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Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2005 4:50 am
by Mastermind
The Felgar are an alien warrior race from Tarsus 3 which deals in the enslavement of humans. They often use cattle prods to keep their prizes in check.

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2005 7:35 am
by Felgar
Mastermind wrote:The Felgar are an alien warrior race from Tarsus 3 which deals in the enslavement of humans. They often use cattle prods to keep their prizes in check.
Nice try, but no. Would it help if I said that the actual name is Sir Felgar? ;)

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2005 10:05 am
by entity
Sir felgar of MMT?

Role: Project Leader, Lead Programmer, Website Admin.

Date joined: July 18th 2003.

Location: Stirling, Scotland, UK.

Do I get a cupie?

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2005 10:30 am
by Felgar
Almost entity... Though by adding Sir in there, it gives enough info to google for some meaningful results. :(

The first computer game I ever played at any length was Might and Magic II. In the first town is a hireling available to join the party; a knight named Sir Felgar. Been using it ever since - in about 15 years I've never had anyone mention MMII. Oh well. :)

In MMII (well most MM's actually) when you go to the circus and win a game, you get a cupie doll (which incidently has very little purpose at all).

Re: Who ARE You, Anyway???

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2005 4:55 pm
by ochotseat
kateliz wrote:Is it just me, (probably is,) or is it sometimes difficult to gather what gender some of you are? Kurieuo, I'd hate to guess wrong, so I won't. August? I thought female from your name, but then someone called you a "he". Deborah is pretty easy. Joel is too. Kmart, you're male. So is Felgar. Right? Bizzt, you're male as well. Poet.... I won't guess on you either. Please, no offense taken. I think I'd personally get offended, but that's part of why I have a gender specific name here. International gender guessing based mostly on names. I think I need some help, please. :? And please use smiley faces in a way that is not like:

Well, I'm a :wink:

I'm serious. No- not that serious. Besides, I've already used it, (lol, hahaha,) and you all have way too much creative integrity to abuse it by copying little ol' me.
Let's see...Kate, I'm guessing you're a dramatic dude who's in touch with his feminine side :wink:
Judging from mastermind's pic, astermind appears to be a pale Muslim crone in hijab :lol:

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 12:45 pm
by kateliz
Okay, I'll fess up. Ignore "my" pictures. I'm male. Those pictures were of my sister. I stole them from her albums and then spilt battery acid on them a few hours after posting the last one. She cut my beard off in my sleep the next night. I look a little more female now clean-shaven. I chose "kateliz" because that was the nickname of the neighbor girl who would chase me as a boy screaming, "You're going to hell you heathen, pagan, idol-worshipper!" I thought it appropriate for this forum because I'm actually not a Christian at all, but an atheist who has painstakingly sought to misguide everyone here into unbiblical theology as part of an experiement on psychology-based religion. Thank you for participating, howbeit unknowingly. I sincerely hope I have not caused any permanent damage. I'm especially sorry for, as part of the blending in and "acting natural," appearing to be humourous when I was in reality loathing that I felt it necessary to put up such a personality for such an experiment. As well as for personal pms I sent people as also part.

Please forgive me,

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 1:49 pm
by Believer

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 3:11 pm
by kateliz
I'm sorry everyone, bad joke. I don't want to honestly confuse anyone into thinking that me as kateliz was fake. There's no Joshua. I am Katherine Elizabeth- the face, (and feet,) in the pictures. No lies, Joshua was a joke. I hope some people can laugh, and that no one gets honestly upset.

I'm sorry for confusing you Brian. I won't pull another one like that. If I'm joking I'll indicate it.

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 4:04 pm
by bizzt
kateliz wrote:Okay, I'll fess up. Ignore "my" pictures. I'm male. Those pictures were of my sister. I stole them from her albums and then spilt battery acid on them a few hours after posting the last one. She cut my beard off in my sleep the next night. I look a little more female now clean-shaven. I chose "kateliz" because that was the nickname of the neighbor girl who would chase me as a boy screaming, "You're going to hell you heathen, pagan, idol-worshipper!" I thought it appropriate for this forum because I'm actually not a Christian at all, but an atheist who has painstakingly sought to misguide everyone here into unbiblical theology as part of an experiement on psychology-based religion. Thank you for participating, howbeit unknowingly. I sincerely hope I have not caused any permanent damage. I'm especially sorry for, as part of the blending in and "acting natural," appearing to be humourous when I was in reality loathing that I felt it necessary to put up such a personality for such an experiment. As well as for personal pms I sent people as also part.

Please forgive me,
It is hard to imagine this... Wow must make you feel good? Then again who knows if you have hacked the User Name or maybe you are actually the Brother posing as the Sister this time Around. Hmmmm but I hope your Experiment in whatever case has gave you the desired outcome you were looking for

I wonder if I should really take this back :lol:

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 4:34 pm
by Judah
Well, it seems that my internet name here (which is only one of two that I use) seems to confuse people as well.
If anyone is that terribly interested, my website gives the answer away.

I use Judah on forums with a Christian flavour, and a different name altogether on the arts/crafts boards that I frequent.
No, I am not a dissociative personality disordered type. Both "identities" operate simultaneously, fully integrated and so in complete conscious knowledge one of the other. :lol:

As regards age, that is classified information... but I am old enough to have a teenage son. 8)

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 7:31 am
by kateliz
No, Joy Buzzer, don't worry. No one hacked my name. 'Twas I who wrote as "Joshua". I was looking over my earliest posts and found the gender thread and thought it would be amusing if I "changed my mind" or something. So was born Joshua! It was me and no one else.

I'd continue with the joke too but I don't want anyone to be more confused than that first post apparently made some people. That would be rude, so I am curbing my desire to really play it out! :twisted:

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 7:49 am
by bizzt
kateliz wrote:No, Joy Buzzer, don't worry. No one hacked my name. 'Twas I who wrote as "Joshua". I was looking over my earliest posts and found the gender thread and thought it would be amusing if I "changed my mind" or something. So was born Joshua! It was me and no one else.

I'd continue with the joke too but I don't want anyone to be more confused than that first post apparently made some people. That would be rude, so I am curbing my desire to really play it out! :twisted:
Kate I did not feel that was one of your best Jokes. :shock: :(

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 8:27 am
by kateliz
I'm sorry. I honestly didn't think anyone would believe me. If they doubted whether I was kidding or not I assumed they would've asked me questions I would've gotten caught in like for who I was doing the experiment and who knows what. I honestly didn't think people would be upset! I'm honestly surprised and bewildered. Thought everyone would've recognized it or at least strongly suspected I was just playing around.
Was I that convincing? I didn't think I would be or that the post seemed that credible.

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 9:25 am
by bizzt
kateliz wrote:I'm sorry. I honestly didn't think anyone would believe me. If they doubted whether I was kidding or not I assumed they would've asked me questions I would've gotten caught in like for who I was doing the experiment and who knows what. I honestly didn't think people would be upset! I'm honestly surprised and bewildered. Thought everyone would've recognized it or at least strongly suspected I was just playing around.
Was I that convincing? I didn't think I would be or that the post seemed that credible.
It is all good Kate... I Forgive you. I did not think it was you typing it... I totally thought someone took over your Username and was kind of suprised. Online it is sometimes hard to perceive that however Kate.

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 9:52 am
by kateliz
I accept your apology, Joy Buzzer, but don't do it again! :wink: How did you get on my username anyhow? :x (Just kidding; he didn't. 8) )