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Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2004 12:33 pm
by Anonymous

Thanks for your response. You brought up a good point regarding speculation of the word good. From my perspective I'd probably agree with you and consider you to be a good person. You probably are very nice to others (making sure you listen intently to their words), maybe you give money to charity, or maybe you've never done anything really bad like murder someone. Therefore, I'd conclude that you're a good person.

Unfortunately for us, God has a different perspective when He looks upon good men and women. He doesn't just see the outside actions, He judges right down to the motive and intention of the heart. For example if you decide in your heart/mind that you want to assasin@te the pres1dent, you are committing a felony - treason against your country. Yet, the law will not be able to punish you since it can't examine your mind and know that's what you're thinking. It's not like that with God, He sees our thought life, knows the motivation for all of our actions, and will be just in His judgments. The eyes of the Lord are in every place beholding the good and the evil.

So, to continue with our dialogue, I have a few more questions for you that I was hoping you could answer. They'll be in relation to a more important notion: not whether With a tender conscience, please honestly answer the following:

1) Do you love God with heart, mind, soul and strength?

2) Have you made a god to suit yourself - a higher being that you're more comfortable with than the God revealed in scripture?

3) Have you ever used God's name in vain (like you would a 4 letter cuss word)?

4) Have you kept the Sabbath holy?

5) Have you always honored your parents?

6) Have you hated anyone, and therefore committed murder in your heart?

7) Have you ever told a lie before (including fibs, half-truths, white lies etc.)?

8) Have you ever looked at a woman with lust (desire) before, and therefore committed adulter in your heart?

9) Have you ever stolen something before (even if it's small)?

10) Have you ever wanted (coveted) something that wasn't yours?

The Ten Commandments in Exodus 20 give us a good picture of how we will do on Judgment Day when we give an account of our lives to God. On the grounds of the 10 Commandments, do you think you'd be innocent or guilty? End up in Heaven or Hell?

Sorry for all the questions at once but I only get a few breaks during the day at work.

God's Existence

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2004 1:17 pm
by Anonymous
Dan may I point out a few things.

:arrow: First you must understand to prove God's existence is not necessary. For God has made Himself evident in the hearts of men. John 16:8-11 Everything in this world has a designer. If I said to you that I was on the beach and as I was standing there pieces of watches started floating on to the shore, and suddenly the water washed them together into an operating watch, and today I am wearing it and it still works. :roll: You would say give me a break! Right! We know all things made have a designer, and if the designer gives us a manual with it, we may refer to it. However, most people do not refer to it. Our pride gets in the way and we try to do things without refering to it.
May I suggest the same is true with God being the designer of us, and very few people refer to His manual, the Bible.

:arrow: Second, the question is incorrect. It should be the proof is that you would have to prove that God does not exist. That would mean you would have to be in every place in the universe at the same time, in all times of existence, in all minds of anyone, to prove His non-existence. :? Oh, by the way if you did that, you would be God.

:arrow: Third, You constantly exercise faith in your life without realizing it. When you sit in a seat on the bus you don't exclaim I need to check out this chair to see if it will hold me, nor do ask the bus driver to give evidence he can be trusted. :idea: So you exercise faith all the time. Now you need to exercise faith, by trusting God.

:arrow: Fourth, from your quote...
a few things which make me a good person are:
1. I have time for other people's thoughts, even if I disagree with them
The Question is do you have time for God's point of view - the Bible.
You see most people are only interested in spewing out their point of view with no regard to God's.

:arrow: Fifth, from your quote...
2. I believe that all life is precious, although the natural order of things means we can kill animals and plants to survive etc....
You would find that God's book would agree with you, but you may find that this does not qualify you to be in God's good book.

:arrow: Sixth, from your quote...
3. I believe in good karma, i.e. people should strive not to block anyone else from forfilling their existance to its fullest.
You need to refer to the good book - the Bible, the Owner's Manual - to find what is your purpose on earth. For example would you block Saddam Husseim, Hitler, etc. from fulfilling their existence. How would you restrain them.

