Is being Gay really that bad?

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Post by Dan »

As long as they don't try to equate it as holy matrimony, I'm insulted if a Gay couple saw themselves at that level.
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Re: Is being Gay really that bad?

Post by AttentionKMartShoppers »

Darwin_Rocks wrote:One of the main arguments against gays presented by Christians is that by being gay you are not contributing to the population of the human race and are therefore going against god's plan.

However with todays overpopulation and dwindling resources is it really enough? I mean who really gets hurt by gay people? If they are two consenting adults what is wrong with a little boy on boy or girl on girl action?

Feel free to leave your comments, honesty is obliged.
That's not the main argument...that's just the straw man you picked up. :P It's an abomination. isn't overpopulated. That's just a load of lies.
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Post by Darwin_Rocks »

Please note our definitions of what is bad are different. Christians generally don't believe something is bad because it hurts someone (e.g., what of a dentist who makes money giving people pain? ), but bad because it goes against God's design or intentions. Yet, if you something "bad" along the lines of your definition, then you may want to read the page at ... ality.html.
Interesting article, however what we must take into account is the validity of the statistics presented. I'm guessing that statistics of homosexual death presented in 1997 aren't really reliable on account of the fact that they are analysing the deaths of gay people born around 45 years ago. The majority of dead people that were gay in this report would have to have been born in 1952, and I'm guessing that being a Gay person in the sixties/ seventies was VERY different to being gay in the post-millennium world (as evidenced by shows such as Queer Eye for a Straight Guy being accepted.). I'm also guessing that this study will show remarkably different figures in 2050 but seeing as time machines are not invented I guess we will never know.
I like you little dentist analogy though, thought it was pretty clever.
Love isn't about sexual pleasure, it's about spiritual pleasure, the pleasure of loving someone for their spirit and heart, not for their gender. Sex is intended by God for reproduction, it is adulterous and lusty to do it for pleasure. Since a same sex couple can't reproduce, any sex is adultery, which is a sin.
The idea that sex is ONLY for the reproduction of the human race is absurd! By this logic you are proposing the abolishment of ALL forms of contraception because having sex without intending to create another being is 'adulterous' and 'lusty'.
It's an abomination. isn't overpopulated. That's just a load of lies. it isn't.
"There are now about five and a half billion people in the world. There will probably be six billion by the end of the 20th century and at least ten billion by the year 2050. This extraordinary growth means that just under 100 million extra people- equal to two Englands, five Australias or half the United States - are being added to the world every year . The effects will be startling."
(extracted from "World Geography: People of the world, population and migration")
Some of the effects of over population?:

- About 500 million people are starving or ill-fed.
- Growing more crops and rearing more animals to satisfy the great demand for food is placing a great strain on the world's soils.
-A growing population means that more waste will be produced, including sewerage and these wastes will contribute to air pollution (CFC's, fumes produced by cars, etc), land and water pollution.
-A growing population means that more resources are being exploited to satisfy demands for food, clothes, housing, industrial use, etc.

Try telling a starving child in Ethiopia that the world isn't overpopulated and then look him in the eye when he asks you do look after him because his grand mother died of starvation.
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Post by Mastermind »

Overpopulation isn't the problem as we can feed far more than the current population if we wished. Greed is.
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Post by AttentionKMartShoppers »

You start with two facts and make a lie:

There are now about five and a half billion people in the world
About 500 million people are starving or ill-fed.

Then you make the lie-the reason that 500 million people are starving/ill fed is because of overpopulation, and there isn't enough agriculture to support those people. We can, last I read, not use 10% of land used for food production and we'd still have enough food. There is enough food for all those's just that those people are living in where food is locally scarce or they can't afford it (in which case people should remember "love thy neighbor as yourself" and help them) (give or take a few words, that's what it says). Also, last I read, the current murder rates of babies is so high in industrialized countries that the population in "civilized" countries is decreasing, and is only being kept up by stupid poor immigrants who don't kill their babies. (yes, there is sarcasm, just in case you missed it).
-A growing population means that more waste will be produced, including sewerage and these wastes will contribute to air pollution (CFC's, fumes produced by cars, etc), land and water pollution.
-A growing population means that more resources are being exploited to satisfy demands for food, clothes, housing, industrial use, etc.
Well duh to that....but what are the resources for? We weren't meant to and can't live here forever. Everything's going to wear out, fall apart....and eventually end. What is CFC? And cars put out carbon dioxide and what other gases that aren't harmful?

