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Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 8:46 am
by atheist
Don't mean to be rude, but do you, being an atheist, have ANY sympathy for him as a religious leader and a GREAT man or do you just think of him as a hunk of meat that is PERMANENTLY dead and has no afterlife?

Oh, HelpMeGod, you don't need to lie here. :wink: You do mean to be rude, or you would have expressed yourself in any other way. No problem, I understand. But Kmart is right, I was only passing by and decided to drop off updated information. I don't think you are interested in my opinion on this subject.

Atheist, read this

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 10:53 am
by Believer
atheist wrote:
Don't mean to be rude, but do you, being an atheist, have ANY sympathy for him as a religious leader and a GREAT man or do you just think of him as a hunk of meat that is PERMANENTLY dead and has no afterlife?

Oh, HelpMeGod, you don't need to lie here. :wink: You do mean to be rude, or you would have expressed yourself in any other way. No problem, I understand. But Kmart is right, I was only passing by and decided to drop off updated information. I don't think you are interested in my opinion on this subject.
Okay, yes I was being rude :evil:. Seriously though, do you think of him as just a hunk of meat they are gonna chuck in the ground or do you think he has something to look forward now, like let's say, an AFTERLIFE? You being an atheist, and you probably and most likely know, people can turn history into anything they want and make it look genuine. The Bible is not an elaborate hoax of any kind, I used to think that, but not anymore. You have to approach things from both the Christian point of view and the Atheist point of view, so far the Christian point of view is stronger and I think it always will be. Atheists don't want to be responsible for their actions so they reject God? Blasphemy! If you, being an atheist, tell me everything that is going on in everyones life right now on the face of this planet, give me explantions for miracoulous things that can't be explained, give me details on EVERYTHING to PROVE to me you are a TRUE atheist. My dad is a world known doctor and has patients that some are Bible scolars and my dad has actually witnessed miracoulous things happen to his patients almost instantaneoulsy, he has heared full audible speech from God while being fully awake (he was not on medications for things that could have caused this), he has seen wonderful things and you being an atheist just write it off as nothing, superstition have you. I think you came to this website to explore yourself and see where you REALLY want to fit in, and I think you are wondering if you want to convert. Do you really deny the existence of God, or is this what you think but not the denying of him in your heart? DEEP down you must surely believe there is something divine that is controlling life and the universe, i.e. God. Why do you think we have 7 days as decribed in the Bible? Why do you think we are in A.D. now and not B.C., these offer clues to the existence of Christ and we follow what is in the Bible. You need to research near-death experiences COMPLETELY, you need to investigate former atheists turned Christians like Anthony Flew (he didn't become Christian, but he beleives in a divine being). You need to do more research on the Christian perspective instead of just filling your mind up with everything atheistic, like atheist forums, books, and so forth. I know I am ramballing on now, just wanted to bring to you a basic overlook on what life is.

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 11:33 am
by atheist
Er... Tell me something, HelpMeGod, Does my mere presence in this forum offend you somehow?

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 11:52 am
by Believer
atheist wrote:Er... Tell me something, HelpMeGod, Does my mere presence in this forum offend you somehow?
No, but I want you to answer my questions.

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 1:51 pm
by atheist
I'm asking because you seem so sure that you know me and what I think, and probably things are not pretty resumed in a nickname, you know... 8)

First of all, I've been a Christian for about thirty years, so the whole "two sides" thing doesn't apply to me. You don't know what kind of research I've done so far, and of course you have no idea of why I visit this website...

Now, if you care for not anticipating the answers, can you please repeat me which are the exact questions? I'd gladly answer with the permission of the administrators.

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 2:10 pm
by Believer
atheist wrote:I'm asking because you seem so sure that you know me and what I think, and probably things are not pretty resumed in a nickname, you know... 8)

First of all, I've been a Christian for about thirty years, so the whole "two sides" thing doesn't apply to me. You don't know what kind of research I've done so far, and of course you have no idea of why I visit this website...

Now, if you care for not anticipating the answers, can you please repeat me which are the exact questions? I'd gladly answer with the permission of the administrators.
Read what I wrote above in my previous long post ATHEIST. In addition, WHY did you convert to an atheist? What PROOF makes you convert to atheism?

