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Re: Did Trump Actually Do / Say This? Disturbing!

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2019 9:24 am
by abelcainsbrother
Off the top of my head.Here are some things President Trump has done for the Christian community that many seem to take for granted.He signed an executive order giving Christians in the pulpit their freedom of speech back and they cannot lose their tax exempt status for speaking out politically about the evil in our country from the pul- pit. Canada is jealous now.He has defunded Planned Parenthood and put conservative Supreme court judges on the Supreme Court to where now it is possible to one day see Roe vs Wade overturned and sent back to the states. He has kept his word to Israel and has restored America's relationship with Israel.Trump puts America and the American people first and is opposing the NWO's desire to have a one world government which will eventually lead to the mark of the beast system. So President Trump is opposing Satan's plans for the world and my Christian conscience is clear with God because I oppose globalism and support nationalism so that I'm opposing Satan's plans to bring in the mark of the beast system on to the world.I will oppose Satan's agenda as long as I'm living here in this world,both spiritually and physically.I won't just sit back and allow Satan's plans for the world to come about without opposition.Remember the tower of babel? Satan has been for globalism since he rebelled against God. These are important issues to Christians and whether you like Trump or not he is not a hypocrite.

Re: Did Trump Actually Do / Say This? Disturbing!

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2019 10:10 am
by abelcainsbrother
Don't believe in the NWO,globalism,have'nt read your bible? Watch this.
George H W Bush New World Order speech.

Re: Did Trump Actually Do / Say This? Disturbing!

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2019 10:51 am
by Philip
ACB: I'm opposing Satan's plans to bring in the mark of the beast system on to the world.
Opposing Satan is one thing - but that must be done spiritually and personally, not via politics. No POLITICAL approach will stop Satan.

And if the Bible says something will happen, to GOD, Whom communicated it, then that event is foreknown and foreseen by Him - as if it happened yesterday. So, if God was communicating a beast to come and deceive in the future, then it is ALREADY a certainty that this WILL happen - NO one can stop it! But they can certainly, personally resist Satan and not be captive by his deceptions. It is absolutely delusional to think that supporting ANY politician is going to save our country or world. ONLY God can protect us - though he may use various politicians, whether good OR evil, to do so. God used the evil, pagan king, Cyrus the Great to restore Israel from their Babylonian captivity and he allowed them to rebuild their temple. God often used one enemy of Israel to destroy another of its enemies. So, the idea that God only works through whatever perceived "good" politician is totally false. But that's not to say God can't use Trump in whatever ways - whether to help or punish us - we cannot presently know.

BTW, I have begun to lean toward the events of Revelation being in OUR future - although the time of Nero's persecution were certainly a pre-echo of the future, per his anti-Christ-like activities of the 1st century - read here: viewtopic.php?f=40&t=43136

Re: Did Trump Actually Do / Say This? Disturbing!

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2019 12:49 pm
by abelcainsbrother
Philip wrote: Sat Aug 24, 2019 10:51 am
ACB: I'm opposing Satan's plans to bring in the mark of the beast system on to the world.
Opposing Satan is one thing - but that must be done spiritually and personally, not via politics. No POLITICAL approach will stop Satan.

And if the Bible says something will happen, to GOD, Whom communicated it, then that event is foreknown and foreseen by Him - as if it happened yesterday. So, if God was communicating a beast to come and deceive in the future, then it is ALREADY a certainty that this WILL happen - NO one can stop it! But they can certainly, personally resist Satan and not be captive by his deceptions. It is absolutely delusional to think that supporting ANY politician is going to save our country or world. ONLY God can protect us - though he may use various politicians, whether good OR evil, to do so. God used the evil, pagan king, Cyrus the Great to restore Israel from their Babylonian captivity and he allowed them to rebuild their temple. God often used one enemy of Israel to destroy another of its enemies. So, the idea that God only works through whatever perceived "good" politician is totally false. But that's not to say God can't use Trump in whatever ways - whether to help or punish us - we cannot presently know.

BTW, I have begun to lean toward the events of Revelation being in OUR future - although the time of Nero's persecution were certainly an echo of the future, per his anti-Christ-like activities of the 1st century - read here: viewtopic.php?f=40&t=43136
Where do you get this idea that God cannot use Donald Trump to free his people from globalist leftism in order for the gospel of Jesus to be preached into all of the world? I realize this is how you feel, often claiming Trump is no savior of the world.I don't know of any Christians in the Trump movement that worship Trump as a God or believe he is the savior like Jesus. Most believe Donald Trump is being used by God to bring his church out of bondage of the leftist globalist agenda so that the gospel can be preached in all the world.Kinda like the way God used Moses to bring his people out of the Egyptian bondage.It is not about worshipping Trump as a God but getting behind him as a president chosen by God to bring his church out of bondage.And yet there are prophets that have prophecied this and yet just like in the OT they are rejected out of hand without really praying and considering they really could be from God and thus God's will.Do you think it would be a good thing if the gospel is preached in all the world? Because that is what most Christians who support Trump are believing for. The way things have been there is no way the gospel could be preached in all of the world.You do realize that until the gospel of this kingdom is preached,published and taught in all nations,languages and tongues Christ cannot come back.

Re: Did Trump Actually Do / Say This? Disturbing!

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2019 1:41 pm
by abelcainsbrother
Ruth Bader Ginsburg's Days on Supreme Court Are Coming To An End!