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Re: The US NEVER Went To The Moon

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2021 9:38 am
by Stu
Fliegender wrote: Tue Mar 30, 2021 8:20 am I’ve reconsidered my position on the so-called “lunar landings”. I’ve done much research on the internet and have come to the conclusion that the over 4000 employees of Mission Support at NASA and their suppliers directly related with the Apollo program were all involved in one GIANT cover up. If this weren’t bad enough, it is glaringly obvious to anyone with internet access that the Jet Propulsion Laboratory schemed with NASA to fake all the Mars landings. Every single one, right down to this last sham rover “Perseverance”. For the benefit of all the stupid, intellectually stunted fools who believe there’s a rover named Perseverance on Mars, let’s hope this show staged at secret locations in Arizona and New Mexico continues. It amuses the feeble minded so I’m fine with that. Congratulations to the employee solidarity at NASA/JPL in keeping the secret for over 50 years but your LIE has been revealed by brave internet sleuths with no training or knowledge whatsoever! Ha!

Meanwhile, please consider promoting this site authored by a man who is undoubtedly the greatest mind of our time:
Funny but you do know that there are former NASA employees that have come out and said that the earth is flat. Not so funny.
Have you heard of compartmentalisation. The Manhattan Project for instance that was a secret kept.
But I admire your unwavering devotion to a government organisation.

Re: The US NEVER Went To The Moon

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2021 10:06 am
by Stu
Fliegender wrote: Tue Mar 30, 2021 8:20 am I’ve reconsidered my position on the so-called “lunar landings”. I’ve done much research on the internet and have come to the conclusion that the over 4000 employees of Mission Support at NASA and their suppliers directly related with the Apollo program were all involved in one GIANT cover up. If this weren’t bad enough, it is glaringly obvious to anyone with internet access that the Jet Propulsion Laboratory schemed with NASA to fake all the Mars landings. Every single one, right down to this last sham rover “Perseverance”. For the benefit of all the stupid, intellectually stunted fools who believe there’s a rover named Perseverance on Mars, let’s hope this show staged at secret locations in Arizona and New Mexico continues. It amuses the feeble minded so I’m fine with that. Congratulations to the employee solidarity at NASA/JPL in keeping the secret for over 50 years but your LIE has been revealed by brave internet sleuths with no training or knowledge whatsoever! Ha!

Meanwhile, please consider promoting this site authored by a man who is undoubtedly the greatest mind of our time:
Don't take my word for it, here's a seemingly tipsy Buzz Aldrin saying that they never went to the moon.
Even Buzz Aldrin was compartmentalised and didn't know why they didn't go to the moon, that is how you do it, keep people in little boxes of which they only know a little bit.

And here is a former NASA employee saying they never went to the moon and that the earth is flat.

Re: The US NEVER Went To The Moon

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2021 1:04 pm
by Fliegender
Stu wrote: Tue Mar 30, 2021 10:06 am
Don't take my word for it, here's a seemingly tipsy Buzz Aldrin saying that they never went to the moon.
Even Buzz Aldrin was compartmentalised and didn't know why they didn't go to the moon, that is how you do it, keep people in little boxes of which they only know a little bit.
Of course Buzz Aldrin would lie! He was one of the major actors in the cover up. I would expect the main players to lie through their teeth about the faked lunar landings and explorations. What’s much more surprising is that no one from the lower ranks (camera crews, directors, film editors, special effects artists etc.) has spilled the beans, as it were. I suspect many of them were “terminated” by death squads. How else to explain their silence? We are lucky that Buzz had a bit too much to drink that day.

I’ve just discovered that the supersonic airliner Concord was sabotaged by U.S. government agents. CIA operatives caused the crash in Paris that put an end to the Concord’s career. The 9/11 terror attacks on the World Trade Center were also the work of U.S. agents in collaboration with Israel's Mossad. Osama bin Laden himself was funded by the U.S. government.

What a criminal, scum country the USA is. Despicable liars who are responsible for bringing evil to the world.