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 5:09 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
Mastermind wrote:Or maybe they can put Kmart in the middle of the ring, and each cardinal makes a YEC joke, points at him and laughs. The cardinal with the joke that finally makes Kmart cry wins.
Mastermind, Mastermind, Mastermind...please devolve back into a stem cell (since you think that's where man came from) and then blast off back to our old planet that is flooded in another ark.

HelpMeGod....atheists are not the bad guy-they are the blind guys who need the stop wacking him over the head, it doesn't do much...except maybe add a little surface area and a migraine...

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 12:56 am
by atheist
What PROOF makes you convert to atheism?
Hmmm.... didn't work that way. It was more like an absolute absence of proof from Christianism. But a process in itself, anyway.

About your questions, let me see...
Seriously though, do you think of him as just a hunk of meat they are gonna chuck in the ground or do you think he has something to look forward now, like let's say, an AFTERLIFE?
I don't believe in an afterlife, but I don't either think of people in terms of "hunks of meat". You have a life, you live it, perhaps you make things that inspire others and then one day when you're gone, some will remember you and your circumstances.
Atheists don't want to be responsible for their actions so they reject God?
Not at all. Responsibility is entirely a human factor that doesn't depend on a god. If you depend on a third part you are only transferring to it your responsability.

About he rest of the questions, I don't really understand what you mean. That's why I had asked you to rephrase them... :)

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 8:01 am
by Believer
WHAT makes you sooo certain there isn't an afterlife, do you know for a FACT and can PROVE there is no afterlife like the Bible mentions so many times there is? Did you convert to atheism BECAUSE you weren't patient enough for prayers to be answered? That's how my brother ended up and he has a bad life. Like I said before, my dad has heared God speak to him while he was fully awake, and why would he lie about it? He is a strong Christian. I too have heared God, in fact I have seen demons prior to hearing God. My brother, an atheist converted to paganism BECAUSE one day he was out fishing and a deer stopped by and started talking to him about the end of the world and how Satan is going to take over everything, of course the deer was demon possessed, but nonetheless, I have read other accounts of these stories as well. I have encountered things that ARE UNEXPLAINABLE by the law of nature. You might just write it off as nothing, just hallucinations, but they weren't. If you were either me or my dad or my brother, and had experienced the same things, you too would know that God exists.

Where do you think our conciousnes comes from, all this intellegence? I have read many evolutionary articles and all they say in it is create, create, create, not evolve, evolve, evolve, although they do put in some words like evolution but for examaple - " This animal was REATED by the laws of evolution" - Why not say "This animal was evolved by evolution?".

Why did you go Christian-turned-athiest anyways?

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 8:35 am
by Felgar
Getting back to the pope, I just wanted to say that I've actually found myself much more interested than I thought I would be...

5 years ago I would have dismissed all Catholics as a large group of people who have no faith, and merely go through the motions of religion without ever actually believing in Jesus or having a relationship with Him. But I've been starting to change my views on that for many reasons. Given that savaltion is a gift given to those who believe that Jesus died for our sins, I'm starting to see how many Catholics would have received that gift as well...

And learning more about the Pope has reinforced that conviction. Since I actually started to pay attention (maybe 7-8 years ago), the Pope has always seemed feable, weak and mostly irrelevant; cooped up in the Vatican living out the rest of his days. But it's clear to me that my impression was very flawed. They say he regularily spent up to 7 hours / day in prayer... To me, that underscores the reality that he MUST have had a personal relationship with God. And given that, I must then respect the Pope as a spiritual leader not only for Catholics but for all who call upon the name of the Lord.

In the past week I've also learned a lot about the role that he played in the fall of communism which I was suprised that I previously knew so little about. To me, this underscores the role that the Lord played in the fall through His servant, and reinforces the scripture that governments exist according to the will of God.

All in all, it seems clear to me that a man of God has been called to the Father and the world will miss the blessings that come from God through one of His great servants.

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 10:24 am
by atheist
WHAT makes you sooo certain there isn't an afterlife, do you know for a FACT and can PROVE there is no afterlife like the Bible mentions so many times there is?
Well, I'm not sooo certain. I just don't have any proof that there's an afterlife. Moreover, I don't need or want an afterlife; so, unless somebody prove it to me, afterlife, Neverland or Nirvana, don't represent a preoccupation for me, no matter what the Bible says.