:arrow: Seventh, and final - Dan you really need to ask yourself if you were to die tonight and stand before God tomorrow, and He was to say to you why should I let you into Heaven. :?: What would you say?
Thanks for considering these thoughts,

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2004 3:08 pm
by Anonymous
Compassion - have you gone over any of Ray Comfort's material in the past? You seem to be very well versed.

Re: God's Existence

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2004 5:02 pm
by Anonymous
Compassion wrote:Dan may I point out a few things.

First you must understand to prove God's existence is not necessary. For God has made Himself evident in the hearts of men. John 16:8-11 Everything in this world has a designer. If I said to you that I was on the beach and as I was standing there pieces of watches started floating on to the shore, and suddenly the water washed them together into an operating watch, and today I am wearing it and it still works. :roll: You would say give me a break! Right! We know all things made have a designer, and if the designer gives us a manual with it, we may refer to it. However, most people do not refer to it. Our pride gets in the way and we try to do things without refering to it.
May I suggest the same is true with God being the designer of us, and very few people refer to His manual, the Bible.
I have never accepted that argument for two reasons. Firstly is that the anthropic principle offers a simpler explanation as to why the ratios etc are all suited for life without requiring a designer, and futhermore the argument is self defeating. We who design and create require a creator, but our creator does not? Why not?
Second, the question is incorrect. It should be the proof is that you would have to prove that God does not exist. That would mean you would have to be in every place in the universe at the same time, in all times of existence, in all minds of anyone, to prove His non-existence. :? Oh, by the way if you did that, you would be God.
For me it is easier not to believe because I see far less evidence in support of him than I would require to have any degree of certainty in his existence. At the moment, most evidence put together to support him, or responses to evidence against him seem to build this almost "Heath Robinson" type picture of improbable and impractical beliefs all piled together to try and retain some degree of credibility. That, and if the son of God had really walked the Earth only a few thousand years ago, we wouldn't be having a "did he/didn't he" debate. Also, why did God and his son choose to appear to such a remarkably small proportion of the world's population?
Third, You constantly exercise faith in your life without realizing it. When you sit in a seat on the bus you don't exclaim I need to check out this chair to see if it will hold me, nor do ask the bus driver to give evidence he can be trusted. :idea: So you exercise faith all the time. Now you need to exercise faith, by trusting God.
Faith that is constantly rewarded and can easily be tested. I was a devout Christian for several years and eventually left because no matter what my faith, I kept feeling let down and kept finding things in the Bible I couldn't reconcile with my own morals and my own knowledge of the world.

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2004 6:11 pm
by Mastermind
"We who design and create require a creator, but our creator does not? Why not? "

Because of His nature. Not all things have a beginning, because if they did, nothing would be around!

Re: God's Existence

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 5:52 am
by Anonymous
Bose-Einstein wrote:
Faith that is constantly rewarded and can easily be tested. I was a devout Christian for several years and eventually left because no matter what my faith, I kept feeling let down and kept finding things in the Bible I couldn't reconcile with my own morals and my own knowledge of the world.

I'm curious of your last remarks here. I hope you don't mind me proding, but these are things I've always wanted to understand more from other people who have, let's say, "fallen away" from the faith.

What did it mean to you to be a "devout Christian". It's been my observation that everyone has a different definition of this - I'd like to hear yours.

What do you feel let you down in the faith? What did it feel like to be "let down"?

The Bible part - I've come across dozens of things that I don't understand or somehow don't seem to fit with my limited knowledge (less than one millionth of 1% of the entire knowledge of the universe). I've taken it as the practice to react like Job did in Job 40:4 . After 77 questions from God about biology, cosmology, scientology, animology, etc.-ology, Job put his hand on his mouth and basically said "Whoa, I really know nothing - my bad God!" But I've also found it common that through the pride of one's countenance, one will not seek after God. I want to seek after God and understand more of His creation/workings but if that's to happen my countenance needs to be one of humility instead of pride. Sorry for that bunny trail. Right here I just wanted to ask you what were some of the things you found that were unreconcilable to your own morals/knowledge?

