What was Satan thinking?

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Post by j316 »

I,m not saying that satanic forces are not at work in the world, look at Columbine and some other similar examples. All I am say is that he lacks the power to actually do anything, he has to get us to do it for him. Therefore if you empower him he is a threat, and you empower him by nonbelief as well as by belief.
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Post by Battlehelmet »

AttentionKMartShoppers wrote:Satan also doesn't comprehend Scriptures...oh, he's booksmart, but he doesn't understand anything about love and mercy and justice and anything good.
Actually, Satan does know the Biblical Scriptures and can manipulate them in a sense of being given the Biblical attribute "master counterfeiter" which ties into Jesus's prophecy of watch out for false prophets, for they come to you in sheep's clothing, but inside they are fercious wolves. It some ways,a few things tie into together, especially with ddvart's statement of Jesus orchestrating the death of Judas.

Just a thought.

Post by Anonymous »

Satan has always known he can not defeat LORD>

Satan instead attacks the hearts of LORDs children. He succeeded in cursing man into putting to death the flesh of GOD>

John 13:18-30

Satan wants not the sinner but the children/followers of LORD> For every spirit broken - every house divided - Satan scores a victory against LORD> but can not defeat the LORD individually. With the ressurection and works of faith we are assured a victory in the WAR>

So what was Satan thinking? The only thing he could > go for the weakest links in the chain.

Post by Anonymous »

vvart wrote:Jesus gives bread to Judas and through that bread, Satan enters Judas. God orchestrated the death of his body.
Was the bread not the sign to to disciple who asked "who the one is" ?

Judas's heart was already defeated and the house was already divided. Thus the resulting "grief and guilt" was so great of Judas that it drove him insane. That sounds like something orchrestrated by Satan. As they say perhaps, Lucifer was laughing all the way to the bank.
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Post by AttentionKMartShoppers »

Actually, Satan does know the Biblical Scriptures and can manipulate them in a sense of being given the Biblical attribute "master counterfeiter" which ties into Jesus's prophecy of watch out for false prophets, for they come to you in sheep's clothing, but inside they are fercious wolves. It some ways,a few things tie into together, especially with ddvart's statement of Jesus orchestrating the death of Judas.
He knows what it says, but I'm saying he may not have understood what was meant at the time...he may have realized his mistake later. I can read some of the deep and bizarre verses in Revelation and know what the book says...but I don't have a clue about what the heck many of the verses (most of them actually) mean. See the difference?
Was the bread not the sign to to disciple who asked "who the one is" ?
It's also God showing honor and respect to the very man who is going to get him killed...He was the host giving the dipped bread to the man who would betray him.
Satan has always known he can not defeat LORD
He thought he could be God's equal at one point though :roll: Figured it he was wrong.
"My actions prove that God takes care of idiots."

He occasionally stumbled over the truth, but hastily picked himself up and hurried on as if nothing had happened.
- On Stanley Baldwin

-Winston Churchill

An atheist can't find God for the same reason a criminal can't find a police officer.

You need to start asking out girls so that you can get used to the rejections.

Post by Anonymous »

True that very well might have been a sign of respect. Never thought of it that way but then that figures too. :lol:
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