Re: The US NEVER Went To The Moon

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2021 2:57 pm
by RickD
That sound byte of an interview with Buzz Aldrin that is supposed to claim that he said he never went to the moon, is an out of context sound byte taken from another video.

Notice in the video that wasn’t clipped and taken out of context, Aldrin never claimed he DIDN’T go to the moon. The question in your clipped video, came at around 7:12 of the video I posted. The girl was asking why nobody has been to the moon in a long time, meaning since 1969, when Aldrin landed on the moon. If you look at the question and Aldrin’s answer around 1:28, you’ll see he explained that he did land on the moon.

It’s this kind of lying, and manipulative crap that flat earthers, and moon landing deniers have to do, because they deny the facts.

Re: The US NEVER Went To The Moon

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2021 12:22 am
by Stu
RickD wrote: Tue Mar 30, 2021 2:57 pm That sound byte of an interview with Buzz Aldrin that is supposed to claim that he said he never went to the moon, is an out of context sound byte taken from another video.

Notice in the video that wasn’t clipped and taken out of context, Aldrin never claimed he DIDN’T go to the moon. The question in your clipped video, came at around 7:12 of the video I posted. The girl was asking why nobody has been to the moon in a long time, meaning since 1969, when Aldrin landed on the moon. If you look at the question and Aldrin’s answer around 1:28, you’ll see he explained that he did land on the moon.

It’s this kind of lying, and manipulative crap that flat earthers, and moon landing deniers have to do, because they deny the facts.
So you take the one thing that is doubtful and hold that up and yet you can't answer any of the stuff I posted in my long post. Even the Biblical stuff. What about the missile having line of sight over 1500 feet of supposed water bulge!!! You talk a good game but don't back it up with anything.

You claim to be all about science, well watch that video that I posted, it's only 49 minutes long and it's all about science, no opinions like Buzz, just science. Otherwise you are arguing from a point of ignorance. Just hand waving like I did.

Even Einstein admitted that he came up with his relativity theory because of actual experiments that proved the earth did not move. Even Einstein admitted that either model could be true if you inputted the right data.

"The Michelson-Morley experiment confronted scientists with an embarrassing alternative. On the one hand they could scrap the ether theory which had explained so many things about electricity, magnetism, and light. Or if they insisted on retaining the ether they had to abandon the still more venerable Copernican theory that the earth is in motion. To many physicists it seemed almost easier to believe that the earth stood still than that waves - light waves, electromagnetic waves - could exist without a medium to sustain them. It was a serious dilemma and one that split scientific thought for a quarter century. Many new hypotheses were advanced and rejected. The experiment was tried again by Morley and by others, with the same conclusion; the apparent velocity of the earth through the ether was zero."- Historian, Lincoln Barnett

Tesla even disagreed with Einstein.

Tesla completely rejected the theory of relativity, in 1935 he told the New York Times that “Einstein's relativity work is a magnificent mathematical garb which fascinates, dazzles and makes people blind to the underlying errors.

Tesla also said that "Today's scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality."

He was all about experiments, not mathematical garb.

Watch this video, actual experiments.

Look up the following experiments.

Airy's Failure
Michelson/Morley Experiment
Michelson /Gayle Experiment
Sagnac Experiment/Effect
The Bedford Level Experiment

Why aren't we taught this in high school or university.....

Re: The US NEVER Went To The Moon

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2021 2:48 am
by Stu
And let me just say it's extremely important to note that Pastor Dean Odle, who introduced me to flat earth has said that in the 33 years he has been a Pastor he as never seen a topic bring more atheists, agnostics, ancient alien believers, etc. to believe the Bible is true and accept Jesus as their Lord and saviour. Literally thousands of people are coming to Jesus because of flat earth. As Christians we cannot just brush that off. If flat earth is of the devil, then he is doing a poor job.

Anyone who says it is not an important issue - nevermind the amount of people who are getting saved and coming to God - do you know how many people have been TURNED AWAY from the Bible and God when "science" revealed that the Bible does not line up with what science says.