One piece of advice I can give is found in John 8:44 . We are not ignorant of his devices or the thoughts he implants in our heads. The deceiver of nations is his name Rev 12:9 . Thus, scripture exhorts to seek truth in order to dispell the stronghold of lies within the mind/heart. I hope that you don't mind doing that with us, the Lord knows we both have need of such things.
He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy. Prov 28:13

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 2:01 am
by Anonymous
I have been reading some of these posts and just wanted to put in my two cents.

I have been a christian in my life on and off again several times. I have always been a person interested in science and during the times when I was a believer I was very interested in using science to justify my beliefs (lack of intermediate fossils, historical nature of biblical figures). I have come to find the maintainence of christian belief to be an endeavor in superstition.

For me the details and dogma of protestant belief amount to unecessary mental and emotional burdons. The religion as I have come to experience it--as well as the personal-relationship I felt and believed I experienced--simply doesn't pass the smell test.

I have always believed as many fundimentalists do, that the bible is the flawless inspired word of God and that anything less just wouldn't do. After all, we as human beings are supposed to stake all of our hopes in this life and in the eternal life 'to come' on the promises and answers provided in this written account. The reason I decided to drop the burdeonsome dogma of christianity is because much of religion, including the book seems fishy and for eternal salvation, as well as present satisfaction, that just won't do.

Many of the stories in the bible are far too fairy tailish for me considering what is at stake in believing in the promise of the book. Even with the problems in the fossil record, there is clearly strong evidence (read irrefutable) for several epochs in the history of life on earth in which there was a distinct set of creatures in distinct eco-systems which simply do not exist today and which filled biological niches that are currently held by other creatures which did not exist along with the more ancient representatives. For example, dromeasaurs along with other theropod dinosaurs couldn't really cohabitate with the large cats, wolves, dogs, and bears. All of these fullfill the role of 'top predator' but you can't really have two co-habitating completely unique top predators. This fact comes across when you look at the prey that was appropriate for dinosaurs - large plant eating sauropods. Can you imagine a pack of saber-tooth cats or perhaps lions or wolves bringing down a brachiosaur?

The attempting to convince someone of a world of sabre-tooth cats, along with giraffes and theropod dinosaurs, basillasaurs swimming with orca's, and plesiasaurs, ichtheosaurs and dolphins along side primative humans for the sake of dogma seems downright wicked. Also the belief in noahcarrying dinosaurs-even eggs or babies- on his boat through the flood is more than a little far fetched.

You can hang onto all of the morality constructs you want which fit into a protestant ideology that situates God as judge and redeemer but if the book doesn't wash the point becomes moot.

Here's what I do believe:
I believe there is a God who is very similar (if not identical) to the God expressed in the jewish and christian tradition. I believe God is great, benevolent, and ultimately righteous. I believe these things less because I read them in the book or was told them time and again by christian fellows and more because these beliefs seem to resonate. Besides 'seeming' true a belief in a benevolent and good God seems rational.

Through the failings of what I see as a clouded history of God's interaction with man that is the bible I believe that the nature of God and the universe is mostly unknowable. I don't necessarily believe in an afterlife. I believe that there is a very good possiblity that the experience of death is equal to the experience of non-experience or non-existence - death is a sleep from which you simply never wake. I used to have a lot of trouble conceptualizing the idea of this non-existence but the answer to the idea is actually quite familar. The experience of times when I have lost consciousness - examples of this include dreamless sleep, anesthetised states, as well as unconsiousness due to trauma - can be compared to non-existence. As for as I am concerned, at such times, I do not exist. That is, my existence is only apparent to me in so much as I can experience it- if there is no experience then then existence isn't apparent.

My two cents. Christian belief as expressed by protestant fundimentalists is too superstitious to be trusted. I take what is salvagable and hope for the best.

Also, it is immoral to threaten someone with eternal suffering if they won't believe what you do and this is precisely what christians do much of the time and I refuse either to purpetuate this insidious belief. This is supposidly the image of jesus presented by popular christian belief - although a close reading of who jesus was in the gospels puts him in the light of a low individual - someone who associates with the scum of the world and offers friendship, acceptance, and teaching to such people.

