be blessed and he blesses them to be a blessing to others.The US Constitution is set up like this too,it is set up to put American citezens first,which you and liberals have totally forgot about. You're putting people of other countries first over Americans and you're ignoring the Constitution and the laws in the US too in order to do that. You have abandoned the US Constitution and are ignoring it because you don't like Trump.

Re: Mocking the Poor

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2018 5:46 pm
by Kurieuo
You really should turn your ire to the Democrats DB. They're responsible for helping set up Trump to run against Hillary, and ultimately Trump's election. Further, it would be interested to hear you praise good things done because your sounding like a resounding gong or clanging cymbol. (1 Cor 13:1)

Re: Mocking the Poor

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2018 6:22 pm
by DBowling
Kurieuo wrote:You really should turn your ire to the Democrats DB. They're responsible for helping set up Trump to run against Hillary, and ultimately Trump's election.
I think I actually pointed that out during the election.
Boy, did that plan backfire on the Democrats!
Further, it would be interested to hear you praise good things done
Let me help refresh your memory then
Just recently...
Has Trump done some good things as President?
I believe Gorsuch was a great Supreme Court pick.
I'm glad the Republicans finally got Tax Reform passed. I think the reality of 2018 will show that contrary to the assertions of some, the tax bill is good for everyone.
I've also complimented many of the people that Trump has surrounded himself with. I thank God for the stability that Pence, Kelly, and Tillerson bring to the White House.
And later in that same thread
Now let me end with something, that I think we can both agree on...
Whether the motivation is conviction or political expediency, I will support anything that Trump does to protect the unborn.
and then earlier in this thread
First let me state that I support the principle of merit based immigration.

Re: Mocking the Poor

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2018 8:06 pm
by Ged
DBowling wrote: As a Christian, I believe I should support and give credit to Trump for the good things that he does.
And I should oppose and speak out against the immoral and corrupt things that Trump does.
And that's being generous. Personally I just call him a mongrel, but my level of sanctification is not as high as it should be. Forgive me bro. :censored:

Re: Mocking the Poor

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2018 8:11 pm
by Ged
RickD wrote: Jesus Christ is not going to be POTUS, so seriously, what's your issue?
Mike Pence looks a little more like Jesus. y0:)
Kick your mongrel president out!

Re: Mocking the Poor

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2018 10:13 pm
by RickD
Ged wrote:
RickD wrote: Jesus Christ is not going to be POTUS, so seriously, what's your issue?
Mike Pence looks a little more like Jesus. y0:)
Kick your mongrel president out!
If that's kiwi humor, maybe you should stick to the sheep jokes.


Re: Mocking the Poor

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2018 10:29 pm
by Ged
Q: Where did the sheep get a haircut?

A: The baa-baa shop!