Souls are being saved, some people at their wits end and what brings them to Jesus, flat earth because they know then that the Bible is true.

Flat Earth - Bad Science, Bad Theology

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2021 5:08 am
by DBowling
10 easy ways you can tell for yourself that the Earth is not flat ... -is-round/

7 Ways to Prove the Earth Is Round (Without Launching a Satellite) ... round.html

Is the Bible a Flat-Earth Book? ... earth-book

Re: Flat Earth - Bad Science, Bad Theology

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2021 5:31 am
by Stu
DBowling wrote: Wed Mar 31, 2021 5:08 am 10 easy ways you can tell for yourself that the Earth is not flat ... -is-round/

7 Ways to Prove the Earth Is Round (Without Launching a Satellite) ... round.html

Is the Bible a Flat-Earth Book? ... earth-book
Interesting but most of those have been proven false a long time ago by flat earthers. Science is a wonderful thing.

I'll take just one and address more later when I have time. Looking out at sea and seeing a boat go over the horizon bit by bit. Wrong. You can let that boat go completely out of sight and all you need to bring it magically back into view is a good camera like the Nikon P900. Zoom in and guess what it comes back into FULL view. It is not the horizon that makes the boat disappear but the limitations of the human eye. You can test this for yourself. It all depends on the camera, the mroe powerful the further you can see, add to that infrared which can see through the haze and you canb see even further. Check out this guys Youtube channel for some amazing infrared photography. ... Hcw/videos

And what about when Joshua asked God to stop the sun and moon? I would like an answer to this one. Is the Bible the inspired word of God, is it good for teaching, is it all true?

If so did the earth stop or did the sun and moon stop. Please answer.

Re: Flat Earth - Bad Science, Bad Theology

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2021 5:48 am
by DBowling
Stu wrote: Wed Mar 31, 2021 5:31 am
DBowling wrote: Wed Mar 31, 2021 5:08 am 10 easy ways you can tell for yourself that the Earth is not flat ... -is-round/

7 Ways to Prove the Earth Is Round (Without Launching a Satellite) ... round.html

Is the Bible a Flat-Earth Book? ... earth-book
Interesting but most of those have been proven false a long time ago by flat earthers. Science is a wonderful thing.
Science is a wonderful thing...
But Flat Earthers (like many other conspiracy theories) ignore science instead of embracing science.
And false assertions from Flat Earthers are most definitely NOT based on science.
I'll take just one and address more later when I have time. Looking out at sea and seeing a boat go over the horizon bit by bit. Wrong. You can let that boat go completely out of sight and all you need to bring it magically back into view is a good camera like the Nikon P900. Zoom in and guess what it comes back into FULL view.
That is a completely false statement...
A ship is not visible after it goes over the horizon.
If you can still see it with a zoom lens then that means it hasn't gone over the horizon yet.
And what about when Joshua asked God to stop the sun and moon? I would like an answer to this one. Is the Bible the inspired word of God, is it good for teaching, is it all true?
Yes... Scripture is true.

But there are many "interpretations" of Scripture (ie traditions) that are false.
Such as flat earth, young earth, pre-trib rapture, etc...

I don't know the precise details of how God performed many of the miracles mentioned in Scripture (because Scripture doesn't tell us how he did it),
But the fact that God performed a miracle in Joshua has absolutely no relevance to the fact that the earth is a globe.

Re: Flat Earth - Bad Science, Bad Theology

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2021 6:42 am
by Stu
DBowling wrote: Wed Mar 31, 2021 5:48 am
Stu wrote: Wed Mar 31, 2021 5:31 am
DBowling wrote: Wed Mar 31, 2021 5:08 am 10 easy ways you can tell for yourself that the Earth is not flat ... -is-round/

