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Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2004 3:46 am
by Kurieuo
Job 3:23 wrote:Thanks for welcoming me!
I see we have a prophet here now ;) - welcome and you're welcome Job 3:23 :)


Hi, guys.

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2004 1:01 pm
by Anonymous
Stan is my name and I've posted in several other forums. The humor exhibited here is right up my alley, being the old duffer that I am, since it's a good sense of humor that soothes the travails of aging. Humor was not always my forte; life in my younger years was a serious matter which had to be clutched tightly. But I married a faithful woman almost 48 years ago, and she has taught me about the strength of faith and the importance of humor. When I came to know the Lord in my mid-fifties, I had a whole new outlook on life and I began to appreciate her strengths so much more. She was the one who led me to the Lord who gave me new life.

Being able to laugh at life's mishaps and obstacles has sustained her over the years, especially after learning she had MS some 20 years ago. When she suffers the side effects of the disease (e.g., falls down in the house, drops pills on the floor, spills food on herself, tries to decipher one of her own illegible scribbles), she often bursts out in laughter instead of screaming in frustration. So with that kind of upbeat example she has transformed me from being an old grouch into one who can now laugh at himself. The old adage about laughter being the best medicine is so true for us as we age.

My retirement years since 1991 have brought us closer together and I have learned the skills of being a caregiver for her as the Lord gave me patience and strength (Phil. 4:13). Now I have turned to forums such as this to keep my mind active. Before I did so, however, I spent a few years building my own web site as I grew in the knowledge of God (Hos 6:6). This made me realize I enjoyed writing a great deal, and I have tried to use that God given talent for His glory on my web site.

Goodness sakes, I have carried on here much more than I intended when I began. All I wanted to do was say hi and briefly introduce myself. Alas, I have overdone it. My apologies.

A new creation in Christ,
Stan Peel

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2004 8:29 pm
by Jac3510
Hey Stan, good to have you aboard. :) I'm really glad to hear about your approach to life . . . something I think we would all do well to pick up a bit on!

God bless

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2004 9:17 pm
by Anonymous

The moniker was given to me by an atheist on another board where I posted under my name (Steve). His intent was to show disrespect, but the laugh is on him as I have since adopted it and now consistently post under it.

Nothing is by accident, so neither is my appearance here. So far, my life has been an awesome adventure, and I can hardly wait to see what God has in store for me tomorrow.

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 3:16 pm
by Anonymous
Hi all...i'm amber and by the looks of things the token female..... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 12:57 am
by RGeeB
I've been brought up in the Christian cocoon of family, church and sunday school. The issue I'm struggling with right now is appreciating and understanding God's grace - since I can't remember life outside of it.

I completed a degree in engineering mathematics and have been a civil engineer for the past 4 years. I love science and the Bible.

Its a paradox that you have to be intelligent to come to terms with science; and as a child to come to terms with God!

My Christian walk:

Childhood - Evangelical / Anglican
Teenage - Catholic boarding
University - Baptist
Now - Pentecostal

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 8:47 am
by Anonymous
hi, im naomi, im here for college work and help
i hope you can help me.

can you post opinions of this quote? it would be VERY helpful! thank you! :)

" science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind."

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 11:13 am
by Anonymous
Hi all. Seeker here.

I've been surfing this site for a while now and thought it was about time for me to join. To start off i have to let you know that i am not a Christian yet :oops: but i'm seriously considering to becoming one, hence the "seeker" id :) I hope that's ok.

My main objective in joining you is to hear and listen to what drove people to Christianity in the first place. I still have (as i'm sure many of you had) conflicting thoughts that are preventing me from accepting the bible fully but i hope that with your help i'll get there.

I have to apologize in advance if i offend some people by what i say especially if it's not very Christian-like. I assure you that i mean no disrespect. If you think i'd be better off on a different forum please don't hesitate to let me know. So far i've been on non-Christian forums and there's something very unsatisfying when everyone agrees with each other :roll:

Looking forward to having interesting and fruitful discussions with you all.


Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 12:04 pm
by Anonymous

Where to start? Here's a suggestion, it you like.
What are some bible verses that confuse you?

Re: Seeker.

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 8:26 pm
by Kurieuo
Although I've had the pleasure of talking to some of you already, welcome to everyone I haven't yet welcomed—StanMan, seeker, naomi, amber, St. Eve and RGeeB. :)
StanMan wrote:Seeker, Where to start? Here's a suggestion, it you like. What are some bible verses that confuse you?
I personally think it's always best to start with the Gospel. That may involve just taking the Gospels as they are and reading about Christ, or weighing up the historical evidence for and against events such as Christ's resurrection. The latter was pretty well discussed on the old board (see ... php?t=2473). If these crucial events aren't really accepted, then one need not really bother with anything else in Christianity.


Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 11:18 am
by Anonymous
Hello all. Great site.

I am a fairly new Christian, comming to the faith rather late in life, age 46. Signed on to get some good advice and support in my walk with the Lord.


Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 1:59 pm
by Anonymous

I'm a 20 year old college student who's currently working at IBM in New York. I'll be finished with my internship here and will return to college come January to continue with my Electrical Engineering degree. Really, I'm not too interested in secular things (why the degree - the Lord knows). I'm very interested in spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ as He has since age 16 changed my entire life! I plan to become a full time Evangelist after college is through. Have hopes of getting married to a certain lady, going overseas and starting some churches. I still have great fears though when it comes to persecution but so did the apostle Paul 2 Cor 7:5 . But this website is a tremendous blessing that has helped me to understand more of our faith as we run this race of life!

Casting my crowns before the Lamb,

PremoMD (I'm not a doctor - those are my initials)

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 4:33 am
by M0le
I myself am an Atheist, and mostly joined this forum to get a perspective from the Christian viewpoint, as I personally do not know any Christians.

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 5:15 am
by Anonymous
Welcome to the board M0le - if we (or I) can help give you any Christian viewpoints don't hesitate to ask. I've had a few atheist and/or agnostic friends in the past; usually they're really great people. I just wish that they have seen and been through what I have. It's like a little boy who was burned by a red-hot bar from an electric heater. No amount of scholarly reasoning or textbook evidence will ever be able to convince the little boy that he was never burned - he even has the scars! God scarred my heart when I was 16 and visited me by fire when I was 19.

May He visit you in a similar manner that you may know (con-science = with knowledge) He is the Lord, your God. Besides this, isn't the website really great? The moderators are also really wise - they'll give you a lot of great perspectives.

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 10:36 pm
by M0le
Thanks for the kind welcome PremoMD, it's unusual to get such a nice welcome on message boards. :)
That said, I highly doubt that I'll ever become religious, I was Catholic/Christian for the first ten years of my life and religion's definately not for me. I'm not here to start arguments or attempt to pick apart Christianity just in case anybody's wondering, I'm just here to get a firsthand report from Christian viewpoint and maybe make a few Christian friends. :D