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Posted: Sat May 14, 2005 11:44 am
by Frank2005
Mastermind wrote:
Why not? What's stopping God from starting with simple creatures and making more and more complex ones?
I agree with this statement, simply look at the history of automobiles which were made by intelligent design.

Darwin_Rocks responded:
This can be applied to anything that evolution can come up with.
In fact, I believe that God was created by spontaneous evolution, but humans were created by God.

In the past two decades, theoretical physicists have developed a string theory which provides strong evidence for the existence of a higher dimensional world and our three-dimensional world is embedded in this higher dimensional world (the bulk universe). My hypothesis is that "God" is the intelligent life living in the bulk universe. God could originate from vacuum through a process called "quantum fluctuation" - the process that cosmologists used to explain the origin of our 3D world. However, our 3D world started with a Big Bang which is unlikely to be a spontaneous quantum fluctuation. Furthermore, the bulk universe is eternal. There is plenty of time for God to evolve from elementary particles.

Related Links:

The string theory and the origin of God
Dark energy and the origin of Big Bang

Posted: Sat May 14, 2005 12:24 pm
by jerickson314
Frank2005 wrote:In fact, I believe that God was created by spontaneous evolution, but humans were created by God.
For what purpose? Just because you can propose a hypothetical situation in which God would have evolved? This isn't much different the claims of those such as Dawkins who would say that cars etc. are created by humans, who were created by evolution. Why stop after God instead of after humans if you're going to do that?

It makes much more sense that God just always existed, and that evolution never created an intelligence (unless perhaps God-directed evolution created intelligence).

Posted: Sat May 14, 2005 4:07 pm
by Frank2005
jerickson314 wrote:Frank2005 wrote:
"In fact, I believe that God was created by spontaneous evolution, but humans were created by God. "

For what purpose?
The existence of God (intelligent life in higher dimensional world) is a natural consequence of physical laws. It happened spontaneously - no purpose. However, God created our three dimensional world with a purpose: to create humans in His own image.

Related Links
The string theory and the origin of God

Posted: Sat May 14, 2005 4:21 pm
by jerickson314
Frank2005 wrote:The existence of God (intelligent life in higher dimensional world) is a natural consequence of physical laws. It happened spontaneously - no purpose. However, God created our three dimensional world with a purpose: to create humans in His own image.
I was asking why you held that belief when I asked "For what purpose?" Sorry that I wasn't very clear.

Even atheists notice that if God had an origin he would have to be designed if there is any case at all that humans were designed. See this article by an atheist.

Posted: Sat May 14, 2005 5:07 pm
by Frank2005
jerickson314 wrote:Even atheists notice that if God had an origin he would have to be designed if there is any case at all that humans were designed
The probability to form complex life such as God and humans by natural process is extremely small. However, given sufficiently long period of time, it could happen. Since the Big Bang, the lifetime of our universe is only 13.7 billion years which, in my view, are not long enough to form complex life without God's intervention. By contrast, the bulk universe (where God lives) is eternal. It may have existed much much longer than our three dimensional world. In this case, God can be created without design.

Posted: Sat May 14, 2005 8:43 pm
by Kurieuo
I never understand why people always seems to gravitate towards an a fallacy of an infinite regress, when logic dictates something must have always existed being eternal and possessing the property of aseity (see ... .php?t=606).


Posted: Sat May 14, 2005 11:16 pm
by Frank2005

Thank you for bringing me the attention of the topic: Something is eternal. I have a new post there. See ... .php?t=606.