7 Ways to Prove the Earth Is Round (Without Launching a Satellite) ... round.html

Is the Bible a Flat-Earth Book? ... earth-book
Interesting but most of those have been proven false a long time ago by flat earthers. Science is a wonderful thing.
Science is a wonderful thing...
But Flat Earthers (like many other conspiracy theories) ignore science instead of embracing science.
And false assertions from Flat Earthers are most definitely NOT based on science.
I'll take just one and address more later when I have time. Looking out at sea and seeing a boat go over the horizon bit by bit. Wrong. You can let that boat go completely out of sight and all you need to bring it magically back into view is a good camera like the Nikon P900. Zoom in and guess what it comes back into FULL view.
That is a completely false statement...
A ship is not visible after it goes over the horizon.
If you can still see it with a zoom lens then that means it hasn't gone over the horizon yet.
And what about when Joshua asked God to stop the sun and moon? I would like an answer to this one. Is the Bible the inspired word of God, is it good for teaching, is it all true?
Yes... Scripture is true.

But there are many "interpretations" of Scripture (ie traditions) that are false.
Such as flat earth, young earth, pre-trib rapture, etc...

I don't know the precise details of how God performed many of the miracles mentioned in Scripture (because Scripture doesn't tell us how he did it),
But the fact that God performed a miracle in Joshua has absolutely no relevance to the fact that the earth is a globe.
No offence but you clearly have no clue what you are talking about. How about a little science that you are so fond of.

The earth is supposedly 24,901 miles. The curvature is calculated at '8 inches per mile squared'. That is the amount of drop you would expect the further away you go.

Here is a link to an earth curve calculator. You can use any one you like. Fill in the numbers yourself to calculate where the horizon should be and by how much the red light should be hidden. ... t=imperial

Now watch this video, start at 4:50, or any other of the hundreds of other tests using the earth's supposed curve and it will show that there is no curve.

Here he places lights at varying distances from the camera, the furtherest is 8 miles away and the camera is 1 foot off the ground. Put those numbers into the calculator and see what comes out. Now look at the red light, it is still visible!!!! There are many many tests like this at much further distances. NO CURVE.

The horizon should have been at 1.22 miles and the red light should've been hidden by 30.16 feet. But it was still visible with all the other lights all at the same height!!!!! Impossible on a globe earth.

Do the calculations yourself and please watch the whole video, or at least a little of it to see the other impossible things that were filmed, like a lighthouse 31 miles away and the light of the lighthouse should've been hidden by 374 feet, BUT it wasn't, it was visible. If you are serious about science and want to get at least a clue about all the scientific testing that flat earthers are doing watch the video. Sometimes the truth hurts. Math doesn't lie.

So either the circumference of the earth is wrong and it is about 100 times bigger than they say or the earth is flat.

Re: Flat Earth - Bad Science, Bad Theology

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2021 7:31 am
by DBowling
Stu wrote: Wed Mar 31, 2021 6:42 am
DBowling wrote: Wed Mar 31, 2021 5:48 am
Stu wrote: Wed Mar 31, 2021 5:31 am
DBowling wrote: Wed Mar 31, 2021 5:08 am 10 easy ways you can tell for yourself that the Earth is not flat ... -is-round/

7 Ways to Prove the Earth Is Round (Without Launching a Satellite) ... round.html

Is the Bible a Flat-Earth Book? ... earth-book
Interesting but most of those have been proven false a long time ago by flat earthers. Science is a wonderful thing.
Science is a wonderful thing...
But Flat Earthers (like many other conspiracy theories) ignore science instead of embracing science.
And false assertions from Flat Earthers are most definitely NOT based on science.
I'll take just one and address more later when I have time. Looking out at sea and seeing a boat go over the horizon bit by bit. Wrong. You can let that boat go completely out of sight and all you need to bring it magically back into view is a good camera like the Nikon P900. Zoom in and guess what it comes back into FULL view.
That is a completely false statement...
A ship is not visible after it goes over the horizon.
If you can still see it with a zoom lens then that means it hasn't gone over the horizon yet.
And what about when Joshua asked God to stop the sun and moon? I would like an answer to this one. Is the Bible the inspired word of God, is it good for teaching, is it all true?
Yes... Scripture is true.

But there are many "interpretations" of Scripture (ie traditions) that are false.
Such as flat earth, young earth, pre-trib rapture, etc...