People often neglect to consider the fact that current christian belief is subject to cultural influence and many issues presented as fact (such as the nature of hell as portrayed by Jesus) are more the current way the text is read and the current way a particular sect of christianity likes to believe. For instance, our image of hell as a fire and a place where people are tortured for eternity is an image that comes more out of Donte's inferno than out of the bible. Jesus described hell as Gehena - a place of refuse - not as a torture chamber. God is a helluva lot more accepting - even in the bible - than many would like you to believe. Think of David (murderer and pervert), or Abraham (who was a moon worshipper), or even Jesus with his associations with prostitutes, killers, unbelievers, and theives.

I say people should fight for what they believe and not simply eat up the dogma presented by a very westernized incarnation of an eastern religion - namely the jewish sect that takes Jesus as Messiah. Noah did not carry dinosaurs on a boat, there was no garden of eden, and God doesn't care if you boil a goat in its mother's milk.

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 3:56 pm
by Anonymous

I don't have much time to answer your responses now, I'd like to Monday while at work so please be patient with me. Until then, I just wanted to offer up a few url's for you to check out.

This one is from the Jehovah's Website official page. The comments you made about there being no hell, just a ceaceless existance is right in accordance with their dogma. ... cle_02.htm

I have a few comments regarding how you were in and out of being a Christian. I'll post them Monday after your response (which will trigger my email notification). Before that, I'd recommend listening to this sermon about True and False Conversion. It's very informative and comes with my highest recommendation.

Otherwise, here's an excerpt that I hope you have time to read (see below). Taken from [url] ... hell.shtml /[url]

"Could you be wrong in your claims about Judgment Day and the existence of hell?"

The existence of hell and the surety of the judgment are not the claims of fallible man. The Bible is the source of the claim, and it is utterly infallible. When someone becomes a Christian, he is admitting that he was in the wrong, and that God is justified in His declarations that we have sinned against Him.

However, let's surmise for a moment that there is no Judgment Day and no hell. That would mean that the Bible is a huge hoax, in which more than forty authors collaborated (over a period of 3,000 years) to produce a document revealing God's character as "just." They portrayed Him as a just judge, who warned that He would eventually punish murderers, rapists, liars, thieves, adulterers, etc. Each of those writers (who professed to be godly) therefore bore false witness, transgressing the very commandments they claimed to be true.

It would mean that Jesus Christ was a liar, and that all the claims He made about the reality of judgment were there-fore false. It would also mean that He gave His life in vain, as did multitudes of martyrs who have given their lives for the cause of Christ. Add to that the thought that if there is no ultimate justice, it means that the Creator of all things is unjust—that He sees murder and rape and couldn't care less, making Him worse than a corrupt human judge who refuses to bring criminals to justice.

Here's the good news, though, if there is no hell: You won't know a thing after you die. It will be the end. No heaven, no hell. Just nothing. You won't even realize that it's good news.

Here's the bad news if the Bible is right and that there is eternal justice: You will find yourself standing before the judgment throne of a holy God, who has seen every sin you have ever committed. Think of it. A holy and perfect Creator has seen your thought-life and every secret sin you have ever committed. You have a multitude of sins, and God must by nature carry out justice. Ask Him to remind you of the sins of your youth. Ask Him to bring to remembrance your secret sexual sins, the lies, the gossip, and other idle words. You may have forgotten your past sins, but God hasn't. Hell will be your just desert (exactly what you deserve), and you will have no one to blame but yourself. This is the claim of the Bible. If you don't believe it, it is still true. It will still happen.

Yet, there is good news—incredibly good news. We deserve judgment, but God offers us mercy through the cross. He paid our fine so that we could leave the courtroom. He destroyed the power of the grave for all who obey Him. Simply obey the gospel, and live. By doing that you will find out for yourself that the gospel is indeed the "gospel truth." Jesus said that if you obey Him, you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free (see John 8:31,32).

