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Re: Political Predictions 2016

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 2:26 am
by RickD
edwardmurphy wrote:Am I missing something, or does it seem like Trump is trying to lose?
I vote #1. You're definitely missing something, as usual. :mrgreen:

Re: Political Predictions 2016

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 7:40 am
by B. W.
Kurieuo wrote:...Hillary's trying to get behind bars.
Yep, Hilary behind Smiths Pub and Tap...

True, no wonder she has trouble falling a lot and difficulty walking up stairs... and so many memory issues...

Great question, I now wonder how many bars she been behind?

Re: Political Predictions 2016

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 12:33 pm
by PaulSacramento
The more this goes one, the more I feel sorry for the American People.
You truly have no one worth voting for.
And I thought it was bad up here...

Re: Political Predictions 2016

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 1:52 pm
by RickD
PaulSacramento wrote:The more this goes one, the more I feel sorry for the American People.
You truly have no one worth voting for.
And I thought it was bad up here...
It can't be that bad up there. You still have beer, eh?


Besides, we still have Jill Stein. Now THERE IS A WOMAN WORTH VOTING FOR!!!!

Re: Political Predictions 2016

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 5:03 pm
by Kurieuo
Kurieuo wrote:You didn't know espionage happened DB? But, I really think foreign powers giving a rats is just diversionary from the real issue which, again, is the Democrats own [mis]management of security, deceitfulness and purposeful manipulation they did.

What I've seen leads me to think it is actually someone within the Democratic party that leaked information, though Assange called their protection like swiss cheese and said many have hacked them, and they've been notified of the issues numerously in the past but noone seems to care or understand. So then, Russia I'm sure did so, as well as China and anyone one else who probably cared to.
Hate to say I was right (not!), but...

Julian Assange on Seth Rich


Re: Political Predictions 2016

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 11:43 pm
by abelcainsbrother
Kurieuo wrote:
Kurieuo wrote:You didn't know espionage happened DB? But, I really think foreign powers giving a rats is just diversionary from the real issue which, again, is the Democrats own [mis]management of security, deceitfulness and purposeful manipulation they did.

What I've seen leads me to think it is actually someone within the Democratic party that leaked information, though Assange called their protection like swiss cheese and said many have hacked them, and they've been notified of the issues numerously in the past but noone seems to care or understand. So then, Russia I'm sure did so, as well as China and anyone one else who probably cared to.
Hate to say I was right (not!), but...

Julian Assange on Seth Rich

You see now what I mean by you cannot trust the media? Remember how when the leaks first came out they changed the subject by making up a lie that Putin leaked this and has ties to Trump? Well it was all a lie,as it was not leaked by the russions so they just made up stuff to take the focus off of what was in the leak that shows that Democrat voters do not get to decide by their vote who they get,it is the DNC that decides who Democrats get and votes don't matter. Yet Trump is mean?

Re: Political Predictions 2016

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2016 1:16 am
by Kurieuo
Fed into the Trump-Russian narrative mainstream media was pushing for 1-2 months, right? And this narrative will be continued into the future.

I must say, I'm quite disgusted, and peeved as an Australian we've done US bidding under shrouds of deceit. Firstly, under Republican Bush administration, and then Obama's and Hillary as secretary of state meanwhile funneling money basically to "terrorists" and the like.

Trump's the closest thing to Anarchism, and the finger to both parties. So, for that reason alone, I hope US votes him in. Then, I'm sure we'll see just how thickly the masses have been deceived, I'm sure Trump will revel in uncovering it all.

But, ACB, nonetheless I think you're deluded on Trump. As well as many other people... Nonetheless, I think he could be a blessing in disguise. Time will tell.

Re: Political Predictions 2016

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 4:14 pm
by Jac3510
So for an update, I thought I'd put a number on my prediction of Trump's victory. He will get between 300 and 320 electoral college votes. I see a pathway to more, but that depends too much on what happens in a few weeks with the promised Wikileaks, and I'm not basing my guess on anything that specific. I see a scenario where he wins with exactly 270, but it seems to me that in order for that to happen, other things would happen at the same time to push him north of 300.

Re: Political Predictions 2016

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 4:53 pm
by Kurieuo
He'll win by a landslide with one of the highest turnout of African-American voters a Republican has had. That's my prediction. The whole world is in revolt against Globalism, thank God.

Re: Political Predictions 2016

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 4:54 pm
by RickD
I predict Ted Cruz will be the next president. God said so.

Re: Political Predictions 2016

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 4:58 pm
by Kurieuo
Yes, we all know how much you love Teddy.

Re: Political Predictions 2016

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 5:05 pm
by RickD
Kurieuo wrote:Yes, we all know how much you love Teddy.
Yes I do.

Re: Political Predictions 2016

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 5:06 pm
by RickD
I don't make serious predictions anymore. I'm horrible at that.

I really thought there was no way Obama was going to be reelected.

Re: Political Predictions 2016

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 5:10 pm
by Jac3510
Kurieuo wrote:He'll win by a landslide with one of the highest turnout of African-American voters a Republican has had. That's my prediction. The whole world is in revolt against Globalism, thank God.
I'm not factoring in a strong black vote. I know several blacks who are telling me that there is an undercurrent of black Trump supporters who won't admit to it, but how much of that is true and how much is just a pipe dream? I have no idea. I do think you are going to see a historic turnout for men more generally, and I think that Trump will outperform his polls both because of that and because I think there are a lot of "shy Trump supporters"--people who support him privately but are telling others (and pollsters) that they are supporting somebody else or are undecided. I also think that a lot of Republicans who say they won't support Trump, when they get into the voter booth and see Clinton's name on the ballot, will swallow hard and punch Trump's name. And lastly, I think all of these categories somewhat overlap. Add to that I think he is going to do very well in the first debate (relative to the expectations game), and I think Clinton has two more months to continue making a fool of herself with this scandal or that coverup, and I think he's going to win, and win very convincingly.

Do I think he'll win states like New York, Massachusettes, or anything on the left coast? Of course not. But he has a LOT of other places that he's just going to do better than Clinton . . . Colorado, Nevada, North Carolina, Virginia, Ohio, Florida, and he's going to compete strongly in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Maine. Clinton's on her heels. It's only going to get worse for her.


If, though, he DOES do well with the black vote, then he'll DEFINITELY win places like Michigan and even put some New England states like NJ into play. In that case, you're looking at 350, which would, in Trump's parlace, be yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge. I don't see THAT, but it's out there.

Re: Political Predictions 2016

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 5:19 pm
by Kurieuo
To go from 1% to around 20% in a couple of weeks, that's pretty astounding. I expect that will increase, as those who switch you'd consider to be more passionate and vocal to their friends and the like. Trump I'm sure will continue reaching out to them.

Of course, could always be wrong regarding landslide win, but I'm not even factoring in the upcoming Wikileaks' leak. It could be, the Democrats need to replace Hillary come October. They could have possibly won with anyone else, but they installed Hillary. Trump right now just has to beat a dead horse.