I don't know the precise details of how God performed many of the miracles mentioned in Scripture (because Scripture doesn't tell us how he did it),
But the fact that God performed a miracle in Joshua has absolutely no relevance to the fact that the earth is a globe.
No offence but you clearly have no clue what you are talking about.
Pot, meet kettle...

I hate to burst your bubble, but I know exactly what I am talking about.
A degree in Electrical/Mechanical Engineering exposed me in gruesome detail to training in a number of the scientific disciplines.
So I have enough science experience to know for a fact that Flat Earth nonsense is directly contradicted by REAL science.

Flat Earth is just another conspiracy theory that rejects science and attempts to suck people into believing a lie.

Again... Here are some simple ways that anyone can use to see that Flat Earth is Unscientific and Untrue.
10 easy ways you can tell for yourself that the Earth is not flat ... -is-round/

7 Ways to Prove the Earth Is Round (Without Launching a Satellite) ... round.html
The name of this Discussion Board is God and Science
not Christians and their crazy Conspiracy Theories.

More importantly, this kind of nonsense is a hinderance to the Gospel of Christ.
When this world which so desperately needs Christ equates lies like young earth or flat earth with the truth of the Gospel, it makes it harder for people to believe in the truth of something which they associate in their minds with known lies.

We Knew the Earth Was Round Long Before We Went to the Moon

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2021 8:02 am
by DBowling
Here's an Interesting Article...

Long before we put a man on the moon or even put satellites in orbit around the earth, a Greek mathematician named Eratosthenes was able to calculate the circumference of the earth to a remarkable degree of precision.
Photos and measurements of the Earth from space merely corroborated what people already knew about the shape of the Earth centuries before we were able to leave the surface of our planet.

How the ancient Greeks proved Earth was round over 2,000 years ago ... nce-2016-6

Re: Flat Earth - Bad Science, Bad Theology

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2021 8:14 am
by Stu
DBowling wrote: Wed Mar 31, 2021 7:31 am
Stu wrote: Wed Mar 31, 2021 6:42 am
DBowling wrote: Wed Mar 31, 2021 5:48 am
Stu wrote: Wed Mar 31, 2021 5:31 am
DBowling wrote: Wed Mar 31, 2021 5:08 am 10 easy ways you can tell for yourself that the Earth is not flat ... -is-round/

7 Ways to Prove the Earth Is Round (Without Launching a Satellite) ... round.html

Is the Bible a Flat-Earth Book? ... earth-book
Interesting but most of those have been proven false a long time ago by flat earthers. Science is a wonderful thing.
Science is a wonderful thing...
But Flat Earthers (like many other conspiracy theories) ignore science instead of embracing science.
And false assertions from Flat Earthers are most definitely NOT based on science.
I'll take just one and address more later when I have time. Looking out at sea and seeing a boat go over the horizon bit by bit. Wrong. You can let that boat go completely out of sight and all you need to bring it magically back into view is a good camera like the Nikon P900. Zoom in and guess what it comes back into FULL view.
That is a completely false statement...
A ship is not visible after it goes over the horizon.
If you can still see it with a zoom lens then that means it hasn't gone over the horizon yet.
And what about when Joshua asked God to stop the sun and moon? I would like an answer to this one. Is the Bible the inspired word of God, is it good for teaching, is it all true?
Yes... Scripture is true.

But there are many "interpretations" of Scripture (ie traditions) that are false.
Such as flat earth, young earth, pre-trib rapture, etc...

I don't know the precise details of how God performed many of the miracles mentioned in Scripture (because Scripture doesn't tell us how he did it),
But the fact that God performed a miracle in Joshua has absolutely no relevance to the fact that the earth is a globe.
No offence but you clearly have no clue what you are talking about.
Pot, meet kettle...

I hate to burst your bubble, but I know exactly what I am talking about.
A degree in Electrical/Mechanical Engineering exposed me in gruesome detail to training in a number of the scientific disciplines.
So I have enough science experience to know for a fact that Flat Earth nonsense is directly contradicted by REAL science.