Get on your knees today, confess and forsake your sins. Tell God you are truly sorry, then trust the Savior as you would trust yourself to a parachute. Then you will find yourself in a terrible dilemma. You will know for certain that hell is a reality. When you get up the courage to warn people you care about, they will smile passively, and say, "Could you be wrong in your claims about Judgment Day and the existence of hell?"

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 10:38 am
by Felgar
kerimeikos wrote:For me the details and dogma of protestant belief amount to unecessary mental and emotional burdons. The religion as I have come to experience it--as well as the personal-relationship I felt and believed I experienced--simply doesn't pass the smell test.
Sounds like you need to give your emotional burdens back to Jesus, and drink from the living water that He promised. This is the meaning of the woman at the well. Rethink whether what you experienced was real, and pray because Satan has a hold on you; denying what you actual know to be true with lies that as a scientist you can't trust your heart.
kerimeikos wrote:I have always believed as many fundimentalists do, that the bible is the flawless inspired word of God and that anything less just wouldn't do.
Hey, we agree about this fully. It's one reason why other religions aren't worth my time.
kerimeikos wrote:Many of the stories in the bible are far too fairy tailish for me considering what is at stake in believing in the promise of the book.
There's nothing at stake, unless you believe the Bible. You say yourself that you believe in no afterlife, so what then is at stake? That's the problem with your position - because you claim it to be important and then continue to deny it's importance. Which is it then? Do your beliefs matter in the end or don't they?
kerimeikos wrote:The attempting to convince someone of a world of sabre-tooth cats, along with giraffes and theropod dinosaurs, basillasaurs swimming with orca's, and plesiasaurs, ichtheosaurs and dolphins along side primative humans for the sake of dogma seems downright wicked. Also the belief in noahcarrying dinosaurs-even eggs or babies- on his boat through the flood is more than a little far fetched.
Humans were never that primitive. I'm sure that God made Adam pretty smart, and they started farming and keeping livestock pretty much right away. Kinda hard to do that without a certain level of knowledge and without some reasonable tools.
kerimeikos wrote:You can hang onto all of the morality constructs you want which fit into a protestant ideology that situates God as judge and redeemer but if the book doesn't wash the point becomes moot.
You say it yourself, why believe in a God but not in the Bible? It becomes moot indeed, as you admit later.
kerimeikos wrote:Here's what I do believe:
I believe there is a God who is very similar (if not identical) to the God expressed in the jewish and christian tradition. I believe God is great, benevolent, and ultimately righteous. I believe these things less because I read them in the book or was told them time and again by christian fellows and more because these beliefs seem to resonate.
Romans 1:18-20

The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.

So here's the reason that these beliefs 'seem to resonate.' Because God has created us with the inherent recognition that He exists, and reinforces that with causing creation to reveal Himself. Now you just need to accept this truth and stop running from Him.
kerimeikos wrote:My two cents. Christian belief as expressed by protestant fundimentalists is too superstitious to be trusted. I take what is salvagable and hope for the best.

Also, it is immoral to threaten someone with eternal suffering if they won't believe what you do and this is precisely what christians do much of the time and I refuse either to purpetuate this insidious belief.
Well honestly, 'hoping for the best' won't cut it. It says right there in Romans 1:20, that you're without excuse. You know God exists, yet you refuse to honor Him. And hey, it's the Bible that says that unbelievers are cast into 'a lake of fire'... If it said they would stay on Earth, or cease to exist, then that's what we'd be telling everyone the consequences are. We're not making this stuff up - it was last written 2000 years ago.
kerimeikos wrote:For instance, our image of hell as a fire and a place where people are tortured for eternity is an image that comes more out of Donte's inferno than out of the bible.
Revelation 20:14-15
Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. The lake of fire is the second death. If anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.