Please, if you live in the US, visit Montana at least....
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Post by Darwin_Rocks »

We can, last I read, not use 10% of land used for food production and we'd still have enough food. There is enough food for all those's just that those people are living in where food is locally scarce or they can't afford it (in which case people should remember "love thy neighbor as yourself" and help them) (give or take a few words, that's what it says).
Okay interesting point, I stand corrected. Did some research and it turns out you could be right.

However we should at least face that changing this system would involve a massive overhaul of our socio-economic system and I think that remembering a bible passage is not going to help us to much in this field.

This debate however is concerned not with overpopulation but with the morals of homosexuality.
Also, where do you draw the line? What can be legalized next? Bestiality?

Equating homosexuality with bestiality is so off the point it's ridiculous. The difference between the two is that human beings can consent to sex where as animals cannot. If two adults consent to same sex relations where is the harm in that?
Homosexuality is strictly forbidden according to God's law, and is a sin. God's ideal for His creation is normal relationships, not unnatural ones.
I find it funny that people whom believe a being like God who is supposedly omnipresent would lay his law down in a historical document that is over 2000 words. Maybe God looks back at that and sighs with a "Jeeze what was I thinking?".
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Post by Mastermind »

So I can slaughter an animal for food but can't have sex with it? What is this world coming to...
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Post by Darwin_Rocks »

So I can slaughter an animal for food but can't have sex with it?
Well maybe you shouldn't be eating meat.
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Post by Prodigal Son »

i have to agree with darwinrocks:

we are overpopulated. just because we can feed everyone doesn't mean there aren't too many people.


and just because we aren't meant to be here forever doesn't give us the right to rape and pillage all the rest of God's creatures and this magnificent planet he's given us. that's like spitting on his gift and saying, "You thought this would make me happy, God? No thanks!"
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Post by AttentionKMartShoppers »

Why is mastermind bringing up the idea of beastuality, and the earth is not overpopulated....people are just fulfilling one of God's many commands-fill the earth :lol: .
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Post by Darwin_Rocks »

people are just fulfilling one of God's many commands-fill the earth .
It's ironic that God commands to fill the Earth whilst he fails to provide for a vast majority of them resulting in mass global poverty.
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Post by Kurieuo »

If that is ironic, than it is also ironic that you blame God for our greediness and selfishness, which leads to a failure to love others by sharing what He has provided.

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Post by bizzt »

Kurieuo wrote:If that is ironic, than it is also ironic that you blame God for our greediness and selfishness, which leads to a failure to love others by sharing what He has provided.

AMEN... I agree :!: Another Thought is WHO SAYS the World cannot be fed by the Food we have in this world. I believe 10 BILLION people could be fed with no problem on this planet.
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Post by Deborah »

Darwin_Rocks wrote:
people are just fulfilling one of God's many commands-fill the earth .
It's ironic that God commands to fill the Earth whilst he fails to provide for a vast majority of them resulting in mass global poverty.

God provided for EVERYONE in his word!
One example Deu 14:22-29
It is men who do not follow the word of god that have got the world into the mess it is today.

It is not our place to judge homosexualality, but god clearly does not want it for his children.
Church tradition tells us that when John, son of Zebadee and brother of James was an old man, his disciples would carry him to church in their arms.
He would simply say, “Little children, love one another”
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He replied, “it is the Lords command, and if done, it is enough”
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Post by AttentionKMartShoppers »

Darwin_Rocks wrote:
people are just fulfilling one of God's many commands-fill the earth .
It's ironic that God commands to fill the Earth whilst he fails to provide for a vast majority of them resulting in mass global poverty.
Why is God blamed for everything bad? Why was God blamed for the tsunami, and why are there "acts of God" which just mean really horrible things, such as bad weather or complex accidents resulting in loss of life or property?


Poverty is caused by laziness, selfishness, and a bundle of other reasons most likely. YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW, AND IF YOU DON'T SOW ANYTHING, WELL DUH. :P
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