huh! thanks for whoever posted the website lol
i was looking something on this topic and so will go in order...
first, masturbation. well, looks like the general view is "its ok - not sinful unless it involves lust". thats the general view accepted by most people, i'd say. fair enough, had i been non-catholic i'd say "sweet i love that!". dont wana impose any views - tho i am catholic. catholic church believes... that it is "intrinsically wrong to masturbate or use contraception or lie" sorry for putting em all together.
well, that emaning its not the intention or consequences which matter, butthat some facts are evil by themselves. again, some catholics i know (a friend of mine started questioning faith in catholicism and God in general and gave up church for a while! yes he needs prayers...) dont follow that and many dont even know its a sin! i personally dont do it, because of this. however, i can see why one holds such view. if it is said to behealthy and so - exactly! i have a problem with it too. why shud something be evil? Catholicism is based on infallability etc and thats complicated...
Nevertheless i got my ahnds on a book by Peter Vardy "The puzzle of sex" and it sums it up. criticizes all doctrines and how they're based on false assumptions, that it was long ago and nothing was known of human body. also says sex should be of pure love and devotion to person, but doesnt necesarily say sex MUST be in marriage or homosexual sex is bad. it poses the possibility some verses' translation isnt clear, and that theres some verse saying that God likes any type of love etc. Well... so, this book also holds view that i heard and i quite like (ignoring my catholicism for a while) - that its like with other things... its not by itself, its if one gets addicted to it. if one is unable to stop it and thinks bad things THEN it is bad, not on itself.
than again i AM catholic, and SHOULD believe i am right and that what it teaches is right and that disobey a doctrine is SIN; hence it would amount to disobedience of church AND would be a mortal sin sicne i 1)know its a sin (according to CCC) and 2) is of "grave matter" and 3) with full conscience and 4) yet agree to it, knowing its serious rebellion against God. Again, many here may think thats pathetic that catholics are wrong etc. But, i shud believe it (and, even if the argument of NATURAL LAW is not too strong apparently, and some claim based on wrong assumptions suchas that human nature is unique (not true as different genes etc) and others) and if i dont then im going against my church. Yes i do challenge my views and RCC. Not to say i obey it; or try to obey it, tho questioning things and not necessarily claiming "this MUST BE THE TRUTH". And to be honest with u guys, yes, fear DOES play a role. im afraid that if it IS the truth and i would have disobeyed it, i am without excuse before God. That had i been raised noncatholic, and masturbated and used condoms and was never told its wrong, i may have excuse - but now i dont. Hence, its safer not to do it. In case its false, then congratulations, psychology of religion has made its way to bring people to be scared and do what they want... indeed psychology of religion is interesting...!
Seondly, that website... not only it defies catholics (it says how they are wrong and end up in hell and gives a list of things, it is non-trinitarian, and holds other views we'd say as herecy. it says in a section named "where do we stand" i think that they beliebve in total predestination. then, why do they bother making us believe the "right" thing if we are saved according to predestination solely? says God only loved some and not the rest; it does have some Scriptural verses but i believe it took em totally out of context since we know God loves everybody (then again why some end up in hell despite God's knowing they are gonna end up and Him still allowing em to be born is a different issue).
I have the feeling we should send some lovely email to them explaining to them why THEY are blatantly wrong... isnt that our duty to teach these who are false, anyway? Ironically of course, they wana persuade US we are wrong...
Any ideas on either?