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bully in school and guns

Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 8:32 pm
by tarreyl
dear katliz ... asualties/
There have been 1,836 coalition troop deaths, 1,656 Americans, 89 Britons, 10 Bulgarians, one Dane, two Dutch, two Estonians, one Hungarian, 21 Italians, one Kazakh, one Latvian, 17 Poles, one Salvadoran, three Slovaks, 11 Spaniards, two Thai and 18 Ukrainians in the war in Iraq as of May 30, 2005

do you think that many people should die to fight for freedom when they don't even want us there and and it did to give you fact bush said that sadam had nuclear weapon then US goes in and we find out he doesn't we have so many organizations that should be finding this out in secertarie of defence told President Bush that sadam was having his men train in flight school in the US and that they planed to hijack and planes. President Bush drilled for oil pretty fast after getting ride of sadam?

bullying in school caused this kids to do what they do they torched them and harassed them and none of the teacher dont do a think

dec 2 2002 golden student "jock" at columbine high school were not discipline following assault,taunting and bullying, a small group of parents and students told an investigator i found some things on bullying
11% of survey said responded say that kid regular carry weapons to school
early one millon student carrie a gun to school during the 1997-1998 year and nearly a half of them were armed six or more times

63% had theatened to arm a another student

a recent survey found nearly 40% of US students think violents is the biggest promblem in america today, and three out of four say that United states NEED STRICTER LAW FOR GUNS BUYERS

Re: bully in school and guns

Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 8:36 pm
by Forge
tarreyl wrote:a recent survey found nearly 40% of US students think violents is the biggest promblem in america today, and three out of four say that United states NEED STRICTER LAW FOR GUNS BUYERS
And cars kill more people than guns! Ban cars!

Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 8:48 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
Now, I'm not a utilitarnist (it's good if 51% of the group benefits), but, is a handful of troops who joined the army, WHICH GOES TO WAR, dying to save tens of thousands bad? More people die per day, heck, per hour probably, than have died in total in the war.

Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 10:22 pm
by kateliz
I finished "Farenheit 9/11," and am happy to report that I'm none pleased with it and now greatly disrespect Mr. Moore. What a load of hooey! I saw all-too-easily how he made up his "points" by trying to completely manipulate the viewers. If you paid any attention to that it was ridiculously obvious and you have to mentally throw it all straight into the trash. It's equally crazy all of the time he spends on talking about his home town, (which he did a documentary on before but apparently can't shut up about.) I know nothing about the facts in the first half of the movie, (Bush and his buisness deals in the oil industry,) and it's probably because of that that I couldn't see the fact-screwing and evil manipulation that must have been there.
Forge wrote:Imagine what a pathetic point his Canadian-door-opening sequence would have been like if he hadn't edited out the people who had locked doors or came at him with a weapon.
I thought about that too, but doubt any came at him with a loaded gun, lever thing cocked! That may be wishful thinking on your part, but probably didn't happen!

August, I still have to get to your links, but I honestly intend and desire to.

Tarreyl, don't you recognize the possibility that those who join the services do so on purpose? By doing so they legally agree to performing the tasks their superiors demand them to. They agree to doing this ahead of time. And never forget that they agree to put their lives on the line as well as health, and they agree to go to war if they are told to.

Regarding going to Iraq in the first place, even the democrats agreed about the reports on the WMD. The United Nations wanted to sit on their hands about the whole thing. But despite whatever true reasons we went in for, it was a very good thing to do because it fell a tyrant who murdered so many more people than the war most likely will ever have casualities! Hello! Duh! If it's lives you're concerned about you'd be in favor of the invasion. But it's not, it's an ulterior motive based purely on supporting democrats. If the democrats would be for the war, you would too. Your chosen political party blinds you from the opinions you would have on your own. It's a great place to start from when choosing the nation's political leaders!

And the responsibility for school shootings lie soley in the hands of those holding the guns and pulling the triggers. What did your Mr. Moore say about how many guns are in Canada, yet they aren't used to murder people with? It's not about the number of guns, but what they're used for. But I agree more with democrats on gun control. Stricter laws are indeed needed. I also agree with those people who claimed that it's practically an American duty to be armed as a civilian because of our responsibility to overthrow the government if it gets out of hand. I will never own a gun, however!