Again, I ain't pulling this out of thin air.
kerimeikos wrote:I say people should fight for what they believe and not simply eat up the dogma presented by a very westernized incarnation of an eastern religion - namely the jewish sect that takes Jesus as Messiah. Noah did not carry dinosaurs on a boat, there was no garden of eden, and God doesn't care if you boil a goat in its mother's milk.
If there was no garden of eden, then there is no Word of God, and then there is no God. Or, if there's a different God then I'm confident that as a Christian I'll have lived as 'good' a life as anyone else (consider that Muslims are taught to kill infidels, yet Christians are taught to help the poor and love everyone) and this 'other power' would be just as pleased with me as with you (more so even, probably).

And about the ark; this God who spoke the whole universe into existance is not capable of making that work? He could have expanded space-time inside the ark, making it bigger on the inside than the out. (The door could have been a portal to another piece of the universe for all I know). Or God could simply have made the animals docile and not needing to eat. Or whatever else I can't think of because I'm not God. The point is that He's all-powerful, I think He can handle getting some animals to fit onto a boat.

Edit: Thanks to Kurieuo who posted this in Joey's thread. I wasn't aware of it till now, but it explains that God was able to make Moses not require food or water also.

Exodus 34:27-28
Then the LORD said to Moses, "Write down these words, for in accordance with these words I have made a covenant with you and with Israel." Moses was there with the LORD forty days and forty nights without eating bread or drinking water. And he wrote on the tablets the words of the covenant-the Ten Commandments.

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 6:10 am
by Anonymous
Felgar - I really enjoyed reading your post.

I believe that the book of Job was one of the first scriptural texts ever written? Even before Noah? I'd need an expert to confirm that but there are some incredible scientific insights in the book of Job. I highlighted the one about dinousaurs for you, Ker. I hope this helps you see how incredible the Word of God actually is. As an electrical engineer (one who values science) it speaks wonders to me.
Job 26:7 (written 3500 years ago): "He stretches out the north over the empty place, and hangs the earth upon nothing."
The Bible claimed that the earth freely floated in space. Science then thought that the earth sat on a large animal. We now know that the earth has a free float in space.
Job 38:35 (written 3,500 years ago. God Himself speaking): "Can you send lightnings, that they may go and say unto you, Here we are?"
The Bible here is saying a scientifically ludicrous statement -- that light can be sent, and then manifest itself in speech. But did you know that radio waves move at the speed of light? This is why you can have instantaneous wireless communication with someone on the other side of the earth. Science didn' t discover this until 1864 when "the British scientist James Clerk Maxwell suggested that electricity and light waves were two forms of the same thing" (Modern Century Illustrated Encyclopedia, Vol. 12).
Job 38:19 (written 3500 years ago). "Where is the way where light dwells?"
Modern man has only just discovered that light (electromagnetic radiation) has a "way," involving motion traveling at 186,000 miles per second.

Why did the dinosaur disappear? This is something that has modern science mystified, but the Bible may have the answer (written 3500 years ago. God Himself is speaking):

"Behold now behemoth, which I made with thee; he eats grass as an ox. Lo now, his strength is in his loins, and his force is in the navel of his belly. He moves his tail like a cedar: the sinews of his stones are wrapped together. His bones are as strong pieces of brass; his bones are like bars of iron. He is the chief of the ways of God: he that made him can make his sword to approach unto him. Surely the mountains bring him forth food, where all the beasts of the field play. He lies under the shady trees, in the covert of the reed, and fens. The shady trees cover him with their shadow; the willows of the brook compass him about. Behold, he drinks up a river, and hastens not: he trusts that he can draw up Jordan into his mouth. He takes it with his eyes: his nose pierces through snares. (Job 40:15-24).

This was the Largest of all creatures He made.
It was plant-eating (herbivorous).
It had its strength in its hips.
Its tail was like a large tree (a cedar).
It had very strong bones.
Its habitat was among the trees.
Drank massive amounts of water.
His nose pierced through snares.
Then Scripture says, " . . . He that made him can make his sword approach to him." In other words, God caused this, the largest of all the creatures He had made, to become extinct.