Flat Earth is just another conspiracy theory that rejects science and attempts to suck people into believing a lie.

Again... Here are some simple ways that anyone can use to see that Flat Earth is Unscientific and Untrue.
10 easy ways you can tell for yourself that the Earth is not flat ... -is-round/

7 Ways to Prove the Earth Is Round (Without Launching a Satellite) ... round.html
The name of this Discussion Board is God and Science
not Christians and their crazy Conspiracy Theories.

More importantly, this kind of nonsense is a hinderance to the Gospel of Christ.
When this world which so desperately needs Christ equates lies like young earth or flat earth with the truth of the Gospel, it makes it harder for people to believe in the truth of something which they associate in their minds with known lies.
Sorry but your ego is getting the better of you. You refuse to do any science so I don't know why you make reference to it.

You refuse to conduct actual science that I gave you the chance to do. Just a simple calculation that you refuse to do which will show you that the earth is not what they say it is. Truly amazing that you are so brainwashed that you refuse to do simple math.

At 8 miles the red light should be hidden by 30.16 feet of curvature BUT IT IS NOT. What don't you understand about this FACT???? There is no curvature.

Like I said those links you provide have been proven false many times over by SCIENCE but you refuse to even do the science so you are not at all interested in the truth just sticking your hands in your ears and closing your eyes and shouting lalalala.

And here we see that Isaiah knew the difference between a BALL and a CIRCLE.

Isaiah 22:18
18 He will surely violently turn and toss thee like a ball into a large country: there shalt thou die, and there the chariots of thy glory shall be the shame of thy lord's house.

Isaiah 40:22
22 It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in

And again you have no clue what you are talking about. You are way wrong on what flat earth is doing for Christianity. Pastor Dean Odle has said that he has never seen anything convert more atheists, alien-believers and agnostics than flat earth in his 32 years of ministry. Thousands are being saved and making Jesus lord of their life. You should read the testimonies it's amazing.

Despite what you say, many atheists know what the Hebrews believed that the Bible is a flat earth book. And that there was a dome over the earth, the Bible calls it the raqiya, the translation of which is a solid surface, not a vapour. ... aqiya.html

And what of the Tower of Babel, God said that they would have achieved their goal had He not stopped them, that is one of the few times that God actually had to intervene in what man was attempting to do and even confused the languages. That was a HUGE thing to do. That means they would have reached heaven with their tower for God to have acted so severely. Heaven had to be within the reach of a physical tower that they were building.

Do the math or you are just as bad as the flat earthers you say are not scientific.

Re: Flat Earth - Bad Science, Bad Theology

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2021 9:40 am
by DBowling
Stu wrote: Wed Mar 31, 2021 8:14 am You refuse to conduct actual science that I gave you the chance to do.
No... in response to your false assertions I provided a number of simple activities (based on REAL science) that anyone can do.
At 8 miles the red light should be hidden by 30.16 feet of curvature BUT IT IS NOT. What don't you understand about this FACT???? There is no curvature.
Your video actually does refer to the scientific reason for what the video is showing (atmospheric refraction) but then just dismisses the REAL science behind what is being shown.

Here's a quick description of the basic science behind "Atmospheric Refraction" ... ction/2.4/
Like I said those links you provide have been proven false many times over by SCIENCE
And Like I said you are simply wrong...
Nothing in those videos that I have presented have been disproved by anyone.
Because they are TRUE.
Unlike the Flat Earth Lie.
Pastor Dean Odle has said that he has never seen anything convert more atheists, alien-believers and agnostics than flat earth in his 32 years of ministry. Thousands are being saved and making Jesus lord of their life. You should read the testimonies it's amazing.
And many many more people are being led to Christ by people who are NOT perpetuating the Flat Earth lie.

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2021 10:00 am
by DBowling
Beautiful Pictures of Earth from Space ... rom-space/

Looking at Earth: From 100 miles to 100 million miles ... rom-space/

The top 10 views of Earth from space ... space.html