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Re: Trinity

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 11:06 pm
by B. W.
Jolog wrote:Trinity is illogical and irrational. Every explanation that I been hearing were rationalization instead of rational Biblical based answer. And all this explanation doesn't really answer the posted question. The charge of the Trinitatians is that there is one God in three persons. Each person is equal with each other. How can you fit three omnipresent God in one space? This is actually tritheism because you have to worship these three person and accord faith in them equally. Three equal God should be prayed to, worship, have faith on them etc. That means I can asked Jesus for anything in Jesus name isn't thats absurd? Its that what the Bible teaches?

These were the signs that the wrong were committed. But the problem with us Christians was that instead of heeding these signs we instead embraced it, diminishing the potency of the Bible to correct itself. The truth is that human are fallible creature and because of that the written word of God is our only source of ultimate truth. That is why inspite of these deviation the Bible is still is capable of projecting its truth by being senseful. Obviously Trinity was added to the Bible that was why all red flashing light are glowing to tell us that it is wrong and not supported by biblical truth. Remember this I don't care how intellectual a preachers is the Bible should alway have the last say. Examine and test everything that is being thrown to you by these so called intellectuals by way of scriptures and see if it stands> Thank you
Please locate this scripture - With God - All things are possible.

Water is one substance but made of three distinct parts, in fact all creation resounds the nature of the Godhead. If we can divide water into three separate parts — why cannot God reveal himself as three? Also, have you not read in the scripture — the seven spirits of God? Nothing is impossible with God to do as He wills and desires for his own purposes.

Maybe, God desired to reveal Himself one part at a time so we would know it was He?

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 1:01 am
by IRQ Conflict
Luk 18:27 And he said, The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 8:34 am
by authentic
SpiritualSon wrote:Kurieuo,
For centuries church has been teaching the Trinity wrong. They taught that the Holy Trinity is made of of three persons, and that these three persons created the world.

These saying by the Father below contradicts the trinity of three persons from eternity, before creation.

I am Jehovah, and besides Me there is no Savior (Isa.43:11).

Am not I Jehovah, and there is none besides Me, and there is no Savior besides Me. Look unto Me and be ye saved all the ends of the earth (Isa.45:21,22).

I am Jehovah thy God, and there is no Savior.
besides Me (Hos.13:4).

I Jehovah will give thee for a covenant to the people, for a light of the nations. I am Jehovah, that is My name, and My glory will I not give to another (Isa.42:6,8).

Where does the second person, the son of God fit in. Same Protestant chruches believe the Son is not God, because of these words. They don't understand that Jesus is the Father in the flesh, Therefore He is Divine and Holy.

Creation was by one God who became Man under the Jesus Christ. A trinity is the soul, body and spirit of a person. We all have a soul, body and spirit. In Jesus Christ, the Soul, Body and Spirit is the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, as it is written by Paul, that in Jesus Christ lives the fullness of the God-Head. Jesus said, He that hath seen hath seen the Father. In John 1 it is written that all creation was made by Him, not because of Him, but by Him, meaning He was the only Creator, and without Him nothing was made that was made.

Our trinity, which is the soul, body and spirit,is human. In Jesus Christ, His Trinity, which is His Soul, Body and Spirit is Divine.

i agree with this 100%, the bible clearly states that the Lord our God is one. When God TOOK ON flesh to dwell here on earth, it simply means that he used a fleshy nature as a in order for it to be sacrificed, because you can't sacrifice spirit. You may find this crazy, but the flesh that he took on was not God (let me explain). The bible says that God cannot be tempted with evil, but Jesus was tempted by the devil. The bible says that God is the alpha and Omegha, with out beginning or ending of days. Yet Jesus was born and raised by his parents and later died at age 33. My point is that God is a spirit, and he used the flesh to serve as an example for mankind and as a final sacrifice. So when you see Jesus praying to God, people say well that is God praying to God (that is incorrect). It was the flesh praying to the spirit inside him. Now its funny, because some religions claim that Mary was the mother of God. Really doesn't make sense if God is eternal and made everything in existance. Its impossible.

Now let me make one more point, in the Great Commission Jesus told the apostles to "Baptise in the NAME of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit...umm. The word Name here is a singular term, so what is the name of the Father, Son, and Holy spirit. That name is Jesus, given the fact that Jesus was the name inherited from God himself.

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 10:03 am
by Byblos
authentic wrote:
SpiritualSon wrote:Kurieuo,
For centuries church has been teaching the Trinity wrong. They taught that the Holy Trinity is made of of three persons, and that these three persons created the world.

These saying by the Father below contradicts the trinity of three persons from eternity, before creation.

I am Jehovah, and besides Me there is no Savior (Isa.43:11).

Am not I Jehovah, and there is none besides Me, and there is no Savior besides Me. Look unto Me and be ye saved all the ends of the earth (Isa.45:21,22).