Did you convert to atheism BECAUSE you weren't patient enough for prayers to be answered?
Nope. But it must be pretty frustrating for some, mustn't it?

That's how my brother ended up and he has a bad life. Like I said before, my dad has heared God speak to him while he was fully awake, and why would he lie about it? He is a strong Christian. I too have heared God, in fact I have seen demons prior to hearing God. My brother, an atheist converted to paganism BECAUSE one day he was out fishing and a deer stopped by and started talking to him about the end of the world and how Satan is going to take over everything, of course the deer was demon possessed, but nonetheless, I have read other accounts of these stories as well. I have encountered things that ARE UNEXPLAINABLE by the law of nature. You might just write it off as nothing, just hallucinations, but they weren't. If you were either me or my dad or my brother, and had experienced the same things, you too would know that God exists.
I'm sorry, and no disrespect for your family, but I neither rely on testimonies; I think Hume was right when he wrote that no testimony is sufficient to establish a miracle.

I have encountered things that ARE UNEXPLAINABLE by the law of nature.
So? :?:

Where do you think our conciousnes comes from, all this intellegence? I have read many evolutionary articles and all they say in it is create, create, create, not evolve, evolve, evolve, although they do put in some words like evolution but for examaple - " This animal was REATED by the laws of evolution" - Why not say "This animal was evolved by evolution?"
It's just a matter of language, not concepts. Evolution is a process that creates new species, but if you like to put it in a different way, new species evolve from previous ones. As for me, evolution explains intelligence pretty good.

Why did you go Christian-turned-athiest anyways?
As I said before, it was a process; had a lot to do with lack of evidence on behalf of Christianism, among many other things.

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 10:30 am
by Believer
atheist wrote:
WHAT makes you sooo certain there isn't an afterlife, do you know for a FACT and can PROVE there is no afterlife like the Bible mentions so many times there is?
Well, I'm not sooo certain. I just don't have any proof that there's an afterlife. Moreover, I don't need or want an afterlife; so, unless somebody prove it to me, afterlife, Neverland or Nirvana, don't represent a preoccupation for me, no matter what the Bible says.

Did you convert to atheism BECAUSE you weren't patient enough for prayers to be answered?
Nope. But it must be pretty frustrating for some, mustn't it?

That's how my brother ended up and he has a bad life. Like I said before, my dad has heared God speak to him while he was fully awake, and why would he lie about it? He is a strong Christian. I too have heared God, in fact I have seen demons prior to hearing God. My brother, an atheist converted to paganism BECAUSE one day he was out fishing and a deer stopped by and started talking to him about the end of the world and how Satan is going to take over everything, of course the deer was demon possessed, but nonetheless, I have read other accounts of these stories as well. I have encountered things that ARE UNEXPLAINABLE by the law of nature. You might just write it off as nothing, just hallucinations, but they weren't. If you were either me or my dad or my brother, and had experienced the same things, you too would know that God exists.
I'm sorry, and no disrespect for your family, but I neither rely on testimonies; I think Hume was right when he wrote that no testimony is sufficient to establish a miracle.

I have encountered things that ARE UNEXPLAINABLE by the law of nature.
So? :?:

Where do you think our conciousnes comes from, all this intellegence? I have read many evolutionary articles and all they say in it is create, create, create, not evolve, evolve, evolve, although they do put in some words like evolution but for examaple - " This animal was REATED by the laws of evolution" - Why not say "This animal was evolved by evolution?"
It's just a matter of language, not concepts. Evolution is a process that creates new species, but if you like to put it in a different way, new species evolve from previous ones. As for me, evolution explains intelligence pretty good.

Why did you go Christian-turned-athiest anyways?
As I said before, it was a process; had a lot to do with lack of evidence on behalf of Christianism, among many other things.
So, tell me atheist, if you believe God doesn't exist, and you die and end up in His presense, what is your excuse going to be for not believing when there was plenty of evidence? You know, as I was following the coverage of Pope John Paul II's death they reported he saw Jesus prior to his death, and when he died, it suddenly started raining, coincidence, I think not! If you claim that there is no God, and you assume you are all knowing and all powerful (not that you said this, but let's assume since most atheists think this), explain EVERYTHING and why it WORKS in the ENTIRE universe to me?

