ochotseat wrote:
Women dressing up as men on wedding nights? Source?
You give me all your sources, especially the one about (chuckle) 90% of America being Christian, and I'll give you mine.
ochotseat wrote: Don't you know that the Byzantine Empire coincided with Christianity becoming the official religion of both sides of the Roman Empire?

I know a lot about Byzantium and though I don't think any Government organization is 100% good or even 80% good (with the exception of King Arthur' Camelot

), I've found that the more powerful the Empire became, the less Christianity there was. A lot of the corruption survived even the Protestant Reformation. I've learned that dogma isn't just the name of a Jay and Silent Bob movie.
Shirtless wrote: Well, we'll see. And as far as blue states go, I've never been interested in political parties--they both feed from the same trough.
Why would you say that?
Well, all my family and all of their family are Republicans. All they talk about is the Democrats. There is nothing more sad than seeing people talk about party lines this vigorously, as if there was really a difference. Kerry was just as bad as Bush, and Kerry wasn't going to make the country any better.
Christianity is the largest religion, and Christianity's growing rapidly in all parts of the world (especially the developing world)?
I'm glad that some people take the time and effort to fly around the world and preach the Gospel, but the countries that have increasing numbers of converts are countries that are already religious. The west is not. That's what apologetics are for; I think all churches should have an apologetic mindset.
Shirtless wrote:
t's because the Christian establishment won't under any circumstances meet them half-way.
Elaborate. There are different Protestant denominations for people from all walks of life.
Yes, but sadly, majority rules--and it's not a tolerant majority, let me tell you. Now I know how Martin Luther felt. But if you really believe what you believe, why not check out ministries like this one:
You know, just to keep yourself well rounded.
Not all Christians supported slavery. Ever heard of abolitionists? You can't slander the Bible just because a few people exploit it for selfish needs.

I guess you missed this one:
Shirtless wrote:I know! I know all about that. That's my point: they thought that slavery was okay 'cause they looked at the biblical passages at face value. Good, decent people would look at these passages and say "Look, God says we can have slaves. It says it right there. Besides, Pastor John says it's okay to have slaves, I'd trust him more than those crazy abolitionists."
Little does this woman know that New World Slavery, and the slavery that the Romans participated in (outright condemned by Paul) was completely different than biblical slavery.
If you told that to Lucy in 1834, she'd say. "Well, that's different. Those slaves were different than the Negroes. The Negroes are descendants of Ham, who Noah cursed. God says the descendants of Ham can be our slaves. Pastor John said so."
It's okay. Happens to me all the time.