I am Jehovah thy God, and there is no Savior.
besides Me (Hos.13:4).

I Jehovah will give thee for a covenant to the people, for a light of the nations. I am Jehovah, that is My name, and My glory will I not give to another (Isa.42:6,8).

Where does the second person, the son of God fit in. Same Protestant chruches believe the Son is not God, because of these words. They don't understand that Jesus is the Father in the flesh, Therefore He is Divine and Holy.

Creation was by one God who became Man under the Jesus Christ. A trinity is the soul, body and spirit of a person. We all have a soul, body and spirit. In Jesus Christ, the Soul, Body and Spirit is the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, as it is written by Paul, that in Jesus Christ lives the fullness of the God-Head. Jesus said, He that hath seen hath seen the Father. In John 1 it is written that all creation was made by Him, not because of Him, but by Him, meaning He was the only Creator, and without Him nothing was made that was made.

Our trinity, which is the soul, body and spirit,is human. In Jesus Christ, His Trinity, which is His Soul, Body and Spirit is Divine.

i agree with this 100%, the bible clearly states that the Lord our God is one. When God TOOK ON flesh to dwell here on earth, it simply means that he used a fleshy nature as a in order for it to be sacrificed, because you can't sacrifice spirit. You may find this crazy, but the flesh that he took on was not God (let me explain). The bible says that God cannot be tempted with evil, but Jesus was tempted by the devil. The bible says that God is the alpha and Omegha, with out beginning or ending of days. Yet Jesus was born and raised by his parents and later died at age 33. My point is that God is a spirit, and he used the flesh to serve as an example for mankind and as a final sacrifice. So when you see Jesus praying to God, people say well that is God praying to God (that is incorrect). It was the flesh praying to the spirit inside him. Now its funny, because some religions claim that Mary was the mother of God. Really doesn't make sense if God is eternal and made everything in existance. Its impossible.

Now let me make one more point, in the Great Commission Jesus told the apostles to "Baptise in the NAME of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit...umm. The word Name here is a singular term, so what is the name of the Father, Son, and Holy spirit. That name is Jesus, given the fact that Jesus was the name inherited from God himself.
Simply amazing how the word of God, i.e. the Bible, is one and is absolute, yet there are so many differing views on the meaning.

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 7:22 pm
by IRQ Conflict
Simply amazing how the word of God, i.e. the Bible, is one and is absolute, yet there are so many differing views on the meaning.
Only when man looks to man for the answers my friend! When we look to God, His Word and seek Him the Spirit will guide us and teach us. :)

Look at the views that poeple propose and divide it with the Word. In this day and age we sometimes have to look into the original Greek and Hebrew to dicen the meaning in the context of which it is written. Never the less it is the Truth! Always has been and always will be.

Luk 21:33 Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away.

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 6:21 am
by Byblos
IRQ Conflict wrote:
Simply amazing how the word of God, i.e. the Bible, is one and is absolute, yet there are so many differing views on the meaning.

Only when man looks to man for the answers my friend! When we look to God, His Word and seek Him the Spirit will guide us and teach us. :)

Look at the views that poeple propose and divide it with the Word. In this day and age we sometimes have to look into the original Greek and Hebrew to dicen the meaning in the context of which it is written. Never the less it is the Truth! Always has been and always will be.

Luk 21:33 Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away.

Ah, gotcha. In other words, if one disagrees with your interpretation then he must be looking to man, not God for answers. Is that what you're saying?

And if that's not what you're saying and that someone is in fact looking to God for answers but still comes to an entirely different conclusion than yours, then it could mean one of 2 things: either human subjectivity is a major factor, in which case no one can claim absolute knowledge, or that you are not looking to God for answers. So which one is it?

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 2:39 pm
by IRQ Conflict
:roll: Ok The Word tells us the three (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) are one.

So if I tell you the three are two, but the Word says the three are one. And you believe me instead of the Word you are looking at man for the answer.

How can you fail to see that? My interpretation is literal since God gives no indication it is to be taken any other way. Simple isn't it?

EDIT: Further, I'm sure that if I went around claiming Christ was really an alien from the planet zargon, people would laugh me to scorn (save those who do not believe the Word of God but chose to believe me instead), and certainly correct me would they not? The Word clearly difines Christ, the Godhood, His life and where, when and why He was here.

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 5:50 pm
by Byblos
IRQ Conflict wrote::roll: Ok The Word tells us the three (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) are one.

So if I tell you the three are two, but the Word says the three are one. And you believe me instead of the Word you are looking at man for the answer.

How can you fail to see that? My interpretation is literal since God gives no indication it is to be taken any other way. Simple isn't it?