Posted: Tue May 31, 2005 1:51 am
by jakelo
To make things a lot easier, I think everyone that has watched, or will watch, farenheit 9/11 should watch the movie called "farenHYPE 9/11". That movie was made to show all the lies and deception in the farenheit 9/11 video. It does a great job too.

Posted: Tue May 31, 2005 4:44 am
August blood.

Ur massive- mayb not that massive but still a judgement is that I share M. Moore's hate of Christians and Conservatism.

who said defending Lies was peaceful or tolerant?
Not me?

@ the end of the day- I'm always going to be willing to sit back and watch wot he is chatting about or read a book of his.
It doesn't mean Ima believe it all- like u believe nothing of it-
But ima take my own thoughts out of it- do a little research and make my own conclusions.

He makes subjects aware to me that Iam interested in- thats the fairest most easy less hassle way of chatting it.
I think.

Peace calm folk

Posted: Tue May 31, 2005 5:21 am
by August
Ur massive- mayb not that massive but still a judgement is that I share M. Moore's hate of Christians and Conservatism.
So the fact that you say: "Long Live Michael Moore!" does not mean that you share his point of view? What exactly is it that you believe about him then?

Posted: Tue May 31, 2005 5:27 am


I believe that he is interested in what he researches.
And those fields of research are similar to my interests.

He is out there chatting to the world.
Even if he aint spot on- people are listening.

and thats an achievement in my personal eyes.

And if he is telling lies Iam sure it is not as many as the U.S government tell!!!!

peace geeza

Posted: Tue May 31, 2005 10:56 am
by August

So you defend his lies and his hatred? I understand you wish his point of view to be true, but it is not, and it's motivated by his hatred for US conservatives, and greed, of course. So can we assume from here on that you are motivated by the same, since we are known by the company we choose to keep?
I believe that he is interested in what he researches.
Interested in what way? It's not to find or publish the truth, so is he interested in finding how he can manipulate his audiences?
And those fields of research are similar to my interests.
What are they?
He is out there chatting to the world.
Even if he aint spot on- people are listening.
So it's ok with you that people are listening to lies and deceipt, and then arrive at false conclusions? It's an achievement in your personal opinion to make many people believe lies? Alrighty then....
And if he is telling lies Iam sure it is not as many as the U.S government tell!!!!
Now we get to the real point. Why don't you list those lies, along with the objective evidence that supports your statements.

Posted: Tue May 31, 2005 1:40 pm
by Prodigal Son
i think the war is bulls**t.

...the responsibility for school shootings lies solely in the hands of those holding the guns and pulling the triggers.
that's bulls**t too.

oh, i also like michael moore.

Posted: Tue May 31, 2005 3:06 pm
by August
i think the war is bulls**t.
oh, i also like michael moore.
Your choice....Believe his lies if you want.

Posted: Tue May 31, 2005 3:54 pm
by bizzt
The War Might have had Ulterior Motives however evidence right now shows that the Iraqi Population is FREE!!!! And that is a Great thing. As for the shootings in Columbine etc... It has nothing to do with the Government but the Parents that raised them. If Parents would take the time to get a little more involved in their Son/Daughters lives then there would be no Mass Murdering!!! Most of these Kids are on Anti-Depressants for Depression Instead of JESUS!! Get real in the end the Kids had a Choice, The Parents had a Choice! The Wrong Choices were made and People were killed!

Posted: Tue May 31, 2005 3:57 pm
by Dan
As an Iraqi with family that is still in Iraq today, I whole heartedly applaud Bush for his audacity and boldness in freeing my fellow man from oppression. Saddam wasn't exactly the nicest guy and I know this from my father and grandmother.

However we all agree that the war was carried out in a bad way and that the cost for freedom was higher than what it had to be.

Posted: Tue May 31, 2005 5:00 pm
by Prodigal Son

what are his lies?

Posted: Tue May 31, 2005 5:02 pm
by Prodigal Son

hope your family is okay. yes, we had no business there, but God can always bring good even from the actions of the foolish.