Job 38:12, 14, (written 3500 years ago) God Himself says: "Have you commanded the morning since your days; and caused the dayspring to know his place; that it might take hold of the ends of the earth, that the wicked might be shaken out of it? It [the earth] is turned as clay to the seal; and they stand as a garment."
Modern science has come to understand that the earth's rotation on its axis is responsible for the sun's rising and setting. The picture here is of a vessel of clay being turned or rotated upon the potter's wheel -- an accurate analogy of the earth's rotation.
Job 38:22 (written 3,500 years ago). God says: "Have you entered into the treasures of the snow?"
It wasn't until the advent of the microscope that man discovered that each and every single snowflake is uniquely a symmetrical "treasure."
Job 26:7 (written 3500 years ago): "He stretches out the north over the empty place . . ."
Less than 200 years ago, through the advent of massive telescopes, science learned about the great empty space in the north.

Taken from - their tract "Scientific Facts In the Bible"

Evidence versus prove

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 6:25 am
by ongelovige
Kurieuo wrote:Sorry, but I don't see the point to your post for I've been misrepresented on an argument I didn't make. All I am getting at is that many see a designer behind the universe and life rather than something that happened by chance and popped out of nothing. Thus, as a Christian tackling the question of whether God exists with a non-Christian, it is generally only a matter of prodding a person on whether they believe in a higher power of some sort. In my experience the response is usually in the affirmative, and explanations I've heard are generally because they feel the world around them is best explained by such an entity.

Don't like it? Your argument is with those people I am talking about.

Hi Kurieuo, could you please help me out here. Was the story about the christmas bulbs evidence and the insane guy prove, or is the other way around? My first language is not English, I find the difference between the two words vewry subtle.

Thanks for helping me out here!

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 2:43 am
by SourceofLiFe
Can you prove that you exist?

Do you need to prove that you exist?
What exactly is existence?
If you don't need to prove that you exist, what makes you think the almighty God, creator of the Universe needs to prove anything to us?

In this life, before I was close to God, maybe I was closed to God all along, but I was not aware of it; I used to question God with my Scientific knowledge, trying to act intelligent or seek for source of intelligences to justify the reasoning.

After unusual transformation, my intelligence skyrocket, I can achieved much more in life, and through that state, my mentality was very open, not limited, and I can see things from a further perspective. It is then that I realize that Science is only a way of explaining many of the things that can't be explained in this world. Science is merely a matter that was created and invented by human beings. Science actively research and develop; to seek for answers. There are things out of our reach, from a scientific perspective, think of it this way. if it is possible for us modern civilized mankind to create technology that can communicate, radio signal, what makes you think it isn't possible that our flesh has built in functions that was taken from one source? And that one source can navigate through all the flesh, because mankind all come from Adam and Eve. They were the first model for men and women. Think of it as a tracker, we spread ourselves and we came from one source, it is very possible that God has the transmitter, and each and everyone of us has receivers in us. Human being is highly intelligent specie, Scientist cannot explain how the human mind functions. Although they have significant development in that area, but it is still far from really understanding how human mind operates. Only God will know, and perhaps our brain generate some form of energy when we think particular thoughts or our human body has specific functions that can be activated through faith and willpower, to unlock these functions.

The way I see it is, if it is possible for people to invent radio technology, things like walkie talkie, then just imagine ourselves as carrying that technology in us. There is something called micro-dimensional world, and these world are so microscopic that we weren't able to understand until recent development of nano-technology. As technology advances, Science is starting to prove the possibility of the existence of God from a Scientific perspective.

Look into the String Theory if you really want some form of "scientific evidence" to justify your belief. But if you are a person who needs hard facts to make you believe in God, do you think you deserve God's support?

From God's perspective; sure you do, because he is the source of all, everything, and through him we can find peace and love; the truth in life.