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 2:28 pm
by atheist
So, tell me atheist, if you believe God doesn't exist, and you die and end up in His presense, what is your excuse going to be for not believing when there was plenty of evidence?
What evidence?
Anyway, no excuses needed, i just did what I considered right. If He exists and He is just like Christians imagine, He should be the one with the proper excuses. And they better be reeeeal good!... :wink:

You know, as I was following the coverage of Pope John Paul II's death they reported he saw Jesus prior to his death, and when he died, it suddenly started raining, coincidence, I think not!
I think yes. It rains from time to time, you know. 8)

If you claim that there is no God, and you assume you are all knowing and all powerful (not that you said this, but let's assume since most atheists think this), explain EVERYTHING and why it WORKS in the ENTIRE universe to me?
I don't claim there is no God. I just don't know, and have no evidence that he exists, that's all. I don't assume that I'm all knowing and all powerful; on the contrary I don't know almost nothing and my power is extremely limited, and also, by the way, I don't know any atheist that considers himself all-powerful or all-knowing. But, curiously, I can point out one or two Christians that thinks that their faith is the only truth. :roll:

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 2:39 pm
by Believer
atheist wrote:
So, tell me atheist, if you believe God doesn't exist, and you die and end up in His presense, what is your excuse going to be for not believing when there was plenty of evidence?
What evidence?
Anyway, no excuses needed, i just did what I considered right. If He exists and He is just like Christians imagine, He should be the one with the proper excuses. And they better be reeeeal good!... :wink:

You know, as I was following the coverage of Pope John Paul II's death they reported he saw Jesus prior to his death, and when he died, it suddenly started raining, coincidence, I think not!
I think yes. It rains from time to time, you know. 8)

If you claim that there is no God, and you assume you are all knowing and all powerful (not that you said this, but let's assume since most atheists think this), explain EVERYTHING and why it WORKS in the ENTIRE universe to me?
I don't claim there is no God. I just don't know, and have no evidence that he exists, that's all. I don't assume that I'm all knowing and all powerful; on the contrary I don't know almost nothing and my power is extremely limited, and also, by the way, I don't know any atheist that considers himself all-powerful or all-knowing. But, curiously, I can point out one or two Christians that thinks that their faith is the only truth. :roll:
What evidence?
Anyway, no excuses needed, i just did what I considered right. If He exists and He is just like Christians imagine, He should be the one with the proper excuses. And they better be reeeeal good!... :wink:
Look around you, do you see things like nature and living beings roaming this planet. Yes. Like Augusts signature, The fool says in his heart there is no God, directly from the Bible.
I think yes. It rains from time to time, you know. 8)
Yes, but EXACTLY after the Pope dies? I believe it was a sign. Explain how he saw Jesus prior to dying. The story says that Jesus was communicating with him. My uncle has seen Jesus, not a hallucination. How can one who has never seen a picture of Jesus all of a sudden see him, there can't be an explanation for the imagination to project an image of Jesus while talking. There could be, but my uncle converted after seeing Jesus. I have heared from God, my dad has, my brother has heared a deer talk in english, under satanic power, since my brother is now a pagan/agnostic.

Also to point out, the recent earthquake that hit Indonesia, while it did inflict much damage and death, why was there no tsunami to follow it? Scientists are still puzzled because they said there should have been one. Can YOU tell me WHY a tsunami didn't happen?

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 2:47 pm
by seedling
Moreover, I don't need or want an afterlife

Hi atheist,

This statement intrigues me ... are you so content with your life and what you have seen and done on this earth that you don't even need an inkling of a hope for an afterlife? Why wouldn't you want it? I'm not saying there is or isn't an afterlife ... but I find it interesting that it doesn't matter to you. I find myself desperately hoping that there is ... I don't want to be forever gone ... yet I'm not sure why. I think it must be freeing not to care, but I'd like to hear from you why, since you were once a "Christian" and I assume held Christian beliefs in an afterlife and resurrection, etc.