EDIT: Further, I'm sure that if I went around claiming Christ was really an alien from the planet zargon, people would laugh me to scorn (save those who do not believe the Word of God but chose to believe me instead), and certainly correct me would they not? The Word clearly difines Christ, the Godhood, His life and where, when and why He was here.
Considering this is a thread about the trinity and we do not disagree on that, I will let it go but I do note that you did not answer my question.

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 7:25 pm
by IRQ Conflict
Ah, gotcha. In other words, if one disagrees with your interpretation then he must be looking to man, not God for answers. Is that what you're saying?
Sorry Byblos, I wuz too busy thinking about my statement, my bad heh.

Anyway, no.

I'll give you a hint, I answered your question before you asked it. ;)

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 9:19 pm
by Wall-dog
Trinity is illogical and irrational. Every explanation that I been hearing were rationalization instead of rational Biblical based answer. And all this explanation doesn't really answer the posted question.
Didn't Solomon build the temple for the 'Word of God'? Aren't there clear indications throughout the OT that Jesus would be the 'Word of God'? God, in whole, could not walk the Earth. God could however walk it in part. It is only through our human limitations that we perceive the trinity to be contradictory. Why can't it be as simple as Jesus representing the 'Word of God' and the Holy Spirit representing the 'Breath of God?'

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 10:02 pm
by IRQ Conflict
1Ki 6:11 And the word of the LORD came to Solomon, saying,
1Ki 6:12 Concerning this house which thou art in building, if thou wilt walk in my statutes, and execute my judgments, and keep all my commandments to walk in them; then will I perform my word with thee, which I spoke unto David thy father:
1Ki 6:13 And I will dwell among the children of Israel, and will not forsake my people Israel.
1Ki 6:14 So Solomon built the house, and finished it.

Heb 3:19 So we see that they could not enter in because of unbelief.

Heb 3:12 Take heed, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief, in departing from the living God.

Heb 4:11 Let us labor therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief.

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 1:51 pm
Here is an interesting thought about the Trinity:
It was earlier written that the trinity is like 1x1x1 = 1.

I like to look at it as infinity + infinity + infinity = infinity.

God is Infinite.

Jesus can be less that the Father and still be infinite.
infinity - 5 = infinity .

Nothing scriptual of course but something to think about.

Something scriptural: Jesus absolutely existed from the beginning with his Lord. Read all of Proverbs 8.

What do you think about it?

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 6:45 pm
by IRQ Conflict
I try not to think, it hurts :lol:

The way I've always reasoned the Trinity in my mind was to recognize that three people can share the same responsability. Thats over simplifying it but it works for me.

I do like your examples however! thanks for sharing them!

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 2:21 am
by R7-12
1 John 5:7 is a known forgery.

That should be understood by every Bible scholar by now.

This forgery is the primary defence for the trinity, thus on this alone the doctrine falls.

It is agreed almost universally that there is no substantial support in Scripture for this false teaching which has its origins in Greek philosophy and even more anciently in the Babylonians Mysteries.

The problem is this teaching is so widely accepted by this world's Christians that for someone to question it would be akin to betrayel or at least rejection of a teaching that is 1700 years old.

No one desires to be cast out of the main group and no one desires to be branded a heretic. So what choice do most people make?

Go with what appears to be the winning side - that's precisely what Constantine did when he mistakenly thought the Trinitarians held the majority view back in the early fourth century.

He would soon find out he was wrong. And so will many more.


Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 3:32 am
by IRQ Conflict
:lol: Paaallleeeezzzz


Heres another good read:
Corrupted Manuscripts
These verses are corrupted in the following manuscripts:
Aleph - Sinaiticus - Fourth Century
B - Sinaiticus - Fourth Century
A - Alexandrinus - Fifth Century

These three manuscripts are the primary manuscripts where 1 John 5:7-8 have been corrupted. There are many other later manuscripts which are ancillary to these three because they were copied from them. Like begets like and when you copy from a corrupted manuscripts the lineage of corruption will continue. 1 John 5:7-8 has been attacked by the pro modern version crowd as being a scribal addition later on in years. However, 1 John 5:7-8 is found in the Old Latin Vulgate and Greek Vulgate (90-150 A.D.), plus the Syriac Peshiito (150 A.D. It is also found in many first century church lectionaries. Lectionaries were used in churches for readings and liturgy for church services especially for special days of the year. They are akin to the responsive readings which we find in today's hymn books. Tatian's Diatesseron which was a harmony of the four gospels written about 150 A.D. When Taitian was writing the book of John, he had referenced 1 John 5:7 which proves that 1 John 5:7 antedates Vaticanus and Sinaiticus, by 200 years, where the verse is omitted.
The evidence is overwhelming for the authenticity of 1 John 5:7-8. Keep in mind that it was Origen who was the father of the false manuscripts who removed this verse as he did verses like Acts 8:37 and Luke 24:40. The Alexandrian school was no friend of the true manuscripts which were taken from Antioch and mutilated according to Gnostic beliefs.