Faith is important, God want us to have faith in him and worship him and obey his commands because he loves us. He understand our limitations, he built us afterall. He realize that we can easily be deceived by the darkside. By having faith in God, by praising God, and worshipping him, it protects you, because then the darkness and the bad things in life will not be able to target you. God likes you to worship him not because he needs to be praised, but because praising him shows strong establishment with him, and by establishing yourself with the Source of LiFe, you are ensured protection and live by the truth. Don't let society confuse you, the environment has been penetrated by darkness to confuse you from the day you were born, to confuse your parents, to mislead you and to wield deception against you, because Satan realize that if you Sin, you will die. Because God loves us so much, he send his only son Jesus Christ to die for our sins on the cross, that way your sins can be forgiven and live in eternal life as long as you obey God's law. Now Satan is trying to keep you away from Jesus Christ through all sorts of society effect and influences. Do not be worried, if you seek more in life, God is there for you, Jesus, the son of God Almighty died for our sins. If you open your heart and accept him, use only your heart, not your brain, I believe the heart is the greatest form of intelligence. Use your heart not because it is intelligent, but use your heart because you are commited to God as he is commited to you. He loves you, God loves you, the hardship you endure happens for a reason, if you start looking for the reason, with your heart and soul, you will better understand life, and better positioned to fulfill yourself.

May God bless you and peace be with you for eternity.


Remember, if you have courage, use it to seek God, if you don't have courage, find the courage in you, take some courage out and seek God.

It will only benefit you.
Live by the truth, because the truth is so much more than the false deceptions the world lives in.

I challenge you.

God Exists, I can prove it, God gave me this gift

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2004 12:25 am
by Anonymous
If the Big Bang happened... it could of happened anywhere right? Any random place, at any random time, at any random way. Well... that's the flaw right there.

1. Everything is not at random. It has been placed just right so we can exist.
We all rotate around the sun. If we were to close we would burn up, to far we would freeze. We are on a 23.5 degrease spinning rotation. Any faster we would be wiped off any slower and night and day would be slower and longer. If we spun even a little out of our orbit it would mess all of the planets rotations up and there would be chaos.

2. We are made up of tissue, membrane, bones, blood, and many different sientifical things :D . But yet they are all connected to help us live. If we were born without certain parts we would not be able to see or hear, taste, and feel. The eye for example has a pupil, Iris, lens, and the Retina, which is made up of two type of receptor cells, Rods and Cones. These all work together to make lights and shapes so we can see images. So you cannot tell me that this all happened by random :? . That we were all made at random with all these parts connecting to one another.

3. Our ability to know right from wrong is another way. There is something defiantly spiritual about everything. You just have to open your eyes and see it.

If you can't realise by now that there is a higher being I don't know whats wrong with you. But I'll be happy to tell you :lol:

Re: Prove God's existence

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 11:22 am
by Anonymous
PremoMD wrote:How do you prove God's existence without the use of faith or the Bible? Prove it scientifically. How can one be 100% sure that there is a God? That's a great question to be ready to answer.
It really isn't a believers job to PROVE to anyone that God exists. If anyone is looking for proof, it is simple. Go to God. If you want Him to prove Himself to you He will. I went to God and asked Him to prove His love to me and prove to me He is here and loves me. WEll, He did. He revealed Himself to me and it changed me forever. All God is asking from us is to have a relationship with Him. And how can you have a relationship with someone if you don't think they are there? Since God wants this relationship with you more than anything in this world (why he created you), He is willing to come near to you if you will go near to Him. I am 100% sure God exists because He Himself proved it to me. There is no room left in me for doubt. I thank God.

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 6:00 pm
by Kurieuo
I think you hit it on the head BeachGal, but then we are also called to give a reason for why we believe:
  • But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect. (1 Peter 3:15)
However, I'd agree that "anyone" can go to God. All one has to have is a heart response to want to find God, and to such people God promises to reveal Himself (Deut. 4:29; Proverbs 8:17; Luke 11:9-10). One is not able to find God unless He reveals Himself to them. And according to Scripture one has to go out seeking Him. So at the end, if one says to God, "How could I believe and follow you, if I did not see you." I think His response would be, "Well, why didn't you seek me?" ;)

So I think you make a valid point.


Kurieuo: Off-topic posts on design, evolution and chance were split off into a new topic—Design, Evolution, Chance...